Monday, September 30, 2019

Informal Caregiving

Caregiving Policies and Programs Aleesha M. Mullen University of Louisiana at Monroe Proposed Reference List & Outline: Topic: Care giving: The study of Informal Caregiving Outline: The Social Framework: Who are the Informal Caregivers? How does Caregiving affect their lives? The Ideological Framework: The Meaning of Informal Caregiving The Social Policy Options for Caregivers The values of Informal Caregiving Introduction This text will be exploring the profile of caregivers in today’s society.The profile of a caregiver ranges from the working mother to the wife with three children. There are no boundaries that can fit into this profile. Along with this, the text will explain the ways in which informal caregiving will change a person’s life and how it affects them personally. The different programs and policies that contribute the caregivers in our society will be discussed in dept. These will include private sectors and government sectors that offer support to caregiv ers. There are always good reasons on why informal caregiving should be focused on as an important task.For example, these caregivers come from a diverse demographic background, and their cultures, financial situations, and other aspects play a big role in how they provide care. This is why support should always be offered and administered to make sure the best value and quality of care is given. Therefore, in conclusion this text will be completed by expressing the values of informal caregiving and the changes that could be produced to help improve this line of work. The Profile of In Informal CaregivingThe term caregiver refers to anyone who provides assistance to someone else, who is, to some degree, handicapped, and unable to care for themselves. This could include persons providing care for: a husband or wife who has suffered a stroke, a spouse with Parkinson’s disease, a father-in law with cancer, a grandparent with Alzheimer’s disease, a loved one who is sufferi ng from a traumatic brain injury, a friend with acquired immune deficiency syndrome or AIDS, a child dealing with muscular dystrophy, an elder who is very frail. All of these can demonstrate as a caregiver.Many caregivers are unpaid individuals involved with assisting others who are u unable to perform certain normal activities. The caregivers range in gender, and age. The caregivers in our society today are majority women. There are an estimated 66% of caregivers who are female. Out of this percent, one-third takes care of two or more people, and the average age of a female caregiver is about forty-eight. (â€Å"Selected Caregiver Statistics†, n. d. para. 3). The interesting fact is there are usually more women who are caregivers and when a caregiver is thought of they think about an older female.According to Gary Lee, Jeffery Dwyer, and Raymond Coward, â€Å"Analyses show that adult children are more likely to provide care to a parent of the same gender, and infirm elders are more likely to receive care from a child of the same gender. Because the substantial majority of elderly parents requiring care from children are mothers, this tendency toward gender consistency in the caregiving relationship partially accounts for the fact that daughters are more likely than sons to be involved in parent care. † (Lee, Dwyer, Coward,. 1993). The tasks that are detailed in caregiving include bathing, toileting, and dressing.Among the caregivers, majority of the women population have to handle these most difficult tasks. It can be difficult for caregivers to think about their selves as they have to spend time thinking about another person. Female caregivers are more likely to endure more stress than the male caregivers. Caregivers also have to provide a stressing number of hours to the needy, and this can play a large role on they deal with other issues of life. According to the graph presented below provided by, â€Å"Partnership for Solution†, shows the average number of hours caregivers provide, can range from about fifteen hours to thirty-five hours.The ages range from fifteen years old to seventy-five years or older. Caregiving can affect and change a person’s life in a vast way. The act of providing care to an older family member is a highly personal activity. This is more than likely conducted in the privacy of a family’s home. Informal caregivers go about rescheduling their lives and daily activities to make sure that their loved ones receive the best care they possibly can. There are some caregivers who will go as far as quitting their jobs, or picking up a part-time job to take full advantage of the care they provide.There are people at all points in their life that give and receive informal care. The most common type of relationship is the one between the child and the elderly parent. Along with this relationship, the young caregivers are the ones who are more likely to care for the other family members such as; aunts, and uncles. Takamura and Williams(1998) states, â€Å"Caregiving to other relatives declines through middle age as other familial responsibilities take hold, but increases in the late fifties and early sixties.Over the age of 60, women frequently report providing care to a sibling† (Takamura & Williams, 1998. P. 7). During the middle age years there are usually life altering events that occur. For example, some women may have to deal with the natural act of menopause, and some male caregivers may have midlife crises. Middle age years are the times when the children are growing up or grandchildren are being born, and the immediate family needs the most attention. Although these are all factors that may yield a caregiver to give quality care to a loved one, there are other situations that might occur.For example, there may be an ill child, or disabled child that a parent or loved one will have to provide care to. All ethnic groups have a certain way and culturis t style of providing care. Both black and White Americans share equal amounts of time providing care, although, black women are more likely to be caregivers than white women. Black women may be also more likely to provide care to a disable relative other than an immediate family member than are white women. (Takamura & Williams, 1998. P. 8).Caregiving affects many groups in many different ways and varies by marital status. Caregivers also tend to be a little healthier than the general population. This could be because they are more aware of the health of the people around them and they try to focus on their selves as much as they can. Being a caregiver makes a person more conscious about health. Even though, states early that many caregivers have less time to care for their selves, their consciousness of health is higher. Providing informal care to disabled or ill family or friend is an important normative experience.Most Americans will become a caregiver as point of their life and many will provide informal care at multiple times in their live. Policies and Programs to Support Informal Caregivers Many of all of the types of carers previously listed are in the group of informal caregivers. It is true that these caregivers are not paid, but some are able to receive some sort of assistance from government agencies in different areas of our country. For example, Sweden is a country that focused on the informal caregivers and the things they need to provide quality care for their loved ones (Wacker & Roberto, p. 28). Wacker and Roberto also state, â€Å"Families provide direct and informal care to their elderly relatives, but the government also supports family caregivers through services that help carers directly and by providing compensation to carers†(Wacker. & Roberto p. 228). For example, there is a program entitled, Family and Informal Caregiver Support Program in Maryland, and Hawii. It was a developed explicity for innovative and evidence-based comm unity projects that help friend and family care for chronically ill or disabled and moderate income older adults. (Jeanett Weinberg Foundation, 2012).This is a great example to see how different areas of the world and of our society to offering the much needed support, even around the globe. In figure 1, it explains that Sweden focuses largly on the informal cargivers. Other countries are more focused on the government sectors of formal cargivng mainly due to the fact that a profit is involved. The Sweden government gives what is called, Carer’s allowance,to family who provide informal care to elderly recipient. These are what the Sweden’s government call, voluntary and nonprofit. As you can see in the figure as well the overnment of Sweden does provide help to the universal and local delivery of services for cargiving. It is always great to see the informal caregivers have a part in this government funding a well. Caregivers have to have some kind of support to be abl e to provide quality care. The question is, how do they receive this support and from where do they get it from? Service-based forms of support for carers help offer a large and import form of care. Service-based forms of support are typically emphasized on services that are available in all or most localities, or mainstream services.However, there are certain policies that are referenced based on innovatory or special needs because this is the form that is more widely needed. When looking at service-based forms of support for carers, it is always important to understand the definition of what is meant by a service for carers (Twigg, 1992, p. 60). Twigg says that carers reside in an ambiguous position within the field of social care, being neither patients nor clients. The help that come from carers does so from services aimed primarily at the person they look after.Therefore, the service provided is based on the personal need of the family member or person in need of care. Due to t he close relationship between the cared-for person and the carer, there care needed for the care-for person is relevant to the carer. This means that what counts as a service for carers need to be foreseen widely. There are two main forms of service for carers (Twigg, 1992). The first is specific carer services. These are services that are unequivocally provided to carers, for example respite care and support groups. The second form of service is carer allocations.Carers also receive help from some services that are aimed primarily at the person they look after. Sometimes the allocation is open, for example when a day care place is provided for the cared-for person with the intention of relieving the carer. Sometimes it happens less overtly, as a by-product of assistance to the cared-for person (Twigg, 1992, pp. 60-61). Both forms of service will be included when looking at service-based forms of support for carers. The research of this informal caregiving diffidently shapes policy and how programs are conformed for caregivers and the cared-for person.The respite form of care is one that was developed due to the fact there was research completed. The conclusion for informal caregivers who have jobs, children and other daily activities to be completed, is respite care. This is the most important form of support and specifically for carers. This is a form that can be defined as ‘an interval of relief’ (Tinker et al. , 1998). Of course this can come in a number of forms, although the most commonly available are day care and short-term breaks. Other types of home care relief services and sitting are available, although not in all areas (Tinker et al. 1998). In addition to specific carer services, home care service and community nursing services are aimed primarily at the person that is being looked after. These are both forms of in-home assistance, and they cover a help with in housework, nursing task and personal care. Every service has to be evaluat ed annually or in intervals of time. Many evaluations of services are based on aces to services, the views of carers and the outcomes for the carer. The purpose of the evaluations of services is to draw some conclusions from the details about each service and examining the services as a whole.Historically carers have had problems in being able to access community services. Community social services have been focused primarily on unsupported elderly people who live at home alone. This was a finding that was borne out by a number of studies undertaken during the late nineties. Davies et al. described this as reducing the ‘horizontal target efficiency’ of the service in that it reduced the proportion of people in high priority groups who received services (Davies et al. , 1990). Figure 1: Figure 2: References: Davies, B. , Ferlie E. , Hughes, M. and Twigg, J. (1990). Resources, Needs and Outcomes in Community-Based Care.A comparative study of the production of welfare for elderly people in ten local authorities in England and Wales. PSSRU, University of Kent at Canterbury, Avebury. Lee, G. R,. Dwyer, J. W. , Coward, R. T. , (1993). Gender Differences in Parent Care: Demographic Factors and Same-Gender Preferences. Retieved from http://geronj. oxfordjournals. org/content/48/1/S9. short Partner for Solutions. (2004). Chronic Conditons: Making the Case for Ongoing Care. John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. (2004). Retrieved from http://www. caregiver. org/caregiver/jsp/content_node. jsp? nodeid=401 Roberto, K. amp; Wacker, R. (2011). Aging Social Policies: An International Perspective. SAGE Publication, Inc. , Thousand Oaks, CA. Takamura, J. , Williams, B. , (1998). Informal Caregiving: Compassion in Action. Retrieved from http://aspe. hhs. gov/daltcp/reports/carebro2. pdf Tinker, A. , Wright, F. , McCreadie, C. , Askham J. , Hancock, R. and Holmans, A. (1998). Alternative Models of Care for Elderly People. Age Concern Institute of Gerontology. Twigg , J. (1992). ‘Carers in the service system’. In Twigg, J. (ed. ). Carers: Research and Practice. London, HMSO. Loading†¦ Loading†¦ Loading†¦ Loading†¦

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Management Accounting Report Essay

In decision making process ambiguity, variability and uncertainty are often faced. For this reason Risk Analysis is always part of any decision making process. Even if the access to information is unprecedented even then future can’t be predicted accurately. For this reason Monte Carlo simulation is used which provides all the possible outcomes of decisions, access the impacts of risks and allow better decision making under uncertain situations. Monte Carlo Simulation: It is a computerized mathematical technique based on broad class of computer algorithms which allow people and organisations to calculate risks and hence helps in better decision making. Monte Carlo Simulation can also be termed as a problem solving technique to calculate probability of outcomes by using random variables and multiple trials which are termed as simulations (Berg, 2004). Monte Carlo Simulation is used by professionals in engineering, medicine, physics, chemists, project management, manufacturing, research and development, environmental specialists, oil and gas and several business functions. This is a reflective report in which case study of Fennel Design Project of Laura Watson company is used to predict the demand of greeting cards. The aim of the report is to speculate the situation of the Fennel Design project and also to provide a base for the companies experiencing these situations. This report uses discrete data of continuous range In this report discrete data of continuous range is used. Example of discrete data is when a coin flips in air, it have two possibilities either head or tail. Whereas, a running engine might have many temperature changes at different time intervals which is an example of continuous data. Laura Watson is a new company and so can also face these uncertainties as they don’t have any idea of when to produce, when to produce, supply and demand analysis and the situation which drives these factors. For this reason Monte Carlo Simulation is used to calculate predicted demand, risk analysis in order to provide company with useful information which then can be utilized to make timely decision making. This report is divided into three main parts. In Monte Carlo Simulation we can take as many amounts of trials to get an accurate answer. But, in the given casestudy, business manager’s Alex and Laura took one thousand trials. Number of trials increases the profit probabilities and helps in getting close results and reduces the chances of risks. In this question we have to calculate the price of the cards and for this we used Descriptive Analysis Function in Microsoft Excel. This Function automatically calculates all statistical data like mean, median, mode and standard deviation. Whereas, in task two WHAT IF analysis helps us in getting the results within the given number of trials. It creates thee situations or results which are base case scenario, best case scenario and worst case scenario. When the values of these situations are changed answer automatically changes. It is very helpful for managers in decision making. In task three risk simulation function and random functions are used which makes a balance between mean and standard deviation given in the projected demand. Rand command is used to calculate the cost of parts, random discreet method is used to. Variance Reduction is used to minimize non accurate profits. These all function enables to calculate price and predict risk. In this report every function is calculated independently to make the process easy to understand and clear. By using Monte Carlo Simulation we have calculated all the possible parameters required in the case study and also predicted the risk. It helps the managers to make quick and accurate decisions. Bibliography Berg, A. B. (2004). Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation and their Statistical Analysis. New Jersey: World Scientific.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Analysis of target marketing and market segments

Analysis of target marketing and market segments The analysis of Target Marketing, Marketing Mix and its application to different market segments are very much important to understand while segmenting the market. Segmentation is also quite essential for a business, because satisfying all the customers with the same product is very much difficult, so in order to get the positive market response, it is better to offer your product to the specific segment. The identification and analysis of the buyer behaviour also have a great impact on a business. Qatar airways are leading airline in air industry so this report is concern with this airline. PURPOSE, SCOPE AND LIMITATION The purpose of this report is to analyze the Target Marketing, Marketing mix, its application on market segmentation of Qatar airways. Tried best to get the maximum information about these issues, but due to limitation of provided time and space, it is not very much detailed report. SOURCES AND METHODS In preparing this report, hints have taken from Syllabus book of Marketing, although Internet also paid an important role in its preparation. The sites visited for references are also mentioned in the reference list. REPORT ORGANIZATION This report evaluates the Qatar airways Target Marketing, Marketing mix, also to understand segmentation process along with determination of buyer behaviour importance for a business. MARKETING ENVIRONMET All companies work within a Marketing Environment. Environment consist all the forces acting on the company .Now Environment is dividend into two types MICROENVIRONMENT MACROENVIRONMENT. MICRO ENVIRONMENT These are internal factors close to the company that have a direct impact on the organizations strategy. Factors of micro environment includes Customers Distributors Employees Suppliers Shareholders Media Competitors Customers Customer’s satisfaction is the key to success of an organization. This is achieved by fulfilling the changing requirements of customers; failure to do so will result in a failed bu siness strategy. Distributors If there were not any distributors to supply your products you could not have distributed your product at right time and right place. This shows that distributors play an important role. Employees Employees are very much important factors of micro environment. Keeping the skillful staff and their motivation are essential parts of the strategic planning process of an organization, particularly in service sector marketing. Suppliers Buyer’s good relation provides competitive edge. Supply of raw material on time is also very necessary for an organization successful business strategy, because in this way organization can provide products to the customer on time. Shareholders Shareholders investment can improve or decline company’s progress. Their part (dividend) in the profit affects the company’s cash flow a lot. Media Media support or conflicts affect an organization very much. Positive or adverse media attention on an organizations p roduct or service can in some cases makes or breaks an organization. Competitors Competitor’s analysis and monitoring is crucial if an organization is to maintain its position within the market.  The only success technique in the market is to provide customer with the better quality product than the competitor. MACRO ENVIRONMENT These are the factors, which have the influence on an organization externally. These are the widespread factors. These are called â€Å"PEST analysis†.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The organization of financial (debt, equity, foreign exchange, Essay

The organization of financial (debt, equity, foreign exchange, derivative) and commodity markets and their role in international trade and economic performance - Essay Example At maturity of specific time period, the bond issuers not only repay the principal amount of debt but also the periodical interest payments to the bond holders (Berk and Martin, 2011). Stocks are the equity instruments mainly issued by the corporations for an indefinite time period. Stockholders become the owners of the corporations and play a key role in the decision making process of the company. Stock holders can buy and sell the stocks in the stock market such as New York Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange etc. (Babu, 2012). Foreign exchange market deals in the currencies of various countries such that it provides the mechanism for trading the foreign currencies. The difference between the buying and selling price is called as the spread which is the profit of the trader. Foreign currency markets work round the clock thus, minimizing the arbitrage opportunities (Sheeba, 2011). Derivatives are the hedging instruments which provide the holders the opportunity to mitigate the risk against the undesired movements of financial securities. Common types of derivatives include forwards, futures, swaps, and options (Brigham and Ehrhardt, 2008). Commodity market comprises of various commodities such as metals, energy, foods, etc. These commodities are regulated by the commodity exchanges such as New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) and Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). Financial markets and commodity markets are the major indicators of the international economic prosperity such that in times of booming periods, the prices of the instruments traded under these markets are at their peak whereas in times of depression, these prices steeply

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Cause essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cause - Essay Example ’s lives, and these include physical health [as Maslow rightly observed in his second level of â€Å"Hierarchy of Needs†], mental fitness, athletics, and for aesthetic value (Maslow 373-4). As the old saying goes, â€Å"the most valuable possession one has is Good Health,† well, this is true for both our physical as well as psychological well-being. And one of the secrets to good and perfect health is regular exercise. As for physical fitness, exercise proves very essential to people who desire beautiful but slender bodies. People who seldom take exercise are likely to have soft, flabby muscles, which are not only unattractive but are unhealthy. Getting rid of shapeless figures requires regular exercises to better manage being over weight and more importantly to shape body structure. Besides, routine exercise is also beneficial in strengthening people’s muscles (Barton and Pretty 3947). Jogging, dancing, bicycle rides, swimming among other activities really help to develop strong leg muscles for people who desire such. In addition, exercises provide people with more daily energy. A morning exercise for instance, can help in elevating daily work/job spirit by simply retaining the excitement acquired during the exercise. One will therefore be capable to respond instantaneously to the environmental changes. Regular exercises also prevent the occurrence of a range of diseases by helping the body to develop mechanisms for fighting infections and certain other diseases (Barton and Pretty, 3947-8). Many of the major cardiovascular diseases can be kept at bay by simply using thes stairs instead of a lift (for those working in offices). Sweats that usually follow the exercises remove toxins that would hitherto cause heart failure, for example, from people’s bodies. Exercises thus have many benefits, which go along way in helping people to live longer, healthier, and generally happier lives. In fact, the more one has excess body fats the greater he or she risks

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 42

History - Essay Example All adult white males had a right to vote, irrespective of their religion and property ownership. In this era, the older states dropped the remaining religious qualifications for voting (Stephens and David 25). Therefore, there was an increase in the number of eligible voters, as there was the elimination of previous property qualifications. The increase in number of eligible voters resulted to an increase in voter participation. The high rates of participation lead to a change in the campaigning style. The holding of the 1840 elections, both key political parties carried out well-organized national campaigns that comprised of campaign songs, parades, picnics, party newspaper, political speeches and banquets. In the jacksonian era, there was also a change in the political party system. The 1812 war had seriously made the Federalist Party weak, which completely disappeared in 1820s. For sometime, the Democratic Republican Party was the only successful national party. Nevertheless, the coming of Andrew Jackson into power, as a national leader lead to the splitting of the Democratic-Republican Party into the Democrats led by Jackson and Whing party, led by Henry Clay (Stephens and David 25). Following Jackson taking over office in 1929, he used spoils system by giving jobs to his supporters. Although his opponents criticized this move, for not putting the qualified individuals in office, Jackson took this as a democratic reform. According to him, it was a rotation-in-office and he had a belief that in a democracy each white man citizen ought to take part in the services of the government at a time in his lifetime (Stephens and David 25). Also, President Andrew Jackson championed democracy by challenging economic elite who were opposing him to the Second Bank of the United States. He distrusted this bank as an undemocratic instrument and thus he voted a bill to recharter the Bank in 1832 (Stephens and David 25). There are a number of arguments for the westward

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Surprising reversal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Surprising reversal - Essay Example This plan is supposed to take care of the soldiers’ children in times of deployment. Many a time, this does not work the way it is supposed to. Often a soldier has to assign temporary guardianship to a relative. Soldiers are also sent back home to reconstruct a new FCP, because the previous one has failed and the time a soldier gets to complete this task is just not enough for such an important exercise. FCPs are something that soldiers need time to put together. This is not a task to be taken lightly. It takes a lot of time, thought and effort to put together an effective Family Care Plan. Instead the military gives only thirty days for them to find someone to entrust their loved ones. FCP helps the military maintain its level of readiness for deployment. On the face of it, it is a deceptively simple exercise but from the soldier’s point of view, it is a rigorous task that is not easily completed by a long shot. There are several factors that must be addressed when imp lementing the FCP. The ‘person of choice’ to entrust children is to me, the biggest choice a soldier has to make. Someone that appeared to be a prime candidate might have issues/flaws that would keep that person from being able to take care of the soldiers’ loved ones. ... The soldier found herself charged with desertion, which is a very high wartime crime. If it had not been for the local media in her home town, this soldier might have even been convicted. FCP exercises are hard to complete and most of the time, they don’t even hold up. Everything is documented and placed into the soldiers’ files. Everyone knows that deployments come and go, but no one knows when. Knowing when and where a soldier will be deployed is one thing, but not everything goes according to how it was planned. When the time came for me to activate my FCP in which I named my mother as the preferred guardian, she was ill with cancer – an unforeseen factor. She was unable to provide the necessary care to my children due to her illness. When I tried to get one of my sisters to take my mother’s place in my FCP, I was unsuccessful; she had marriage issues that she was dealing with at the time, which made her not a very good candidate for the job of care of my two boys. Such unforeseen factors reduce the efficacy of FCPs. I was separated from the armed forces recently, in March of 2009 for a collapse of my FCP. Of course, I was honorably discharged. In conclusion, despite the military’s best intentions and beliefs, FCPs are not what they appear to be. They have been known to trap soldiers into legally binding contracts, which in some cases are not in the best interest of either the soldiers or their families. On the other hand, FCPs appear to have been designed to free soldiers from any obligation that they might have, so that the military does not have to lose them from its deployment readiness. Reference Engler, A. (2011). â€Å"Deployed military parents: Choosing custody or duty†. Good Housekeeping, April 3, 2011. Available

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

PART 3 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

PART 3 - Term Paper Example It is of significance to posit that for ethical considerations to be followed, health institutions are ought to create and implement appropriate strategies as well as rules and guidelines that will govern the daily activities of the health institution. This involves a lot of financial input and time to create. According to Post Blustein and Dubler (2007), ethics are considered costly. According to him, observing ethics in the workplace will involve a lot of time and effort, egotism, though clients are presented with a chance to benefit from high quality of services. Individuals seeking treatment or health care services in Mount Sinai prefer it to a great extent due to high quality services as a great proportion of ethics is followed. The more the clients, the more the revenue generated by the hospital. This shows that total revenue generated by Mount Sinai Hospital is dependent on ethical considerations. To ensure that ethics are followed by all employees in the hospital, Mount Sinai conducts regular trainings to employees geared towards presenting them with basic knowledge on ethics. This involves a lot of money to plan though it is aimed towards empowering employees. As evidenced in other health care institutions, patients’ medical records in Mount Sinai are also digitalized. This requires the hospital to design security programs and conform to it. Designing an effective health related programs is in itself expensive and time consuming. Available sources put a lot of emphasis on the importance of ethical considerations in health care. A physician or any other medical practitioner is only allowed to share any information regarding the health of a patient with consent of the patient, or when required to do so by a court of law. Physician can be sued by the patient if s/he is proved to have made public any personal and medical information associated with the patient. In such a case, a health institution may lose a lot of money through lawyer fees. Where a patient requires to be compensated for the damage caused, a health institution would lose a lot of money in settling these cases. Though such a case has been hardly heard of in Mount Sinai, maintaining plans of actions that prevents such occurrences from happening involves a lot of finances and time. If a health care institution is found guilty of breach of confidentiality or sharing a patient’s medical information with third parties, medical license may be cancelled (Ashcroft, Dawson and Draper, 2007). In a nutshell, creating and establishing plans of action that will ensure ethical and moral considerations within a health institution is very expensive in terms of money and time as I involves a lot of effort. Duty to report In the modern world, millions of people have been affected by many chronic illnesses. Millions of people are living with the HIV virus. In other words, people are affected by a wide range of illnesses that necessitates medical attention. In the course of treatment, a physician or medical practitioner ought to treat any divulged information by the patient with utmost confidentiality. However, there are some cases where morally the medical practitioner is supposed to report the matter to authorities. This part of the paper describes an ethical dilemma associated with moral considerations in health care. For public health concerns, the government and the public health sector of a particular country is required to follow up on prevalence of diseases of public concern. For instance,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Homework 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Homework 2 - Essay Example It can as well be noticed in the records that Saudi Arabia had the highest percentage of contribution while Comoros had the lowest percentage of contribution to the sum total of the Gross Domestic Product of the 22 Arab League members (Vijay 2012). The GDP was as well compared with that of the various countries. The first country that was compared with that of the 22 Arab League members was United Kingdom. From the records, it was clearly seen that in the year 2012, the GDP of the country was 2440 billion US dollars. This was slightly higher than that of the 22 countries in question. It was later followed by Germany that had a GDP of 3600.8 billion US dollars in the same financial year, 2012 (Vijay 2012). The GDP of France and U.S were the highest compared to all the computed GDP of the other countries. In the year 2012, the GDP of France was found to be 2.613 trillion US dollars. This was many times the GDP of the 22 Arab countries in hand. The leading country in terms of the GDP was US that had a GDP amounting to 15.68 trillion US dollars (Vijay

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Compare contrast essay Essay Example for Free

Compare contrast essay Essay Novelist Paul Sheldon has plans to make the difficult transition from writing historical romances featuring heroine Misery Chastain to publishing literary fiction. Annie Wilkes, Sheldons number one fan, rescues the author from the scene of a car accident. The former nurse takes care of him in her remote house, but becomes irate when she discovers that the author has killed Misery off in his latest book. Annie keeps Sheldon prisoner while forcing him to write a book that brings Misery back to life. Compare Contrast Essay â€Å"A Rose for Emily† by: William Faulkner â€Å"Misery† by: Stephen King I’ve chosen to compare contrast â€Å"A Rose for Emily† By: William Faulkner with â€Å"Misery† By: Stephen King, Obsessive women, broken ankles, trapped men Suspenseful endings both of these stories have a lot in common. In Stephen King’s â€Å"Misery† A Famous Novelist named Paul Sheldon is transitioning his writing from Romance to Fiction. While on his way to Colorado from his winter hide away he is in a horrific car accident brought on by the harsh weather conditions. Thankfully the writer’s number one fan and former nurse Annie Wilkes lived nearby and saved Paul from freezing to  death. Annie Wilkes just like Miss Emily Grierson lived isolated and away from the world, though Miss Emily lived in the town Annie Wilkes didn’t Miss Emily Isolated herself socially by not leaving her home nor opening the door when people of the town came by. Annie However, actually lived in an isolated cabin in the mountains. In â€Å"A Rose for Emily† people of the town feel sorry for her because after losing her father (page: 207 she was sick for a long time), But not long after they began seeing her with a gentle man named Homer Barran. A construction worker who had come into town to pave the sidewalks. After a year of being with Homer the towns folk began saying they would marry even though Homer claimed to like men (page: 209, He was not a marrying man). One evening after  ending their relationship Homer went to see Miss Emily using rat poison she killed him and let everyone believe he left and went on with his life while she hid his remains. Annie Wilkes didn’t kill Paul Sheldon, but took advantage of the fact that he had been put in critical condition due to the car accident she removed him from. For weeks she held him captive until he gave her favorite novel the proper ending it deserved. After noticing his several, sneaky attempts to escape Annie straps Paul to the bed and cripple s him by breaking both his ankles with a sledge hammer. Both of these women felt the need to keep these men hidden, trapped, and injured so they may stay with them forever. Miss Emily trapped Homer in death to stay with her since he had no interest in marrying her. In â€Å"Misery† Prior to having his ankles broken Paul finds newspaper clippings of previous victims of Annie where she was never convicted, He then realizes he may be next on her list. Soon after crippling Paul an officer drops by to see if Annie was aware that Novelist Paul Sheldon was missing and they were searching for him. Paul hears the officer and yells for help when Annie hears his screams she kills the officer and Paul is left once more to endure her gruesome punishment. Neither one of the men could predict what was going to happen to them, but Homer didn’t endure being tortured nor was he held captive for weeks. In â€Å"A Rose for Emily† Miss Emily was never caught nor suspected for the  disappearance of Homer. After the death of Miss Emily and after her services the town folk were curious to see   the inside of her home. (page 211, there was one room that no one had seen in forty years, and which would have to be forced). After entering the room they noticed mens toiletries, suits, ties and a pair of shoes even more so they noticed the man in her bed, His well over rotten body lay there in a nightshirt and next to him they could see where Miss Emily would lay beside him every night after his death. Unlike Miss Emily Annie didn’t get away with what she did to Paul, after killing the officer Paul tricks her into buying Champagne and cigars to celebrate the return of Misery, while setting up for their night of celebration Paul lights the re-written novel on fire and throws it. Annie begins to put out the flame when Paul slams his typewriter on the top of her head and shoves pieces of the burned novel pages into her mouth, she then dies of a fractured skull. Sometime after Paul is rescued by police. Both of these stories where great and though they are in different settings the characters shared similar physiological problems and depression. I think if both of these women met and could ever be in the same story there would be gory, suspenseful, torturing of men. I would like to read a book where Stephen King and William Faulkner write a story sharing both their ideas, I think it would be very interesting, thrilling and great to read.

Friday, September 20, 2019

History and Applications of Matrices

History and Applications of Matrices Matrices find many applications at current time and very useful to us. Physics makes use of matrices in various domains, for example in geometrical optics and matrix mechanics; the latter led to studying in more detail matrices with an infinite number of rows and columns. Graph theory uses matrices to keep track of distances between pairs of vertices in a graph. Computer graphics uses matrices to project 3-dimensional space onto a 2-dimensional screen. Example of application A message is converted into numeric form according to some scheme. The easiest scheme is to let space=0, A=1, B=2, , Y=25, and Z=26. For example, the message Red Rum would become 18, 5, 4, 0, 18, 21, 13. This data was placed into matrix form. The size of the matrix depends on the size of the encryption key. Lets say that our encryption matrix (encoding matrix) is a 22 matrix. Since I have seven pieces of data, I would place that into a 42 matrix and fill the last spot with a space to make the matrix complete. Lets call the original, unencrypted data matrix A. There is an invertible matrix which is called the encryption matrix or the encoding matrix. Well call it matrix B. Since this matrix needs to be invertible, it must be square. This could really be anything, its up to the person encrypting the matrix. Ill use this matrix. The unencrypted data is then multiplied by our encoding matrix. The result of this multiplication is the matrix containing the encrypted data. Well call it matrix X. The message that you would pass on to the other person is the the stream of numbers 67, -21, 16, -8, 51, 27, 52, -26. Decryption Process Place the encrypted stream of numbers that represents an encrypted message into a matrix. Multiply by the decoding matrix. The decoding matrix is the inverse of the encoding matrix. Convert the matrix into a stream of numbers. Conver the numbers into the text of the original message. DETERMINANTS The determinant of a matrix A is denoted det(A), or without parentheses: det A. An alternative notation, used for compactness, especially in the case where the matrix entries are written out in full, is to denote the determinant of a matrix by surrounding the matrix entries by vertical bars instead of the usual brackets or parentheses. For a fixed nonnegative integer n, there is a unique determinant function for the nÃÆ'-n matrices over any commutative ring R. In particular, this unique function exists when R is the field of real or complex numbers. For any square matrix of order 2, we have found a necessary and sufficient condition for invertibility. Indeed, consider the matrix Example. Evaluate Let us transform this matrix into a triangular one through elementary operations. We will keep the first row and add to the second one the first multiplied by . We get Using the Property 2, we get Therefore, we have which one may check easily. EIGEN VALUES AND EIGEN VECTORS In mathematics, eigenvalue, eigenvector, and eigenspace are related concepts in the field of linear algebra. The prefix eigen- is adopted from the German word eigen for innate, idiosyncratic, own. Linear algebra studies linear transformations, which are represented by matrices acting on vectors. Eigenvalues, eigenvectors and eigenspaces are properties of a matrix. They are computed by a method described below, give important information about the matrix, and can be used in matrix factorization. They have applications in areas of applied mathematics as diverse as economics and quantum mechanics. In general, a matrix acts on a vector by changing both its magnitude and its direction. However, a matrix may act on certain vectors by changing only their magnitude, and leaving their direction unchanged (or possibly reversing it). These vectors are the eigenvectors of the matrix. A matrix acts on an eigenvector by multiplying its magnitude by a factor, which is positive if its direction is unchanged and negative if its direction is reversed. This factor is the eigenvalue associated with that eigenvector. An eigenspace is the set of all eigenvectors that have the same eigenvalue, together with the zero vector. These concepts are formally defined in the language of matrices and linear transformations. Formally, if A is a linear transformation, a non-null vector x is an eigenvector of A if there is a scalar ÃŽÂ » such that The scalar ÃŽÂ » is said to be an eigenvalue of A corresponding to the eigenvector x. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: An Introduction The eigenvalue problem is a problem of considerable theoretical interest and wide-ranging application. For example, this problem is crucial in solving systems of differential equations, analyzing population growth models, and calculating powers of matrices (in order to define the exponential matrix). Other areas such as physics, sociology, biology, economics and statistics have focused considerable attention on eigenvalues and eigenvectors-their applications and their computations. Before we give the formal definition, let us introduce these concepts on an example. Example. Consider the matrix Consider the three column matrices We have In other words, we have Next consider the matrix P for which the columns are C1, C2, and C3, i.e., We have det(P) = 84. So this matrix is invertible. Easy calculations give Next we evaluate the matrix P-1AP. We leave the details to the reader to check that we have In other words, we have Using the matrix multiplication, we obtain which implies that A is similar to a diagonal matrix. In particular, we have for . Note that it is almost impossible to find A75 directly from the original form of A. This example is so rich of conclusions that many questions impose themselves in a natural way. For example, given a square matrix A, how do we find column matrices which have similar behaviors as the above ones? In other words, how do we find these column matrices which will help find the invertible matrix P such that P-1AP is a diagonal matrix? From now on, we will call column matrices vectors. So the above column matrices C1, C2, and C3 are now vectors. We have the following definition. Definition. Let A be a square matrix. A non-zero vector C is called an eigenvector of A if and only if there exists a number (real or complex) such that If such a number exists, it is called an eigenvalue of A. The vector C is called eigenvector associated to the eigenvalue . Remark. The eigenvector C must be non-zero since we have for any number . Example. Consider the matrix We have seen that where So C1 is an eigenvector of A associated to the eigenvalue 0. C2 is an eigenvector of A associated to the eigenvalue -4 while C3 is an eigenvector of A associated to the eigenvalue 3. It may be interesting to know whether we found all the eigenvalues of A in the above example. In the next page, we will discuss this question as well as how to find the eigenvalues of a square matrix. PROOFS OF PROPERTIES OF EIGEN VALUES::: PROPERTY 1 {Inverse of a matrix A exists if and only if zero is not an eigenvalue of A} Suppose A is a square matrix. Then A is singular if and only if ÃŽÂ »=0 is an eigenvalue of A. Proof We have the following equivalences: A is singular à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¡Ã¢â‚¬ there exists xà ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚  0, Ax=0 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¡Ã¢â‚¬ there exists xà ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚  0, Ax=0x à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¡Ã¢â‚¬ ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ »=0 is an eigenvalue of A Since SINGULAR matrix A has eigenvalue and the inverse of a singular matrix does not exist this implies that for a matrix to be invertible its eigenvalues must be non-zero. PROPERTY-2 Eigenvalues of a matrix are real or complex conjugates in pairs Suppose A is a square matrix with real entries and x is an eigenvector of A for the eigenvalue ÃŽÂ ». Then x is an eigenvector of A for the eigenvalue ÃŽÂ ». à ¢- ¡ Proof Ax =Ax =Ax =ÃŽÂ »x =ÃŽÂ »x A has real entries x eigenvector of A Suppose A is an mÃÆ'-n matrix and B is an nÃÆ'-p matrix. Then AB=AB. à ¢- ¡ Proof To obtain this matrix equality, we will work entry-by-entry. For 1à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤ià ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤m, 1à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤jà ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤p, ABij =ABij =à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Ëœnk=1AikBkj =à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Ëœnk=1AikBkj =à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Ëœnk=1AikBkj =à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Ëœnk=1AikBkj =ABij APPLICATION OF EIGEN VALUES IN FACIAL RECOGNITION How does it work? The task of facial recogniton is discriminating input signals (image data) into several classes (persons). The input signals are highly noisy (e.g. the noise is caused by differing lighting conditions, pose etc.), yet the input images are not completely random and in spite of their differences there are patterns which occur in any input signal. Such patterns, which can be observed in all signals could be in the domain of facial recognition the presence of some objects (eyes, nose, mouth) in any face as well as relative distances between these objects. These characteristic features are called eigenfaces in the facial recognition domain (or principal components generally). They can be extracted out of original image data by means of a mathematical tool called Principal Component Analysis (PCA). By means of PCA one can transform each original image of the training set into a corresponding eigenface. An important feature of PCA is that one can reconstruct reconstruct any original image from the training set by combining the eigenfaces. Remember that eigenfaces are nothing less than characteristic features of the faces. Therefore one could say that the original face image can be reconstructed from eigenfaces if one adds up all the eigenfaces (features) in the right proportion. Each eigenface represents only certain features of the face, which may or may not be present in the original image. If the feature is present in the original image to a higher degree, the share of the corresponding eigenface in the sum of the eigenfaces should be greater. If, contrary, the particular feature is not (or almost not) present in the original image, then the corresponding eigenface should contribute a smaller (or not at all) part to the sum of eigenfaces. So, in order to reconstruct the origi nal image from the eigenfaces, one has to build a kind of weighted sum of all eigenfaces. That is, the reconstructed original image is equal to a sum of all eigenfaces, with each eigenface having a certain weight. This weight specifies, to what degree the specific feature (eigenface) is present in the original image. If one uses all the eigenfaces extracted from original images, one can reconstruct the original images from the eigenfaces exactly. But one can also use only a part of the eigenfaces. Then the reconstructed image is an approximation of the original image. However, one can ensure that losses due to omitting some of the eigenfaces can be minimized. This happens by choosing only the most important features (eigenfaces). Omission of eigenfaces is necessary due to scarcity of computational resources. How does this relate to facial recognition? The clue is that it is possible not only to extract the face from eigenfaces given a set of weights, but also to go the opposite way. This opposite way would be to extract the weights from eigenfaces and the face to be recognized. These weights tell nothing less, as the amount by which the face in question differs from typical faces represented by the eigenfaces. Therefore, using this weights one can determine two important things: Determine, if the image in question is a face at all. In the case the weights of the image differ too much from the weights of face images (i.e. images, from which we know for sure that they are faces), the image probably is not a face. Similar faces (images) possess similar features (eigenfaces) to similar degrees (weights). If one extracts weights from all the images available, the images could be grouped to clusters. That is, all images having similar weights are likely to be similar faces.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Character of Shylock in The Merchant of Venice :: Free Merchant of Venice Essays

The Character of Shylock in The Merchant of Venice Often, The character Shylock, in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, is portrayed as a beastly monstrosity, with a lust for Antonio's life. Through a more careful examination it can be determined that Shylock was an upstanding member of his community, who endured abuse, forgave easily, and upheld the customs and law. Shylock endured much of Antonio's abuse, overt a long period of time. This can be seen by the sheer volume of disgraces he has bore. A good example is in Act 3 Scene 1, beginning with line 52: "He hath disgraced me half a million, laughed at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies..." -Shylock Shylock had such a magnanimous spirit, that he even offered Antonio, who had abused him terribly, a loan, free of interest. Shylock was willing to loan money to one who totally ruined him in public, on terms that were nicer than his normal business terms. This kind, forgiving heart can be seen in Act 1 Scene 3 beginning with line 148: "Why, look how you storm ! I would be friends with you and have your love, forget the names that you have stained me with, supply your present needs and take no doit of usance for my moneys, and you'll not hear me! This is kind I offer." -Shylock Often, this quote from Act 3 Scene 1 line 83, "Why, there, there, there, there! A diamond gone cost me two thousand ducats in Frankfurt! The curse never fell upon our nation till now, I never felt it till now. Two thousand ducats in that and other precious, precious, jewels! I would my daughter were dead at my foot and the jewels in her ear;" portraying Shylocks' treatment of his daughter, after she ran away, is manipulated to make Shylock seem beastly. But, within the Jewish culture and the time period, his response was appropriate. After his daughter ran away, she was, for all intents and purposes, disowned. Thusly, the theft of

The Style of Alan Bennett’s Talking Heads :: Talking Heads

The Style of Alan Bennett’s Talking Heads Bennett states in his introduction that "forms....dictate themselves" and that material demands to be "written in a particular way and no other". Each of the characters, according to the author has a "single point of view" and none is "telling the whole story". He says that his characters are "artless" and "don't quite know what they are saying". It is true that this is so. We, the listeners, can make conjectures about all of them. Graham's ambiguous sexuality, Susan's alcoholism and Muriel's perverted husband are not revealed directly through any statements made to us. They are hinted at by what is left unsaid or by what is obliquely inferred. In a very real sense, though, this is true to life and Bennett cleverly constructs each monologue to be as realistic as possible. In speaking to an inanimate object - the camera - each character is, so to speak, alone. The audience is not "there", as far as the speaker is concerned. Better still, the camera is like a hidden priest in a confess ional. Each person is able to speak quite frankly to the anonymous listener. If we make judgements we have no means of interaction. This is not a two - way process of confidential gossip, for none of the characters expect a reply. Bennett lets his characters reveal themselves openly and we are left to form our own opinions of them. He calls the style "austere" and so it is, for there is no authorial decoration of expression. What each character actually says is all we are given to work on and we must sift the inner meanings for ourselves. One of the author's most impressive gifts is his ear for idiom. All of the characters use an idiomatic turn of phrase exactly suited to their lifestyles and backgrounds. Bennett's use of cliché is extensive, each character again using appropriate language with regard to background and upbringing. Their choice of idiom is often very funny, sometimes intentionally, as in the case of Susan's "Hazflor" episode and sometimes unintentionally, as in Doris's "Love God and close all gates". It is difficult to categorise the form of these stories. Bennett calls them monologues, which, strictly speaking, they are, but he also says that several of them could be plays.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Character of Safie in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay -- Franken

The Character of Safie in Frankenstein      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Even though she is only mentioned in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein for a relatively brief period, the character, Safie, is very interesting as she is unique from the other characters in that her subjectivity is more clearly dependent on her religion and the culture of her nation. Contrasts can be made between the Orient and the European society which attempts to interpret it. Often, this creates stereotypes such as western feminists that have viewed "third-world" women as "ignorant, poor, uneducated, tradition-bound, religious, domesticated, family oriented, (and) victimized"(Mohanty 290). Of course, some of these things could also have said of European women of the time period, although no one would argue the point since Oriental women were viewed as being more oppressed. Strong contrasts can also be made in relation to the differences between Safie's development as a foreign character and her subjectivity as a female character in relation to those of the other female characters of the book. While the other female characters lack depth into how their religion and culture affect them, Safie's religion and Arabian culture sculpt her into a subject with feminist qualities juxtaposed against her fulfillment of European domestic ideology.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Many theorists, such as Benveniste who said, "Consciousness of self [or subjectivity] is only possible if it is experienced by contrast," argue that one's subjectivity can only exist in their relation to the Other(85). The subject's relation this "Other" depends on which aspect is being examined. For example, when dealing with gender, it would be the relationship between Man and... fulfilled the domestic ideology of   the European society. The society itself   was phallogocentric and, by nature, riddled with its own subjectivity, such as the Orientalism inherent in Europe, which attempted to examine the Orient which had "a brute reality obviously greater than anything that could be said about them in the West"(Said 304).    Works Cited    Beneviste, Emile.   "Subjectivity in Language."   Course Reader.   83-88    Mohanty, Chandra Talpade. "Under Western Eyes:   Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses."   Course Reader. 289-300    Said, Edward W.   "Introduction to Orientalism."  Ã‚   Course Reader. 303-312    Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein.  Ã‚   Ed. Johanna M. Smith.  Ã‚   Boston:   Bedford Books, 1992    Smith, Johanna M. "'Cooped Up':   Feminine Domesticity in Frankenstein."   Bedford Books, 1992 270-285    The Character of Safie in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein Essay -- Franken The Character of Safie in Frankenstein      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Even though she is only mentioned in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein for a relatively brief period, the character, Safie, is very interesting as she is unique from the other characters in that her subjectivity is more clearly dependent on her religion and the culture of her nation. Contrasts can be made between the Orient and the European society which attempts to interpret it. Often, this creates stereotypes such as western feminists that have viewed "third-world" women as "ignorant, poor, uneducated, tradition-bound, religious, domesticated, family oriented, (and) victimized"(Mohanty 290). Of course, some of these things could also have said of European women of the time period, although no one would argue the point since Oriental women were viewed as being more oppressed. Strong contrasts can also be made in relation to the differences between Safie's development as a foreign character and her subjectivity as a female character in relation to those of the other female characters of the book. While the other female characters lack depth into how their religion and culture affect them, Safie's religion and Arabian culture sculpt her into a subject with feminist qualities juxtaposed against her fulfillment of European domestic ideology.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Many theorists, such as Benveniste who said, "Consciousness of self [or subjectivity] is only possible if it is experienced by contrast," argue that one's subjectivity can only exist in their relation to the Other(85). The subject's relation this "Other" depends on which aspect is being examined. For example, when dealing with gender, it would be the relationship between Man and... fulfilled the domestic ideology of   the European society. The society itself   was phallogocentric and, by nature, riddled with its own subjectivity, such as the Orientalism inherent in Europe, which attempted to examine the Orient which had "a brute reality obviously greater than anything that could be said about them in the West"(Said 304).    Works Cited    Beneviste, Emile.   "Subjectivity in Language."   Course Reader.   83-88    Mohanty, Chandra Talpade. "Under Western Eyes:   Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses."   Course Reader. 289-300    Said, Edward W.   "Introduction to Orientalism."  Ã‚   Course Reader. 303-312    Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein.  Ã‚   Ed. Johanna M. Smith.  Ã‚   Boston:   Bedford Books, 1992    Smith, Johanna M. "'Cooped Up':   Feminine Domesticity in Frankenstein."   Bedford Books, 1992 270-285   

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Henry James started life in a wealthy family Essay

His grandfather was one of the first American millionaires. James’ father was a theologian and his brother was a psychologist. In fact, his brother, William James, was the pioneer of psychoanalysis. Around the time that James wrote ‘The Turn of The Screw’ (1897), people began to think a lot more about the inner workings of the mind. James seems especially interested in what it is that attracts humans to one another and as to when sexuality begins to shape itself in a child. An example of this is shown in one of his early novels, ‘Watch and Ward’, in which a bachelor adopts a young girl with an intention to marry her. This is also shown in ‘The Turn of The Screw’, when Miles kisses the governess. The adversary of the governess, Peter Quint, has sexually abused Miles, continuing this psychological theme. Much of James’ work is centred on the innocence of the West and the corruption and wisdom of the East. When Henry James wrote ‘The Turn of The Screw’, I believe his intention was to create a gripping, thought-provoking piece of fiction to involve the reader. He wrote entirely through the governess’ eyes so that the book would involve the reader. There is also a prologue in which the reader is included in a circle of friends telling ghost stories to one another. One man proclaims that he knows of this story and then the narrative begins in earnest. This immediately tells the reader what to expect from the story and how to approach it. However, the practice of people sitting round an open fire and entertaining each other with ghost stories is, sadly, not common and, if it occurs at all, people tend to relate anecdotes rather than ghost stories. James has created a tense novel; he builds huge suspense by not immediately saying what is happening. He presents the story as a journal: the perceptions of the governess. This is slightly similar to ‘The Catcher In The Rye’ by J. D. Salinger. In this the main character (Holden Caulfield) pours out all his thoughts onto paper. The governess writes in a similar way, but it is subtler and more edited; James is trying to make the reader ‘live the book’. For instance, when the governess first realises that Miss Jessel is standing on the opposite side of the lake from her, James does not merely present this fact, but instead goes through all the ideas thoughts and observations of the governess in minute detail and keeps the reader in continued suspense until the revelation. Some people may have found this novel frightening in 1898 (its contemporary setting) but its setting is actually one of its downfalls in appealing to a modern audience. It is too near to real life to appeal or frighten. The modern horror audience’s taste has become increasingly extreme so that horror films and books are more fantastical. Even though they are increasingly unrealistic, this makes them more frightening and somehow involves the audience more. The basis of the Turn of The Screw is horror invading everyday life. There is a lot more exposure to horror in the present day, so this dampens the effect that this novel has on people now. People become cynical when they are over-exposed to something, such as advertising. Henry James wrote verbosely, using lots of imagery, which in most cases is profound. He uses many subordinate clauses, which can make it difficult to understand i. e. : This is written in the ‘voice’ of the governess (as a journal entry) and the choice of vocabulary shows us that she is well educated (as does the fact that she can write) but perhaps a bit nervous. It is as if she is getting hysterical just writing about the experience. This is perhaps because she is unfamiliar with the job and has never worked with children before. The old definition of hysteria was: â€Å"A nervous affection, occurring exclusively in women, in which the emotional and reflex excitability is exaggerated, and the will power correspondingly diminished, so that the patient loses control over the emotions, becomes the victim of imaginary sensations, and often falls into paroxysm or fits. † – Webster’s Dictionary This is a reminder of how women were seen and their (expected) role in society at the time the book was written. In relation to ‘The Turn of the Screw’ being a successful ghost story for a modern audience, it may be slightly outdated and perhaps ill-received in our post-feminist society. Women are no longer seen as people who should only look after domestic matters. However, it can break the ‘spell’ of the writing if you have to read a sentence twice to get the precise meaning of the writer’s idea. This can prevent people from getting involved in the story and if you are not involved, you are not enjoying the story. The imagery is open to interpretation but I believe that if you look at some of James’ imagery and can explain it with the first thought that enters your mind, you do not have James’ meaning. For instance, when Flora runs off to the lake to be with Miss Jessel and the governess and Mrs. Grose go to fetch her: The lake is a metaphor for Jessel’s evil influence and power. The governess is saying that she believes Flora can be saved because Jessel does not have complete control over her yet. The lake is also described as a â€Å"sheet of water† and a sheet can be used to hide things. Another use for a sheet which was more common in James’ time (the Victorian period) would be to cover unused furniture in one’s second home. The practice of covering all furniture is uncommon in our time. This is another factor to consider when questioning whether The Turn of the Screw is an effective ghost story for a modern audience. There are also many references to the title of the book in some imagery such as, in the same chapter, when Flora is sticking a mast in her toy boat. This again uses the governess’ non-description of the important part of the scene to build tension. Some of the imagery used still has relevance today. We are instilled with an inherent metaphoric belief that high is good and low is bad, as shown in the book with the varying positions of the governess and the spirits on the staircase. Also the metaphor ‘turning the screw’ is still an accepted term for increasing tension today. The language used may be difficult to understand for a modern audience and not many people can identify with the character, since there is not much to need for home tutors and guardians now. Parents generally have much more sociable working hours and prefer to spend the money on something more necessary. In addition, children are now required to go to school (unless they are one of the rare cases of those tutored at home. ) Many people will not personally know a governess, let alone be able to empathise with one. However, some people such as single parents (especially single mothers) may identify with feeling that sort of responsibility towards their children. The Turn of The Screw was effective in its contemporary setting. People were more superstitious at that time, because for many people life was hard, and they needed something to focus upon. More people believed in God, and for God to exist there has to be some evil in the world. There was also no entertainment except that which people made for themselves. Parlour games, telling stories or reading books were common leisure activities, since people could not just sit down in front of the television. Many of these stories were passed down from generation to generation and the most popular were ghost stories. We are fascinated with the supernatural and the unknown. It is one of the basic primal fears – the fear of the unknown – that appeals to us. The industrial revolution brought about more education for lower to middle class people and this meant there was a growing audience for books and especially fiction. People felt the need to escape from the real world. In modern times we are discouraged from this way of thinking because science has come a long way since the nineteenth century and there is no scientific evidence to suggest that these things can happen. However, fantasy books and films are popular, showing there is still an escapist desire in the human psyche, even though more people are educated and we are taught that ghosts do not exist. It seems that television has destroyed this silence and continuity. The story needs to be retold. The haunting effect of a ghost story can now be disrupted more easily because we have electricity, with which comes bright electric lights that can penetrate any unknown shadow. However, if you have a sufficiently romantic mind then the language could help involve you in the atmosphere. Also I think that people could identify with this because there are similar (perceived) dangers today. Peter Quint is a paedophile and what happens in the novel is also the stuff of nightmares for parents in modern times. However, despite these factors, I do not believe that ‘The Turn of the Screw’ is ultimately a successful ghost story for the modern audience. The situation, language and characters are too alien, yet everyday, to really involve an audience. Technology, science and education deal the final blow, destroying the audience’s connection with the heart of the story. Ed Byford In your opinion, is The Turn Of The Screw a 25/04/2007 successful ghost story for a modern audience?

Monday, September 16, 2019

Melanin-Based Racial Prejudice Essay

Do you think humans are born to be judgmental? We usually make judgments based on what we see first, and most of the time an important factor is skin color. Social racism is known as the discrimination or intolerance of people of other races or skin colors. Racism occurs in many ways; however, it is not always obvious. Where did this type of behavior begin? Racial prejudice has many causes and effects from and on society that are inevitable. There are many ideas thrown around as to how racism began, though the truth lies in the historical facts. From slavery, to imperialism, to wars, we have always felt superior towards others with different skin colors and races. â€Å"No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.† (Mandela, 1994). Racism has been a part of history for as long as humans existed and has been enhanced by early capitalism’s use of slaves for plantations and colonies. Back then, the colonists and imperialists used it as a way to show domination, but it resulted in dividing the modern world. A main factor of this division is that people who believe in stereotypes detest any communication with other races, causing a defense mechanism against them, and finally creating tension and animosity. History is proof that colored people have been treated unfairly and tortured over centuries. â€Å"Black† has always been perceived as negative. Black cats are told to be a sign of omen, black clothes are worn to funerals, and hell is pictured as a deadly place filled with darkness; these have all caused misinterpretation and created a wrong impression in people’s minds. Last, but unfortunately not least, pictures from The Holocaust -a genocide where about six million Jews were killed by the Nazis under the command of Germany’s Adolf Hitler- still haunt us (Mukherjee, 2014). Just as kids grow up imitating their parents, upcoming generations will grow up to be racists in a society where each individual thinks they are superior to everyone else if they have lighter skin. It is a never ending cycle that will most probably end in bullying. Children who grow up watching discrimination happen everywhere around them will end up feeling a need to bully classmates of othe r races. Racial discrimination has had several effects on society and employment. Studies have shown that  people with darker skin colors usually have trouble achieving ordinary goals like a job that pays well, a house in a nice neighborhood, and all the basic necessities. Why should a person with a darker skin tone suffer to obtain these essential rights and needs? The unemployment rate for African Americans in 1995 was 10.1 percent compared to 4.7 percent for white Americans (Berry, 1995). It is widely known that colored people face higher rejection rates when applying for jobs and are usually put second to whites with similar credit characteristics and also get paid less (Ross & Yinger, 1999). In addition, racism is associated with poor mental health. Studies show that the victims of bullying based on their skin color are at a greater risk of developing a range of psychological and mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. These conditions can contribute to more serious mental disorders. Therefore, eliminating racial prejudice is vital to improving mental health and emotional stability. Even though all that is happening, proper awareness is still not being taken into consideration. Racial discrimination is often practiced subconciounsly because societies from all around the world have successfully managed to mind wash generation after generation. In movies, for example, people do not realize that the African Americans usually die first. In crime scenes, they are usually the criminal. As a result of this, children are unintentionally forced to believe that dark skinned people are bad. Statistics show that majority of the public believe that African Americans are not accurately portrayed in movies. The use of offensive words regarding the Natives has become very common, as well, especially in modern rap songs. Rappers include offensive and extremely racist words in their lyrics. Another example is advertisements, and how they stress on promoting whitening beauty creams. The racism in this is not obvious, but it is obscene for the people who are not fair skinned. Finally, as a cause of predictable racism, an innocent African American man named Michael Brown was shot fatally by a police officer earlier in August this year. The protesting citizens of Ferguson remain at unrest until this very day due to the injustice that had occurred. In a nutshell, social racism has had many causes and effects throughout the years due to the growing complexity of the world around us. Racial prejudice is surely not a biological characteristic. In other words, humans do not  differentiate between races because of their genetic makeup. In an ideal world, racism would be eliminated and justice would take over. To cut a long story short, why should the amount of melanin is someone’s skin define them? Resources Mandela, N. (1994). Long walk to freedom: The autobiography of Nelson Mandela. Boston: Little, Brown. Mukherjee, R. (2014, June 18). Top 10 Reasons why Racism Still Exists – List Crux. Retrieved October 1, 2014, from

Sunday, September 15, 2019

John Locke : Second Treaties of Government Essay

John Locke was born on August 29, 1632 in England to a middle class family. He was named after his father, an educated attorney who had participated in the Civil War with the Long Parliamentary. Locke shared a great deal of affection and respect for his father. The relationship he built with his father influenced him to create his own views on education and government. His theory on education was published in 1693 titled, â€Å"Some Thoughts Concerning Education. † Locke was accepted to Christ Church College, Oxford due to father’s friendship with a member of the Long Parliament. The Long Parliment was known to challenge the monarchy in England at the time and later started the English Civil War. Locke attended Oxford for many years studying the curriculum in England and graduated with a Masters in 1658, pursuing his interests in arts. Later he became increasingly interested in the study of sciences including the study of medicine, which were on the rise in England Universities at the time. His interests in science continued to expand and he continued to apply himself to the study of medicine. While studying medicine Locke became interested in the philosophical questions of his time, including the rights of man. The rights of man deal with the powers of government to wit, government by the king through a monarchy and the power of the people through a social contract. Since 1660 Locke began to explore his interest in the natural law. Within the next couple of years he composed â€Å"Essays on the Law of Nature† written in Latin. Unfortunately for Locke his Essays were never published, these theories of law were based on two of his philosophies. First, â€Å"in order that anyone may understand that he is bound by a law, he must know before hand that there is a law. † Secondly, â€Å"there is some will on the part of that superior power, the law maker, who wishes that we do this and demands of us that the conduct of our life should be in accordance with his will. † Locke’s interest in science and medicine brought him into contact with a distinguished scientist named Robert Boyle. In 1667, Locke took a position at Lord Ashley’s household in London as a family physician, in addition to confidential advisor and secretary. In 1668, Locke assisted Lord Ashley in drafting a constitution for the colony of Carolina. In 1671, Locke began to write his greatest work, the â€Å"Essay Concerning Human Understanding. † This took nearly twenty years to complete. Since then he was deeply engaged in Shaftesbury’s political affairs as Secretary of Council a position he obtained while being a secretary for Shaftesbury. In 1675, Locke became ill and lost his position working for Shaftesbury. Due to unstable government conditions Shaftesbury fell from power and Locke was forced to leave England, choosing to recuperate in France. He spent nearly four years in Paris and Montpellier studying at medical school. During his exile in France Locke also took the time to develop his thoughts on Natural Law by composing, Two Treaties of Government. His writings deal with the development of a social contract, which is an agreement between the government and the governed. Locke later returned to England in 1679, he once again committed himself to offer services for Lord Ashley immediately upon his return to England. Four years later it was necessary for Lord Ashley to flee from England to Holland because he had supported the wrong leader during the Monmouth rebellion in 1685. Shortly after Ashley fled from England, Locke followed him and remained in Holland until the Revolution of 1688. Upon returning to England, Locke began to rapidly issue a number of his works he concluded while in Holland, the result of years of study and meditation. Among his works were the, Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Two Treatises of Government, and Letters on Toleration. His positive outlook on the importance of a mutual relationship between government and human nature, exerted an immediate and profound influence on the English. Locke’s views were immediately recognized among the English specifically his work on the Two Treatises of Government. Locke’s essay was written in such a way, to elaborate in detail about topics the people were already familiar with. Even the most uneducated candidate could recognize his premise on the philosophical views on government. Two Treatises of Government includes essays supporting the natural rights of society which guarantees our rights to life, liberty, and property. The term right, can be defined as a privilege or power, meaning a freedom or ability to do or refrain from doing something. Natural Rights, specifically emphasize the restraints that ought to exist on government with respect to individuals. This includes what a government must refrain from doing and what a government must do. In Locke’s Second Treaties of Government he discusses the natural liberty and equality of humans, which includes our natural rights to life, liberty, and property. He also determines the proper foundation of a legitimate government. Through supporting and insisting on the mutual consent given by the people of a specific society. Locke’s Theory of Natural Law was based on the moral laws societies are built on, including the establishment of peace and protection so that â€Å"no one will harm another person in their life, liberty, or possession. † Preservation of peace, equality, and independence among all people begins with, the power placed on people in a given society to obey the common laws of nature. When these powers being to get corrupted or not enforced through strict, certain, and fair punishment. The need for an elected and coherent government is required to properly secure the natural rights of peace and self preservation among a society. Locke then begins to explain to us the â€Å"natural state of man. † He describes that living among a state of nature, people in a society have the freedom to do as they please, with limitations and respects to other people. Locke states that this â€Å"state of liberty,† comes with the limitations so not â€Å"to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions. † Locke also notes that, â€Å"all men may be restrained from invading others rights and from doing hurt to one another. † By saying this he is trying to define the equalities of man and their duties to each other in a community to live in peace. If for any reason there becomes the need to seek punishment for anyone who â€Å"has shown themselves dangerous to mankind. † Through an executive power there will be opportunities available to man, not only to receive reparation for damages but to do as necessary to â€Å"secure the innocent for the future. † Locke’s theory on the â€Å"natural liberty† of man holds that â€Å"man is to be free from any superior power. † This means that for a person in a society, no other power but his own ability to do and refrain from doing is within his own will. Any limitation which requires to be placed on a behavior that is part of the natural common code of conduct, must be established through consent by the legislative power of government and for the good of all the people among the community. Locke claims that the â€Å"natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power† and to have â€Å"only the law of nature for his rule. † This means that the laws which exist are established for the people and by the people in a society. They are created for coexistence among one another and no one can enforce or take away this common practice. These natural laws were created for the good of everyone, so the people who perform up to these standards gave trust that the enacted and enforced laws will prevail on their behalf. Locke then explains the â€Å"origins of property. † He begins by confirming that although man does have a power and liberty over his life. He does not have power to dispose of his own life. In a brief statement Locke states, â€Å"Man has property in his own person† including â€Å"the labor of his body and the work of his hands. † By saying this Locke expresses his views on human nature and our ability to acquire property. He is saying that we are all property acquiring beings, and our claim or possession to this property derives from our physical work. We as individuals in a society attempt to put effort to obtain something we value, and create an appreciation for what we have through labor. So in a sense the labor of man, according to Locke is the source of all value. The amount of labor one puts into what he owns creates an appreciation of value because value is created through his labor. Since the creation of physical currency, paper money and coins, we in a society attempt to posses more property than we need to use. So people in a community are not guaranteed secure protection from this excess property. In order to protect our property and secure this right, Locke believes an elected government is needed to be established. With the consent of the people, the elected government takes responsibility to become the sole protector of their valuables. Locke’s political and legal thoughts on government created a justifiable pourpose for society to give power over to a elected ruler. First of all the â€Å"state of nature,† as described by Locke, is a society in which each man governs himself individually and there is no existence of a specific government rule. A society that lives by these laws can use their own cultural morals to govern themselves without a formal government, although every culture has their own interpretation of what is moral. Locke states otherwise in his writings in the Second Treaties of Government, to argue that an elected government by society is necessary. Thomas Jefferson later includes parts of Locke’s political philosophy when composing the Declaration of Independence. Based entirely on Locke’s theory of natural political equality, Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence became one of the most important and influential documents that created a foundation for the legislative branch of government. Locke’s focus is primarily based on the ideas of freedom and equality as a whole he believes that society should naturally possess the right to life liberty and property. These natural rights have derived from the law of nature, which are composed based on the laws of God. These laws are also known as moral laws. Locke believed that people that live in a state of nature are also living in a state of war. Since there is only the state of nature for their rule, there is no determination of what is considered equality and who has the power to balance peace. John Locke’s Two Treatise of Government also includes a definition of government, in which the people conform to the law or to rules which are entered based on logic or justification. In relation to members of society conforming to these laws, the same government must guarantee protection from taking away any of their natural rights. Locke’s view on valid government is one that confirms and supports three main natural laws of life, liberty and property. In defining political power, Locke insists that it is proper to make laws â€Å"for the regulating and preserving of property,† and adds, that it is necessary for, â€Å"the execution of such laws in the defense of the common-wealth from foreign injury. † By saying this Locke supports and confirms that an established government is needed â€Å"for the public good. † Locke explains that â€Å"the reason why men enter into society, is the preservation of their property. â€Å" He adds that the citizens of a new established government â€Å"have a right to resume their original liberty ?by the establishment of a new legislative,† when any natural rights are threatened. Locke then continues to describe the separation between the powers of government and the powers of the governed. Including what creates a community under an elected government and who determines what political actions are for the good of the entire society. This is explained further when Locke says â€Å"for when any number of men have, by the consent of every individual, made a community, they have thereby made that community one body, with a power to act as one body, which is only by the will and determination of the majority. † When entering into a established society we assume our rights to enjoy our property in peace and safety. In order to be given this opportunity, Locke believes it is first necessary to establish a Legislative power for the good of all members of a society. The legislative power is to promote and guarantee preservation of all natural rights including safety for every person among the society. This legislative power thought does not have an absolute power, instead the power is offered based on the decisions as a majority given by the members in that society. This procedure is used so that any laws created will become an obligation on the members to cooperate with them because they have consented to a legislative power. This separates a government rule with supreme power from government rule by the power of the people. Since this power is created through consideration of the common wealth of the public good. Locke’s perception of a monarchy consisted of the idea that the people of a community experienced corruption due to absolute power given to one leader, the king. This lead to vicious rule and caused the people in the society to be force to live in conditions they did not deserve. In a monarchy the king would normally use his own judgments and digression to use his appointed power for the good of himself. This results in oppressing the people and leaving no opportunity to compromise the need for change. Under a monarchy rule there was an insufficient opportunity to dispute any privileges or restrictions. Enforcing laws or withholding natural rights under a monarchy rule hold no limitations because there is no restraint on the ruling of the king. By granting the powers of government in one person this will not guarantee a fair and honest approach for the common good. So Locke attempts to discuss and examine a system that will refrain from granting the powers of government to strictly one individual. Limitation and separation of powers of the government will restrain and prevent members of government from abusing the powers of governing a society. Establishing a government through the consent of all members of society will create trust that the laws and sanctions will prevail for the common good. Locke then explains that when being born into an established government we assume our rights to enjoy our property in peace and safety. In order to be given equal opportunity to enjoy our natural rights, Locke believes it is first necessary to establish a legislative power that will consider all members of a society. The creation of a legislative power is to promote and guarantee preservation of all natural rights including safety for every person who is a participant of that community. Most of John Locke’s writing also focuses on two branches of government known as the legislative and executive power. These branches of government are based on a constitutional state, where one leader does not have the authority to absolute power. The Legislative branch of government has the function of making laws. The Executive branch has the responsibility to carry out those laws created by the Legislative branch. This is to ensure that an elected government does not use only his own digressions when establishing laws and enforcing them. Locke states that by separating the authority and responsibilities of government into two separate branches, is the first positive approach of creating a valid constitution. These powers are required to be handled for the good of all members in society, by separating these powers there is no chance that the government will become corrupted. The purpose of John Locke’s composed writings attempt to encourage the need for a government which creates a foundation for the good of all members of society. In the process of offering order and peace for the common good of all the people members of the society must follow these rules. To establish a successful government Locke believes that it is necessary to obtain consent from the entire member. The purpose of creating a specific government is due to the unstable conditions of living in a state of nature. Living in a state of nature guarantees natural rights and freedom but not safety. This is why a power needs to be placed in the hands of a member from society to maintain the peace. Although living in society like a monarchy, under the ruling of a king can create unbalance and corruption of power. To enjoy both natural rights and live under a government that will prevail on behalf of its members. Following the establishment of government Locke then explains that the powers of making laws and enforcing them cannot be placed on one person. Placing absolute power in the hands of one person will only lead to corruption and unbalance, between all the members in the society. For this reason Locke requires a separation of powers among all government activity. This will balance and maintain a system that will stabilized living conditions for all the members of society. REFRENCES: Christie C. George, Martin H. Patrick. (1995). Jurisprudence; Text & Readings on the Philosophy of Law (3rd Edition). Natural Rights, Human Rights: John Locke (pgs 284 -342). St. Paul, MN : West Publishing Company.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Art and Power Essay

When a sub-culture becomes dominant in society, it is said to have attained hegemony. A hegemonic subculture has the power to convince the vast majority of people that its ideas are the best right mainstream ones. It can also brand other subcultures and their ideas as deviant. Hence, a hegemonic power has control over ideas in society and shapes the way society thinks. They can come in the form of institutions in society, and hegemonic ideas tend to be those of the ruling class in society. Art which the ruling class favors comes to be known as high art. Because the ruling classes want to preserve their privileged social position, their attitudes tend to be deeply conservative. One feature of art sponsored by power factions in society is that it tends to be highly ornate and decorative. Art serves as a way for these people to show off their material wealth and power. This takes the system of patronage, where wealthy patrons of art sponsor skilled artists and commission works. Sub-cultures can also achieve hegemony without having real wealth, political power, or being at the top of the social ladder. However, they still tend to be affiliated with the ruling class in society (if now how are they to be influential?). For examples, art academies, such as the French Academy, Academie de beau-arts came to dominate the art world through the Baroque, Rococo and Neoclassical periods. These academies receive government support and had the power to determine what constituted â€Å"high† serious, socially approved art. Art was therefore expected to conform to the rigid principles established by the academies. One reason for the founding of the French Academy was to distinguish ‘true’ artists from mere craftsmen. The crowning achievement for any artist at that time would have been to become a member of the Academy, an acknowledged expert with the power to dictate artistic principles. This is therefore an institution of the artworld.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Can Facebook Ruin Romantic Relationships Research Paper - 1

Can Facebook Ruin Romantic Relationships - Research Paper Example There have been advantages of Facebooking like the ones spelt above. It is a site where people can have fun that includes sharing old and new photos (Persimmons). By use of its online chat room, there is creations and nurturing of numerous relationships. It has also mobilized participation of people in campaigns and social events. This has culminations by saying that it enhances collaboration and further strengthens social interaction within a community. However, Facebook has accusations of ruining relationships that are romantically based and sufficient evidence has been sufficed to explain this sad phenomenon. Facebook has been prescribed for use with one’s beloved family but it is bad for relationships (Persimmons). One of the reasons that have been brought forward to explain Face book’s tendency to ruin relationships is that it fuels jealousy tendencies and weird behaviour in people who are in relationships (Persimmons). An example is when a man/woman in a relationship updates his/her Facebook status and the comments he/she gets are of sexual nature but leaning towards a joke. This might lead to the partner getting upset and the result is relationship breakdown. Jealousy undermines relationships and Facebook can be a good cause of such jealousy tendencies. People have therefore become victim to this jealousy tendency in their relationship setups. Facebook also has a profile section that has a relationship personal status section. The site tells everyone whenever a person changes his or her status. Anxiety is created whenever such a thing is changed (Persimmons). For example, when somebody is casually dating another person, his or her status reads ‘it is complicated’. In reality, altering one’s relationship status leads top very harsh and uncomfortable relationships coupled with suspicious conversations that kill the morale of continuing with any given relationship.        Ã‚