Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Answer the following questions#2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Answer the following questions#2 - Essay Example The model gives exact video guidelines that can be easier to understand for students, since they can see organs that are not seen during actual conversations, as these organs move inside the mouth. The model also provides examples of words for practice pronunciation, where learners can feel how these organs work together in providing a specific sound(s) for a specific letter. Phonetics_Focus/. It has many applications that help students learn the English language, such as the Phonemic Reader. It shows the actual sounds of the consonants and vowels. It can guide students in seeing each letter, not just physically, but also audio-visually, in a phonemic way. The application also offers several games, such as the Phonemic Pelmanism. It asks students to match the phonetic spelling with the real spelling. The game helps readers practice what they know about phonemics already. There are also plenty of mobile applications that help children learn sounds and letters. These applications test learning too, which provides automatic feedback and positive reinforcement once kids learn them. I can use them to help students reinforce learning in class by doing tasks that they can do at home at their own pace and time. Information gap tasks are done orally by asking learners to determine differences between pictures, ordering sentences in stories, and restoring missing portions of maps and charts. I can use this game to help learners think about the uses of words in context. The advantages of the task are contextual learning of language and interactive learning. The disadvantages are possible lack of writing reinforcement and some students with poor vocabulary will struggle with the tasks. An example of the task is making an appointment game. I can use this game to help young learners understand the concept of time and time management. The advantages of the task are helping students understand the meaning of words in actual settings and

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