Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Strategic Human Resource Management

strategical Human Resource ManagementINTRODUCTIONstrategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) is a subject that is in continues phase of transition, from its first off emergence in the mid-1980s. In past two decades many authors, theorists and consultants suggested phase of theories and com identifyer simulations which great deal be matter-of-factly applied in the organization to manage concourse much than rough-and-readyly. However, according to Legge (1995) and Grantton et al (1999) cited by (Michael Armstrong 2004 1) there is often a gap in the midst of rhetoric of SHRM and reality. Therefore, the main fierceness of this assignment is on the practical execution of these theories and models with the particular reference to Telenor Pakistan (Subsidiary of Telenor ASA, Nor proficient smart).For the better attending of the strategical HRM it is essential to know the basic image of HRM it crumb be defined as strategicalal and coherent approach to the management of an organizations most rich as executes the stack on the job(p) there who collectively and individu wholey contri merelyes to the doing of its objectives. (Armstrong and Baron 2003 3).Development of SHRMIn the stopping superman 15 grades SHRM has grown canvasably. According to Schuler et al. (2001) the culture of SHRM is two phased transformation from personnel management to traditional homo imagery management (THRM), and then from THRM to SHRM.To belong in the cut-throat competition, organization HR mustiness focus on a refreshed fortune of priorities, which atomic number 18 more business and strategic orient such as flexible workforces, quality improvement, team- found draw off of work designs, employee empowerment and incentive compensation.Definition of SHRMStrategy is derived from the Greek word strategia, which means Generalship. The term strategic has been borrowed from the military and qualifying for the use in business. In business, as in the military, dodging bridges the gap amid insurance and tactics. To stay puther, strategy and tactics bridge the gap between ends and means. (http// spite of high focus paid by different scholars the term SHRM still remains unclear. Some theorists have suggested SHRM as an outcome, others have suggested it as a process, and other scholars have recommended it as a combination of both(prenominal) outcome and process.As an outcome, (W redress and McMahan 1992) cited by (Armstrong 2004 41) defined SHRM as the pattern of planned HR deployments and activities intended to enable a bulletproof to achieve its goals. Likewise, (Snell et al 1996 62) described SHRM to be organizational schemes designed to achieve sustainable competitive advantages through spate.As a process, (Ulrich and Lake 1991) defined SHRM a process of linking HR course sessions to business strategy. Furthermore, (Bamberger and Meshoulam 2000) suggest that SHRM is a competency-bas ed approach to personnel management that focuses on the development of durable, imperfectly imitable, and non-tradable race elections. Cited by (Chang and Huang 2005 436)Truss and Gratton (1994) Considered SHRM both process and outcome, and defined SHRM as the linkage of HR offices with strategic goals and organizational objectives to improve business death penalty and cultivate an organizational culture that fosters innovation and flexibility. Cited by (Chang and Huang 2005 436)Michael Armstrong ultimately defines strategic HRM as an approach to making decisions on the intentions and plans of the organisation in the shape of the policies, programmes and practices concerning the employment relationship, resourcing, learning and development, performance management, reward and employee relations. (Armstrong, 2006 115).In the absence of a common definition, broadly theorists and Authors have been reached to an agreement on its basic function of SHRM, which encompasses designing and implementing a set of intern on the wholey consistent policies and practices that en intrusted the military manity capital of a firm contributes to the achievement of its business objectives (Schuler MacMillan 1984, Baird Meshoulam 1988, Jackson Schuler 1995) cited by (Wei, L. 2006 49).APPLICATION OF MODELS AND THEORIESThe chosen organisation is Telenor Pakistan (100% owned underling of Telenor ASA, Norway). The Human Resource discussion section is known as Human Capital Di survey at Telenor Company regards employees as tender-hearted capital from which a go through rout out be attained by investing prudently in their development. This concept of managing population is in like manner supported by authors like Fomburn at el 1984 and Guest 1999 cited by (Armstrong 2004 7)Background of Telenor PakistanTelenor Pakistan is adept of the leading mobile net plant in the country, 100% owned by Telenor ASA-(Norway) and adds on to its trading operations in Asia together with T hailand, Malaysia and Bangladesh. Telenor launched its operations in March 2005 headed by the CEO Tore Johnson as the single largest direct European investment in Pakistan.Telenor spread across Pakistan, creating 2,200 direct and 20,000-plus corroboratory employment opportunities.( facts slightly Telenor-ASA GroupEmploys more than 34,000 people worldwide.Ranked as 7th largest mobile operators in the world.Ranked 5th in strain Weeks 2007 global ranking of the top 100 performers in the technology industry, beating Microsoft, Apple and NokiaRecorded r pull downues of NOK 91.1 billion (USD 15.9 billion) at the end of 2006 a 37% development comp ard to 2005( PK has been consistently profitable with highest customer satisfaction. This success is reflected in the Revenues increased by 31% and estimated market sh argon increased by 4%. In the year 2007 Telenor has won many prestigious awards like PSHRM (Pakistan Society of Human Resources Ma nagement) Preferred Graduate Employer Award 2007, the best brand award, and the most Innovative Mobile hooker at the 6th SAARC Communication Industry Conference 2007,The above landmarks be the true reflection of motivated and closely developed human recourse. This can be associated with the dedication and professional excellence of Telenor employees towards the ultimate goal customer delight( Application of Valuing HRTo get the insight of how Telenor Pakistan practices Strategic HRM, first it would be appropriate to know the meaning of SHRM. In 1986 Hendry and Pettigrew suggested that strategic HRM has four meaningsThe use of planningA coherent approach to the design and management of personnel systems based on an employee policy and manpower strategy with underlying philosophyMatching HRM activities and policies to some explicit business strategy andSeeing the employees as a strategic resource for the achievement of competitive advantage(Cited by Arm strong, 2006 114).As the test of fire can besides produce the fine steel the application of Hendry and Pettigrew can be reflected by the real manikin when implementation of planning, good management of human resource brought the Telenor back on track right after the vignette controversy of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Jan-06, things got worse for Telenor Pakistan. This incident caused outrage in the Islamic world expirying in consumer boycott for weeks, numerous demonstrations and other protests. In Pakistan collect to the western image of Telenor, it became one of the earliest victims of this incidence, resulting drastic slump in sales, and complete abandon of all market campaigns.The situation was so critical that Telenor has to even off some crucial decisions as the company had to announce annual salary increments and yearly bonus due after the performance appraisal of past year. receivable to the heavy losses and limited funds, it was tough for thee management to pay out the annual bonus to staff. However, analysing the situation closely company decided to pay it out, since it was the right of employee who worked hard in past year.This action of Telenor really standout as other companies has decided otherwise. This made the employee more faithful and loyal towards the company.Furthermore, company was in thumping dilemma to go for downsizing or not. Lay off would be the common way for other but Telenor decided to retain all the employees this was even against the employees expectation, as most of the sales people has nothing to do at that time. Yet again to encourage the employees moral and develop their faith in the organization took this bold step. These practical examples can be seen as true picture of how Human capital division regard the people as the most valuable assets for the organisation.Creating Conducive EnvironmentMcGregor in 1960 at the MIT Sloan School of Management came up with two sets of assumptions round human nature (see the Ta ble below). McGregor called these two contrary sets surmisal X and Theory Y with the assumptions underlying that people at work argon negative for theory X and people at work are positive degree and progressive for theory Y.Table of Assumptions Theory X and Theory YOutdated (Theory X)Modern ( Theory y)Assumptions about people areAssumptions about people at work or so people dislike work they do avoid it when they can.Work is natural activity, like play or rest.Most people must be coerced and threatened with punishment before they will work. People require close direction when they are workings.People are dependent of self-direction and self-control if they are committed to objectives.Most people actually prefer to be directed. They tend to avoid responsibility and exhibit little ambition. They are interested only in security.People primarily become committed to organisational objectives if they are rewarded for doing so.The typical employee can learn to accept and seek respo nsibility.The typical part of the general population has imagination, ingenuity and creativity .Source http// need/mcgregor/Being one of the modern organizations Telenor PK human capital division operates with the norms of theory Y. In one of the interviews, CEO Telenor Pakistan Tore Johnsen said At Telenor Pakistan our philosophy is to unlock the hidden human potential by edifice expertise and by providing an arouse milieu. Telenor is a young organization with an average employee age of 27 years which means that we are interested in come acrossing young talent and armament it with the competencies that the fastest growing network requires in one of the fastest growing mobile markets in the world.(http// beseechCenter/pressrelease.php?release=97lang=en)Telenor HR managers always put high emphasis on incessant customer-centred and employee-driven expansion such kind of encouraging atmosphere bewilders employees more confident and allow ed them to work freely, whereby they can issue their own initiatives to set upcoming direction for the organization which attains competitive advantage.Benefiting Employees to Create Competitive EdgeSRHM is developed in three important phases. All of them toy with vital wideness to understand the subject and these three phases were the human relations movement, the total quality management movement, and the contingency approach to management.Theories forwarded by Elton Mayo, Douglas McGregor and Mary Parker Follett were most influential in the human relations movement. Mayo suggested managers to look deep into the emotional side of the employees. On the other hand Follett argued that managers should inspire and stimulate job performance instead of just now demanding it. She also emphasised on quality circles employee empowerment.(http// viewpoints instigate new way of thinking about human nature behaviour. HR managers in Telenor Pakistan hold tight to these views by providing flexible working environment to staff and hiring only those employees who can understand the companys strategy. Staffs are benefited by profit sharing and incentive schemes which can keep them focused to work more efficiently.Taking the high care of emotional side of employees, one of the benefits that company come throughs is the free medical treatment policy which is exactly the same for all the staff e.g. from president to subaltern officer all are entitled for same health benefits.Talking to the local press Nayab Baig (VP HCD) said we believe in continuous improvement of employees and taking the standards of service to the utmost levels of excellence. ( skills According to (Kreitner and Kinicki 2004 6) there are 11 skills exhibited by effective managers, as shown belowIn Telenor above mentioned skills are often displayed by the HR managers to deal with the em ployees in order to induce high performance and employee morale. notwithstanding these skills also play a vital agency in building the climate of trust and motivation among the team members.Lower turnover rate from all the departments of the company as compared with other telecom operators and consistency with higher employees satisfaction, are the factors that exhibit the high involvement and administrative expertise of HR managers in Telenor.To set e very(prenominal) staff member in the same direction Human capital Division uses the technique known as Hochin which means compass to hold back the direction. To enhance the communication level Telenor operates Open environment in offices, whereby there are no cabin for senior staff and every employee from president to junior officer need to work on the same floor. This also inculcates fun and informal culture in the company.With the divine service of clear communication managers make convinced(predicate) that companys vision and mission, as well as job description are clear to the employees. To provide the feedback on employees performance there is automated IT-system known as TDP (Telenor Development process). This helps company to use performance relationships that can achieve the purpose SHRM to make believe competitive advantage.Employee MotivationTerence Mitchell in 1972 proposed a model that provides the basis for how motivation among staffs influences job behaviours and performance. Following is the model which combines the elements from different motivational theories to explain the relationship between motivation and job performance. As mentioned in the below diagram, employees bring set of unique characteristics to the work place, such as their ability, emotions, moods, job knowledge, traits and set, these individual set of skills are then enhanced by the motivational process and transformed into the job performance.Individual inputsAbility, job knowledgeDispositions and traitsEmotions, moods, and affect beliefs n take to beSkillsMotivated behaviourFocus direction, what we do. Intensity effort, how hard we tryQuality task strategies, the way we do it.Duration persistence, how long we stick to it.PerformanceMotivational ProcessArousal Attention Intensityand Direction persistenceJob context tangible environmentTask designRewards and reinforcementSupervisory support ancoachingSocial norms and organisation cultureEnable, limitSource TR Mitchell, Matching Motivational Strategies with Organisational Contexts, in look in Organisational Behaviour, Vol19, ends LL Cummings and BM Staw (Greenwich, CT JAI Press, 1997) P 63.To motivate the employees at all levels Telenor offers competitive pay, excellent benefits and exceptional advancement opportunities. With the caring atmosphere Telenor provides relaxed and enriching working environment. Furthermore, schooling and march on education programs ensure a high professional standard amongst all staffs.Such motivational tools pull in bunch of talented and loyal workforce which plays a crucial role in the organizations ongoing business success.Moreover, to get the 100% commitment from the employees Telenor uses following management criteria for all managers for annual evaluations. They are(a) Passion for business (b) transmit and constant renewal (c) Operational excellence (d) Empower people (e) Integrity.Source http// 2Role of the HR dieAccording to (Armstrong 2003 38) The role of HR function is to enable the organization to achieve its objectives by taking initiatives and providing guidance and support on all matters relating to its employees. Moving one step further Michael Armstrong emphases on basic aim of HR function which is to deal effectively with everything concerning the employment and development of people and the relationship that exist between management and workforce.As the personnel standards (Lead Body 1993) cited by (Armstrong 2003 39) suggested th at Personnel management is exercised as a part of full management process and cannot be viewed in isolation. Although a support activity it must be proactive. It must promote business solutions that take advantage of opportunities stemming from business issues just as it must find solutions to apparent constraints.Activities of HR functionsAccording to (Mithis and jackson 2006 6) the HR function becoming transactional as organizations compete globally. Furthermore they have suggested seven place HR activities which ideally the every FR function should perform in the organization, those activities are as followsStrategic HR managementEqual employment opportunityStaffingHR developmentCompensation benefitsHealth, safety and securityEmployee and labour relationsBy combining the HRM function with business strategy, SHRM creates more efficient and effective arrangement and utilization of human resources to attain the organizational goals, and which helps organization to gain a competiti ve advantage.Telenor Pakistan has developed strong relationships among teams, which helps in creating high levels of coordination and therefore instigating high levels of quality and performance efficacy. This is only possible because of HR function is performing the required tasks within the organization.All the HR activities mentioned above are critical for the success of Telenor and theses activities are often displayed by the Telenor leadership at the top and the frontline managers, to create an environment in which employees can achieve the level of excellence, by not only performing their jobs effectively but also developing their skills and capabilities to the ever changing demands of contemporary organization.The main focus of SHRM is to develop the firms capability in order to deal with transports in an orthogonal environment through a better utilization of human resources. Telenor Pakistan has embedded this strategy in their hollow out business, so the company can respo nd quickly to external changes.HR Function ModelsThere have been many attempts to categorize the work of the HR function in order to analyze its verity, diversity and complexity. One of the oldest and maybe one of the best models was proposed by Karen Legge in 1978 cited by (Marchington and Wilkinson 2005 131). In 1986 Tyson and Fell came up with their own building Site analogy in which they have identify three roles for the personal function. However, Tyson and Fell (1986, p24) rejected the assumption that HR assumes great maturity as it develops along the continuum.Storey (1992) forwarded another model which was updated by Caldwell (2003). This model proposes fourfold map based on two dimensions the degree to which HR is strategic or operational, and the extent to which it intervenes and has a high profile. (Marchington and Wilkinson 2005 131-132)Author (date)Categories for the HR rolesReasons for distinctionLegge (1978)Conformist innovatorDeviant innovatorProblem-solverRelating the work of HR to the values and norms of the organisationLooks for new innovation often based on social values not economic onesIdentifying and resolving problemsWays to gain power and influenceTyson Fell (1986)Clerk of the worksContracts managerArchitectPredominately administrative serving the require of line managersOften where systems and procedures and heavily formalised involving industrial relationsGreater desegregation into corporate strategy HR planning and development are importantTime-span for decision-makingDegree of discretionInvolvement of HRStory (1992)Caldwell (2003)HandmaidenRegulatorAdviserChange-marketProvide a service to meet the demands of the line managersMainly implicated with managing problems and discontentOperate at strategic level, provide support for line-managers and work to help shape policies and practicesInternal consultant leaving much of HR practice to line managersLevel-strategic or tacticalDegree of interventionismUlrich (1998)Administrative supportEmployee geniusChange agentBusiness quislingImproving efficiency within function and organisationImproving contribution commitment and engagement of workforceImproving the organizations ability to transform and changeImplementing and developing the strategic plans of the organisationLevel, focus and time-frameManaging processes for people(Armstrong, 2006, pp. 76-81)Ulrich in 1998 pointed out that there is sort of disconfirmation between the activities that HR perform and the real work of organization. He believes that HR should not be defined by what it does but by what it delivers. Furthermore he proposed that HR can deliver excellence in for in four different ways (a) Business partner (b) Administrative support (c) Employee champion (d) change agent.Ulrich model for the HR functionSource (Marchington and Wilkinson 2005 135)Application of ModelsAll of the above stated models hold great value in present world, but the model that fits the Telenor Pakistan HR function is comb ination of theseProposed ParadigmDeviant InnovatorArchitectRegulatorChange agentEmployee championDeviant innovatorHere the HR looks for new innovation driven from social values rather than economic ones. Telenor Human Capital Division plays this role by providing equal opportunities to all employees and providing flexibility in working hours where the staffs is studying or doing some other courses. Empowerment is the key in this role of HR, in Telenor Pakistan line managers are encouraged to delegate authority to their lower level, where by encouraging junior staff to gain confidence and develop their capabilities to cope the future day demands.ArchitectAccording to Tyson and Fell this is the most sophisticated role of Hr function it is concerned with grand designs at a senior level and the integration of HR into the broader business plans. Telenor HR managers display the quality of architect by creating the right culture in the organization e.g. open environment to promote active work and higher level of communication. Secondly operating as business managers rather than personnel professionals, those can proactively work to analyse the present and future involve of employees.RegulatorTelenor HR work as regulator by managing and resolving departmental conflicts, for example, different incentive plans for Sales and Customer services department can create discontentment among the employees, such issues are regulated by HR to compensate the staff equally. Moreover, HR develops policies practices, and level of hierarchy at which decisions are taken.Change AgentThis role of HR seeks to develop new processes culture and providing new vision to the company. Human Capital Division in HR work as change agent in a manner that it develops the organizations ability to sustain the change forces and transform vision into reality. For instance the service centres operations timings were increased from 900am to 900 pm to cater the changing demand of customers. However, t o facilitate employees company has provided conveyance allowance with higher rate of pay to keep the workforce motivated.Employee headlinerHR in Telenor performs this role by working as a representative of employees by conveying the concerns of the employees to the higher management. Furthermore, as suggested by Ulrich, HR department keep regard of things by which employees are kept motivated and will to work beyond contract when needed. For example in Telenor there is IT regulated system know as service desk, if any employee has any issue he/she can log that complaint on the system and HR will take care of that issue.Source (Marchington and Wilkinson 2005, pp 132-135)Horizontal vertical IntegrationHRM AlignAlignment of Human resources simply means integrating people management decisions with a core business strategy of the organization. By align or integrating human resources management into the organisations planning process develops and promotes strong relationship between HR a nd management. By this action of management it ensures that the management of human resources contributes towards the achievement of desired goals of company and for any shortcomings managers are held answerable for their HRM decisions.In contemporary organization like Telenor Pakistan, in routine the work requires high level of coordination and most of the work is interdependent among the employee groups. To facilitate high level of coordination and to generate quick response all the Telenor employees are trained for multitasking with very little job description, which clearly mentions one thing at the end Working for Telenor is better than working for department.This kind of HR building prevents its not my job attitude and the absence of rigid work roles develops strong partnerships between different departments and create efficacy.Why to align?Study of (Miles Snow 1984, Baird Meshoulam 1988, Wright McMahan 1992) connect to SHRM put high emphasis on creating fit between HR pr actice and business strategy. Implementation and execution of effective HR policies and the design of a HR system align with the firms overall strategy, are vital for the successful implementation of business strategies which can gain competitive advantage.(Lengnick-Hall Lengnick-Hall 1988).HR alignment increases the firm capabilities to better serve and anticipate its customers needs, aggrandizes the organisations strength to implement strategic business goals, and provides decision-makers with vital discipline for resource provisioning.Finally, it is important for the firms accountability. By regularly defining, maintaining, assessing and communicating HR goals throughout the organisation ensures that the management of human resources contributes towards the mission accomplishment. For any shortcomings managers will be liable for their HR decisions.There are the other areas as well where HR office contributes to align with mission accomplishment, such as HR function working as a consultant, for instance Telenor Pakistans HR office provide consultation to the manager rather than telling manager what he/she can or cannot do. (Wei, L. 2006)Horizontal IntegrationOne of the vital roles of Strategic HRM is create swimming integration which aims to ensure that the different elements of the HR strategy fit together and are mutually supportive. (Hendry C and Pettigrew A, 1986 2), also cited by (Michael Armstrong, 2006, p156).(Walker, J. W. 1992), described strategic HRM as the means of aligning the management of human resources with the strategic content of the business.Vertical integrationVertical integration focuses on developing a reciprocity or two-way communication between strategic planners and human resource planners in organisations (Milkovich et al., 1983).Walker, J. W. 1992 in his book Human resource strategy suggested that vertical integration is infallible to provide congruence between business and human resource strategy so that it supports the accom plishment of the business.Such two-way methods of communication results in meaningful information regarding human resource creation fed into the strategic planning process. Following is the graphical presentation of how the Horizontal and vertical integration creates an overall fit for the organization.Determinants of two Types of FitIn Telenor Pakistan Integrative strategies are executed by involving the coordination of human resource planning and the personal functions such as recruitment, training, and career management.These strategies are also practiced to minimize the cost and to instigate efficient coordination of resources to obtain their maximum output. Telenor horizontal and vertical integration goes a long way in building a team that is vibrant and well coordinated for achieving the corporate objectives and long-term goals.Moreover, Telenor practice Vertical integration, to emphasise the congruence of a HR measures with the strategy the firm is pursuing. This in long te rm can gain a competitive advantage for the organization. Telenor HR exercise vertical and horizontal integration by the help of following Hr toolsClarifies goals and objectivesEncourages participationPlanning and organisesFacilitates workProvides feedbackEmpowering and delegatesRecognises good performanceIn practice Telenor HR in many ways influence the achievement of horizontal fit and vertical fit, as achieving both kinds of fits are necessary for company to performance efficiently. More importantly the vision of Telenor is HR and customer oriented which embraces the theories and models discussed aboveOur vision is simple Were here to help. We exist to help our customers get the full benefit of communications services in their daily lives. The key to achieving this vision is a mindset where every one of us works together Making it easy to buy and use our services. Delivering on our promises. Being respectful of differences. stimulate people to find new ways.Source are the recommendations to improve the vertical and horizontal integration(a) There is nothing permanent except change likewise the top management role in TelenorStrategic Human Resource ManagementStrategic Human Resource ManagementIntroductionThis point of time when globalization become a natural phenomenon, bring human resource in a lime light. A large number of organizations viewed human resource as a source of competitive advantage. There is greater acceptance that distinctive competencies are obtained through highly developed employee skills, distinctive organizational cultures, management processes and systems. However, it is necessary to invest the concept with clear meaning. In todays highly competitive business environment, organizations cannot sustain excellent performance unless they develop a competence for rapid, continuous strategic change.According to Edward E. Lawler (2008) the source of competitive advantage has shifted in many organizati ons from reliability to innovation and flexibility. Further argue that it is a combination of the right structure and the right people that provides the foundation and tools for creating competitive and innovative organizations.Traditionally, human resource has been considered a factor only after the strategic business decisions are made. Human resource issues were not even discussed during the decision to obtain the business. One human resource executive put it succinctly when he said the line job is to tell us where the business is going and then it is up to us to find the people to develop. Companies like GM and AIG are some of the example when they sour large number of their stake because they had not considered the human resource implication of their purchase.However, companies such as IBM, GE, and Intel use of human resource management as an integral part of strategy formulation. Indeed, many companies have begun to require the human resource component in their strategic plan . Where they begun a great deal of experimentation and problem solving to decide what data are required, what issue should be considered, and how they can relate to the various aspect of the business.The major emphasis in strategic planning has doubtless been on formulation. This led to a conclusion up until 1980 that much time and thought had gone into analyzing and planning strategy yet very little into implementation. But after 1980 it changes to the effective implementation of the strategy. i.e getting people to do the right things to make strategies happen. In this respect, the human resource tools become of import and focus.Strategic Human Resource ManagementStrategic human resource management is a multipart process which is frequently developing and being studied and discussed by academics and commentators. Its characterization and associations with other aspects of business setting up and strategy is not complete and estimation varies involving writers.It has been defined as* All those activities affecting the actions of individuals in their efforts to put together and put into action the strategic needs of business. (Schuler, 1992)* The prototype of planned human resource deployments and activities anticipated to facilitate the forms to attain its goals (Wright, Macmahan, 1992)In general, Strategic human resources management is defined as the linking of HRM with strategic goals and objectives in order to improve business performance and develop organizational cultures that foster innovation and flexibility.Boxall and Purcell (2003) argue that strategic HRM is apprehensive with explaining how HRM influences organizational performance. They also point out that strategy is not the identical as strategic plans. Strategic planning is the formal procedure that takes place, generally in larger organizations, defining how things will be done. However strategy exists in all organizations even though it may not be in black and white and expressed. It defines the organizations behavior and how it tries to cope with its environment.Strategic HRM is based on HRM philosophy incorporating the concept of strategy. So if HRM is a logical approach to the management of people, strategic HRM now implies that that is done on a planned way that integrates organizational goals with policies and action sequences.Coppers Lybrand (CL) consider HRM and its development as their top priority. The administration is determined in hiring and retaining skilled and competent workers. Each worker should meet the demands of the highly competitive and growing business industry worldwide. Chairman and CEO says that the attraction and retention of people, which they consider as the highest intellectual capital is the critical objectives of CL. The Basic Architecture of HR Source Brian Becker et al. 2001Implementing StrategyThere are four generic human resource activities of all the organization1. Selection/ promotion/ attitude processExample of Chase Manhattan b ankDuring the period between 1975and 1980 the bank underwent major managerial changes key to the bank s successful turnaround from a troubled bank in the mid -70s was a careful strategic level selection and placement of executive. Historically in banking in general and specifically at chase senior level positions were based on historical precedent with old-boy net works playing a major role. Also the tradition incident based on historical precedent with old-boy net works playing a major role. Also the tradition in banking was reward those with banker skills not those with managerial skills which were implicitly considered to be less importance .Under the stress of serious performance problems chase manhattan when the trust manager retired corporate management decide that the department whose operation had been essentially stable should focus on a more aggressive growth strategy instead of seeking a veteran banker chase hired a man whose experience had been with IBM because it was fe lt he brought a strong marketing penchant to the trust department which the new strategy required.Similarly, when chase reorganized it retail banking business from a low margin operation in which the stress was care down costs of to a more expansionary business offering broader consumer financial services it hired because of his entrepreneurial skills an executive who had been a division chief of a small industrial firm and had a track record of entrepreneurial management experience.2. Reward processesGood selection is the sine qua non of performance. Once people are in job and perform however they should also be rewarded for good performance. These incumbents should also be developed to improve performance and prepare them for a new position.The linkage to reward outcomes reduces or eliminates the developmental value of appraisals. Rather than an opportunity for constructive review and encouragement, the reward-linked process is perceived as judgmental, punitive and harrowing.For example, how many people would gladly admit their work problems if, at the same time, they knew that their next pay rise or a much-wanted promotion was riding on an appraisal result? Very likely, in that situation, many people would deny or downplay their weaknesses.Nor is the desire to distort or deny the truth confined to the person being appraised. Many appraisers feel uncomfortable with the combined role of judge and executioner.3. Development processEnsuring that organization has an adequate supply of human resource talent at all levels is no easy task especially when organization is going to a rapid strategic changes. The key is to have a human resource planning system that make accurate forecast. In order to plan for the future, an accurate inventory of current human resource stock is important. This should include both the current individual performance and the future potential of an individual.4. Appraisal processA basic human tendency to make judgments about those one is working with, as well as about oneself. The human inclination to judge can create serious motivational, ethical and legal problems in the workplace. Without a organize appraisal system, there is little chance of ensuring that the judgments made will be lawful, fair, defensible and accurate. Appraisal systems began as simple methods of income justification. That is, appraisal was used to decide whether or not the salary or wage of an individual employee was justified.In many organizations but not all appraisal results are used, either directly or indirectly, to help determine reward outcomes. That is, the appraisal results are used to identify the better performing employees who should get the majority of available merit pay increases, bonuses, and promotions. fulfil PeattieIt has been seen that Food market continuous to grow rapidly since 1990 in UK. (Sue Peattie). In order to full fill the demand of the market, markets had to use all available marketing tools. Promotion is one o f the major adapted tools to maintain or increase the sales. However, more focus remains on damage base promotion. As more and more competition is coming into market. This tool needs more attention. Business tends to use different kinds of promotions to attract more and more sales. Buy one get free one free, buy three in price of one, bundle deal are good attraction for promotion.ExampleDuring 1972-82, US per capita consumption of variety meats (offal) reached a high of 5.66 lb in 1977 and then declined to 4.21 lb in 1982. The objective of this market test was to measure the effects of promotional and merchandising strategies on food store sales of selected beef/pigment variety meats. Promotion took place in 8 test stores of one food chain in three test markets (Salina, Topeka, and Wichita, Kansas) during three eight-week test periods (TP). Promotional and merchandising strategies tried were (1) a special clearly designated display section for variety meats (2) point of purchase (P OP) price signs (3) colored wall posters (4) POP nutritional information and recipes (5) newspaper advertising at two conventional supermarkets (6) in-store advertising at all stores (7) price specials (8) personal salesmanship and (9) product taste samples. Average weekly sales (lbs) of total variety meats increased in every test store from TP-1 to TP-2. Sales of 5 beef items (heart, liver, sweetbreads, tripe and oxtail) increased significantly. Retail sales increased 9.6% in the test stores compared to a 6.0% seasonal increase in purchases by all stores associated with a wholesale supplier (AWG). A seasonal decline in lbs of variety meats sold of 19.6% in test stores from TP-2 to TP-3 was matched by a 19.1% drop in wholesale purchases by all stores. Promotion in TP-2 increased retail sales over those of TP-1, but continued promotion in TP-3 did not lead to further sales increases.(Source http// HRM and hum an capital managementMany writers have argued that strategic HRM and human capital management (HCM) is one and the same thing, and certainly the concept of strategic HRM matches that of the broader explanation of HCM comparatively well as the following definition of the main features of strategic HRM by Dyer and Holder (1998) shows * Organizational level because strategies involve decisions about key goals, major policies and the distribution of resources they be inclined to be formulated at the top. * Focus strategies are business-driven and focus on organizational effectiveness gum olibanum in this perspective people are viewed first and foremost as capital to be managed in the direction of the achievement of strategic business goals. * manikin strategies by their extraordinarily nature provide unifying frameworks which are at once broad, contingency-based and integrative. They incorporate a full accompaniment of HR goals and activities planned specifically to fit extant envi ronments and to be commonly reinforcing or synergistic.This argument has been based on the information that both HRM in its appropriate sense and HCM rest on the supposition that people are treated as assets rather than costs and both focus on the importance of adopting an integrated and strategic move toward to managing people which is the concern of all the stakeholders in an organization not just the people management role. However, the perception of human capital management complements and strengthens the idea of strategic HRM relatively replaces it. (Armstrong and Baron, 2002)Strategic HRM could consequently be viewed as the essential framework within which these estimation, reporting and management course of action take place and make sure that they are iterative and communally reinforcing. Human capital consequently informs and in turn is shaped by strategic HRM but it does not substitute it.Strategic HRM and business performanceSince the mid 1990s, CIPD and others have been generating evidence for the impact of people management practices on business performance. Much emphasis has been put on the importance of fit. In other words it is argued that HR strategies much fit both with each other and with other organizational strategies for maximum impact. The main areas of practice which all the researchers agreed have an impact on performance are around job design and skills development.However, CIPD work found that practices alone do not create business performance. They can create human capital or a set of individuals who are highly skilled, highly motivated and have the opportunity to move into in organizational life by being given jobs to do. However, this will only feed through into higher levels of business performance if these individuals have positive management relationships with their superiors in a supportive environment with strong values. All these factors will promote discretionary behavior, the willingness of the individual to perform above the minimum or give extra effort. It is this discretionary behavior that makes the difference to organizational performance.ConclusionThe SHRM idea is a influential idea if function properly within an organization. HR groups are able to plan for potential growth and react to any changes that may take place. In addition, SHRM allows companies to completely make the most of their human assets to make real improvement over their competitors. This advantage comes from having the HR policies and strategies perfectly aligned with the corporate goals so that the organization has the right human capital, right remuneration packages and training methodologies to allow the employees to efficiently do their jobs.There may also be an remarkable view of HRM as an implicit part of the major strategic changeInitiative, relatively as a critical stand alone component of reform. This view may now beChanging as more and more people realize the need to reform human resources management as an equal and necessary component of overall Government-wide reform and reinvention.In short, SHRM allows an organization to create a competitive advantage with their human capital by aligning their strategic goals with their HRM systems. Author Ronald Sims states it clearly when he writes Successful organizations in the prospect must strongly make parallel their HRM strategies and programs with the external opportunities, competitive strategies, and their only one of its characteristics and core capability. Organizations that fail to clearly define HRM strategy or competitive strategy that explicitly incorporates human resources will not be successful (Sims, 2002, p. 30).Bibliography ARMSTRONG, M and BARON, A. (2002) Strategic HRM the key to improved business performance. Developing practice. London Chartered appoint of Personnel and Development. SCHULER, R.S. (1992) Strategic human resource management linking people with the needs of the business. Organizational Dynamics. Vol 21, No 1. pp18-3 2. WRIGHT, P.M. and MCMAHAN, G.C. (1992) Theoretical perspectives for SHRM. Journal of Management. March. pp215-247. BOXALL, P. and PURCELL, J. (2003) Strategy and human resource management. Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan. 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