Friday, May 17, 2019

A Pursuit to Compromise Happiness

Everyone that is living in the world we live in immediately are alone making their silk hat efforts to obtain that which we wholly want the most, happiness. Many undivideds will observe that happiness, while others manage to agree that happiness. Everyone has their own methods at trying to master happiness, but sometimes they on the nose earth-closetnot prosecute it and when they realize that what they want, they tidy sumnot have. Their happiness will become compromised. When at the same time some someones can pursue that happiness and achieve what they very want in life.Other times those who pursue their happiness, end up compromising their happiness in the process. The token New York, ca. 1962 can be shown to prove what an individuals happiness can be like when it is compromised. With that in mind it can be determined that when an individual makes an adjudicate to pursue their own happiness, that how they pursue that happiness can lead to the compromise of what they are truly trying to find. In the image New York, ca. 1962, from the second I lay my eyes on the image the first thing that I see is the sense of organism trapped in a prison from all of the bars and fences that just surrounds the image.This sense of being trapped and not being able to cat or act freely to most people is a huge compromise of their happiness. That they can no longer pursue their happiness or anything for that matter besides their own survival behind the bars. It is in addition shown that the wolf that is trapped behind the bars is clearly showing his compromised happiness by his pose. His head around bowed, and his tail down between his legs. Just staring tabu at all the people who somersault by with their freedom to motionlessness pursue their happiness.Being trapped behind bars in a cast away is almost eer caused by someones pursuit of happiness. Someone tries to pursue their happiness in the unlawful ways and ends up ascertainting themselves into troubl e that they cannot get themselves out of, and in doing so their compromise their happiness in the process because they will not be able to pursue anything due to the consequences of their actions. With all this said it can easily be shown that with some individuals pursuit of happiness, if they take the wrong itinerary of pursuit they can overall end up compromising their happiness in an attempt to pursue it.I have been through and through many small pursuits of happiness, some of them were achieve, but most of the time all my pursuits to achieve that small moment of happiness were compromised by the path I choose to pursue them with. The best example of this is when I decided that to achieve happiness through a new, sportier car than what I had because it had always been what I wanted to have as an actual first car. The path I choose to achieve this involved sneaking around behind my parents backs to the extend where I had no help besides myself and no one else but a select few kn ew what I was truly up to.The reason I had to sneak around behind my parents backs were because they didnt want me to have the car I was looking to get so if I had told them anything I would have compromised my happiness. Although after I had obtained the car they were bound to find out yettually. Due to the path I choose to take it caused myself a lot of trouble on quaternate fronts because due to me doing everything by myself I later found out that the car did have a fit problems that I was going to have to deal with which was just the start to the compromise of my happiness through the path I choose to take.The final blow was when my parents found out about it and had me thrown out of the plate for a few nights. This was the final compromise of my happiness, just the feeling of having no one there for you if you requisite them. This all backs up that in ones pursuit of happiness, if the wrong path of pursuit is taken to achieve happiness, an individual will actually end up c ompromising their happiness instead of achieving it.It can be seen through the image New York, ca.1962 that ones pursuit of happiness can be compromised by being trapped behind bars by the actions they take to achieve they happiness, while they get to watch others still pursue what they cannot anymore. Also it can be seen through my own actions and experience that if the wrong path to pursue happiness is chosen, it can not only compromise an individuals happiness, but it can even have an impact on their life as well and how people see them. Overall it can be said that through an individuals pursuit of happiness, that pursuit can cause the compromise of an individuals happiness.

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