Friday, May 31, 2019

Spotted Horses vs. Mule in the Yard :: essays research papers

Spotted Horses Vs. Mule in the YardWilliam Faulkner wrote two short stories, which ar alike in many aspects. Spotted Horses and Mule in the Yard argon short stories that both shoot comic animal chases and financial transactions. Even though the stories are written by the same author, have similar characteristics, and share similar plot features, they are entirely different stories. The stories are both examples of interpretative books, however Spotted Horses is a more interpretative short study than Mule in the Yard because Spotted Horses fits Perrines profile of interpretive literary works, and Mule in the Yard seems to replicate Perrines profile of escape literature.According to Laurence Perrine in his seventh edition of Literature Structure, Sound and Sense he states the definition of interpretive literature is Literature written to deepen and broaden and sharpen our awareness of life. Interpretive literature is not candy coated. It allows its readers to experience the tr ials and tribulations of life. By using graphically realistic plots and endings, which are consistent to those in real life, interpretive literature achieves a higher literary value than escape literature. Interpretive literature allows its reader too gait out of the fantasy world they might be living in and focus on what the world is really about. One might say an interpretive story provides insight to understanding. Not only understanding of ourselves, but our neighbors, friends, family or anyone else we might encounter.Escape literature is the complete opposite of interpretive literature. Escape literature is written purely for entertainment. Escape literature takes its reader out of the real world and into a fantasy world where everything works and happens just like we loss it to. This is a world where the ending always has closure. Escapist authors hardly ever end on a bad note. They want the reader to leave the pages of their story satisfied, and having a sense of contentmen t. Perrines example of escape literature is Cinderella. Cinderellas life goes from rags to riches in one night. She marries a prince and lives happily ever after. According to Perrine the most vernacular expectations of escape literature readers are the sympathetic heroes or heroines, the suspenseful plot which one exciting event proceeds another, the resolved happy outcome, and the theme. Escape literature themes confirm the readers previous opinions of the world. Readers of escape literature read for pleasure not to gather knowledge on how to survive in the real world.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Jazz: Still Got the Blues? :: essays research papers fc

The interaction between discolour and Jazz can be discerned when the origins of both music are scrutinized. The development of one is hidden in the roots of one another and both use similar sound patterns for instance. In this paper the readers will be presented a brief history of Blues & Jazz within the similarities of the two.If we trace back to the history of Blues music, the impact of African-American tradition is seen quite apparently. Blues music evolved from the songs sung by due west African griots, the southern Black American songs of sadness and despair, and more hopeful Christian spirituals. It originated in the rural Mississippi Delta region at the beginning of twentieth century.Similarly, Jazz music emerged as a blend of African-American rituals the features carried from West African Black folk music developed in the Americas, joined with European music of the late 18th and 19th centuries and turned out to be the minor voicing characteristics of the Blues. Jazz emerge d in New Orleans and was characterized by robust but flexible rhythms. Blues had its most brilliant years in America by the end of WWI. The American troops brought the Blues home with them, which they larn from the Southern Whites who had been exposed to the blues. After WWII, Blues had a different experience by the intimately-known Blues musicians as B.B. King and Buddy Guy by amplifying guitar and emphasized drums thus created intensified sounds in Blues, the collection of which later called to be the Electric Blues.(Herman) This kind of Blues had a great deal of parity to Jazz music due to the increased drum beats.Unlike Blues, Jazz music, experienced hard times during 1970s. While Blues rose owing to the contributions of venereal disease Pressley and Bill Halley who transformed rhythm & Blues into Rockn Roll, Jazz stayed so far away from this frenzy and faced several troubles, which gave way to the hindquarters of the new Fusion School of Jazz.Today, Blues has developed in to a major force in contemporary music through the rock-edge style of Robert Cray, as well as roots-oriented jazz by musicians associated with Wynton Marsalis, the zydeco sound, and some rap groups. Likewise jazz music has had its impact on modern music and it maintains its role as a universal music over its interaction with different music. This interaction has formed several genres like Ragtime, Soul Jazz, Fusion, Acid Jazz, Groove, Smooth Jazz, and Post Bop.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Three Ancient Civilizations of Latin America :: Pre-Columbian History Culture

Three Ancient Civilizations of Latin AmericaEssay Discuss three civilizations of the antediluvian patriarch world.Civilizations began to show their face around the area now known as Egypt and some parts of Europe around the Mediterranean. These were said to be some of the so acest and most advanced civilizations of their time. These civilizations were known as Ancient Egypt, Ancient Sumer and the Babylonians. The oldest and certainly one of the most advanced was ancient Egypt. The people of ancient Egypt were polytheistic and believed that their Pharaoh (King) was deity as well and held divine right. The people also believed in reincarnation and what you were buried with you were able to take with you to the after(prenominal) life. They built huge Tombs called pyramids where they buried their rulers after they died. It is still unknown how they managed to build Pyramids with the limited technology at their time. They had a form of ideograms called hieroglyphics and they mummified their dead. Ancient Sumer was a collection of Ancient city-states which each had their own zikkurat where the people believed the god of their city lived. They too were polytheistic. Sumer was located in what is now known as the Fertile Crescent. The soil is very rich and capable of ontogeny large amounts of food. The Sumarians discovered irrigation and are believed to be having the first organized cities. Trade mostly cared for their economic life. They even had a school for scribes. Hammurabi ruled Babylon. He is liable for crating the first set of laws. If these laws were broken they were paid with swift harsh punishment. While king of Babylon he managed to bring much of the Mesopotamia under his control. Hammurabi improved irrigation and organized a well-trained army. Hammurabi even had temples repaired as a part of the public services he established and promoted the chief Babylon god Marduk. Over time Babylon will pass from one civilization to another as most people tried to conquer them. Most of the things we have in everyday society have come from ancient times. Sumarians made the first wheels and they also though up cuneiform. The Phoenicians are responsible for the first alphabet.

Racism in Cry, the Beloved Country by Alan Paton :: Cry, The Beloved Country Essays

Is Alan Paton racist in his portrayal of the natives?Yes, Alan Paton is racist in his portrayal of the natives as evidenced by the text below segmentation IPage 10 Then she and put her head on it, with the patient suffering of black women, with suffering of oxen, with suffering of any that are mute. Pg 13, al admity full of the humbler people of his race., some with strange assortments of european garments.Pg 22 White Johannesburg was afraid of black crime. OLD COUPLE ROBBED AND BEATEWN IN LONELY HOUSE - quartet NATIVES ARRESTED.Pg. 35 Who is nothing but a ashen mans dog.Pg. 44-45 These things are so bad, said Msimangu... it is true that they are often bad women, but hta is theone crime we move not speak of.Pg. 58 God entertain mercy upon us, Christ have mercy upon us. White man have mercy upon us.Pg. 59 The whitened men come to Shanty town. They come and wonder what they can do, there are so many of us. What will the poor devils do in the rain down?Pg. 72 Murder in ParkwoldASS AILENT THOUGHT TO BE NATIVES.Pg. 75 I say we shall always have native crime **** until the native people of this counrty have worthy purposes to inspire and worthy goals to work for.Pg. 77 We went to Zoo lake dear. But its quite impossible. I really dont see why they cant have separate days for natives. Where can these poor creatues go?Pg. 78-79 and others say there is a danger for better paid laor will not , but will also read more, think more, ask more, and will not be content to be forever voiceless and inferior.Pg. 79 Who knows how we shall fashion such a land? We fear not only the loss of our possessions , but the loss of our whiteness.Pg. 86 Soe he introduced Kumalo to the European Superintendent, who called him Mr. KumaloPg. 123 He loooked l ike a man used to great matters, overmuch greater htan the case of a black boyPart IIPg. 150 God knows whats comign to the country, I dont. Im not a nigger hater...Pg. 154 The truth is that our Christian ...he created white and black, a nd gives divine approval to any human that is deisnged to keep black men from advancement.Pg. 158 but at the door of the People, which means at the door of the white people.Pg.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Theme of Death in Haydn Middletons The Lie of the Land :: Middleton Lie of the Land Essays

The Theme of Death in Haydn Middletons The Lie of the let down Haydn Middletons The Lie of the Land is a complex book filled with many themes. matchless of them, which I focused on, is the theme of death. Death seems to be shown as a means to an end. In the beginning, David sees death as an inevitable, horrible event that he mustiness locution up to all too soon. Im going to die (p. 16) David states to Rachel during his graduation visit to the Samaritan Center. I know Ive got to die, Rachel but Im a coward (p. 18). Davids death wont be nonpareil of the ordinary. David is sensation of the chosen. He is one of the sons of the sky. He is tormented by the cleaning ladys voice, the one who chose him, who is always overshadowing him. The charr, possibly the angel of death, has an elaborate plan laid out for David. It began when he was first conceived and will continue on until the day that he dies and beyound. In her vindictiveness she would call these new sons of the sky westward . And, at the gateway to Albion, she would make them perform, in that brightest swinging that sits forever upon the darkness, the dance of death... (p. 85). The island of Albion seems to be referred to as hell. David speaks of being in contact with ...the keeper of the gateway to hell (p. 18). The island is believed to be a ...rendezvous for the souls of the dead (p. 79). When the meter comes the woman will call to the sons of the sky and take David to the island of the dead. David didnt fully understand his fate until it was explained to him by his stepfather, Emrys. Later in career, when David is married and a son of his own, the cater of the woman took over his mind and body. She willed him to committ one of the worst crimes possible. He took the life of another human being. And in the process he lost his own life as well. Not literally, but he lost his family and his soul. He had nothing. I am the son of the sky, he thought. And after so many years, he knew what that meant. He knew that he would dance before his time. And he knew, too, glancing down at his child, that there would be more than one end (p.The Theme of Death in Haydn Middletons The Lie of the Land Middleton Lie of the Land EssaysThe Theme of Death in Haydn Middletons The Lie of the Land Haydn Middletons The Lie of the Land is a complex book filled with many themes. One of them, which I focused on, is the theme of death. Death seems to be shown as a means to an end. In the beginning, David sees death as an inevitable, horrible event that he must face up to all too soon. Im going to die (p. 16) David states to Rachel during his first visit to the Samaritan Center. I know Ive got to die, Rachel but Im a coward (p. 18). Davids death wont be one of the ordinary. David is one of the chosen. He is one of the sons of the sky. He is tormented by the womans voice, the one who chose him, who is always overshadowing him. The woman, possibly the angel of death, has an elaborate plan laid out for D avid. It began when he was first conceived and will continue on until the day that he dies and beyound. In her vindictiveness she would call these new sons of the sky westward. And, at the gateway to Albion, she would make them perform, in that brightest light that sits forever upon the darkness, the dance of death... (p. 85). The island of Albion seems to be referred to as hell. David speaks of being in contact with ...the keeper of the gateway to hell (p. 18). The island is believed to be a ...rendezvous for the souls of the dead (p. 79). When the time comes the woman will call to the sons of the sky and take David to the island of the dead. David didnt fully understand his fate until it was explained to him by his stepfather, Emrys. Later in life, when David is married and a son of his own, the power of the woman took over his mind and body. She willed him to committ one of the worst crimes possible. He took the life of another human being. And in the process he lost his own life as well. Not literally, but he lost his family and his soul. He had nothing. I am the son of the sky, he thought. And after so many years, he knew what that meant. He knew that he would dance before his time. And he knew, too, glancing down at his child, that there would be more than one end (p.

The Theme of Death in Haydn Middletons The Lie of the Land :: Middleton Lie of the Land Essays

The Theme of Death in Haydn Middletons The brood of the degrade Haydn Middletons The Lie of the Land is a complex book filled with many themes. One of them, which I focused on, is the theme of death. Death seems to be shown as a delegacy to an end. In the beginning, David sees death as an inevitable, horrible event that he must face up to all too soon. Im going to die (p. 16) David states to Rachel during his prime(prenominal) witness to the Samaritan Center. I know Ive got to die, Rachel but Im a coward (p. 18). Davids death wont be unitary of the ordinary. David is one of the chosen. He is one of the sons of the sky. He is tormented by the womans voice, the one who chose him, who is continuously overshadowing him. The woman, possibly the angel of death, has an elaborate plan laid out for David. It began when he was first conceived and will continue on until the day that he dies and beyound. In her vengefulness she would call these new sons of the sky westward. And, at the g ateway to Albion, she would make them perform, in that brightest light that sits forever upon the darkness, the dance of death... (p. 85). The island of Albion seems to be referred to as hell. David speaks of being in conform to with ...the keeper of the gateway to hell (p. 18). The island is believed to be a ...rendezvous for the souls of the dead (p. 79). When the time comes the woman will call to the sons of the sky and take David to the island of the dead. David didnt fully date his muckle until it was explained to him by his stepfather, Emrys. Later in heart, when David is married and a son of his own, the power of the woman took over his mind and body. She willed him to committ one of the worst crimes possible. He took the life of another(prenominal) human being. And in the process he lost his own life as well. Not literally, but he lost his family and his soul. He had nothing. I am the son of the sky, he thought. And after so many years, he knew what that meant. He knew t hat he would dance before his time. And he knew, too, glancing down at his child, that at that place would be more than one end (p.The Theme of Death in Haydn Middletons The Lie of the Land Middleton Lie of the Land EssaysThe Theme of Death in Haydn Middletons The Lie of the Land Haydn Middletons The Lie of the Land is a complex book filled with many themes. One of them, which I focused on, is the theme of death. Death seems to be shown as a means to an end. In the beginning, David sees death as an inevitable, horrible event that he must face up to all too soon. Im going to die (p. 16) David states to Rachel during his first visit to the Samaritan Center. I know Ive got to die, Rachel but Im a coward (p. 18). Davids death wont be one of the ordinary. David is one of the chosen. He is one of the sons of the sky. He is tormented by the womans voice, the one who chose him, who is always overshadowing him. The woman, possibly the angel of death, has an elaborate plan laid out for D avid. It began when he was first conceived and will continue on until the day that he dies and beyound. In her vindictiveness she would call these new sons of the sky westward. And, at the gateway to Albion, she would make them perform, in that brightest light that sits forever upon the darkness, the dance of death... (p. 85). The island of Albion seems to be referred to as hell. David speaks of being in contact with ...the keeper of the gateway to hell (p. 18). The island is believed to be a ...rendezvous for the souls of the dead (p. 79). When the time comes the woman will call to the sons of the sky and take David to the island of the dead. David didnt fully understand his fate until it was explained to him by his stepfather, Emrys. Later in life, when David is married and a son of his own, the power of the woman took over his mind and body. She willed him to committ one of the worst crimes possible. He took the life of another human being. And in the process he lost his own life as well. Not literally, but he lost his family and his soul. He had nothing. I am the son of the sky, he thought. And after so many years, he knew what that meant. He knew that he would dance before his time. And he knew, too, glancing down at his child, that there would be more than one end (p.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Womens Basketball Essay

The total man as well races to be faster ND stronger than the average woman according to Livingston. Com. Women, nonetheless, are genuinely athletic and skilled in their own right and deserve the same learning as athletes as men receive. The reason their games are not as widely viewed publicly is simply because they are not as fun to watch. For example the average attention for a Los Angles Lasers game in 2011 was 18,997 mint (ESP.. Com). While the average attendance for a Los Angles Sparks game, who plays in the same arena, was 1 0, 1 76 people which is high than in all other mad teams for that season according to probabilistically. Mom. This can be changed with just a simple tweak of the playing equipment. Handicapping in distaff sports is kinda common it gives the women the chance to expect the same kind of success as the men in their respective sports, which is why lowering the rims in womens hoops would put up much than support for the game by making it more ent ertaining to watch which would mean higher attended games and more television viewers. If the rims were lowered, womens basketball would be much more entertaining to watch.Women would be able to finish shots closer to the rim teeter which would payoff in higher scoring and much more exciting games. The reason men have such a large following worldwide is because people love watching some of the stovepipe athletes in the world do things on a court with a ball that nobody else can do. Womens basketball players are no different. They, too, are the some of the best athletes in the world, but they just cant do everything on a court that a man can do because they are naturally built differently.Men tend to be much taller and stronger than women, and are able to jump higher and play much more aggressively. Lowering the rim, even just seven inches, would allow the female players to do more of the things that men can do, like dunk and hit high level of difficulty shots more often. One of th e main promoters of this idea is the University of computed tomography head womens basketball coach Gene Uremia, a seven time national champion with the Huskies who also led the womens IIS Olympic team to a coin medal this past summer in Lon put on. What makes fans not want to watch womens basketball is that some of the players cant shoot and they miss lay-ups and that forces the game to slow down, states Uremia (Gregory). He argues hat the lowering of the rim would increase the shooting percentages and increase the final scores, making it an overall much more exciting game to watch. This would in give result in an increased audience and would be beneficial for the growth of the game and the women getting the attention and respect that they deserve. Adjusting the playing equipment in womens sports is a very common practice.The nets are lower than the mens in womens volleyball, the tees are moved up closer to the pin in golf, softball fields are littler than baseball fields, and ev en in basketball their balls are already smaller to account for hysterical differences. That is why it is not unjust or sexist to jut lowering the rims to adjust to womens differences in size and athleticism, for it would only be beneficial for female sports. It is unfair to expect women to play on a 10 innovation rim and still get the type of attention that men get. The difference in athleticism and size just wont allow for that. In 2007, NAB. Mom did a survey and found that the average NAB player is six feet and nine inches tall. A similar survey done in 2003 by WAN. Com found that the average height of a player is five feet eleven inches tall. This difference is the exact reason why men are dunking and women arent, but more importantly, why people are watching the mens games but not the womens games. Men are taller and have an easier time dunking and finishing off balance shots, while the smaller women have to work harder to put the ball through with(predicate) the basket. Bas ketball fans like to see the high scoring games and the powerful slam-dunks.This is proven by the NAB All-Star weekend in which at that place is not only an All-Star game, but a Slam-Dunk contest and Three-Point contest as well which totaled in 2,729,000 viewers in 2012 (Savage). The WAN All-Star game had a total of 756,000 viewers in 201 1 (Costa). These numbers show how much more people would rather watch the men play then the women. Changes need to be made to even these numbers out. Other sports have followed this blueprint where the equipment used is adjusted to make them more successful, and it is time that basketball followed suit.Lowering the rims in womens basketball is a very controversial and not yet widespread topic. In fact, it is a very new subject that is only late gaining attention. There are many opponents to the idea of the basket being lowered or women, as well as many hurdles to get through in order for it to take effect. In order for this to happen, there would have to be a long process of meetings and rule changes and an agreement between all leagues of womens basketball twain collegiate and professionally.The NCAA released a statement saying, The NCAA continues to work with its members and others to grow the game Of womens basketball, but the issue Coach Uremia has raised is not onward our membership for consideration (AltaVista). Also, almost every gym that women play in is the home court to a mens team as ell. So there are ID foot baskets in every facility already, and switching all of those to height adjustable rims would require a significant renovation. There are also critics of this idea who believe lowering the rims is an insult to female athletes everywhere Roaring the rims would further ostracize young girls who are trying to learn the game on courts across the country, often right alongside boys, states Kate Fagan, a writer for ASPEN. Com, a womens sports site (Lowering) The problem is people insist on comparing it to the m ens game, suggesting women would rive more fans if they dunked and played above the rim, like men. This obsession with comparing womens basketball to mens doesnt exist in other sports F the argument is that people don t watch womens basketball because its slower and less explosive, then lowering the rim all the rims, for girls and women every/here does nothing to change that (Fagan). The entertainment factor out does not appeal to many that are close to the game, and they are happy with how the sport is and feel it needs no change. What Pagans argument fails to mention though, is that professional womens settable is scarce a profitable organization. The average NAB player makes about $3 million per year, while the average WAN player makes about $35,880 per year.Why shouldnt men and women be paid the same for playing the same game and working just as hard? The only way this will happen is if womens basketball gains more fans and becomes just as popular and glorified as the mens ga mes. Like the adjustments for women in other sports, lowering the rim would give women a chance to be more successful which would in turn make the game more entertaining to watch. By more people watching the games and giving it more support, both the NCAA and WAN would gain more fans and more money.With this money, WAN teams could get television deals like the NAB teams, which would mean more young girls could watch the games and be incite to go and pick up a basketball themselves. The more young women there are that play basketball, the better the competition will be which would result in even better players then there are today. Basketball is a great sport and women deserve just as much recognition for their talents as the men receive. Lowering the rim would provide all that it would lead to more equality between mens and womens basketball.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Google vs Microsoft

In todays society many people are using the internet more and more to shop online, handle clientele transactions and surf the web for what interests them. Microsoft and Google are known to many people as internet giants. The two companies compete for ancestry in the internet gentleman by offering similar online business services. Microsoft similarly offers an array of computer products to consumers and businesses such as Windows 7, Microsoft office and MSN. Googles main focus of business is its face engine that many people use today to surf the internet.This paper will compare and contrast Microsofts and Googles business model, financial counseling system and explain which play along could better stand fast a major recession and at the same fourth dimension, compare their financial ratios and decide which two companies that would be better to set up in. Microsoft was started in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen who developed an interpreter for basics programming language s ystems that has contributed to Microsofts being so successful.Microsoft is one of the largest engineering companies in the world which specializes in developing and licensing computer software products such as Windows 7, Microsoft office, MSN and Bing. Microsofts management team is led by chief executive officer Steve B allmer who also serves on the executive table, chairman Bill Gates, seven directors, and one chief financial officer which are all non-executive board members. The company has been known for its leadership style through its founder Bill Gates for donating coin to many charities and economic aiding the poor.Microsoft is also said to be an innovator for the new-age workplace where work is made to be comfortable, fun and inspiring so that all employees can enjoy doing their work and like to spend their time there as well. Bill Gates did not even finish college but his work ethics are being taught in schools through the world. Microsoft has an first-class track recor d for innovation because it keep coming up with new engineering and devices every year (Datamonitor, a, 2011). On the other hand, Microsoft is in competition with Google and other internet companies over the use of internet search engines.Google was founded in 1998 by two Stanford University graduate students, Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Google is an international technology firm that is concentrated on amend the way people get their information from the internet. Google has three core businesses search, advertisements, and applications. The search engine powered by Google provides information for millions of users every day. It must be fit(p) that information report to the Google search engine is beneficial to the user a set of criteria has been developed to serve this purpose.A common method of determining the improvement of the page for the user is searching the document for keywords. Keywords must be entered to search on Google, and the documents are scanned to determine how often they appear. The more keywords a document has tends to level its utilizableness to the user. Another evaluating principle for reporting useful pages is the ranking for the page and quality of the site. Websites receive rankings which reflect quality, relevance, and accuracy. Websites who have high rankings and numerous keywords are reported to the user first.This method of obtaining information allows the user to access vital information in a matter of seconds. Search advertisements are used to further instigate users, and to offer Googles main products and services and provide valuable and relevant information for people who use the search engines for answers they seek. Google search engine is like Microsofts Bing search engine. Google also sells their product and services in more than 100 languages throughout the world. Googles management team is led by a chairman Eric Schmidt, a chief executive Larry Page, a director of special projects Sergey Brin which are all executi ve board members.They also have six directors that are non-executive board members. The company is a leader in that they provide people with valuable information. At the same time, however, Google is a slow innovator in its search engine technology. For example, its search engine has not shown major innovation despite the quality of Googles searching technology that is absolutely dominating. However, as search engine technology advanced in the past decade the technological gap between Google and Microsoft has decreased more and more as we see with Bing (Datamonitor, b, 2011).On the other hand, by using the financial ratio I believe that Microsoft would benefit more and be able to survive a major economic recession. Microsoft has five divisions indoors their organization such as Windows & Windows 7, Microsoft business, online services, server and tools, entertainment and devices. According to Datamonitor, a , The companys product under this division include Microsoft Office, Microso ft SharePoint Microsoft Exchange innkeeper and Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM as well as Microsoft Office Web Apps, which are the online companions to Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote (2011, p. ). This shows that Microsoft has many divisions and products that they can offer to consumers, businesses and investors. This also shows that Microsoft would be better suited to withstand a major recession due to the many products they have to offer unlike Google which only has search engines and advertising to depend on. therefore as seen in the financial ratio Google has not made any money nor did it lose any money. Microsoft on the other hand, has made money due to the many products it has to offer. Subsequently, the profitableness ratio can tell us a lot about Microsoft and Google performance.The advantageousness ratio can tell us what each companys revenue and losses were for the year. It can also tell us about both companies operating budget, debts, stocks, and investme nts. According to Microsofts annual report, Windows discrepancy revenue reflected sexual relation performance in PC market segments. We estimated that gross revenue of PCs to businesses grew approximately 11% this year and sales of PCs to consumers declined approximately 1% (2011, p. 50). This demonstrates that by using the gainfulness ratio Microsoft was able to calculate their gains and losses for the year in the sale of PCs.This also shows that by using the profitability ratio Microsoft was able to project their sales of PCs to other businesses. Therefore if someone wanted to invest company like Microsoft they should use the profitability ratio to determine a companys return on assets and equity to see if it is a good investment. As we can see PCs sales to businesses grew 11% while consumers PCs sales weakened by 1% so an investor should put their money in business PCs. After seeing the profitability ratio of both companies Microsoft would be the company to invest in because th ey payout more money and make more money per share and to each stockholder.One can agree that Microsoft has done well over the years by them recognizing and using the knowledge mingy and technological base has been an asset for the company. Microsoft is one of the best companies when it comes to software and programming. Microsoft over the years has straighten outd that their competitors can have an impact on market changes and with this knowledge it has allowed Microsoft to make the demand decisions in the market place. The issues and concerns that Microsoft and other organizations face are technology changes and competition. Technology today has surpassed the technology of yesterday.Yet, Microsoft has shown that they can tack together these challenges in various areas by concourse these issues and concerns head on. Microsoft oftentimes has restructured some of their well-known operating systems, programs and software to keep up with the changing times. Recently, they have lau nched Bing and Windows 7. According to Microsoft annual report Online Services Division (OSD) develops and markets information and content designed to help people simplify tasks and make more informed decisions online, and that help advertisers connect with audiences.OSD offerings include Bing, MSN ad Center, and advertiser tools. Bing and MSN founder revenue through the sale of search and display advertising generally accounts for nearly all of OSDs annual revenue. (2011, p. 54) This demonstrates that Microsoft would be a great company to invest in because they offer many different products that makes a lot of money. This also demonstrates that Microsoft has seen an increase in revenue due to the fact that they invested in Bing and MSN.Therefore one should also consider the return on current ratio and the dividend payout ratio before making a decision on investing in the company. On the other hand one should also look at the investment valuation before making an investment decisio n. Investors need to be awake that before they invest in a company such as Microsoft that the likelihood of the problems when it comes to investing occur with large corporations where there is a higher storey of the separation of ownership and management, and thus perhaps an occurrence of a conflict of the goals of the managers and the goals of the shareholders.Aside from doing research on the company itself, doing an evaluation of stock can also prove to be useful. Knowing if stock is price can tip you off, in that you then need to find out why it is overpriced. For example, is the stock overpriced because investors sincerely believe that the stock is good and has potential, or is the stock price high because of current economic conditions. Knowing the answer to such questions will help individuals as investors make better and more informed decisions. According to Googles annual report Strategic, financial and execution isks and exposures associated with our business strategy, p roduct innovation and sales road map policy matters, significant litigation and regulatory exposures, and other current matters that may present material risk to our financial performance, operations, infrastructure, plans, prospects or reputation, accomplishment and divestitures. (2011, p. 16) This explains that investing in large corporations can be risky and, this also explains that you should look, at a companys investment valuation before investing.The primer coat why this is so important is because people can lose their money and if they did their homework by using the investment valuation they would see where their money is leaving and if they are making a wise decision when they invest into a company. In conclusion, Google and Microsofts are the worlds most powerful technology organizations that have proven it is possible to excel in the corporate world. The software and programming that Microsofts sells is the same product that has proven to be a useful tool for the comp any.Allocating costs and investing in new technology and recognizing competition including recognizing revenues gain and loss has also proven to be an asset for Microsoft. Google and Microsoft recognize and realize the potential of technology in the ever changing world of business. Google and Microsoft have met the challenges and changes of todays society. As for Microsoft achieving its goals, the belief is that it has surpassed those goals and is constantly revising technology and products to meet them and new ones in a timely manner.Therefore, making it a company that investors want to invest in. Microsoft, financial aspects has allowed me to decide that it is one of the best companies, to invest in today. While Google on the other hand, must find better innovative techniques so it can gain more capital so that investors want to invest in the company. At the same time Google must keep up with other competitors such as Microsoft so that the company does not be left-hand(a) behind in the future from other competitors stealing their clients.ReferencesDatamonitor (2011 a). Microsoft Corporation. Retrieved from Business Source Complete. Datamonitor (2011 b). Google Inc. Retrieved from Business Source Complete. Google Annual say (2011). Retrieved from http// Microsoft Annual Report (2011). Retrieved from Appendix

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Ethics Munson’s 5 Ethical Theories Essay

Ethics is a branch if philosophy that deal with ideas about what is morally good and bad. Ethics act as tools, giving us pleader when we need to bemuse important decisions in psycheal and professional situations. There are biblical inferences that can relate to almost if not all situations that we surveil across in our daily lives. God will not put us in any situations that we cannot be triumphant in. If the Bible is an absolute in all of these theories, so is Jesus Christ. The first ethical theory is Utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is the ethical theory that describes how the moral value or worth of an action is determined by how much benefit is gained from that action. It is measured by not only the amount of benefit gained just also the amount of people with benefits in the process. This theory hopes to try guidance when choosing a course of action. Utilitarianism is divided into two groups based off of how they apply the theory. A Rule Utilitarian believes that the action i s right if it results in gladness of great benefit (Munson, 2009). For example, the commandment, thou shall not kill is very straight ship and doesnt leave room for interpretation. Someone who personifys Rule Utilitarianism would strictly follow this rule by never committing murder or killing any living creature.An personation Utilitarian would decipher the commandment according to its greatest benefit. Act utilitarianism is the belief that an action is right if it is better than all of the other options as long as it yields the beaver results. In other words, there whitethorn be situations in which breaking the rules may be the best option. Breaking the commandment, thou shall not kill may seem wrong when looking at it from the surface, but if it is done to save the lifes of others it may yield the best result. The absolute that applies to Utilitarianism is the Bible. 2 Corinthians 97 says, Each one must depict as he has decided in his heart not reluctantly or under compuls ion, for God loves a cheerful giver. This theory is about the best benefit and focuses on the amount of benefit as well as the amount of people it benefits. In order to achieve this, the reason for giving cannot be selfishly or self- motivated. Immanuel Kants deontological theory is the completely opposite of Utilitarianism. Kantian Ethics believes that right and wrong are not depended on their consequences but on whether the duty or task at hand is fulfilled.Kant theory is also reliant on the view that humans, unlike anyother creature, put up the capacitance to rationalize. He believes that a persons feelings and inclinations should not play any part in motivating a chosen action. This theory does not produce well in the field of healthcare. Feelings and inclinations are a necessity when working with human beings. Healthcare workers are not reading pure tone by step instructions as if they are putting a car together, but instead are caring for a enduring whose case is differe nt and patient specific. Patients cannot be treated like a checklist. Although this theory eliminated any of the categories under the Bible commandments, guidelines, inferences, and convictions completion is a big topic in the Bible. God realised the creation of the world in six days, and rested on the seventh. Jesus Christ rose from the dead on the third day. In John 174, Jesus said to them, My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work. W.D. Ross believed that there was not one rule or principle that one must abide by. Instead he believed that we can progress through moral duties. Ross proposed that we have self-evident prima facie moral duties and that there are some things have intrinsic value (Ross, 2002).He believed we have the duty of fidelity or the duty to keep our promises, the duty of reparation or the duty to pay for reproach done to others, the duty of gratitude or the duty to return favors, the duty of beneficence or the duty to maximize the good, and the duty of non-injury or the duty to refuse disparage to others (Ross, 2002). For example, it is generally wrong to kill a person because it causes pain and is one of the 10 commandments. In order for it not to be wrong to kill, a person must have an overriding reason to do it such as saving the lives of others. Rosss belief in overriding reason is very resembling to that Act Utilitarianism. The Bible is an absolute in this theory as well. Ross puts emphasis on the duties we must uphold. The Bible lays out many duties given to Christians. One of the most popular lists is the Ten Commandments. Virtue Ethics is the approach that deemphasizes rules and duty, focusing on a persons character (Munson, 2009). Character is an important focus when choosing employees in the Healthcare field. I have worked in many healthcare areas and have worked with many people who truly were not in the field for the right reasons. fad is a necessity when working with human beings. There are m any workers who lack this characteristic and are simply in the field for monetary benefit.Although it may be impossible to completely rid thehealthcare field of bad seeds, providing an overflow of kindhearted, loving employees would definitely help. The Bible is an absolute in this ethical approach. Matthew 1235 says, The good person out of his good treasure bring forth good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure brings forth evil. As a Christian we must make sure we are living our lives in Gods image. We are walking billboards for Christ and need to make sure that we act accordingly. As a Christian, this walk will definitely be hard and there will be many temptations along the bearing but our character will help us to choose the right path. portion out Ethics argues that some duties cannot be justified by theories of right, justice, and utility (Velasquez, 2002). Care ethics believe that the most important factor is the concrete relationship with a person or persons (Velas quez, 2002). This theory is very evident in the healthcare field and I find this theory most appealing. I have worked in the healthcare field for most of my career and realize that it is my duty to live with care of and provide for each patient I serve.Through experience, I also realize that there are certain patients that I have been skeletal to, and that I feel closer to. At my last job, I worked on the spinal cord injury unit. Most of my patients were fully depended on what I did for them. The fundamental interaction could be awkward as I was performing tasks such as showers, bowel programs, and diaper changes. I felt it my duty to make them feel genial and to let them know that I care. For a lot of my patients, I was the only family they had. No one ever came to visit them so our conversation was something to look forward to. As I worked with a patient every day, special bonds were formed. We celebrated any and all progress made. Whether it is something as small as moving a p inky for the first time or taking a first step after, everything should be celebrated. Both Jesus Christ and the Bible are absolutes in this theory.This job has also taught me to be more appreciative of the things I do have. It has taught me to stop complaining about little things. Most of my patients lived regular lives just as I do, and in an instance it was taken away from them. Most people unknowingly take things for granted such as being able to walk, talk, clangour your teeth, and clothe yourself. Instead, we feel that the things are owed to us and that we are deserving of these things. The Bible and Jesus Christ are definitely absolutes in this theory. We as Christians yearn for a strong, deeper relationship with God and the best way to attain this is bystudying the word of God daily. Proverbs 817 says, I Love those who love me And those who diligently seek me will find me.ReferencesHoly BibleKant, I. (1785) First Section Transition from the Common Rational Knowledge of Mora ls to the Philosophical. Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals. Munson, R. (2009). Intervention and denunciation Basic issues of bioethics (9th ed.). Ross, W.D., (2002). The Right and the Good. Edited, with an Introduction, by Philip Stratton- Lake. New York Oxford University Press rpt. of original 1930 edition. Velasquez, M.G., (2002). Business Ethics Concepts and Cases. Englewood Cliffs Prentice Hall.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Seven Approaches to Studying the Human Body

When studying the pitying beings organic structure, there be seven organizational approaches. apiece approach studies the body in a different yet unique way and is practice sessiond in the health care field. The approaches consist of body planes and directions, body cavities, quadrants and regions, anatomy and physiology, microscopic and macroscopic, body musical arrangements and medical specialties. There are three body planes which use different directions coronal, sagittal, and transverse planes. Coronal plane slices the body from doubtfulness to toe giving a front and back view.There are two directions that are related with it former posterior, moving from the foreign of the body finished the anterior part then the posterior section, and posterior anterior, which is its reverse. Sagittal plane cuts the body right down the middle giving a right and left view. pitiful medially is to go inwards or towards the middle of the body from the outside and to go laterally is as i f moving out or from the midline towards the outside of the body. Lastly, transverse plane divides the body giving a top and bottom sections. The top half is superior and the lower half is inferior.Moving cephalad is moving superiorly, and cuadad is moving inferiorly. Radiologists would use this approach when looking at x-rays or MRI s send words to distinguish how the image was taken. There are five sections of hallow space, known as cavities, in the human body, all of which carry-over each other. Starting from the head is the cranial cavity that protects the brain, then the spinal cavity that travels down the middle of the back, then in the vanity is the thoracic cavity where the lungs, heart and esophagus are, next is the abdominal cavity which is around the abdominal muscles and last is the pelvic cavity where the hip b unitarys lay.An sonography technician would use this approach when projecting images from inside the body cavity onto the screen. The approach to use quadrants and regions is to divide up the abdominopelvic area into four parts, which are quadrants, and then into nine parts out of that which give you regions. (Scribd. com, 2010) This method can be used as a reference to where the variety meat are located in which area. For instance, in the left lower quadrant is the lower part of the kidney, part of the colon, and the left ovary for women. This type of diagram would help ith position the organs. In the health field, physicians refer to this during an indwelling exam. According to Degreedirectory. org (1999), anatomy studies the structure of organs and cells. Since cells are a microscopic size the best way to study, using this approach is with a microscope, which is, a spear used to examine cells. Physiology is the study of the function of organ and cells. Organs are of a macroscopic size that means it can be seen with the naked eye. These approaches can be used in many ways in health care.An orthopedic would study muscles and tendons or an immunologist would study blood cells using a microscope. The human body is made up of several different types of systems. This means that each system is made up of a few organs, which synchronize with one other and work as a unit. Organs are ineffectual to perform without the help of the other organs in their unit. All of the organs maintenance one another to perform their functions. The gastrointestinal system breaks down the foods we eat into protein, vitamins, fats and carbohydrates, which is used for energy, growth and repair.The organs in the respiratory system are the nose, trachea and lungs. These organs help bring air into the body and eliminate the carbon dioxide. There is a system that acts as a defense called the lymphatic system and runs through the whole body. This systems main function is to make white blood cells that act as disease fighting antibodies. The integumentary system consists of the skin, hair, nails, glands, and nerves. This systems main function i s to act like a barrier to guard the body from the outside world. The skeletal system protects the organs.It is made up of bones, ligaments, joints and tendons. It gives support and structure to the body and a place for muscle attachment and movement. In other words, it holds the body up. Without the skeletal system the human body would be unable to walk or stand up. The muscular system works with the skeletal system to control the movement of the human body. There are two types of muscles ones that are voluntary such as moving an arm or leg and ones that are involuntary and act on their own such as the lashing of a heat or stomach.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

A White Heron

A White Heron Alternate Ending The tree analyzemed to lengthen itself out as she went up, and to pertain farther and farther upward. Her pale face glimmered in the new sunlight that appeared Just over the horizon. She sat atop the mighty tree for a lengthy measure of time, taking in the true beauty of the scenery. As Sylvia was drawn aback with the breathtaking view, a white flash caught her eyes. It was the sub. Sleek, mysterious and mind-blowing it careened atop the treetops.She followed it attentively, being sure to k outright the exact location of its nest. After all, the boy back home was willing to pay a sum of none in trade for the location of the nest. Sylvia carefully made her way down the large tree, as she descended, she tired. When her bare feet reached the familiar wet ground of the forest, she knew she had a decision to make. Emotions welled up inside her, and she was overtaken by her conflicting thoughts. If she told the location of the bird, it would be killed. If she kept it to herself, however, it would remain in the world, but she would forgo the bullion and friendship from the hunter. Her tiny, torn up feet carried her crossways the forest floor as if they were not her own, as if they were automatic. A blank stare covered her face, and rubs plagued her eyes. She loved all woodland beings, especially the heron. It was disused, and it was magnificent. Sylvia knew she was getting close to arriving back home to her eager grandmother, who wanted the money, and the hunter, who desperately wanted the heron.It was not a winning situation for her either way. She could not bear to see the bird destroyed, yet was so tempted to keep a friendship as well as help her grandmother. Just as she became entirely overwhelmed with the gravity of the situation, she had reached the opening and heard the ever so friendly voice call out, Slyly Slyly Have you re dour? Panic stricken, she walked monotonously to the front porch. Two eager faces look her a rrival. One was familiar, wrinkled and warming tender eyes looking softly at her filled with hope.On the contrary, the other was freckled and enthusiastic. The hunter looked at her keenly, wiped a crocodile tear from her face and asked, Sylvia, did you find the location of the bird? This was it, when her decision had to be made. Tear stricken and unable to decide, she replied with a meek mimes. She took him into the forest to show him the location of the bird. Sylvia turned away as he raised his gun, eating one final glance at this magnificent creature. One thunderous, echoing shot later, and it was done.The pristine, white feathers were now stained with a crimson rose red blood. As the hunter gathered his kill, he could see the pain in her face. He looked down upon her with a bittersweet glance, l am sorry to have taken this creature from your realm rest assured I will compensate in paying(a) your grandmother double my original offer. He picked up the small tearful child with ar ms wrapped around his neck, and returned her home to her grandmother before manifestation his final goodbyes and being on his way. A White Heron By skies winA White HeronSarah Orne Jewett was born in South Berwrick, Maine ( in reality she is a native of New England). I would claim A white Heron is one of Sarahs best regionalism works. Sarah began to write stories at her young age. She wrote stories by her ordinary life experiences and publishes at her teens. In A White Heron a young girls conflicted loyalties to her conception of herself in reputation and to the world of manpower she will soon encounter are memorable and sensitively drawn.This is the figment of nine year old girl named Sylvia. This is the short story of Sylvia who is actually experiencing an innocent childhood life has found a new changes in herself and discover her womanhood by short period of time. We could say even this story in addition had the setting of Sarahs own experienced place which is her native N ew England. In A white Heron Sylvia was living with her grandmother. Sarah started this story by expressing the innocence of the 9 year old little Sylvia. Everybody said that it was a good change for a little maid who had tried to grow for octonary years in a crowded manufacturing town, but, as for Sylvia herself it seemed as if she never had been alive at all before she came to live at the farm She only living a life which is opposite of citys life.And Sylvia loved this peaceful and simple life with her grandmother and of course the other mother spirit. This story starts with Sylvia searching for her cow in one fine summer evening in the wood forest. It was her greatest pleasure to hide herself away among the mellow huckleberry bushes, and though she wore a loud bell she had made the discovery that if one stood perfectly still it would not ring. It shows that Sylvia and her cow were playing hide and judge on that night while going back their home. Suddenly this little woods gi rl is horror stricken to hear a clear whistling not very far away. Not a birds whistle, which would have a sort of friendliness, but a boys whistle. During their journey Sylvia heard a boys whistled and met that stranger.He was hunter and he was actually lost his way and asked for Sylvias help and he asked her cover up and tell me what your name is, and whether you think I can spend the night at your house and go out gunning early in the dayspring. Sylvia continued her journey with her cow and the hunter and finally they reached home. Mrs. Tilley was standing in the doorway when the trio came into view The young man stood his gun beside the door, and dropped a lumpy game bag beside it then he bade Mrs. Tilley good evening and repeated his warers story.Grandma and the hunter were talking and Sylvia was playing extraneous in the moonlight. But as the day waned, Sylvia still watched the young man with loving admiration. She had never seen anybody so charming and delightful the wom ans heart, asleep in the child, was mistily thrilled by a dream of love. Hunter was very kind to them and he looks bewitching. Next day Sylvia found some changes in herself. She snarl like that she drawn for the stranger. Here some sort of her womanhood can be seen instead of her childhood innocence.We can say that her childhood innocence has started to fit backward and her adult feeling comes forward. The hunter was looking for very rare white heron. He came to know that Sylvia is aware of all kind of birds. And he also knew that Sylvia and her grandmother are poor. I cant think of anything I should like so much as to find that herons nest, the handsome stranger was saying, I would give ten dollars to anybody who could show it to me. He has given a try to know about the heron by asking indirectly to Sylvia by saying he could give ten dollars for anyone who helps him to find that bird.Sylvia could possibly accept that ten dollars and help the hunter to find the white heron. No am ount of thought, that night, could decide how many wished-for treasures the ten dollars, so lightly spoken of, would buy. She was thinking about the pine tree which can be seen at the edge of the forest. She knew that she can find the heron over there and she went to that place next day morning itself. She had often climbed there, and knew that higher still one of the oaks upper boughs were set close togethershe went up and reach farther and farther upward. She reached top of the tree.And she came across the best things in her life. We could say she is experiencing the symbol of natures. From the top view she is watching the whole forest she could see the see in the moon view. Finally here is the time for the sun muster up and ready to find the white heron. Look, look A white spot of him like a single floating feather comes up from the dead poison parsley and grows larger, and rises, and comes at last, and goes by the landmark pine with steady sweep of wing plumes his feather fo r the new day As the sun started to glow Sylvia found the rare white heron and its nest.By reaching top of the big tree it-self shows that Sylvia has reached her womanhood and put aside her childhood innocence. Sylvia now knows the sneaking(a) of white heron but she is decided not to reveal this to anyone. She doesnt want to give up the life of the bird just for ten dollars even though money is important for her. She valued the birds life more than the money. She would not be satisfied and feel happier even with those ten dollars more than how she feels by livery white herons life. Whatever treasures were lost to her, woodlands and summer-time, remember Sylvia has discovered her womanhood by climbing the big tree and by keeping the secret of the bird. She has found the treasures of herself and love towards nature. Sarah explains the importance of moral values of young girls towards this story. She is claimed that Sylvia has taken the right decision at right time. She did what her heart said and she valued lives and nature more than money. In life our every day to day decision would bring big changes in our future.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Ancient Rome and Romans

Rome vs. Greece Which of the city-states do you think was the break up civilization? There be many difference and similarities between these city-states. Both are the some honorable ancient cultures in Western culture. Greece and Rome had fought many battles, but those battles only made them stronger. Both had their own ways of life and political views as a civilization, and these ways varied incomparably. While Greece had many artistic achievements, Rome foc employ on creating and improving a unified empire. Therefore, both have contrastive ways of making their civilization remembered by the people of forthwith.The first difference in roman letters and Greek civilization is their geographical features. Rome had a better chance to unify its people because of its location. Rome is located at the center of the Italian peninsula. It was easier for Rome to keep control of its neighboring areas. Rome gained control all over the areas surrounding the Italian peninsula by conquest and by providing Roman citizenship for the conquered people. The residents of the Italian peninsula classified themselves as Romans during the Punic Wars, and then it led to the creation of the unified Roman Empire.On the other hand, Greeces mountainous terrain separated several Greek city-states from one another. The expansion of the Greek civilization all over the Mediterranean basin was equitable an increase of detached Greek city-states. The detachment of the Greek city-states prevented Greece from creating its own empire. The Athenians plan of creating an empire by the domination of the Delian League backfired, by leading to the Peloponnesian Wars. The Romans choose many characteristics of the Greeks to its culture. However, there are still many differences between their cultures.The Romans translated the names of the enceinte gods of the Greeks into its language, so it will be more Roman-like. For example, the Roman name of the Greek god Poseidon is Neptune. The Romans reli gion is more solemn than the Greeks. The Romans believed that good or bad circle came from the gods, depending on what the gods were feeling. If they were happy it means good, however, if they were unhappy then bad luck would come to the Romans. The Romans worshipped Jupiter Optimus Maximus. They got the idea of wearing togas from the Greeks too.During the Roman Republic, the citizens started wearing togas. Another difference is the Romans art. Their artworks are more realisticistic than the Greeks. The Romans human sculptures look like real people. They used marbles to sculpt public officials portraits. Their arts are usually use for political propaganda. The Romans treated women way better than the Greeks. Women had a little exemption during the Roman Republic. They could leave the house, go shopping or visit a temple, and talk to their neighbors without the enquire of their husbands permission.As time went on during the Roman Empire, the women were allowed to own property, run business, inherit wills, and more. However, the Greeks are very different from the Romans. In Greek mythology there are 12 main gods. Some of the gods that belong to the 12 Olympians are Zeus, Poseidon, and Hera. In Greek mythology there are a lot of monsters. Minotaurs, centaurs, and chimera (a loan-blend animal) are significant Greek monsters. There are two types of hybrid monsters, a hybrid of animals and a hybrid of people. Greek arts are idealistic, whereas the Romans are realistic.Greek arts are usually about the exploration of nature and philosophy. They portray the human bodies. They are perfectionists. Their architectural buildings are measured mathematically. Examples of the architectural building that used mathematical methods are the Parthenon and the Temple of Hera. Women in Greece, excluding Sparta, had no rights. They were treated as their husbands property Their husbands need to be aware of where they are and what they are doing. In order for the women to go out or talk to their visitors, they need their husbands consent. This treatment of women did not change as time went on.Other differences between the Greeks and the Romans are their advancements in science and technology. Romans were great engineers and builders. They built many bridges, roads, and other structures. Their engineering is influenced by the Etruscans. To maintain their bridges solid and long-lasting, they used Etruscans keystone arch. It was hard for them to keep their bridges stable, so they focused on improving the creation of cement. They use pozzolana concrete for the bridges piers, so the sand that is brought by the river currents will not ruin the base of the bridges.They were the first people who used concrete for building structures. Roads built by the Romans also helped them to unify their empire. totally of the roads that they built lead to Rome. The creation of the aqueducts was one of the best inventions of the Romans. The aqueducts carry and distribute the water throughout the city of Rome. Aside from Roman technologies, the Romans also had advancements in science. Galen, who wrote a medical textbook during the Roman Empire, was the fist in identifying many symptoms and treatments for an illness.His books were used as a guide in medicine for at least a thousand year. On the other hand, some of Greeces invention those were reinvented until the 20th century includes analog computers, vending machines, and showers. The analog computer was invented in cl B. C. , but it was only use as a calculator, calendar, and as a GPS for navigation. The vending machine was used for holy water refill by inserting a coin. In 400 B. C. , the Greeks invented indoor showers. It was used in the gymnasium at Pergamum for female and male athletes to use.The Greeks also have science advancements. Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, capable The Lyceum. The Lyceum is a school where he observed how things come to live. He came up a procedure for debating according to rul es of logic. The scientific method we use today is based on Aristotles works and discoveries. Another person that contributed in Greeks science is Hippocrates. Hippocrates is a Greek physician. He also exposit disease symptoms like Galen of Rome. He examined the human body to find out more about the illness the body consist.Hippocrates is well-known as the father of new-made medicine. He also built a medical school on the island of Cos, Greece, where he was born. After his books about his medical t each(prenominal)ings were published for Alexandria library, the people stopped accept that diseases and illnesses came from the gods as punishments they learned that illness had a physical and rational explanation. His Hippocratic Oath had a great influence on the doctors today they promise to be honest, to preserve life, and to keep information about their patients private.When choosing a civilization, it is hard because all of the civilizations does not have everything you want espe cially during this time period. The Romans and the Greeks are both great civilizations that have been growing over time. Both civilizations have success and failures of their own. The Romans had their outstanding legionary armies that helped them conquer many lands and put their civilizations to its height, but they also had a decline when the generals decided to be greedy and fought each other for the thrown.Greece was also successful during the Athenian democracy because it brought many male citizens together, and they fought to protect their government. However, the opposing city-sate, which is Sparta, agreed ever-changing their government to traditional dictatorship. Then it led to battle, but Athenians couldnt defeat the Spartans, so it led to the fall of the Greek democracy. On the bright side, both civilizations make ways to resolve their problems. Rome and Greece are well-known because of their great achievements, and both are great influence on the lives of the people tod ay.Standard 9SS3 Students examine the antecedents, origins, development and achievements of the perfect civilizations of Greece and Rome from 2000 B. C. E. to 500 C. E. 9Ec. 5 Compare works that express a universal theme and provide evidence to support the views expressed in each work. 9E2a. 5 Use writing to formulate clear research questions and to compile information from primary and secondary print or Internet sources. 9E2a. 6 vex the main ideas within the body of the composition through supporting evidence, commonly held beliefs, hypotheses, and definitions.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Does Homework Help or Hinder Academic Success Essay

The debate virtually home pass away has been going on for a long time. Some say too much readiness is bad, only if thither ar different views. There are some people that believe that there is a minimal relationship between homework and if it helps or hinder donnish success. A little amount of homework is said to be linked to better school results as well. readiness may similarly surrender a small effect on how a student does in school on a test. Homework may hinder academic success due to lack of sleep, stress, and no pastime in between work, but at least 2 hours may seek to be salutary to healthy homework habits.There are two sides to this debate, one side that says that too much homework hinders academic success and the other saying that it doesnt affect it at all. Too much homework takes away free time for shaverren. Once children stupefy home, depending on how much homework they get, they have to work on all their homework. For example, children need time to themselv es to play and just have fun not do work all the time. Jessica Lahey the author of the article I Hate Homework. I Assign It Anyway. states, Children need time to themselves to play, read and imagine. (Page 2).This displays that there are some people who do agree with the fact that kids should have fun and play. They shouldnt be bombarded with homework. Children should also be able to fall out time with their family. Yes, they do see their parents everyday but they do not really get to spend time with them be sustain of all the homework given to them. The article, Homeworks Diminishing Returns by Harris cooper states, Opponents of homework counter that it can also have negative effects like increasing boredom with schoolwork and reducing the time students have to spend on leisure activities that teach important sprightliness skills. (Page 2).Spending time with their parents can help them and their children bond together and learn life lessons together. Overall, playing and havin g fun can really make a child happy instead of being upset about homework. It raises their morale and he or she will sprain much happier knowing that there can be breaks for fun from time to time. This can affect academic success positively because children will become more content with how things are doing that they wont point the little amount of homework as long as they can have a little fun still. Homework can also cause stress as well. At a young age a child should not be stressed.In other words, children could just become fatigue and tired of staying up all night doing homework. Jessica Lahey, the author of I Hate Homework. I Assign It Anyway. says In her film, Ms. Abeles claims that todays untenable and increasing homework load drives students to cheating, mental illness and suicide. (Page 1). Children should not have to think about things like this because choices like that can affect their whole life. This will make them do anything to try and get homework out of the w ay. The stress factor is very large with children dealing with homework and this may cause even students from top schools to become frustrated.Jessica Lahey states in her article, Even elite private schools in New York City are vowing to lighten their homework load. (Page 1). This is very important to note because elite schools are obviously expected to give a lot of homework. If theyre willing to lower their homework then that must mean that even top students believably feel that all that homework is too much for them. The bottom line is that homework can cause children to make bad decisions and create more problems than what they count to have.It may also hinder academic success because the bad decisions, if made, can cause that child to have too much on his or her thinker to even pay attention to how well theyre doing in school. Although, there are bad sides to homework, there is also a comfortably side of it. ii hours of homework can prove to be beneficial towards a childs academic success. Harris Cooper states in his article, Homeworks Diminishing Returns, A little amount of homework may help elementary school students build study habits and learn skills developed through practice. (Page 1). This showcases that there is a good side to homework.This doesnt necessarily mean that homework should be taken away completely, but it means that some homework is good for students. Creating study habits by doing some homework can help a students academic success because this will help them with future assignments and so he or she can remember what they learn. Some children also seem to like having an ample amount of homework as it doesnt cause too much stress. Harris Cooper also writes, All children can benefit from homework but it is a very rare child who will benefit from hours and hours of homework. (Page 2). This proves that only very a few(prenominal) children can really have something to say about how many hours of homework allow them to improve on what they have done in school. While a couple of hours of homework can prove to help academic success positively, too much of it may be moving more towards the negative side. Homework can hinder academic success stress and no fun in between work, but at least 2 hours may prove to be beneficial to healthy homework habits. This shows that there are both sides of the argument shown.There can be less time to have fun, spend time with family it can cause problems for students as well. Although there are many actions being done based on opinions, this debate still goes on and there may not be a solution at all. Many people have different beliefs on homework and what should be done about it. It may continue on for a while and more questions may branch out from the main question does the amount of homework determine if it helps or hinders a students academic success?

Monday, May 20, 2019

Library and Literature Survey Essay

I hither by declare that the Literature follow entitled is based on the original research expire carried out by me for p maneuverial fulfillment of the requirements of the Paper No. B-106 Current Problems in depository subroutine depository depository library and reading Science, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi, Delhi. (Designation), Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi, Delhi for his meticulous and expert guidance, constructive criticism, long-suffering hearing and benevolent behavior through out my ordeal of the present research.I shall re chief(prenominal) delicious to him for his cordial, cooperative attitude, wise and knowledgeable counsel that acted as an impetus in the successful completion of my ensure work. I would like to particularly thank the Head of the Department ________________ ( urinate of the HOD) for giving me guidance and inspiration during my postulate in the depar tment. I never forget the kind help extended by the HOD. It however, not practical for me to forget the kind of help turn ind by the faculty members, Professor (Mrs. ) S. P. Singh, Dr. Shailendra Kumar, Dr. (Mrs. ) P. K. Walia, Dr. K. P. Singh, Dr. (Mrs.)Meera, and Mr. Manish Kumar. I also convey my give thanks to Department Library Staff for extending their support in my study in the department. At last that not least my friends in the department who deserves some words of thanks. ABSEES American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies ACE Academic Computing Environment AgNIC Agriculture Network Information Center CD-ROM tweet Disc Read Only Memory DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals DL Digital Library FAQ oft Asked Questions ICT Information and Communication engineering science ILL Inter Library Loan LBS -Liverpool Business School LIS Library and Information Science.LISA Library and Information Science Abstracts OPAC Online Public Access Catalogue MLA Modern Language standstill of America SOA Service Oriented Architecture UAEU United Arab Emirates University USA United States of America USC University of Southern atomic number 20 Web OPAC Web based Online Public Access Catalogue WLD institution Digital Library iv CONTENTS Page No. Declaration i Certificate ii Acknowledgements iii List of Abbreviations apply iv Contents v Preface Complete List of Journals Core List of Journals.State of the art Report Chapter-1 Introduction 1 -3 1. 1 Introduction 01 1. 2 Purpose of the Literature Survey 1. 3 Objectives of the Literature Survey 1. 4 Scope of the Study 1. 5 Methodology 1. 6 Arrangement of Entries Chapter-2 Theoretical-base containing Introduction, historic development, definitions and sub-headings related to content Chapter 3 Bibliography with Abstract accompaniment I Author tycoon Appendix II Title Index v PREFACE _____________________________________________________________ Add cosmos with relevance, need and impor tance of the topic.This Literature Survey report on __________________________ (Title) has carried out to fulfill the requirements of the Paper- B-106 Current Problems in Library and Information Science for the faculty member session (20 20 -). The presentation of review of books on (Title) and related studies is grouped under deuce-ace (3) chapters Chapter 1 Introduction Add introduction Chapter 2 Theoretical-base containing Introduction, historical development, definitions and sub-headings related to topic Add introduction and description of the topic in separate headings.Chapter 3 Bibliography with Abstract gives complete citation information nearly the various literatures intaked in the study with proper abstract according to Modern Language standoff of America (MLA) Handbook for writers of research papers, seventh edition. Appendix- I Author Index with Abstract. This chapter deals with the names of the authors related to references provided in the Chapter-3 of the report i. e. Bibliography with Abstract. each(prenominal) authors in the part are arranged in alphabetically. Appendix- II Title Index gives at a glance overview of the titles of the articles used in the study and arranged in alphabetical COMPLETE LIST OF JOURNALS Sr. No. Name of the Journal Page No. 01 Aslib Proceedings 27,31 02 battle array Building 13 03 Community and Junior College Libraries 26 04 DESIDOC Bulletin of Information Technology 32 05 profits Research 06 Journal of Education and Information Science 31 07 Journal of Library Administration 23 08 Journal of Medical Library Information 21 09 Library Hi Tech youngs 29,30 10,12,18,21,22, 23,24,26,31,32 10 Library Journal 11 Library charge 12 Library Review 13 New Library World 14 OCLC Systems and Services 27,30 15 Online Information Review 15,26,30,31,32.16 Program electronic Library and Information Systems Reference Services Review 16,17,18,31,32 17 32 9,16,17,19,25,29 16,31 9,20,31 11,14,15,23,29, 30,32 18 T he Bottom rakehell Managing Library Finance 19 The Electronic Library 32 12,13,14,20,24,25 28,30. 31. 32 20 The TQM Magazine 21 Vine 22 25 Webology 10,11,21,29. 31 22 vii CORE LIST OF JOURNALS Sr. No. Name of the Core Journal Page No. 01 Annals of Library and Information Studies 30 02 Information jump on 29 03 Information Development 13 04 Information Outlook 14 05 Information Studies 17,32 06 Information Technology and Libraries.29,30 07 Journal of Documentation 22,30 08 Library and Information Update viii 11 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1. 1 INTRODUCTION The resume is a recognized and accepted part of the modern society. It is one of the means by which society keeps it informed, away of bringing under central situations of increasing size and complexity of obtaining perceptive and regulation of comparison. A eyeshot gives an oversight of a field and is thus distinguishing from a sort of study which consists of a microscopic examination of a turf it is a map rather than a detailed p lan.The survey must be planned before a start is made. 1. 2 PURPOSE OF THE LITERATURE analyze The literature review plays a very important role in the research process. It is a fount from where research ideas are drawn and developed into concepts and finally theories. It also provides the researcher a birds eye view about the research done in that area so far. Depending on what is spy in the literature review, a researcher will understand where his/her research stands. Here in this literature survey, all primary, secondary and tertiary sources of information were searched.The study of literature on - (your topic name) in prevalent and in the field of library and information science particular revealed several efforts made by the scholars in different discipline. The purpose of the literature survey is to collect a lot of number of journals article about a particular topic like as I have collect (number) articles of (your topic name) with abstract. The main aim of this collecti on is to provide a guideline and brief information of researcher, drug user and other person who want information about this topic.1 1. 3 OBJECTIVES OF THE LITERATURE SURVEY The main objective of the Literature survey is to (i) know who writes, what and where about (your topic name) (ii) identify the tools and sources of (your topic name), and (iii) prepare the applicable bibliographic entries with abstract of the related topic. 1. 4 SCOPE OF THE STUDY The literature survey is conducted for the period 20 20 . It includes the articles of journals, which are subscribed by the Central Library, University of Delhi, Delhi.A search has been conducted on the terms -(your topic related keywords, , in LISA, Emerald, LISTA, Science direct, EBSCO and other database to complete review of literature for the proposed study, including search on e-journals networksites. In addition to above searches, bibliography of journal article are also reviewed for more sources as well as websites and con sulted various eminent experts. 1. 5 METHODOLOGY For preparing of this literature survey I have taken a lot of steps for collecting the articles about the (your topic name).First Sir/madam, told us about the what is literature survey and what are the steps involved for preparing it. He had given me the topic (your topic name) for the survey. I went to the department library and central library for collecting articles from journals on my assigned topic. I also consulted electronic resources for collecting articles much(prenominal) as emerald, JCCCUGC Infonet, Open-Jgate, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), etc. After the verification of the entries of the articles by the supervisor my last was the eagerness of the report. 2 1. 6 ARRANGEMENT OF ENTRIES.All the entries of the literature survey are arranged alphabetically by surname of the author according to Modern Language Association of America (MLA) handbook for writers of research papers, 7th edition. The prescribed style is used through out the literature survey report including within the text. All the bibliographical entities including review with abstract and without abstract are presented in the report. Chapter 2 entitled (title of the Chapter-2) gives the brief insights of the study. 3 Chapter 2 -.2. 1 INRODUCTION 4 Chapter 3 BIBLIOGRAPHY WITH ABSTRACT 1. Aitta, M. R. , Kaleva, S. and Kortelainen, T. Heuristic military rating applied to library web services. New Library World 109. 1/2 (2008) 25-45. Abstract The purpose of the paper is to present usability heuristics for the evaluation of public library web services. The applied heuristics are divided into triple categories heuristics critical from the usability viewpoint heuristics concerning study problems and heuristics connected to minor usability problems but still important and concerning conventions of web design.The use of the heuristics and the results they give are evaluated to provide a basis for their use in future. 2. Allard, A. Library managers and information in world 2. 0. Library Management 30. 1-2 (2009) 57-68. Abstract The purpose of this paper is to provide library managers with the ability to recognize and address World 2. 0 information issues to enhance their ability to develop management plans for the future. This paper explores what World 2. 0 means to library managers in three ways. Three information dimensions are identified using models to examine World 2. 0 in a historical context.An epitome is conducted of the different generations of users in World 2. 0 including their diverse attitudes, beliefs, experiences and skills and how these twine their engagement with the information environment. Four key characteristics of Web 2. 0 are identified through an analysis of Web 2. 0 in relation to World 2. 0. Key findings in this paper are that three dimensions of information in World 2. 0 exist and can be used by library managers to help them understand the challenges and to facilitate the const ruction of strategic management plans that address them. Generational and organizational perspectives of World 2.0 can influence how libraries engage Web 2. 0, and should be considered when library managers make 9 Appendix I AUTHOR INDEX Sr. Name of the Author Page No. No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Aitta, M. R. 9 Allard, A. 9 Brinkely, M. 10 Byerley, L. S. 10 Chan, B. 11 Cohen, B. L. 11 Cordeiro, M. 11 Crook, E. 12 Curran, K. 12 Dejager, K. 13 Devine, S. 13 Grace Xn, F. 13 Fichter, D. 14 Gosling, M. 14 Harrington, L. D. 14 Henzel, J. 15 Jin, Y. 15 Joint, N. 16 Kapoor, K. 16 Kaur, K. 16 33 Appendix II TITLE INDEX Sr. No. Title of the word Page No. 01 24 hours reference services. 11 02A Library circulation system for city and special(prenominal) libraries. 25 03 A service quality framework for web-based information systems. A strategic planning rise to web site management. 25 A survey of the application of Web 2. 0 in Australian university libra ries. A university library laptop lending service an analysis using two student surveys. A university-wide, library based chat service . 18 08 A web-based, full-text news clipping service from the home(a) informatics centre library in India. 18 09 availability and usability of online library databases. 24 10 Accessibility of web-based databases for non visual users.10 11 Adding delicious data to your library websites. 29 12 Application of WINISIS/GENISIS software program in newspaper. 32 13 Beyond the librarys walls using Library 2. 0 tools to bear on out to all users. Bib web an Internet training course for public libraries. 23 BMA library online library development of web-based services & resources. Building participative library services the impact of social software use in public libraries. Creating fee-based online services a new role for academic librarians. Development of a library 2. 0 service model for an African Library. 21 04 05 06 07 14 15 16 17 18 38 29 30 29 30 22 26 21.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Point of view

View l maintain that the Ells started it all, but Gem, who was four ears my senior, said It started long before that. (chapter 1, knave 1) I know this book Is written In 1st person point of view by the speech I and me. The point of view Impacts the story because you be able to experience the narrators feelings ab away everything happening. metaphor Her hand was as wide as a bed slat. (chapter 1, page 6) This example of a metaphor is comparing Scaloppinis hand to a bed slat.This comparison puts a vivid picture in my spike of how wide her had is. Cliffhanger Attics arrival was the second reason I wanted to quit the game. The first reason happened the mean solar day I rolled into the Raddled front yard. Through all the headlining, quelling of nausea and Gem yelling, I had heard another heavy(a), so low I could not have heard it from the side liberty chit. Someone in spite of appearance the syndicate was laughing. (chapter 4, page 45) This was the cliffhanger at the end of this chapter. It describes Scout hearing Boo Raddled laugh from interior his house.The author Is leading the audience In suspense, making us wonder what Is going to happen next. imagination We strolled silently down the sidewalk, listening to porch swings creaking with the weight of the neighborhood, listening to the soft night-murmurs of the grown people on our street. (chapter 6, page 57) In my mind, I can hear the porch swings creaking and the soft night murmurs. The descriptive words used adds meaning to the text by creating suspense as well as allowing you to put sound with the picture you create in our mind.Comment Hurry, hon., said Tactics. Heres your shoes and socks. Stupidly, I put them on. Is It morning? No Its a little after one. Hurry now (chapter 8, page 77) W chick Tactics told Scout to hurry and cleave out of the house, at midnight, it made me worry. Many different things came to mind, like Was there a death in the family, was the house on fire, or did someone g o to the emergency room. All this adds intensity to the story and has me hanging on the edge of my seat wanting to read more.Oxymoron It was a happy cemetery (chapter 12, page 135) By adding this oxymoron In the text, it makes me realize how gross, smelly, Junky, and polluted this cemetery was. Personification Doors slammed, engines coughed, and they were gone. (chapter 15, page 175) This example of personification allows the reader to understand how quick this Thomas Jefferson once said that all men are created equal (chapter 20, page 233) This is an allusion because the phrase comes from The firmness of purpose Of Independence ND when reading it, it makes you think about or picture The Declaration Of Independence existence in your hand.By putting this allusion in the book it adds more meaning to the point the narrator is trying to get across and allows you to understand and read this part with more meaning. Metaphor Cecil Jacobs is a big fat hen (chapter 29, page 307) A metap hor is described to the left because its comparing Cecil Jacobs to a big fat hen. This is a good description allowing the reader to understand exactly how fat Cecil is. Irony Tactics was right.One time he said you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them. Just standing on the Raddled porch was enough. (chapter 31, page 321) The irony of this sentence is the children were evermore trying to get Boo out of his house so they could see him but later intentional he was in his house watching over and protecting them. The irony adds meaning to the text because the children are finally able to realize that what Boo was doing was not harming them, in fact he was helping advance them safe.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Project Assignment Essay

Planning is critical word put to work in a job life cycle. Although that is the case hurl control is pivotal and it goes through the regard phase. Without proper project control in any project, failure possibilities atomic number 18 fairly high in such project. The intention of scope vigilance is to define and outline the intention of any project. Scope management is defined by the PMBOK as .. the answeres required to ensure that the project includes all the plow required, and only the work only the work required, to complete the project successfully. It is primarily concerned with defining and controlling what is or not included in the project.The project scope sets the stage for developing a project plan. It clear states the projects objectives and deliverables. Scope definition provides an administrative plan that is used to develop your operational plan, i.e. the plan for how you are going to run the project. Scope definition should be as brief as possible, but complete . poorly(predicate) defined scope leads to project failure. The development of the scope must involve the project manager, sponsors, performing boldnesss and beneficiaries.Our organisation like any other company before initiating a project leave alone follow the pastime ways in designing scope management Scope planning PMBOK defines this stage as the care for of developing a written scope statement as the basis for future project including, in particular, the criteria used to determine if the project or phase has been completed successfully. In scope planning issues that refers to schedule, bell timelines and boundaries will be outlined in this phase. Scope definition The PMBOK defines scope as subdividing the major project deliverables into smaller, more manageable components. In order to be clear of the intention of any project, project must be defined clearly in order to operate smoothly. If the scope of the project is not clearly defined the project manager will suffer th e consequences of possibilities of project failure and the conflict that will modernise between him or her and thickening or the project sponsor. In relation to the west by south the scope will be divided in work packages. Scope hinderance during the initiation phase and scope planning, stakeholders and the client must verify the scope in order to approve the scope of the intended project. Scope verification is one of the important tools of project planning as the project cannot go ahead until stakeholders verify it. For an exercising during the initial phase once the project manager presents the feasibility study to the stakeholders their inputs and approval is key to the project.1. WBS Work break down structureThe work break down structure (WBS) was developed in the 1960s as the tool to enhance project planning. WBS is in a hierarchal form where work packages are presented either in graphical box or text indent. Burke (2010128) mentions the important components of WBS as the following Structure Method of subdivision Numbering or coding take aim of detail Number of WBS levels Roll up Integrating the WBS to assign function at once the scope and deliverables have been identified, the work of the project can be subdivided into smaller work elements. The outcome of this process is called the work breakdown structure. All the elements/steps that make up WBS are called work packages. It is rattling useful as the structure clearly points to what has to be done and in what sequence (order). It divides the work and responsibility into individual work implementation for the project by making it possible to plan, schedule and budget providing a framework for tracking and monitoring cost and work performance defining communication channels assisting in understanding and coordinating many parts of the project pointing to problems and ensuring they are quickly addressed

Friday, May 17, 2019

A Pursuit to Compromise Happiness

Everyone that is living in the world we live in immediately are alone making their silk hat efforts to obtain that which we wholly want the most, happiness. Many undivideds will observe that happiness, while others manage to agree that happiness. Everyone has their own methods at trying to master happiness, but sometimes they on the nose earth-closetnot prosecute it and when they realize that what they want, they tidy sumnot have. Their happiness will become compromised. When at the same time some someones can pursue that happiness and achieve what they very want in life.Other times those who pursue their happiness, end up compromising their happiness in the process. The token New York, ca. 1962 can be shown to prove what an individuals happiness can be like when it is compromised. With that in mind it can be determined that when an individual makes an adjudicate to pursue their own happiness, that how they pursue that happiness can lead to the compromise of what they are truly trying to find. In the image New York, ca. 1962, from the second I lay my eyes on the image the first thing that I see is the sense of organism trapped in a prison from all of the bars and fences that just surrounds the image.This sense of being trapped and not being able to cat or act freely to most people is a huge compromise of their happiness. That they can no longer pursue their happiness or anything for that matter besides their own survival behind the bars. It is in addition shown that the wolf that is trapped behind the bars is clearly showing his compromised happiness by his pose. His head around bowed, and his tail down between his legs. Just staring tabu at all the people who somersault by with their freedom to motionlessness pursue their happiness.Being trapped behind bars in a cast away is almost eer caused by someones pursuit of happiness. Someone tries to pursue their happiness in the unlawful ways and ends up ascertainting themselves into troubl e that they cannot get themselves out of, and in doing so their compromise their happiness in the process because they will not be able to pursue anything due to the consequences of their actions. With all this said it can easily be shown that with some individuals pursuit of happiness, if they take the wrong itinerary of pursuit they can overall end up compromising their happiness in an attempt to pursue it.I have been through and through many small pursuits of happiness, some of them were achieve, but most of the time all my pursuits to achieve that small moment of happiness were compromised by the path I choose to pursue them with. The best example of this is when I decided that to achieve happiness through a new, sportier car than what I had because it had always been what I wanted to have as an actual first car. The path I choose to achieve this involved sneaking around behind my parents backs to the extend where I had no help besides myself and no one else but a select few kn ew what I was truly up to.The reason I had to sneak around behind my parents backs were because they didnt want me to have the car I was looking to get so if I had told them anything I would have compromised my happiness. Although after I had obtained the car they were bound to find out yettually. Due to the path I choose to take it caused myself a lot of trouble on quaternate fronts because due to me doing everything by myself I later found out that the car did have a fit problems that I was going to have to deal with which was just the start to the compromise of my happiness through the path I choose to take.The final blow was when my parents found out about it and had me thrown out of the plate for a few nights. This was the final compromise of my happiness, just the feeling of having no one there for you if you requisite them. This all backs up that in ones pursuit of happiness, if the wrong path of pursuit is taken to achieve happiness, an individual will actually end up c ompromising their happiness instead of achieving it.It can be seen through the image New York, ca.1962 that ones pursuit of happiness can be compromised by being trapped behind bars by the actions they take to achieve they happiness, while they get to watch others still pursue what they cannot anymore. Also it can be seen through my own actions and experience that if the wrong path to pursue happiness is chosen, it can not only compromise an individuals happiness, but it can even have an impact on their life as well and how people see them. Overall it can be said that through an individuals pursuit of happiness, that pursuit can cause the compromise of an individuals happiness.