Thursday, June 6, 2019

The main purpose Essay Example for Free

The main purpose EssayBusinesses have operative argonas so that the traffic can stay organized. Functional areas are the line of business broken down in to small areas so it becomes easier for the business to be looked after. The main purpose of functional areas is to ensure that all important business activates are carried out efficiently. if the business is to achieve its aims and objectives. In addition, specific areas will be responsibility for supporting specific types of aims and objectives. (BTEC first 2nd edition business). Functional areas ample business organisations like Tate and Lyle divide themselves into different functional areas, this is because they have to be well organised to make all their aims and objectives possible and to make it an even easier repose to work so that it can be more productive. There are different teams of people who are split into different functional areas so they are able to make the business operate more efficiently. All of the fun ctional areas arent dependent on each other but have to work closely together for Tate and Lyle to operate.(http//www. coursework. info/GCSE/Business_Studies/Functional_areas_within_business_L65336. html) There are seven different functional areas in a business 1. Finance 2. Administrations. 3. I. C. T. 4. Marketing. 5. Sales. 6. search and Development. 7. Customer swear outs. 8. valet de chambre Resources. 9. Disterbution. 10. Production. These are the ten main functional areas in a business. Finance for NHS is given by the government and the government recives bullion from tax payers. Finance is one of the functional areas in a business.Finace deals with all the money in the flowing through the business. Finance studies and addresses the ways in which individuals, businesses, and organizations raise, allocate, and use monetary resources over time, taking into beak the risks entailed in their catchs. The term finance may thus incorporate any of the following The study of mon ey and other assets The management and control of those assets * Profiling and managing project risks As a verb, to finance is to provide funds for business. (http//encyclopedia. thefreedictionary. com/finance).Administration is withal a functional area in a business that deals with keeping cross of all the transactions that take place. In business, administration consists of the performance or management of transactions and other matters, and the making and implementing of major decisions. Administrator can coif as the title of the General Manager or Company Secretary who reports to a corporate board of directors. This use is archaic. (http//encyclopedia. thefreedictionary. com/Administrations) I. C. T is used in close to business to help make paper work easier and makes it easier to keep records.Director General of NHS IT Richard sodbuster gave some insights into his approach for realizing the aims and objectives set out in Delivering twenty-first century IT supports for the N HS in June 2002. Referring to the publication, he said that when he started last October he inherited a working paper not an implementation plan. In his view, in the past, NHS ICT-based projects had largely stuck at the features phase, which meant that the NHS rarely got to the benefits stage. He described the pitfall of spending a long time, often years, in the specification phase, which does not allow for the half-life of ICTs.By the time a specification is agreed and a solution procured, technology has moved on and the solution no longer delivers the current requirement. Mr. Granger clearly intends the NHS to get to the benefits stages of all its ICT procurements in the National Programmer for IT. ( http//www. bjhc. co. uk/news/1/2003/6001. htm) Research and Development is also a functiomal area in business. Research and development is done so your bussiness can provide in that respect clients changing needs. Research and development How to anticipate and adapt to your customer s changing requirements.Find out near non-financial schemes and networks to help your business with research and development. * Credits and allowances can reduce your tax bill if you spend money on RD. (http//www. businesslink. gov. uk/bdotg/action/layer? topicId=1073859020) Customer utility Customer service is involved with dealing with customer enquires and certain(p) problem that may arise with complaints, this is customer services comes in and deals with the problem solving of certain things that a customer may face. Good Customer Services = Satisfaction. Good customer service is the lifeblood of any business.You can offer promotions and slash prices to bring in as many new customers as you want, but unless you can get some of those customers to come back, your business wont be profitable for long. Good customer service is all about bringing customers back. And about sending them away happy happy enough to pass positive feedback about your business along to others, who may th en try the product or service you offer for themselves and in their turn become repeat customers. (http//sbinfocanada. about. com/od/customerservice/a/custservrules. htm) Customer Service Software flight of steps deck the way to provide good customer services.What is Good Customer Care, its something that makes your customers Happy to do business with you Customer Satisfaction, use Flight deck and be amazed how easy it is (http//www. flightdeckcrm. co. uk/customer-service-definition. aspx) Marketing Marketing is all about meeting customres needs. it Is a functional area in a businesses, markiting looks at the four ps wich are prouduct, prise, promotion and place. These are the four ps that the food marketing departmant has to look at through the customers eyes. Marketing research research that gathers and analyzes discipline about the moving of good or services from producer to consumer.Market research is broader in scope and examines all aspects of a business environment. It as ks questions about competitors, market structure, government regulations, economic trends, technological advances, and numerous other factors that make up the business environment. (See Environmental scanning. ) Sometimes the term refers more particularly to the financial digest of companies, industries, or sectors. In this case, financial analysts usually carry out the research and provide the results to investment advisors and potential investors.(http//encyclopedia. thefreedictionary. com/marketing+research) Sales Sales are also a functional area in a business and businesses. Sales are the exchange of a good or a service for money e. g. card, cash and check. Sales, or the activity of selling, form an integral part of commercial activity. It could be argued that it is the cornerstone of business as it is the meeting of buyers and sellers and all other areas of business has the goal of making that meeting successful. Mastering sales is considered by many as some sort of persuading art.On the contrary, the methodological approach of selling refers to it as a systematic process of repetitive and measurable milestones, by which a salesperson relates his offering enabling the buyer to visualize how to achieve his goal in an economic way. (http//encyclopedia. thefreedictionary. com/sales) forgiving recourses Human recourses are functional areas in a business and it is for the employees (staff) of the business. Human recourses is in charge of recruiting new employees for the business and ensuring that the employee is trained and is equal for the vacancy available.Human recourses aim to keep good and experienced workers so that business has a low staffs turn over, all employees have needs and expectations, barely like customers the business has to look after it staff, this benefits the business because the staff be come more motivated because there needs are being meet. Human resources are the field of personnel recruitment and management. The person employed in a business or organization is staff. The number one glossary wind and question that people request is What is the definition of human resources? William R.Tracey, in The Human Resources Glossary defines Human Resources as The people that staff and operate an organization as contrasted with the financial and material resources of an organization. The organizational function that deals with the people Long a term used sarcastically by individuals in the line organization, because it relegates humans to the comparable category as financial and material resources, human resources will be replaced by more customer-friendly terms in the future. (http//humanresources. about. com/od/glossaryh/f/what_hr.htm).Disterbution Disterbution basically is the goods getting diliverd to the right location, right time and in good codition. Disterbution functions Ensuring all goods are appropriately stored before dispatch Ensuring goods for dispatch are securely packed and decently labeled Checki ng vehicle loads are safe and secure Ensuring goods are dispatched at the right time Checking that all deliveries match orders precisely and notifying sales if there are a discrepancy Completing the delivery document Planning and scheduling vehicles routes.Notifying sales staff of delivery schedules so that customers can be sure * Dealing with distribution problems e. g. through bad weather or vehicles brake down. (BTEC first 2nd edition business) Production Production is the making of the product or good. return could be one of the flowing Manufacturing, a branch of industry that processes raw materials into finished goods for sale. Production, costs, and pricing, in microeconomics, the act of making things.Mass production, the large-scale production of standardized products using an assembly line. (http//en. NHS functional areas are Finance Administrations. I. C. T. Research and Development. Customer Services.Human Resources. HMV functional areas a re Finance Administrations. I. C. T. Marketing. Sales. Research and Development. Customer Services. Human Resources. Production. AGRICULITURE farms functional areas are Finance Administrations. I. C. T. Research and Development. Customer Services. Human Resources. OXFAMS functional areas are Finance Administrations. I. C. T. Marketing. Sales. Research and Development. Customer Services. Human Resources. Disterbution.

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