Thursday, May 30, 2019

Jazz: Still Got the Blues? :: essays research papers fc

The interaction between discolour and Jazz can be discerned when the origins of both music are scrutinized. The development of one is hidden in the roots of one another and both use similar sound patterns for instance. In this paper the readers will be presented a brief history of Blues & Jazz within the similarities of the two.If we trace back to the history of Blues music, the impact of African-American tradition is seen quite apparently. Blues music evolved from the songs sung by due west African griots, the southern Black American songs of sadness and despair, and more hopeful Christian spirituals. It originated in the rural Mississippi Delta region at the beginning of twentieth century.Similarly, Jazz music emerged as a blend of African-American rituals the features carried from West African Black folk music developed in the Americas, joined with European music of the late 18th and 19th centuries and turned out to be the minor voicing characteristics of the Blues. Jazz emerge d in New Orleans and was characterized by robust but flexible rhythms. Blues had its most brilliant years in America by the end of WWI. The American troops brought the Blues home with them, which they larn from the Southern Whites who had been exposed to the blues. After WWII, Blues had a different experience by the intimately-known Blues musicians as B.B. King and Buddy Guy by amplifying guitar and emphasized drums thus created intensified sounds in Blues, the collection of which later called to be the Electric Blues.(Herman) This kind of Blues had a great deal of parity to Jazz music due to the increased drum beats.Unlike Blues, Jazz music, experienced hard times during 1970s. While Blues rose owing to the contributions of venereal disease Pressley and Bill Halley who transformed rhythm & Blues into Rockn Roll, Jazz stayed so far away from this frenzy and faced several troubles, which gave way to the hindquarters of the new Fusion School of Jazz.Today, Blues has developed in to a major force in contemporary music through the rock-edge style of Robert Cray, as well as roots-oriented jazz by musicians associated with Wynton Marsalis, the zydeco sound, and some rap groups. Likewise jazz music has had its impact on modern music and it maintains its role as a universal music over its interaction with different music. This interaction has formed several genres like Ragtime, Soul Jazz, Fusion, Acid Jazz, Groove, Smooth Jazz, and Post Bop.

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