Friday, June 7, 2019

Military Robotics Essay Example for Free

Military Robotics EssayA zombi sniper is not typesetters case to arm shake, fatigue, or any of the other human factors that throw off a riflemans aim, making each shot more accurate and less(prenominal) likely to hit someone other than the enemy. Pilotless drones atomic number 18 more likely to hit the target with better accuracy than bombs being dropped from a matte at 30,000 feet (Gyrnir). In the Army 53 percent of their casualties come with first contact with the enemy. Having a robot scouting ahead or flying in a higher place sending back pictures of the ground below to troops would reduce the casualties (Fogarty). Military robots quarter serve in place of human beings in explosive ordering disposal (EOD), surveillance, and other dangerous situations. For example, when an EOD team was hunting for improvised explosive devices (IED), by the time the soldier was close enough to see the telltale wires from the bomb, it was in any case late. The IED erupted in a wave of fl ames. A soldier would have to be as far as 50 yards away to escape death and as far as half-mile away to escape injury from bomb fragments. Even if a person is not hit the pressure from the blast by itself can break bones.This soldier had been right on top of the bomb. As the flames and debris cleared, the rest of the team advanced. They found little remaining of their teammate. They loaded the remains onto a helicopter, which took them back to the teams base near Baghdad International Airport. That night the teams commander did his duty and wrote home about the incident. He apologized for his inability to change what had happened. He wrote, at least when a robot dies, you dont have to write a letter to its mother (Singer).The pass was a 42-pound robot called a PackBot. The PackBot mounts all sorts of cameras and sensors, as well as an arm with four joints that extends over two meters to allow it to examine suspicious objects on EOD missions. If it werent for this robot to scout ah ead the rest of the EOD team wouldnt have survive the explosion (Singer). In conclusion, robotic technology is changing the future of warfare. Robots are used to save and protect, not harm innocent lives. The idea of robots replacing humans in the military is very unlikely.In order for a robot to do something it needs a human to program it and tell it what to do (Singer). Fully autonomous robots that may harm the wrong people presents ethical, legal, and command challenges find out who was responsible for the robots actions (the officer that put the robot into action and instructed it on its target or the company that manufactured the hardware) raises philosophical problems. Therefore, until these problems are indomitable fully autonomous killing robots are unlikely (Gyrnir).

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