Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Informative Paper on Islam People Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Informative on Islam People - Research Paper Example Islam is not just a religion; in fact, it is a complete way of life which teaches Muslims peace, mercy and forgiveness (Mawdudi 1975). Islam is a relatively new religion as compared to the other religions of the world. Muslims believe that the Holy Prophet was the last prophet and there were many before him starting from Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and many more. The Holy Prophet was born in Makah and became the prophet at the age of 40. He was a pious man who had to face many persecutions in order to propagate the word of god. He faced persecutions because Islam taught equality amongst all and people of Makah were not willing to accept that. During his life, he propagated Islam throughout the Arabian Peninsula and beyond. He led his life by example. Today’s Muslims try to follow the footsteps of the Holy Prophet, which is called the Sunnah. They try to live their lives like him in order succeed in the world hereafter. Hadith, the sayings of the Holy Prophet, also provid es Muslims with guidance for how to go about different endeavors. Religions are dogmatic in nature and Islam provides a complete guideline for how to go about our lives in the form of the Holy Quran, Sunnah and Hadith (Understanding Islam and Muslims). Muslims believe that the Holy Quran is the word of the Almighty Allah himself. ... mplete code of life as instructed by Allah and serves as an authentic guideline to Muslims when in need of guidance for economic system, just system, and proper human conduct, therefore, Muslims hold the Holy Quran in the highest regard. Every religion has some basic principles, in Islam; they are called the 5 pillars of Islam. Every Muslim must abide by these principles in order to be a proper Muslims. Firstly, the Shahadah, a person must recite and accept this in order to become a Muslim. It shows that person has submitted to the Almighty Allah. Second, Salat (prayer), all Muslims are to pray to god five times a day in order to get forgiveness and get close to Him. There is no hierarchical order in Islam so a learned person, the Imam, leads the congregational prayers. Third, Zakat (alms giving), all Muslims must give 2.5% of their income to the needy. By doing so, one purifies one’s income and has great benefits for the society as well. Fourth, Saum (fasting), every Muslim m ust fast in the month of Ramadan; it helps one become more resilient and also realize what the less privileged suffer from. Fifth, Hajj (pilgrimage), during the month of Ramadan, Muslims from all over the world travel to Makah to perform the hajj ceremony. This is only obligatory if the person is able to afford the trip. Muslims must perform these obligations to become true Muslims (Understanding Islam and Muslims). There are 1.57 billion Muslims of all ages in the world today which is about 23% of the global population. Muslims are divided into 2 major sects: Shiites and Sunnis. Even though their prayer practices are different, but their belief is still the same and worship Allah (Comparison Chart: Christianity and Islam). Islam and Christianity are the two most populous religions in the world.

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