Sunday, May 19, 2019

Point of view

View l maintain that the Ells started it all, but Gem, who was four ears my senior, said It started long before that. (chapter 1, knave 1) I know this book Is written In 1st person point of view by the speech I and me. The point of view Impacts the story because you be able to experience the narrators feelings ab away everything happening. metaphor Her hand was as wide as a bed slat. (chapter 1, page 6) This example of a metaphor is comparing Scaloppinis hand to a bed slat.This comparison puts a vivid picture in my spike of how wide her had is. Cliffhanger Attics arrival was the second reason I wanted to quit the game. The first reason happened the mean solar day I rolled into the Raddled front yard. Through all the headlining, quelling of nausea and Gem yelling, I had heard another heavy(a), so low I could not have heard it from the side liberty chit. Someone in spite of appearance the syndicate was laughing. (chapter 4, page 45) This was the cliffhanger at the end of this chapter. It describes Scout hearing Boo Raddled laugh from interior his house.The author Is leading the audience In suspense, making us wonder what Is going to happen next. imagination We strolled silently down the sidewalk, listening to porch swings creaking with the weight of the neighborhood, listening to the soft night-murmurs of the grown people on our street. (chapter 6, page 57) In my mind, I can hear the porch swings creaking and the soft night murmurs. The descriptive words used adds meaning to the text by creating suspense as well as allowing you to put sound with the picture you create in our mind.Comment Hurry, hon., said Tactics. Heres your shoes and socks. Stupidly, I put them on. Is It morning? No Its a little after one. Hurry now (chapter 8, page 77) W chick Tactics told Scout to hurry and cleave out of the house, at midnight, it made me worry. Many different things came to mind, like Was there a death in the family, was the house on fire, or did someone g o to the emergency room. All this adds intensity to the story and has me hanging on the edge of my seat wanting to read more.Oxymoron It was a happy cemetery (chapter 12, page 135) By adding this oxymoron In the text, it makes me realize how gross, smelly, Junky, and polluted this cemetery was. Personification Doors slammed, engines coughed, and they were gone. (chapter 15, page 175) This example of personification allows the reader to understand how quick this Thomas Jefferson once said that all men are created equal (chapter 20, page 233) This is an allusion because the phrase comes from The firmness of purpose Of Independence ND when reading it, it makes you think about or picture The Declaration Of Independence existence in your hand.By putting this allusion in the book it adds more meaning to the point the narrator is trying to get across and allows you to understand and read this part with more meaning. Metaphor Cecil Jacobs is a big fat hen (chapter 29, page 307) A metap hor is described to the left because its comparing Cecil Jacobs to a big fat hen. This is a good description allowing the reader to understand exactly how fat Cecil is. Irony Tactics was right.One time he said you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them. Just standing on the Raddled porch was enough. (chapter 31, page 321) The irony of this sentence is the children were evermore trying to get Boo out of his house so they could see him but later intentional he was in his house watching over and protecting them. The irony adds meaning to the text because the children are finally able to realize that what Boo was doing was not harming them, in fact he was helping advance them safe.

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