Saturday, September 28, 2019

Analysis of target marketing and market segments

Analysis of target marketing and market segments The analysis of Target Marketing, Marketing Mix and its application to different market segments are very much important to understand while segmenting the market. Segmentation is also quite essential for a business, because satisfying all the customers with the same product is very much difficult, so in order to get the positive market response, it is better to offer your product to the specific segment. The identification and analysis of the buyer behaviour also have a great impact on a business. Qatar airways are leading airline in air industry so this report is concern with this airline. PURPOSE, SCOPE AND LIMITATION The purpose of this report is to analyze the Target Marketing, Marketing mix, its application on market segmentation of Qatar airways. Tried best to get the maximum information about these issues, but due to limitation of provided time and space, it is not very much detailed report. SOURCES AND METHODS In preparing this report, hints have taken from Syllabus book of Marketing, although Internet also paid an important role in its preparation. The sites visited for references are also mentioned in the reference list. REPORT ORGANIZATION This report evaluates the Qatar airways Target Marketing, Marketing mix, also to understand segmentation process along with determination of buyer behaviour importance for a business. MARKETING ENVIRONMET All companies work within a Marketing Environment. Environment consist all the forces acting on the company .Now Environment is dividend into two types MICROENVIRONMENT MACROENVIRONMENT. MICRO ENVIRONMENT These are internal factors close to the company that have a direct impact on the organizations strategy. Factors of micro environment includes Customers Distributors Employees Suppliers Shareholders Media Competitors Customers Customer’s satisfaction is the key to success of an organization. This is achieved by fulfilling the changing requirements of customers; failure to do so will result in a failed bu siness strategy. Distributors If there were not any distributors to supply your products you could not have distributed your product at right time and right place. This shows that distributors play an important role. Employees Employees are very much important factors of micro environment. Keeping the skillful staff and their motivation are essential parts of the strategic planning process of an organization, particularly in service sector marketing. Suppliers Buyer’s good relation provides competitive edge. Supply of raw material on time is also very necessary for an organization successful business strategy, because in this way organization can provide products to the customer on time. Shareholders Shareholders investment can improve or decline company’s progress. Their part (dividend) in the profit affects the company’s cash flow a lot. Media Media support or conflicts affect an organization very much. Positive or adverse media attention on an organizations p roduct or service can in some cases makes or breaks an organization. Competitors Competitor’s analysis and monitoring is crucial if an organization is to maintain its position within the market.  The only success technique in the market is to provide customer with the better quality product than the competitor. MACRO ENVIRONMENT These are the factors, which have the influence on an organization externally. These are the widespread factors. These are called â€Å"PEST analysis†.

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