Friday, December 27, 2019

Manifest Destiny and the Genocide of the Native American...

A. Plan of the Investigation I. Subject of the Investigation How did the Manifest Destiny ideal affect the Native Americans in the 1830’s? II. Methods a. Research about the origins of Manifest Destiny and the history of the Native Americans from 1830 to 1839. There were two websites that we particularly helpful to me. Reliability, how recently it was updated and how easily it could be edited by Internet users were the main criteria used when selecting a website. b. Writing a rough bibliography y about the topic c. Selection and reading of books pertaining to Native Americas, and Manifest Destiny. Criteria: the most factually accurate. B. Summary of Evidence In the 1830’s America was highly influenced by the Manifest Destiny†¦show more content†¦This forced excavation of the Native Americans lead to a massive number of deaths among the tribes. C. Evaluation of the Sources America’s Westward Expansion was published on suite101, an American History website, in February 2007 and was written by K.C. Morgan. K.C. Morgan is a professional freelance writer who has written various articles and blog posts that appear on a range of websites. After several years of writing fantasy fiction, she decided to write about the real world she faces everyday. During her years of writing professionally, however, she has covered a wide range of topics. The purpose of America’s Westward Expansion is to provide a very ‘native American friendly’ view of the manifest destiny ideal. This article, though very one-sided, had great value to me. In it the author stated that the famous phrase â€Å"manifest destiny† was coined by a journalist in 1844. This information enlightened me about the fact that the idea of manifest destiny existed and was being executed for many years before it was actually given a name. This was not something I had ever given thought to, however, I had the misconceived notion that the word came before the definition, which is a false statement when pertaining to any topic. Though it presented some very interesting information, this website was limiting in the fact that it only presented information that was veryShow MoreRelatedThe Ethnic Cleansing Of The United States1237 Words   |  5 Pageslebensraum, the idea of Manifest Destiny in the United States transposed to a German-defining East in Poland and Russia. Inspired by the stories of May and lebensraum, Hitler repeatedly compared Manifest Destiny in the United States and a German-defining East in Poland and Russia. To what extent did western fiction influence the political landscape and Hitler’s War in East Europe? Historians have argued that Hitler was inspired by the stories of May and Manifest Destiny in the United States. HistorianRead MoreThe Discovery Of The 19th Century1511 Words   |  7 Pagescentury Americans saw it as their duty to accomplish what many might believe to be unrealistic, to connect North America from coast to coast. Manifest Destiny is a term that describes the attitude that many Americans had during this era of transformation and progression. Americans claimed the right to bring civilization westward and transform the unknown world into a land where men could live and be free. However, with this movement of progression Westward meant destruction for many Native AmericansRead MoreAmerican Manifest Destiny and the Genocide of the American Indian1739 Words   |  7 PagesUnited States Manifest Destiny and the Genocide of the American Indian Manifest Destiny is a phrase used to express the belief that the United States had a mission to expand its borders, thereby spreading its form of democracy and freedom. Originally a political catchphrase of the nineteenth-century, Manifest Destiny eventually became a standard historical term, often used as a synonym for the territorial expansion of the United States across North America towards the Pacific Ocean. The UnitedRead MoreThe End Of The 19th Century2247 Words   |  9 Pagesrailroads and electricity, the U.S. was undergoing a profound economic revolution and as the economy grew, U.S. territory would also experience great expansion into the west, Latin America and Asia. The first form of U.S. expansion would occur in the American west. In 1862 the U.S. government would encourage its people to move out west in an attempt to improve and cultivate the land. The Homestead Act of 1862 would provide any adult citizen, or intended citizen, who had not borne arms against the U.S Read MoreAmerican Imperialism : America s Quest For Dominance1223 Words   |  5 Pagescontinued encroachment against the native population. 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Genocide Defined AsRead MoreA Brief History of American Imperialism1391 Words   |  6 Pageseventual spread of the American nation beyond the Mississippi into Native and French land, referred to as â€Å"Manifest Destiny† by John O’Sullivan, was rationalized as a realization of their God given duty. The Louisiana Purchase set the precedent for unrestricted westward expansion in America, and allowed for others to follow in his footsteps. Characterized by racist overtones, a lack of the â€Å"consent of the governed, and ethnic cleansing, there is no valid distinction between this American continental expansionRead MoreThe Road Of The Trail Of Tears1334 Words   |  6 Pagesin American History. Was America justified in destroying a culture in its pursuit of Manifest Destiny, or did they feel it was their only option in this matter at the time? Based on research, I feel that the American policy of Indian removal and relocation was extremely unethical and unjustified in its motives and execution. Before Europeans arrived in present-day America, the Native Americans were living on millions of acres of land their ancestors had occupied and cultivated. Many Native AmericansRead MoreThe New World974 Words   |  4 Pages Impressions are perhaps the only valuable information one has to tackle the unknown. Much like To understand the Genesis of stereotypes one must first understand what stereotypes are. In Celluloids Indians Jacquelyn Kilpatrick describes stereotypes as such, â€Å"‘ [s] tereotypes are evaluative concepts about status and roles and as such are central to interpreting and evaluating social groups including one’s own.†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (xvi) Kilpatrick explores â€Å"the social, ideological and political construction†(xvi) ofRead More Andrew Jackson Essay981 Words   |  4 Pagesthe American people, even the more unsavory ones. He was a war hero that exemplified the strength and tenacity by which America has defined itself over the generations. He acted in all ways with concern for the growth of the American nation, both at home and overseas. Even his now unquestionably negative actions, such as the Indian Removal Act, were done at the time not only in the interest of the citizens of the united states , but in regard (however misguided) to the survival of the Indian nations

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Juvenile Delinquency Week 8 Jose - 1344 Words

This term paper looks at an account involving a juvenile delinquent Josà © and juvenile delinquents in broad and those in disagreement with the rule and the law in particular. It scrutinizes the status or condition of the American juvenile justice arrangement or system and tries to explore the motive or the grounds behind children finally resorting to delinquent vices in concurrence with the offences they usually engage in are indicted of committing. Even as the study investigates both social and cultural aspects behind the commission of these vices, it also categorically focuses on the children’s pliability to try to succeed in life. Josà © in this case is a young delinquent child with a history of participation and involvement in deviant†¦show more content†¦In presentation of the case, Prosecutor David Soares admitted that they had looked every aspect of level of Jose involvement in the assault and how criminal the act was, and how culpable was he. He mentions that they had established that his involvement in the actions was on a minimum level. They appealed for him budge to adult court and plead guilty, but to a slighter accusation of unintentional manslaughter. He did precisely what he was asked to. After his confession, Josà © moved to a psychosomatic assessment at the California Youth Authority. He advanced an approving estimation that the psychologist concerned recommended that he was not likely to be a threat to public safety as he stopped engaging in substance abuse ( Juvenile courts are more informal in procedure and are c oncerned with the welfare of the children rather than the punishment of the children. Due to his recurring immoral and criminal behavior, the reality that he almost short of clocking the standard age, eighteen years, and the actuality that he had committed numerous offences, previously tried for while on probation from the California Youth Authority, court prosecutors wanted to have Jose tried and charged in mature and adult court for his most recent offenses. According to the laws governing the country, persons between the ages of seven to seventeen is the are regarded as juveniles.Show MoreRelatedChildren of Incarcerated Parents Essay1814 Words   |  8 Pagesthere was an estimate of approximately 1.7 million children of incarcerated parents in the United States (Poehlmann, Dallaire, Loper Shear 2010). Of those 1.7 million children, 58% of those children are under the age of 10, with the mean age being 8 (Travis Waul 2003). The children of incarcerated parents are often moved from one family and one school to the next. The child must cope with this issue in home and in school, and may find it especially hard to cope with during school. Schools, howeverRead MoreYouth Involvement in Church4016 Words   |  17 Pagesplay a large role in the development of the society. Members of this age group would eventually assume the responsibilities of the future generations. The kind of society that we will have in the future depends on the yout h of today. That is why Dr. Jose Rizal said that â€Å"the youth is the hope of the nation.† In Pope John Paul II’s speech during the 1995 World Youth Day, he shared his high hopes for the youth of this nation when he said, â€Å"Dear young people of the Philippines,Read MoreThe Veterans Administration ( Va )3569 Words   |  15 Pagesfocusing on fixing the broken health care system. The VA offers many services to its veterans to include Beneficiary Financial Counseling, Career Center, educational and Vocational Counseling, Fiduciary Program, Independent Living and Mortgage Delinquency assistance (cited by: The Veterans Administration can trace its history to 1636 when the Pilgrims were at war with the Pequot Indians. During which time, a law passed mandating that all disabled soldiers would be supported by the colonyRead MoreEffects of Curfew4896 Words   |  20 Pagesteen will have to schedule their activities. Generally, this curfew doesn’t change and helps your teen to understand boundaries. It does not have to be the same time on weeknights and weekends, but it does remain consistent from weekday to weekday and week end to weekend. You can always add o restricts this time when they have something special to do or you need them to be home earlier. Significance of the study This research study is implemented to increase the awareness of each student as well asRead MoreFrance Country Report5492 Words   |  22 Pagesservices sector accounts for a largely growing share of economic activity. The services sector is also responsible for nearly all job creation in recent years. To confirm its status as a leading economic player in the world, France is a member of the G-8 (and instigator of the G-20), the European Union, the World Trade Organization and the OECD. After Germany, France is the largest trading nation in Western Europe. France ran a record-setting $79 billion trade deficit in calendar year 2008. Total tradeRead MoreThe Censorship of Art Essay example14698 Words   |  59 Pageshas been launched. 1. The Invasion of the Washington Wives The Parents Music Resource Center was founded in 1985 as the result of the unusually combined efforts of a few concerned parents (Coletti 1987:421-426; Gray 1989a:151-153, 1989b:6-8; Kaufman 1986:228-231; McDonald 1988a:302-106; Roldan 1987:222-231). Tipper Gore, wife of current Vice-President and then Senator of Tennessee Albert Gore, bought the album Purple Rain by Prince for her then 11-year old daughter. She was shocked toRead MoreCorrectional Administration Reviewer18383 Words   |  74 Pagesright and moral law violated by the criminal. 6. Retribution. Personal vengeance 7. Expiation or Atonement. It is advocated during the pre-historic age. It is the execution of punishment visibly or publicly for the purpose of appeasing a social group. 8. Deterrence. Cesare Becarria, the exponent of the Classical Theory contended that punishment is to prevent others in committing a crime. ï  ½ CONSTITUTIONAL RESTRICTIONS OF PENALTIES Sec. 21, Art. IV, 1973 Constitution of the Philippines. Directs thatRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pagesmanagement skills /David A. Whetten, Kim S. Cameron.—8th ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-13-612100-8 1. Management—-Study and teaching. 2. Management—Problems, exercises, etc. Kim S. II. Title. HD30.4.W46 2011 658.40071 173—dc22 I. Cameron, 2009040522 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 ISBN 10: 0-13-612100-4 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-612100-8 B R I E F TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Preface xvii Introduction 1 PART I 1 2 3 PERSONAL SKILLS 44 Developing Self-AwarenessRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 PagesChicago State University; Robert Sessions, Kirkwood Community College; and Stephanie Tucker, California State University Sacramento. Thinking and writing about logical reasoning has been enjoyable for me, but special thanks go to my children, Joshua, 8, and Justine, 3, for comic relief during the months of writing. This book is dedicated to them. For the 2012 edition: This book is dedicated to my wife Hellan whose good advice has improved the book in many ways. vi Table of Contents Preface

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Night By Elie Wiesel (665 words) Essay Example For Students

Night By Elie Wiesel (665 words) Essay Night By Elie WieselNever shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned mylife into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed. Never shallI forget that smoke. Never shall I forget the little faces of the children,whose bodies I saw turned into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky. Nevershall I forget those flames which consumed my faith forever. Never shall Iforget that nocturnal silence which deprived me, for all eternity, of the desireto live. Never shall I forget those moments which murdered my God and my souland turned my dreams to dust. Never shall I forget these things, even if I amcondemned to live as long as God Himself. Never. -Elie Wiesel TheHolocaust-the mass murder of European Jews by the Nazis during World War II. Itwas the unthinkable, the horrific murder of 6 million Jews and millions ofcivilians of different ethnic and racial backgrouds. It was average men enteringthe German army and turned into Nazis, cold-blooded killers. It was theconnotation of Holocaust which became Night, by Elie Wiesel. This paints apicture, full of vivid imagery and truth, about the genocide of his own people.Elie witnesses the starvation, brutal beating, and eventual death of hisfriends, family, and fellow Jews. Wiesel, himself, survived Auschwitz, Buna,Buchenwald, and Gleiwitz, all German concentration camps, where atrocities suchas cremation and murder hung thickly in the air like a heavy cologne. BornSeptember 30, 1928, Eliezer Wiesel led a life representative of many Jewishchildren. Growing up in a small village in Romania, his world revolved aroundfamily, religious study, community, and God. Yet his family, community, and hisinnocent faith were destroyed upon the deportation of his village in 1944. Oneof the main topics in this book is how Elie, a boy of strong religious faith,along with many of his fellow jews, lose their faith in God due to the horrificeffects of the concentration camps. Elie Wiesel lived his early childhood in thetown of Transylvania, in Hungary, during the early 1940s. At a young age, Elietook a strong interest in Jewish religion, while he spent most of his timestudying the Talmud. Eventually he makes aquaintances with Moshe the Beadle whotakes Elie under his wing, and also instructs him more in depth of the ways ofthe Talmud and cabbala. Elie is taught to question God for answers throughMoshes instruction. Moshe is sent away to a concentration camp, and upon hisreturn, Elie finds that he has changed dramatically. This is a foreshadowing ofwhat will become of Elies faith in the strength and power of God. Moshehad changed. ..He no longer talked to me of God or the cabbala, but only of whathe had seen.(4) The first evidence of Elies loss of faith, is while hequestions God during the selection process. This process is concerned withseparating the young, strong, and healthy Jews, from the old, weak, sickly,and/or infants. The Jews were separated from their loved ones who wereimmediately sent to the crematory or burned in large fire pits. Elie saysgoodbye to his mother and sister, unknowing that it will be the last time thathe will ever see them again. Many of his fellow Jews began to pray and recitethe Kaddish, a Jewish prayer for the dead, with hopes to console their owngrievances for the loss they had suffered. However, Elie questions, Whyshould I bless His name? The Eternal, Lord of the Universe, the All-Powerful andTerrible, was silent. What had I to thank Him for?(31) Elie witnesses a loadof children being dumped into a pit of flames which he labels as the Angel ofDeath, and at this point, the diminishing effects of the first night of camplife are already taking a toll on Elies religious faith and personalself-worth. The final deterioration of Elies idea of God, where he renouncesall belief in His existence, is during the funeral of 3 Jewish males who werehanged the day before. One of whom was a child, so mere in weight, whom struggle. .u974c0f821a611157d080450f1f3b6ea6 , .u974c0f821a611157d080450f1f3b6ea6 .postImageUrl , .u974c0f821a611157d080450f1f3b6ea6 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u974c0f821a611157d080450f1f3b6ea6 , .u974c0f821a611157d080450f1f3b6ea6:hover , .u974c0f821a611157d080450f1f3b6ea6:visited , .u974c0f821a611157d080450f1f3b6ea6:active { bor der:0!important; } .u974c0f821a611157d080450f1f3b6ea6 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u974c0f821a611157d080450f1f3b6ea6 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u974c0f821a611157d080450f1f3b6ea6:active , .u974c0f821a611157d080450f1f3b6ea6:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u974c0f821a611157d080450f1f3b6ea6 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u974c0f821a611157d080450f1f3b6ea6 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u974c0f821a611157d080450f1f3b6ea6 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u974c0f821a611157d080450f1f3b6ea6 . ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u974c0f821a611157d080450f1f3b6ea6:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u974c0f821a611157d080450f1f3b6ea6 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left: 18px; top: 0; } .u974c0f821a611157d080450f1f3b6ea6 .u974c0f821a611157d080450f1f3b6ea6-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u974c0f821a611157d080450f1f3b6ea6:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The National Socialist German Workers' Pa rty and nazism Essay

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Soft HRM Essay Example

Soft HRM Essay Soft HRM is associated with the concept of a high commitment work system, (Walton, 1985 cited in Truss et al 1997) this is aimed at eliciting a commitment so that behaviour is primarily self regulated rather than controlled by sanctions and pressures external to the individual and relations within the organisation are based on high levels of trust (Wood, 1996. p 41). Trust is a key element associated with soft HRM as by trusting the employees commitment is generated. This is the opposite view to the hard model of HRM, which is based on the assumption that employees are not to be trusted to the high level expressed within the soft model. The hard model assumes that employees are not capable of being left to their own devices but instead that they need constant monitoring if the organisations objectives are to be achieved. This leads to a major conflict between the two models as the soft model places emphasis on the idea that control comes from commitment (Purcell, 1993) rather than through performance systems, performance management and tight control as with the hard model suggests. Storey (1992) stated that it is human capability and commitment which distinguishes successful organisations the human resource ought to be nurtured (p.26). If commitment is to be retained HRM needs to train and develop their employees. This idea is emphasised within the soft model. The need to retain knowledge workers is one of the biggest challenges, which faces organisations today. In America, Ford offered a PC, printer and Internet access to all employees for $5 a month. The idea was that by being able to communicate amongst themselves much more easily, being more able to use the computers at work and becoming more acquainted with the mindset of the e-consumer, that it would make the whole organisation much more customer focused. We will write a custom essay sample on Soft HRM specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Soft HRM specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Soft HRM specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer (Johnson and Scholes, 2002) By training and developing employees there is a potential to create a win-win situation, with employees gaining job security, interesting work and an improved work-life balance, with the best organisations gaining competitive advantage from the best workers (Peter Drucker, 1988, cited in Johnson and Scholes, 2002). Individual development, flexibility, self-fulfilment, high trust, autonomy and adaptability are all aspects that are closely associated with the soft model (Morris et al. 2000). There has been some criticism of these concepts, which the soft model adopts. It has been argued the concepts of commitment, flexibility and quality are somewhat ambiguous and open to debate and interpretation (Purcell, 1993). Flexibility has been noted to come in a number of different forms; it could be to express the value of employee upskilling, development and initiative or the numerical and financial flexibility to be achieved by treating labour as a variable cost-to-be-minimised input (Atkinson, 1984 cited in Legge, 1995). Prieto (1993 cited in Truss et al. 1997) noted three types of flexibility; numerical (flexibility in the number of people in the workforce), wage (where wage adjustments can be linked to profits) and functional (where there is the broadening of skills). He stated that they were all very different and in many respects contradictory. He commented that one method of numerical flexibility may be to alter the size of the workforce by using short-term or temporary contracts at the expense of permanent contracts which would be much more attractive to employees. This would in turn have an effect on the employees level of commitment. Furthermore there is also question as to what is being referred to when commitment is talked about, what exactly is the employee to be committed to? (Legge, 1995). Are employees committed the organisation, work group, immediate supervisor, union or occupation (Legge, 1995). Other criticism has come from Kennoy (1990 cited in Truss et al. 1997) who argues that the goals of quality, flexibility, commitment and integration are not mutually compatible and may be difficult to achieve in practice. There is debate as to whether committed workers are more productive as it has never been proved (Bassett, 1994 cited in Truss et al. 1997). Within the hard model of HRM emphasis is placed on strategic direction, integration and performance managing techniques such as appraisal. Hard HRM is concerned with achieving competitive advantage by the close integration of human resource policies, systems and activities with business strategy. They view the HRM as a way of driving the strategic objectives of the organisation (Legge, 1995). The hard model views the employee as largely a factor of production, along with other resources such as capital and land and an expense of doing business rather than the only resource capable of turning inanimate factors of production into wealth Tyson and Fell, 1986, p. 135 cited in Legge, 1995). The element of integration that the hard model emphasises can be further expanded into two different aspects. The first is the external fit which is the view that the human resource policies and practices are closely linked to the strategic objectives of the organisation and the second is the internal fit which is the coherence of the human resource polices and practices (Baird and Meshoulam, 1988 cited in Truss et al. 1987). Although soft HRM does consider integrating HR policies with business strategies as important, its emphasis is placed on treating employees as valued assets, a source of competitive advantage through their commitment, adaptation and high quality. (Legge, 1995) The stress is therefore on human resource policies that deliver resourceful humans (Morris and Burgoyne, 1973, cited in Legge, 1995) in the case of the soft model. The hard is more about how the HR policies can deliver the organisations objectives rather than developing employees, which can. Although both consider different aspects of the organisation they are necessarily incompatible. It would seem that these two aspects could be brought together to increase the chances of corporate objectives being obtained and competitive advantaged being maximised. A study carried out by Kane and Crawford (1999) looking barriers to effective HRM found that although both hard and soft aspects of HRM are seldom effectively implemented in practice there was little evidence of conflict or incompatibility between the two theoretical perspectives in their results. They also found that HRM effectiveness could be achieved by both approaches as effectiveness is related to both organisational strategy and objectives and to employee motivation and development. Legge (1995) comments that potential tensions however could rise through this aspect of strategic integration, as she believes there to be an amount of contradiction amongst the models. At a surface level she believes that problems arise from ambiguities in the conceptual language of both models. She argues that the problem arises due to the fact that while fit with strategy would argue a contingent design of HRM policy, internal consistency- at least with the soft human resource values associated with mutuality would argue an absolutist approach to the design of employment policy (Legge, 1995). The strategic fit which the hard model refers to can be extremely tight in nature and there is little or no evidence that tight fit leads to positive outcomes. Furthermore it implies that there is no flexibility and rigidity, which could be detrimental to the organisation (Lengnick-Hall and Lengnick- Hall, 1990, cited in Truss et al. 1997). It is argued that fit may not be attainable, or desirable, in a diversified organisation. In conclusion it is clearer to understand why there has been so much difficulty amongst writers and academics to develop a single model of human resource management, which could be used in practice by businesses and organisations. To begin with there is a huge amount of differing opinion as to what exactly human resource management is. It is a relatively new concept and the literature would suggest that it still a huge amount of debate as to exactly what it is. Although models have been developed them are clearly problematic. This essay aimed to compare the hard and soft approaches to HRM to establish if it was possible to incorporate them into a single model. The evidence provided showed that both of the approaches were based on different sets of assumptions with soft HRM placing emphasis on the human element and hard HRM emphasising the resource. It is clear that the incorporation of both hard and soft elements within one model would be problematic with one considering human nature and the other considering managerial control strategies. Apart from these differences each of the models are problematic within themselves. The main assumptions on which the soft approach is based such as flexibility, commitment and quality have been argued by critics to be ambiguous and open to debate. In many instances it is unclear as to what exactly the model is referring to when it uses these concepts. They can take the form of many different meanings and interpretations and if interpreted wrongly can even finish up with a practice, which is hard in approach rather than soft. These three concepts were also viewed by critics as being incompatible and difficult to achieve in practice. This is a major factor that needs to be considered when models are being developed, they may work theoretically but do they work in practice. There are many conflicts and tensions that are evident between these two models such as the soft placing emphasis on self-expression and high trust and the hard model emphasises direction and low trust, this makes it extremely difficult to place the two together in a single model. They both consider strategic integration between business strategies and the HR policies but from conflicting viewpoints. At present the literature is incomplete making it difficult for a single model of HRM to be developed. The flaws in the current models either soft or hard are evident and further work needs to be carried out to clarify exactly what each of the terms within the models is referring to. Theyre a number of weaknesses within the models and these need to be considered and improved. If there was more clarity within the models then perhaps it would be possible to even take elements that are positive from each to create an overall model or theory, which could be used in practice.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A Reading List of 19th Century Novels

A Reading List of 19th Century Novels The novels of the 19th century remain some of the most taught literary works of any period. They not only continue to influence the canon but also cinema and popular culture. Get better acquainted with these groundbreaking works with this reading list, categorized by author. The most popular authors from the eraJane Austen, Charles Dickens and Nathaniel Hawthorneappear on this list in alphabetical order. Alcott, Louisa May Little Women Austen, Jane EmmaMansfield ParkPersuasionPride and Prejudice Blackmore, Richard Doddridge Lorna Doone Braddon, Mary Elizabeth Lady Audley’s Secret Bronte, Charlotte Jane EyreVillette Bronte, Emily Wuthering Heights Burnett, Frances Hodgson The Secret Garden Butler, Samuel Erewhon Carlyle, Thomas Sartor Resartus Carroll, Lewis Alice in WonderlandThrough the Looking Glass Collins, Wilkie ArmadaleNo NameThe MoonstoneThe Woman in White Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan Rodney StoneA Study in Scarlet Conrad, Joseph Heart of DarknessLord Jim Cooper, James Fenimore The Last of the MohicansThe Prairie Crane, Stephen Red Badge of Courage Dickens, Charles Bleak HouseDavid CopperfieldDombey Son DGreat ExpectationsHard TimesLittle DorrittMystery Of Edwin DroodNicholas NicklebyThe Old Curiosity ShopOliver TwistPickwick PapersTale of Two Cities Disraeli, Benjamin Sybil, or The Two Nations Dostoevski, Fedor Brothers KaramazovCrime and PunishmentThe Idiot Dreiser, Theodore Sister Carrie Dumas, Alexandre The Count of Monte CristoThree Musketeers Eliot, George Adam BedeDaniel DerondaMiddlemarchMill on the FlossSilas Marner Flaubert, Gustave Madame BovaryA Sentimental Education Gaskell, Elizabeth CranfordWives and Daughters Gissing, George New Grub Street Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von Elective Affinities Gogol, Nikolai Dead Souls Hardy, Thomas Far from the Madding CrowdJude the ObscureThe Mayor of CasterbridgeThe Return of the NativeTess of the d’UrbervillesThe WoodlandersUnder the Greenwood Tree Hawthorne, Nathaniel Blithedale RomanceScarlet Letter Hugo, Victor Les MiserablesThe Hunchback of Notre-Dame de Paris James, Henry The AmericanThe BostoniansDaisy MillerThe EuropeansPortrait of a LadyWashington Square Le Fanu, Sheridan Uncle Silas MacDonald, George LilithPhantastes Melville, Herman Moby DickRedburnTypee Meredith, George Diana of the CrosswaysThe Egoist Norris, Frank McTeague Oliphant, Margaret The Perpetual CurateSalem Chapel Scott, Sir Walter The AntiquaryThe Heart of Mid-LothianIvanhoe Sewall, Anna Black Beauty Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft Frankenstein Stevenson, Robert L Catriona (aka David Balfour)KidnappedThe Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr HydeTreasure Island Stoker, Bram Dracula Stowe, Harriet Beecher Uncle Tom’s Cabin Thackeray, William M Barry LyndonThe History of Henry EsmondThe NewcomesVanity Fair Tolstoy, Leo Anna KareninaResurrectionThe Forged CouponWar and Peace Trollope, Anthony Ayalas AngelFramley ParsonageBarchester TowersJohn CaldigateThe Last Chronicle of BarsetMarion FayPhineas FinnThe Prime MinisterThe WardenThe Way We Live Now Turgenev, Ivan Fathers and Children Twain, Mark The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnAdventures of Tom SawyerPersonal Recollections of Joan of Arc Verne, Jules Around the World in 80 DaysJourney to the Center of the Earth20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Wells, HG Invisible ManIsland of Dr MoreauThe Time MachineWar of the Worlds Wilde, Oscar Picture of Dorian Gray Zola, Emile L’AssommoirTherese Raquin

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Composites In Boeings 787 Dreamliner

Composites In Boeing's 787 Dreamliner What is the average density of the materials used in a modern airliner? Whatever it is, the reduction in average density has been huge since the Wright Brothers flew the first practical airplane. The drive to reduce weight in airplanes is aggressive and continuous and accelerated by rapidly climbing fuel prices. This drive lowers specific fuel costs, improves the range/payload equation and helps the environment. Composites play a major part in modern airplanes and the Boeing Dreamliner is no exception in maintaining the decreasing weight trend. Composites and Weight Reduction The Douglas DC3 (dating back to 1936) had a take-off weight of about 25,200 pounds with a passenger complement of about 25. With a maximum payload range of 350 miles, thats about 3 pounds per passenger mile. The Boeing Dreamliner has a take-off weight of 550,000 pounds carrying 290 passengers. With a fully loaded range of over 8,000 miles, thats roughly  ¼ pound per passenger mile - 1100% better! Jet engines, better design, weight saving technology such as fly by wire - all have contributed to the quantum leap - but composites have had a huge part to play. They are used in the Dreamliner airframe, the engines, and many other components. Use of Composites in the Dreamliner Airframe The Dreamliner has an airframe comprising nearly 50% carbon fiber reinforced plastic and other composites. This approach offers weight savings on average of 20 per cent compared to more conventional (and outdated) aluminum designs. Composites in the airframe have maintenance advantages too. A typically bonded repair may require 24 or more hours of airplane downtime but Boeing has developed a new line of maintenance repair capability that requires less than an hour to apply. This speedy technique offers the possibility for temporary repairs and a quick turnaround whereas such minor damage might have grounded an aluminum airplane. That is an intriguing perspective. The fuselage is constructed in tubular segments which are then joined together during final assembly. The use of composites is said to save 50,000 rivets per plane. Each rivet site would have required maintenance checking as a potential failure location. And thats just rivets! Composites in the Engines The Dreamliner has GE (GEnx-1B) and Rolls Royce (Trent 1000) engine options, and both use composites extensively. The nacelles (inlet and fan cowls) are an obvious candidate for composites. However, composites are even used in the fan blades of the GE engines. The blade technology has advanced tremendously since the days of the Rolls-Royce RB211. The early technology bankrupted the company in 1971 when its Hyfil carbon fiber fan blades failed in bird strike tests. General Electric has led the way with titanium-tipped composite fan blade technology since 1995. In the Dreamliner power plant, composites are used for the first 5 stages of the 7 stage low-pressure turbine. More About Less Weight What about some numbers? The GE power plants light weight fan containment case reduces aircraft weight by 1200 pounds (more than  ½ ton). The case is reinforced with carbon fiber braid. That is just the fan case weight saving, and it is an important indicator of the strength/weight benefits of composites. This is because a fan case has to contain all debris in case of a fan failure. If it will not contain the debris then the engine cannot be certified for flight. Weight saved in blade turbine blades also saves weight in the required containment case and rotors. This multiplies its saving and improving its power/weight ratio. In total each Dreamliner contains about 70,000 pounds (33 tons) of carbon fiber reinforced plastic - of which about 45,000 (20 tons) pounds is carbon fiber. Conclusion The early design and production problems of using composites in airplanes have now been overcome. The Dreamliner is at the peak of airplane fuel efficiency, minimized environmental impact and safety. With reduced component counts, lower levels of maintenance checking and greater airtime, the support costs are significantly reduced for airline operators. From fan blades to fuselage, wings to washrooms, the Dreamliners efficiency would be impossible without advanced composites.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Clean Water Act regulate oil spills in the United States (LAW) Essay

Clean Water Act regulate oil spills in the United States (LAW) - Essay Example e section of CWA that prohibits the discharge of threshold amounts of oil or hazardous substances into navigable waters of the United States is Section 311(b)(3) (Oil Spills/SPCC 1). Section 311(j) of CWA reduces the chances of oil spill and prevents the accidental release of stored oil in navigable waters by mandating facilities to prepare Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) plans by storing oil in significant quantities (Oil Spills/SPCC 1). The SPCC plans must be in accordance with the National Contingency Plan (NCP) (Chapter Eight 4). For facilities that have a greater risk of oil spills from storage are required to develop plans to respond rapidly in case of oil spills and clean up. The SPCC plans have to be implemented by the facilities that have the total oil product storage of aboveground greater than 1320 gallons or underground more than 4200 gallons or aboveground storage of more than 660 gallons (Pollution Control 4). The SPCC plans must be in agreement with 40 CFR 112.7 and reviewed and certified by Registered Professional Engineer (Pollution Control 4). It must be reviewed by the facilities every three years or every time there is a change in the operator (Pollution Control 4). The copy of SPCC plan must be available with the operator who is attending 8 hours/day (Pollution Control 4). Periodic training must be provided to facility personnel, operator, and management for the spill prevention and response to oil spills (Pollution Control 4). Above storage tanks more than 660 gallons must be provided with secondary containment (Pollution Control 4). Appropriate cleanup equipments must be used to prevent oil spills from reaching navigable waters (Pollution Control 4). For drained water from the diked areas, a control valve must be used to lock when in use (Pollution Control 4). In case of oil spill or discharge in navigable water or in waters of contiguous zone, it must be brought to the notice of management authority of the United

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Answer the questions Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Answer the questions - Movie Review Example In Waking Life, the movie is about an individual who has founds numerous avenues through the dreams of individuals. The principal actor easily walks through the dreams of people to assess their thoughts. The movie tries to seek to find out answers where other individuals are not seeking for answers. An interesting film that has entertaining animated characters that spend time discussing theories and ideas. The main actor is concerned with determining the difference between dreams. The subconscious mind is a powerful tool in the head of many individuals. Most people believe that the mind is the place where most different things happen. It is in the mind that most individuals experience intuitions. In addition to, it is in the mind that people exist beyond their physical bodies. Cobb has a strong connection with his dreams and his subconscious mind. The dreams in the movie inception indicate the alertness of the most of the actors in the movie. The subconscious mind of Cobb comes from his subconscious mind. The brain is a powerful tool that can interpret information. The information the brain uses it gets to make sense of various sources. Thieves in the movie are aware of the actions of that are happening. In the movie Inception, there is some reality shown by the thieves. 2. Dream architecture and dream logic are profoundly exhibited in the two movies. Dream architecture helps the mind to create myths in the mind of humans. The fallacies are well incorporated into the movies, and they motivate the viewers to want to see more ( The producers use the fallacies to create a mental picture to the audiences. The use of dream architecture to constructs images in the mind of the viewers. In the world, there are places that are the producer uses illusion to create messages in the mind of the viewers. The brain processes information for the mind to interpret. This factor enables the production of inception and waking life. The

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Disagreement on Human nature among the Greatest Philosophers Article

The Disagreement on Human nature among the Greatest Philosophers - Article Example Plato gave his Allegory of the Cave explaining this habitual nature (Soccio 141). A man lives all his life in a cave, he considers his environment as the only reality as if nothing exists outside of it. On exposing him to the sunlight, this person thinks he is dreaming, that the fresh air, green grass, and the singing birds are hallucinations. The habitual nature of human is Plato’s version. Aristotle and Kant, on the other hand, focused more on how humans should behave; the maxim behind every action. Aristotle gave two levels of human behavior the one where he only acts like a man and the other where he acts as if there is a divine spirit within him, thus achieving a life higher than mere human nature (Aristotle 191). This is very different from Plato’s narrative because Kant implies that man by nature is evil or corrupt therefore he has to conform to the moral law in order to live a better life. He is not simply a product of its environment, he is inherently corrupt. It is hard to pick one theory and reject the other. It will also be negating the introduction that there is no absolute truth or knowledge. In Kant’s theory, there is space for spirituality. There must be divine authority overseeing man’s activities. Plato, on the other hand, is more supportive of nurture as opposed to nature. Kant considers human nature as a composition of feelings, one relation and cognition, and these aspects are governed by a priory prescribed by a â€Å"higher cognitive power† (Frierson 13) Descartes is also in agreement with Kant that there is a divine authority. And hence man has a defined nature. Renà © Descartes's held anti-elitist and egalitarian views on human nature (Lopston 24). It also implies that considering this premise one has to accept that humans have been created as part of a grand design.

Friday, November 15, 2019

The price of eggs inflation in Thailand

The price of eggs inflation in Thailand The case of egg price. The price of eggs in Thailand is important in price .The price of eggs in Thailand is high and is up and down in year. This problem of an import have resulted in small farms having problems for many years. This similar problem exists throughout the economic system, but the Egg became an issue because Thailand is unique in measuring the prime minister with the egg. In every year the price of eggs to be effective lack of a capital ,equal capital and get profit in year. The case of egg price and injustice in Thailand. The main problems about egg prices are up because the quota pushed up the price of breed stock and small farmers had to rely on large corporations for their breed stock and also the food for the entire stock. With the corporations also in the Chicken and egg business, small farmers are squeezed out of the business, and the maximum temperature has risen, which is far higher than at the same time last year. The ideal temperature is 28-30C effect to hens stressful and less productive and lack of clean water in some areas has also caused the hens to become ill and lay fewer eggs. The period of the year in Thailand when it is not so hot and rainy ,the high cost of chicken feed is also a factor, In addition egg prices are up because the price of young chicks has almost doubled. From The price of eggs in Thailand is high effect to the food sellers have to carry the burden of rising prices of eggs as they continue to cook food for customers. If the government does not resolve this problem, all sellers in the market will have to increase the price of an egg. The government should try to support the farmers. Egg prices have been go up Other governing bodies must address farmers complaints because they are under the influence and control of large business groups The quota pushed up the price of breed stock and small farmers had to rely on large corporations for their breed stock and also the food for the entire stock. With the corporations also in the Chicken and egg business, small farmers are squeezed out of the business I admit, I was lost. For a few days there on my True cable TV-I thought I was in an egg and chicken land. OK-normally, True like runs these CP Farm infomercial boosting all the time. Like you know it-if you have True and in Thailand-you are now an expert of CP Farms, ready to tell anyone that CP Farms is the best run farm on the planet-with very high tech and also extremely environmental friendly. If that is not more-like CP going to Singapore to stage a major Food who can eat the most of CP festival-broadcasting back into Thailand-like wow, who would not be impressed. Well, Matichon, a newspaper here in Thailand is not all that impressed. So Im read Matichons story on the Thai Egg Index and then came to understand why True cable TV-was going ballistic with egg and chicken related story-sort of became the CPs Cable TV Index on eggs and chicken. The price of eggs in Thailand is important-in that the price is an Index of the skill of the government in managing the Thai economy. It is called The Egg Price Index. While Thailands economy is expected to expand about 6% this year-most poll when they ask the Thais about the economy-have been and continues to say that The Economy is Deteriorating. Perhaps, one reason is because egg price has sky-rocket in Thailand-like never before-hitting the highest price in some 10 years. Literally speaking, this is big news in Thailand-where the food of the poorer Thais-are mainly fried and boiled eggs. The following article points to agricultural conglomerate-and in fact the article points to CP, Thailand largest agricultural conglomerate as one problem for small Thai course, supports the government of Abhisit-and is extremely anti-red shirt, who are mostly poor Thais in poor regions. But I saw it with my own eyes, on True cable TV that belongs to CP-running this news and that about eggs and chicken-over and over-going to interview this expert and that expert-saying pretty much that CP did nothing wrong. Meanwhile, Prachachart newspaper and others-did very much what Thai Intel did a few week back-in exposing the Thai banking industry as un-justly keeping the bank spread and fees extremely high-hurting businesses and consumers. To put it simply, the banking industry was raking in the profit for the past few years-as everyone suffered in Thailand. Then off course the Bangkok Post group-where Bangkok Bank biggies sits at the board and owns the company-saying very little-like exactly like True going We are all good guys here. Well, even giving True and the Bangkok Post group-does this two cases Eggs and Banks points to a rise of   Farmers Rights and Consumers Rights in Thailand Association president is confident in situation, that price of eggs is normally in soon. He disclose cause price of eggs increase owing to agriculturist to encounter drought and high weather ,it have high temperature is abnormal about 43-44 Celsius when compare with period of time in last year temperature for feed chicken is only 28-30 Celsius, it cause hen eat low food, percent layer of hen is decrease and size of egg is small. Egg prices increase because price of young chicks had increased from 17 to 18 baht almost 30 baht each in six months, hen was sold for meat after late  about 300 eggs. In addition lack of clean water in some areas caused the hens to become ill and lay fewer eggs, so productivity is decrease too and now agriculturist to encounter epidemic in hen is infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). In last winter productivity get damages and then we would like reminders agriculturists strict in prophylaxis. This is a big issue and the Prime Minister has receive many complaints from the public. Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva is vow to tackle the rising price of chicken eggs and create a more balanced pricing system to consumers satisfy and egg producers. Mr Abhisit said during his radio and television programmed he received many complaints about the rising price of eggs and he is trying to solve the problem urgently.  The price of eggs is seen a prime reflector of a governments efficiency in control the price of consumer goods.   In 3 years ago agriculturists over lose because eggs is inflation. Government is not impertinent in this problem cause of problem from chronic avian influenza in the last year and assembly with low price and drought problem, so that government intervene in order to control of the situation, chicken feeder association President Announcements by the Egg Development Policy Committee to solve the problem price of eggs will be as follows : to control import of breeding hens, extend the breeder hens age, ask for cooperation store for decrease capital of packing because the price of eggs in plastic or paper package at retailer Tesco-Lotus is higher, 10 eggs in a plastic package costs 65 baht, averaging 5 baht each. The Commerce Ministry will ask operators of superstores for cooperation in reduce the cost of egg packages in order to reduce egg prices., decrease egg export and long term policy adjustment in purchase of breeding hens but Mrs. Khampa (Egg Board) not agree because not the correct way to resolve the problem of decrease export that may result overrun of quality of eggs in the market, it so have long problem and stop the rule to buy from 9 fixed suppliers. The cost of farmer will then lower, so solving problem must solving all system from the beginning to finish or until price of machine. Cabinet ministrys meeting has approved the import breeder hens freely to solve the issue of high price of eggs, then people who want to import permit from the Department of Livestock has all to avoid monopoly. The Cabinet ministrys that in 1-2 years, the management of the Development Committee and egg products is error. From the reduction of import breeder hens. And fix the right of the import. It results in fluctuation in price of the guidelines to the Cabinet ministrys Egg Board will need to create stability and fairness to all farmers. Past years import quota of breeder chickens from beginning is 400000 have decrease every year. Resulted in a shortage of breeding, therefore the Egg Board supervision. Hen-Egg Farmers Association president Manoch Chootubtim said layer-hen farmers rising costs of production and feed meal grew more expensive. If government is only concern about the increase in egg prices, layer-hen farmers, particularly small-scale ones, will soon collapse and close the industry. Moreover, the Egg Board and the Department of Livestock will form a working group with Kasetsart University to improve the management of breeding hen import quota and set the quota for 2011. The study will concluded within 60 days. Department of Internal Trade director-general Watcharee Wimooktayon revealed that the eggs sold under the Blue Flag project has been distribute for purchase in retail throughout Thailand.The ministry has increased the number of eggs under the cost-saving Blue-Flag project by 100,000, from the original 400,000, to meet public demand. Up to 500,000 affordable eggs will be distribute through 560 outlets of the Blue-Flag project nationwide Ovaparox is produced from wheat fraction can replace up to 50 per cent of eggs in sweet bakery products.Ovaparox has a shelf life of 18 months from date of manufactures.Ovaparox can replace up to50 per cent of egg in cake it not effect to quality, taste bake volume or shelf-life Many factors cause increased egg prices and avian flu, drought, and ineffective management of egg production. Weather conditions affecting the business produce more eggs. This year, Sung low temperature up to 44 degrees Celsius higher than last year very Optimum temperature should be 28-30 degrees Celsius. Heat a large increase in this The chicken and yield less stressful in some places lack clean water and a sick chicken. And a few eggs. And other serious problems that make egg production is to reduce the number of outbreaks of infectious bronchitis virus. In many chicken farms in the summer last year. That this epidemic. Result in chickens and eggs. Unhealthy and low quality. The virus infection in chickens has spread rapidly affecting the kidneys and lungs freckles because war nama Map In addition to chicken, eggs, low productivity caused by high temperatures and then. Meal cost is another factor. That the egg prices higher as well. The survey found that the market of food Increase the burden of low support price five eggs from normal. government can not solve the problem if egg prices high in the early days, they need to add eggs to the menu price Bath 7-8, or some operators. May need to reduce support for eggs. Which affect the cost increases for customers. Female traders selling sugar and desserts that use eggs as an ingredient. Also directly affected. Some allow losses. Original retail price, some turn to chickens, eggs in the family itself. Rather than bought eggs from the market. And eggs can divide the remaining neighbors selling eggs at Bath 3 a vehicle to earn well in this Secondly is the FT Minister vowing to resolve price increase in chicken eggs and a balanced pricing system satisfactory egg production and consumption. Mr said during his weekly radio and television yesterday, he received numerous complaints about price increases in the eggs and they are trying to solve urgent problems. Egg prices will see a performance culture that reflects the importance of the government to control prices of consumer goods. Prime Minister confirmed he will find the balance between egg production and prices need to provide fair prices for consumers. Ministry of Agriculture has proposed a meeting of the Policy Committee and egg products to the Cabinet note the approach egg problem. On a short-term measures such as measures to extend the chickens eggs hens egg release cage standing out at least four weeks for the eggs to the market volume increases average 1.2 million eggs per day. Egg suspend exports. As well as for cooperation in the farm price of eggs per page, etc. 2.80 Bath. Measures of the Board Layer development policies and products (Egg Board) that measures three phases. 1. Immediate measures. Egg prices have accelerated the decline. Extended hens eggs And reduced export 2. The Commission to study structures that are related to the management of the problem of eggs has risen by 60 days and 3. Long-term measures is to adjust the breeder That are not specific and do not agree that the government reduce the egg. This may cause long term problems and the last farmers market eggs decreased chickens for eggs karma. And I suggested to the government should provide farmers each own areas for breeding should not be exclusive to the nine companies that if agricultural chickens. Egg itself is cost reduction. The source problem. Breeder layer caused no quality If the government does not meet the problem. Egg problem may inundate low price and asked the government to deposit the check around. If you plan to resolve any Not to affect farmers who earn less. The eggs will need to solve problems and systems. From source to destination Person or from plant materials used for animal feed Maize and broken rice price breeders include the cost of farmers. Will solve only part of farmers can not

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Communicate In A Business Environment Essay

Learning Outcome 1: Understand the purpose of planning communication 1.1 Explain why different communication methods are used in the business environment. Effective communication is vital to the smooth running of a business and various methods of communication are used within a business environment to achieve this. Each form has various benefits to communicate effectively to their designated target audience. When communication is carried out properly it means the sender and receiver both correctly obtain the same information. Each form of communication will be chosen to which is applicable to the situation for example for a one-to-one/ team meeting will be best carried out face-to-face as it is the most effective way to make sure a point is understood properly, as it is a lot more personal and professional. Whereas if a company wants to distribute a monthly newsletter, this wouldn’t need to be as personal as a face to face, it could be carried out over email. Therefore this wouldn’t mean a employee would have to take time out of work and the messages can be sent on a large scale without taking much time to process. Read more:  Identify the different reasons people communicate  essay 1.2 Describe the communication requirements of different audiences. Communication styles need to be adjusted and adapted depending on the target  audience and situation. This is determined by considering which mean of communication is most effective whether it be written or verbal. The various requirements that may need to be catered for include age, gender and ethnicity and special needs. For example, younger people have shorts attention spans, while older people are more patient and are able to sit for longer period of time. Another example is making the visual communication more accessible such as large fonts for partially sighted people. When preparing verbal presentations people with special needs should be considered, such as people who lip read, so they can be positioned appropriately in the room. People with mobility problems such as wheelchair users may require wide aisles for easy access. If arranging group activities you will be required to consider the group of people so that a special needs member can cooperate. 1.3 Explain the importance of using correct grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, spelling and conventions in business communications. a Grammar The aim of having correct grammar is to ensure what is written is correctly understood. A sentence that contains grammatical errors can be difficult to read and can cause misunderstandings. It is important to use correct grammar whether writing or speaking to communicate effectively to help people get a better understanding and to express your communication more precisely and clearly. b Sentence structure It is important to use correct sentence structure in business communications so your writing has variation and isn’t all the same. Using a variety of sentence types can help emphasise different points and ideas. A good sentence structure allows the communication to be correctly interpreted whereas a poor sentence structure can be misinterpreted. c Punctuation It is essential to use correct punctuation to enable the communication to be readable and easy to understand. Punctuation is used in writing to separate sentences and clarify meaning. An error in punctuation can convey an inaccurate meaning to the one intended. d Spelling It is important to use correct spelling in business communications as standardising spelling makes it a lot clearer to understand the text. Incorrect spelling can lead to confusion, mistakes being made and communications being misinterpreted. One misspelled word can change the entire meaning of a sentence giving the reader the wrong message or impression. e Conventions It is important to use conventions in business communications to ensure the writing is in a easier format which the reader will be comfortable with. Conventions are the spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar and paragraphing making writing more understandable. This enhances the readability for the audience so they can fluently read the communication without having to stop and try figure out what was actually intended. The use of proper grammar and vocabulary is appropriate in business documents, such as emails and letters, as it is important in a working environment to form a professional respectable relationship with colleagues and customers. If sending an email or letter professionally for business use this would be in a very formal format, whereas if the email was getting sent to a friend the language would be very informal with possibly the use of flag or text talk. The use of conventions always needs to be adjusted depending on the audience, purpose and context. 1.4 Explain the importance of using appropriate body language and tone of voice when communicating verbally. A large part of face-to-face communication is made up of non-verbal  information and is expressed by body language and tone of voice. The tone of your voice includes the volume which you speak, the type of emotion you use and the emphasis placed on the words you use. The same sentence could have various meanings depending on which word is emphasized so it is important to us the appropriate tone when placing emphasis on words to draw the listener’s attention. Doing this incorrectly could mislay the wrong information and impression. Body language portray subconscious messages when communicating. Examples of body language include eye contact, facial expressions, composure and gestures. Body language is recognised instinctively, without having to be told what it means. When relaying messages a lot of the time it isn’t what you say it is how you say it and if your body language contradicts this, the message will not be clear to the audience.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Arthur Miller’s Essay

The first point I noted was when Alfieri said: â€Å"A lawyer means the law, and in Sicily, from where their fathers came, the law has not been a friendly idea since the Greeks were beaten† This suggests that before Christ and Christianity, the law was quite sloppy, and people could get away with crimes, but since the spread of Catholicism and ‘An eye for an eye†¦ ‘, people have been scared to cross the law since people have the right to exact revenge, without scorn from the community, and it worked because people knew that felonies could result in death, they stop committing them. A very important point is where Alfieri is talking about men in the Mafia who were shot by thugs from other ‘families’, and refers to those men as ‘justly shot by unjust men’ which means that those men deserved to die, yet they shouldn’t, in the eyes of the American Judicial System, be killed without trial, that being one of the Amendments of The Constitution. Perhaps the most important occurrence when dealing with this category is the prefiguration about Vinnie Bolzano (which has been previously mentioned), because it serves as a prefiguration about what happens when someone breaks the Code of Conduct, with regards to immigrants. The next type of tension is about Eddie as a sympathetic character. Miller wanted the audience to feel sympathetic for Eddie and does this by creating a sense of emotional involvement with Eddie, which forms a certain sense of empathy with Eddie, and a sorrow which implants a sorrow due to Eddie’s fate. This type of tension is similar to climatic tension except it creates an apprehensive mood in the audience’s mind. Because this is in place early on, it is easier for the reader to justify Eddie’s actions and then empathise with him. In Arthur Miller’s view, Eddie â€Å"posses or exemplifies the wondrous and human fact that he too can be driven to what in the last analysis is a sacrifice of himself for his conception, however misguided or right, dignity and justice. † This to me provokes real empathy because it is very difficult to sacrifice for your beliefs, and for what behaviour he displays, he deserves so much more respect that he is given. Alfieri, upon meeting Eddie, described Eddie as having ‘eyes like tunnels’ which suggests that he is in a trance like state, and he has probably given way to his emotions, which is not necessarily his fault, it may be that he is emotionally unstable, and insecure, it may be that he is suffering from stress, which makes him less mentally adept, but whatever he is, he should not, in this situation, be held accountable for his actions. Early on in the play, with Eddie’s conversation between Catherine & Beatrice, a lot of Eddie’s gentle and more compassionate side is exposed when Catherine wants to work, Eddie wants her to stay in school, but she protests: Eddie: You wanna go to work, heh, Madonna? Catherine: Yeah Eddie: Alright, go to work. This shows Eddie’s compassionate side, because he gives in to Catherine’s demands, even though it is against his will, he does it because it is in Catherine’s interest. Another moment where Miller shows Eddie’s consideration for Catherine is the moment where she lights the cigar, and almost burns herself: Catherine: Here! I’ll light it for you! Don’t worry about me Eddie, heh? Eddie: Don’t burn yourself. (Just in time she blows out match) This shows Catherine’s naivety, and perhaps her inability to function independently without Eddie, and how much he cares for her. She soon forgets this when she encounters Rodolfo, and Eddie feels displaced by him, like he is no longer needed, and for this reason, I think his goal becomes to have Rodolfo deported. But only because Catherine completely ignores him, and feels she is independent, when clearly, she is not. The last kind of tension is emotional tension. This is the disarray that begins due to the introduction of a stranger into this family, and continues due to Rodolfo’s unusual behaviour, Eddie’s emotional insecurities, Catherine’s naivety and Beatrice’s selfishness plunge them into. Due to analysis, I have come to realise that there is a vicious emotional cycle in place that erodes the already fragile relationship these characters share. Here is a diagram and an explanation: Catherine and Rodolfo take Beatrice’s advice. They become closer, get more intimate. They start to ignore Eddie’s opinion more. Catherine starts to become less nai ve, more aware, much to Eddie’s disapproval. Next Catherine and Rodolfo’s actions make Eddie more irate. He becomes more hypnotised by rage. He is more desperate to separate Catherine and Rodolfo. He feels displaced, like Catherine is bestowing all her affection on Rodolfo. He starts to ignore Beatrice and begins to focus solely on Rodolfo’s expulsion. Then Beatrice is annoyed by Eddie. She feels he is not attentive enough. She feels displace by Catherine and becomes even more jealous of the attention she receives. She encourages Catherine to become more independent and intimate with Rodolfo in the hope that she, with Rodolfo, moves out leaving Eddie to pay Beatrice more attention. This continues to occur, and destabilises this very dysfunctional family, with each party becoming more bitter and resentful to the others. It changes slightly so that Beatrice almost sides with Catherine and Rodolfo, I think purely for selfish reasons, as she has the most to gain from Catherine’s absence. In the end, I think is no one person’s fault. I think it is the fault of all three parties. Catherine, because she is to nai ve to know what she is doing, and cannot see through Beatrice’s advice, Eddie for being too overprotective and getting too involved, and Beatrice, for wanting Catherine gone for all the wrong reasons. With all this, I think it is all the deceit and selfish motivation that accompanies a dysfunctional family that sees the Carbone family on their knees. In conclusion, Arthur Miller uses many types of tension in his play ‘A View From The Bridge’: climatic tension, dedicated to keeping the middle unknown; tension of discovery, to keep the play fresh with plenty of plot twists, and to keep the character’s personas mysterious, the Sicilian Code of Conduct to keep the play within the same era, and to put his knowledge to good use, Eddie as a sympathetic character to keep the audience engrossed and to exploit one of the most fascinating human traits, and the triangular relationship between Eddie, Catherine and Rodolfo and Beatrice to show how easily a nuclear family can be dissolved by the introduction of a stranger who is welcomed with mixed opinions, much like a specie from a different ecosystem being introduced to a new one. Interestingly, with regard to the opinions, each member of the family represents a different opinion; Eddie represents the negative extremity (by wanting Rodolfo gone), Catherine the positive extremity (wanting to marry Rodolfo), and Beatrice who is neutral (doesn’t mind, just wants Catherine gone). All these kinds of tension help to portray what happens when strangers enter a close-knit family which has mixed opinions, and that when pushed hard enough, people will forgo almost anything to protect their loved ones; their beliefs, their life, even if it really is all for the sake of self justified pride and dignity. To summarise it in one sentence, it basically says, â€Å"Welcome to the human condition. † Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.

Friday, November 8, 2019

buy custom Descriptive Statistics essay

buy custom Descriptive Statistics essay The numbers that are used in the summarizing and describing of data constitute what is called descriptive statistics. Data can be any information collected from a survey, experiment or a historical record. For instance if one is analyzing the birth certificates of children from a given State, then the percentage of certificates given out in that state or the average age of mothers, can constitute the descriptive statistic of the data. Any number that is used in the computation is also taken as a descriptive statistics for the data from the computed statistic. A number of descriptive statistics may be used at once for better description of the data (Lane, 2003). There are various ways in which statistical data can be interpreted. This includes measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion. This provides shorthand in the description of the distribution of data. Measures of central tendency include the mean, mode and median. Measures of dispersion are the range, variance and standard deviation (Ryan, 2004). For example in a survey carried out to examine the dominance of risk factors for cardiovascular disease, a measurement of systolic blood pressure was done twice on each patient to ascertain the reliability of the measures. A calculation of the difference between the measures was done for each of the 10,000 patients and relative distribution of the same plotted. The mean difference was found to be 0 mmHg and standard deviation was 2 mmHg. Since the distribution was symmetrical, it was estimated that 95% of the difference lay within 4 mmHg of the mean, 0. So from this, if a persons measures differ by 4 mmHg then this will be unusual and therefore has a risk of getting a cardiovascular disease. This will call for the necessary measures to be taken in terms of treatmen. Or in the estimation of birth weight that is symmetrically distributed in a population. The proportion of babies who will weigh less than 2000 grams can be calculated. If the newborns mean weight is 3500 grams and standar d deviation is 750 grams, then if there is no other information, 0.025 or 2.5% of the newborns will weigh less than 2000 grams because this is two standard deviations below the mean (Arsham, 2010). Still in the medical world data collection and interpretation should be done very carefully as it is likely to affect the livelihood of others. This is especially in the case of public health whereby governments need to take measures in advance concerning various issues basing their judgment on the interpretation of the current statistics. There are different types of probabilities that can be used, these are; marginal probability, conditional probability, joint probability and union probability. These can be used in different methods such as the classical method of probability, the relative frequency of occurrence and the subjective probability. The most misused probability is the subjective probabilities. They are based on an individuals intuition, feelings or experience. In this world almost every person has an opinion and would like to share it. They are not unethical to use but can be misleading and disastrous to decision makers. This is especially in the medical field where all the actions need to be justified. Operating on intuitions ca n be very risky and might lead to loss of lives. What a person needs to know is that the rules and laws of probability are for the long run (Arjomand, 1996) For example if a coin is tossed, even though we know that the probability of getting a head is 5, the result will not obviously be a head and one can not get a half head. But on several tosses a head will be got. Take for instance an oil prospecting company , suppose the probability that it will strike oil is 10, this means that in the long run, if enough holes are drilled, the company should strike oil in about 10% of the holes. What if the company has just enough money to drill one hole? This means that it will either get a dry hole or strike oil. If this is not put into consideration, the companys decision to drill oil might be disastrous. Classical statistics on the other hand could be used unethically to lure companies or clients into making short-run investments hoping to get something in return when in actual terms the company or client may win or lose. In the case of the oil company, it will not get back 10% by drilling one hole; it will either win or lose (Black, 2009) Conclusion In descriptive statistics there is always a tendency for people to ignore examining data thoroughly by descriptive means. They tend to rush on applying statistical tests on the given data without confirming whether the data is accurate. People involved in dealing with descriptive statistics should therefore always strive to take time to examine descriptively a set of data using different perspectives to get a clear picture of it. This way they will be able to discriminate against much sense and nonsense. The types of probability that exist are the marginal probability, the conditional probability, the joint probability and the union probability. The classical method of assigning probability relies on events prior or before they take place. The relative frequency of occurrence assigns probability basing on empirically derived data or historical data. Subjective probabilities on the other hand rely on the knowledge, feelings and personal experiences in assigning probability (Statistics , 2006). Buy custom Descriptive Statistics essay

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Woman in Black Essays

The Woman in Black Essays The Woman in Black Essay The Woman in Black Essay Essay Topic: The Black Monk Susan Hill creates a sense of isolation since the beginning of the novel, when Arthur is at Monk’s Piece. The name of Arthur’s new house (Monk’s Piece), suggest that it is a calm place, but it also could suggest that it is isolated, because in the Middle Ages monks used to meditate alone in isolated places. Isolation is also presented in the other house in the book, which is Eel Marsh House. The only way to access to Eel Marsh House was by crossing a place called ‘Nine Lives Causeway’, which is the only path next to the house. Arthur describes Eel Marsh House as ‘submerged’ and ‘untraceable’, this implies that it is almost impossible to escape from Eel Marsh House. It is submerged because the causeway is under the water and it is untraceable because the marshes last forever. The name of the causeway also creates a sense of isolation, it is called Nine Lives Causeway, and this suggests that you must have nine lives to cross it (or to be very lucky and brave). Isolation is also there when Keckwick leaves Arthur alone in Eel Marsh House. He says that he feels â€Å"alone, outside that gaunt, empty house†. This tells us that Arthur is alone in the house, without protection and he ‘predicts’ that he will see the Woman in Black soon. Another time where we feel isolation is when Arthur is alone at the house and he is so scared that he starts to pray. I think that he prays because he is looking for protection and somebody to talk in God. Mrs Drablow also creates a sense of isolation, especially when Arthur asks for information to Mr Bentley. He says that she lived for a long time in the house with nobody. She didn’t have any friends and she is also described as a â€Å"rum’un†, which means that a person is misbehaving (maybe, this is why Mrs Drablow didn’t have friends. In my opinion, isolation is mostly presented when Arthur is alone at Eel Marsh house, and it is also important, because it makes the story ‘more gothic’ and some characters, like Spider (the dog) or Keckwick wouldn’t appear in the story and they make the story more interesting.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Non3 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Non3 - Case Study Example The justice system should be cautious when dealing with terrorism cases because most of them pose legal and practical challenges because they have no precedents. In some instances, the criminal justice system has been criticized because it is susceptible to errors such as being too fast or too slow or sometimes providing harsh or lenient punishments. The evolution of statues and courtroom procedures has exhibited a flexible justice system that can be able to deal with the rising unique case of terrorism. The rising cases of terrorism have given rise to the ethical and legal dilemma of whether to use federal courts or military tribunals. In the United States, jurisdiction of military commissions is limited to time of war and only offenses recognized under the law of war are tried. This poses challenges while using the commissions because given the complexity of terrorist activities, some offenses are not recognized under the law of war. Additionally, only aliens are permitted to be tr ied in accordance to the Military Commissions Act. The federal judiciary on the other hand, is a separate branch of the federal government, which is autonomous from the executive and legislative branches charged with the responsibility of interpreting law and deciding disputes that arise under it. Using the federal court has many advantages. Using the United States federal courts shows that United States takes its obligations seriously regarding the anti-terrorism conventions since it has always been at the forefront advocating for implementation of anti-terrorism conventions that requires states to prosecute terrorists in national courts. Using the federal courts guarantees use of the due process rights thus ensuring a fair trial. However, there are disadvantages of using the federal courts. Federal criminal trial of foreigners especially the Islamic terrorist could turn political leading to demonstrations against the United States which could cause security risk for the trial itse lf. The burden of proof in a terrorist trial is usually high and may hinder efforts to bring suspects to justice and this means that a suspect may get freedom more easily in a federal courtroom than in a foreign or international courtroom (Zabel & Benjamin, 2008). Incarceration of terrorist suspects has also raised a heated debate in the United States. Incarceration, which is mainly used as a punishment for a crime serves several purposes that include isolating criminals to prevent further crimes, punishing criminals, deterring others from committing the same crimes and rehabilitating the criminals. However, when suspects are incarcerated for long, it raises questions whether the rule of law is being applied effectively. This further puts doubt in delivery of justice because of the delays in delivering since access to justice is a mutually reinforcing component of the rule of law. States strive to implement the rule of law and therefore, more attention should be given towards achiev ing the rule of law. A poorly functioning justice system allows crime thus demeaning the essence of the rule of law. Progress in security, governance, economic development, and social well being are dependent on a good rule of law system, which is the foundation for economic and political success. The legal dilemma, which encompasses

Friday, November 1, 2019

Lesson V Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Lesson V - Research Paper Example Further, Siva did not act ethically by suing Hess as he had not entered into a personal agreement with Hess but with 1138 LLC. If Siva wanted Hess to be personally liable for the debt, he would have asked Hess to sign the lease agreement in an individual capacity and hence Hess would have been personally liable (Cooper & Lyman, 1998) The appending of Mr. Soskin’s signature on the contract document indicating that he would personally guarantee any defaulted payments by Nashville holds him personally liable to pay the debt (Cheeseman, 2013). He therefore acted as a personal guarantor to Nashville LLC and any failed payments by the company would be recovered from Soskin’s personal assets as he became personally liable by signing a document with a paragraph saying â€Å"I personally guarantee...† If Soskin intended to act as just a representative as he stipulate in his defense, he would have therefore asked for an amendment of the clause which made him personally liable (Cheeseman, 2013) Under the subject of Liability of the franchisor, he case quoted is Martin v. McDonalds Corp. where McDonald’s was sued for negligence. The court’s decision held that McDonald’s was negligent for failure of following up and making sure that deficiencies in security at the Oak Forest Franchise were corrected. The liability of a franchisor therefore affects businesses in the United States as the franchisors are tasked to ensure that security procedures are adhered to and thus manuals should be circulated in all franchised business for conformance (Cheeseman, 2013). In the subject of right to accounting, Steeby v, Fial case is applied where Steeby sued Fial for breach of fiduciary duty while seeking for final accounting. The trial court found that Fial had in his actions violated the partnership agreement and hence breached the fiduciary duty by terminating the auditors and dissipating partnership assets. Also, he had terminated contracts for the clients

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Choose one from the instruction Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Choose one from the instruction - Research Paper Example The two cases constitute to intentional or negligence cases. There are other cases where the person causing damage remains liable to the victim regardless of whether they intended to cause harm. These constitute to strict liability cases. A country’s court has many cases to handle ranging from criminal cases to civil cases, among many others. Among the many cases the court handles are tort cases. The court seeks to administer justice to those involved through compensation as well as they look for ways of deterring further occurrence of torts (Best and David 8). Sometimes, compensation for losses incurred becomes the core function of tort law, and contributes to its development. Although the primary function of tort law can be described as the need to determine the required compensation. However, prevention and punishment measures too are important factors that help prevent further tort cases. This is because as the court looks for compensation of the injured, it also looks to send a warning to the offender. When a court makes its decisions on the case and defendants understand they may have liability in the case, it may act as a deterrent measure on further tort cases. However, research shows that goals of compensation and deterrence of future damage may differ in some cases as the court may favor one side than the other (Best and David 8). When courts in the U.S started undertaking tort cases, they considered compensation and deterrence as the main goals of concern. However, compensation became easier to perceive than deterrence and courts expanded tort law focusing on compensation. Later, economic hardships that hit the country largely affected the court's decision to follow compensation (Best and David 9). Impact of legal issues on economy Economic analysis of... The social cost incurred from the accident is the cumulative precaution and the cost of the expected accident, and becomes what the society is liable for. Economically, for the society to reduce the costs of an accident they should take a precaution that lies in between two extremes; the cost of the precaution itself and the cost of the expected accident (Mattiacci 5).The in-between precaution is the optimal care the society takes because it reduces the cost of the precaution and the expected accident cost thus minimizing the social cost. Therefore, decisions made by the tort law system should ensure that the incentives they give to the injurer to avoid the accident should enable them take an in-between precaution. The legal issues existing in tort law systems include giving parties incentives to acquire information on the accident occurrence. The court authority should ensure that incentives given for accessing information about the accident should not constrain the economy. This in one way relieves the country economic pressures. To minimize spending on risks, the tort law system should ensure a most favorable allocation of risks between the injurer and the victim, and it can only achieve this goal through insurance (Shavell 188). On the side of the transaction costs, the tort system’s goal is to minimize the administrative costs that result from the system’s attorney’s and magistrate’s payment. However there is conflict between the distinction on allocations of incentives towards the prevention or precautions taken or compensation for the accident. Acquiring equilibrium between the injurer and the victim will help achieve the social goal of compensation and deterrence and minimize cost on economy.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Media and Objectivity Essay Example for Free

Media and Objectivity Essay Human rights activists should always be conscious that the media cannot afford to always be objective for fear of losing audience loyalty. Sensationalisation is a sure tool that the media uses as it seeks to make stories, news, features, and other production appear more appealing to audiences (Sloan Mackay, 2007). Media-produced information should thus always be subjected to careful scrutiny to establish its authenticity. Media people also have personal feelings that arouse various emotions in them with regard to various news stories and other productions. Further, unscrupulous media practitioners may allow the greed for personal gain to cloud their objectivity, thus accepting financial rewards in return for distorting information to make its appeal to audiences. It is thus very likely that many media personalities are overcome by subjectivity as they execute their duties. In turn, media information is subject to subjectivity, thus customizing objectivity. It is thus possible that, with regard to the media, objectivity is usually greatly compromised, thus rendering media information unreliable or completely erroneous. Human rights activists should thus employ caution when handling and acting upon media derived information in order to avoid being ensnared into the subjectivity that usually characterizes media-derived information. Reference Sloan, W. D. ; Mackay, J. B. (2007). Media bias: Finding it, fixing it. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Puffy Chronicles :: Puff Daddy Music Musicians Rappers Essays

The Puffy Chronicles Puff Daddy, born Sean Combs on November 4, 1969 in Harlem to Melvin and Janice Combs, began his life of violence at a young age. When Sean was two years old, his father was tragically murdered. This forced Janice to move to a safer environment in Mt.Vernon, NY where she had to work three jobs in order to provide for her family. One can see that Sean’s broken home and the violence that constantly surrounded him influenced his lyrics and style of music throughout his life[I1] . His angry lyrics and shouts of aggression in his individual tracks certainly support the argument of his childhood having a big impact on his style of rap. Exploding onto the rap scene, Puffy soon found himself engulfed by the lifestyle of a rapper. For a short time, Puff Daddy was involved in one of the biggest East Coast vs. West Coast battles. Violence erupted, which lead to the death of two rappers: 2Pac and Notorious B.I.G. During this whole time, Puffy was busy producing music and influencing the style of other artists.[I2] Biggie’s single â€Å"Hypnotize† soared up to number one and stayed there long after his death. It was not long until the world would get a taste of Puffy’s very[I3] own style. Puff Daddy released the solo album No Way Out in the summer of 97’. No Way Out is an odd mixture of gangsta rap, soul, and r&b. But, somehow it seems to work for Puffy and his crew. At times while listening to the tracks, one is confused as to which direction Puffy and such featured artists as Mase, Lil Kim, Notorious B.I.G., and Busta Rhymes are headed because the tracks are either violent, apologetic, or r&b. In â€Å"Victory†, Busta Rhymes spews out angry lyrics of violence about kidnapping rival West Coast Rapper families and gunning down enemies. Then in a spin-off of Sting’s â€Å"Every Breath You Take†, one can feel the pain and anguish as well as the regret in Puff’s voice as he raps about the death of his best friend, Notorious B.I.G. â€Å"I’ll Be Missing You†, a tribute to Biggie, won the award for Best Rap Performance by a Duo or Group ( 2). Biggie’s wife, Faith Evans, provided background vocals to th e song while Puffy raps, â€Å"Give anything to hear half your breath/I know you still living your life, after death.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Macro Economic Factors Affecting the Video Game Console Essay

Demographic Factors: Age is the main demographic factor affecting the market for video game consoles although common misconceptions are that the market is mainly comprised of teenagers. Recent Studies shows that the largest market sector of video game console purchases are teenagers or young adults. ESA demographic data shows that America’s average game player’s age is 34 and the average age of game purchasers is 40 (see article x) Generational factors play a big role in the market sector of gamers who purchase more than one game console, buy the latest version and buy games into adulthood. In 2010 26% of gamers were over 50. There is a definite generational factor as many of the consumers were in their teens when the mass video gaming culture began and now are in their 40s or 50s and have retained their gamer status, therefore are also ready to adopt new products. Gender is another factor that should be noted. Female gamers are a large portion of the video console market although significantly less than their online gaming counterparts. ESA research predicts that 40% of video game players are females. Economic Factors: Household income  ± studies have shown that video games in the toys and games market are able to gain a significant share of the market the larger the average household incomes are of a given market segment or particular region. For video games to comprise of 15% market share in toys and games of a given country, 60% of the population must earn incomes above US $15,000 (see figure x). Business cycle-The sale of consumer electronics andnovelty products are influencedby macroeconomic factors of a country. If there are recessionary or inflationary pressures, sales are likely to be affected sincechanges in consumers behaviour is determined by the perceived increase or decrease in the level of disposable income. This is, however, likely to have a short term impact and in the long run will have negligible changes on the sales of video game consoles, as business cycles return to a favourable position for higher consumer spending. Demand elasticity- Video Game consoles have a price elastic demand (for a portion of the consumer market) and combined with a high substitutability factors creates susceptibility to changes in competitor’s prices or quality hence impacting the size and share of the market for our product. Factors that change the cross price elasticity of our product need to be considered and addressed. Technological Factors: Innovation R&D- Technology, particularly technological innovation is a critical factor in the video game console market, and the leading competitors Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo have significant R&D invested in technology improvements. If our product development lifecycle does not include product improvements that are comparable to the leading competitor’s product, future success will not be guaranteed. Compatibility – Hardware issues include compatibility with existing hardware and the ease and cost of switching to the use of new hardware. Our product has the benefit of not requiring additional video output devices, i. e. television sets and monitors. Software Development -Technological developments in the software developing industries with which we have partnerships and licencing contracts will affect the attractiveness of our virtual video game console and hence indirectly affect sales generated. Also revenues generated from licencing and subcontracting are dependent on the success of game software publishers; a tactic to reduce risk would be to diversify the scope and use of our product, i. . develop a large partner relation database. Political Environment: Industry Regulation plays an important role in the success and growth of any technology specific product. It will invariably depend on the industry regulations specified the country code of regulatory law when production and manufacture will be conducted but also within the countries where target market segments reside. Ownership of manufacturing, distribution, and exporting firms also vary in different countries and will need to be considered before launching a worldwide market strategy. Trade Barriers -The trade and product specification restrictions on use of certain technology and/or products as well as licencing and exporting costs of the distribution and sale of various product categoriesdiffer between countries/regions and will have a large impact on the competitiveness of the virtual video game console. This can be in the form of trade barriers or indirect barriers through the use of health and safety standards, product labelling and advertising laws and restrictions. Intellectual Property Rights – Legal issues in country of sale, aside from aforementioned industry regulations, include trademarks, copyrights, licensing, patent applications, online ownership, and revenue recognition. Piracy and counterfeiting issues will need to be considered. It has become an accepted practice for the console manufacturers to lose money on the hardware and to recover the loss by charging high licensing fees to game publishers and developers. IPR standards are weakly enforced in many emerging markets with large market potential such as China, Brazil, and Russia. Environmental Factors: Raw Materials  ± The Video Game industry uses a lot of plastic resources and requires the use of scarce metals for its hardware. Given the negative public view on large amounts of non-biodegradable waste product, manufacturing processes and the use of valuable raw materials in the virtual video game console need to be carefully considered. Energy usage and efficiency- The National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) recently published a study on American energy usage with specific regard to game consoles and found that game consoles consume roughly 16 billion kilowatt hours annually(see figure x). These finding were based on the assumption that half of the consoles are left on or on standby after use. A console that has timed automatic shutdown, as the virtual gaming console does, reduces this energy wastage. Health related concerns ± There is a general perception that frequent video gaming has a negative impact on a person health. However this perception may subject to change as research shows contrasting outcomes that there is the view that considers such side-effects to be ‘relatively minor or temporary’ (Griffiths 2002) and that finds playing computer games is comparable to a mild intensity exercise: with normal use, playing may neither improve nor harm physical fitness (Emes 1997)? Cultural Factors: Fashion Trends: Video Game console purchases are often made according to similar purchases made in a consumer’s social reference groups. Word of mouth and peer reference can play a crucial role in the choice of video game consoles. Networkingcapabilities ± the ability to connect to a large number of players online through a portable console has a definite cultural factor as the popular use of online networks determine the success of the addition of these features. Recreational Alternatives- changes in the demand for video game console may be created through a shifting trend in choice of recreational methods. Advances in the market for other toys and games could play an important role.