Friday, December 27, 2019

Manifest Destiny and the Genocide of the Native American...

A. Plan of the Investigation I. Subject of the Investigation How did the Manifest Destiny ideal affect the Native Americans in the 1830’s? II. Methods a. Research about the origins of Manifest Destiny and the history of the Native Americans from 1830 to 1839. There were two websites that we particularly helpful to me. Reliability, how recently it was updated and how easily it could be edited by Internet users were the main criteria used when selecting a website. b. Writing a rough bibliography y about the topic c. Selection and reading of books pertaining to Native Americas, and Manifest Destiny. Criteria: the most factually accurate. B. Summary of Evidence In the 1830’s America was highly influenced by the Manifest Destiny†¦show more content†¦This forced excavation of the Native Americans lead to a massive number of deaths among the tribes. C. Evaluation of the Sources America’s Westward Expansion was published on suite101, an American History website, in February 2007 and was written by K.C. Morgan. K.C. Morgan is a professional freelance writer who has written various articles and blog posts that appear on a range of websites. After several years of writing fantasy fiction, she decided to write about the real world she faces everyday. During her years of writing professionally, however, she has covered a wide range of topics. The purpose of America’s Westward Expansion is to provide a very ‘native American friendly’ view of the manifest destiny ideal. This article, though very one-sided, had great value to me. In it the author stated that the famous phrase â€Å"manifest destiny† was coined by a journalist in 1844. This information enlightened me about the fact that the idea of manifest destiny existed and was being executed for many years before it was actually given a name. This was not something I had ever given thought to, however, I had the misconceived notion that the word came before the definition, which is a false statement when pertaining to any topic. Though it presented some very interesting information, this website was limiting in the fact that it only presented information that was veryShow MoreRelatedThe Ethnic Cleansing Of The United States1237 Words   |  5 Pageslebensraum, the idea of Manifest Destiny in the United States transposed to a German-defining East in Poland and Russia. Inspired by the stories of May and lebensraum, Hitler repeatedly compared Manifest Destiny in the United States and a German-defining East in Poland and Russia. To what extent did western fiction influence the political landscape and Hitler’s War in East Europe? Historians have argued that Hitler was inspired by the stories of May and Manifest Destiny in the United States. 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Originally a political catchphrase of the nineteenth-century, Manifest Destiny eventually became a standard historical term, often used as a synonym for the territorial expansion of the United States across North America towards the Pacific Ocean. The UnitedRead MoreThe End Of The 19th Century2247 Words   |  9 Pagesrailroads and electricity, the U.S. was undergoing a profound economic revolution and as the economy grew, U.S. territory would also experience great expansion into the west, Latin America and Asia. The first form of U.S. expansion would occur in the American west. In 1862 the U.S. government would encourage its people to move out west in an attempt to improve and cultivate the land. The Homestead Act of 1862 would provide any adult citizen, or intended citizen, who had not borne arms against the U.S Read MoreAmerican Imperialism : America s Quest For Dominance1223 Words   |  5 Pagescontinued encroachment against the native population. It started off with the need of survival and it continued until the destruction of an entire people and culture was nearly complete. Soon, after the civil war Americans began pushing west in the name of â€Å"manifest destiny, the belief that the United States had a ‘God-given’ right to aggressively spread the values of white civilization and expand the nation from ocean to ocean† (Roark 14). This is the start of American imperialism that lasted over aRead MoreThe Hbo Movie : Conspiracy1431 Words   |  6 Pagesthe Only Genocide The Holocaust is well recognized and accepted as the epitome of human atrocities and shame. The Holocaust will ever be tied to one of mankind’s darkest hours and to a nation’s embrace of genocide. The question posed here is, were the actions of the Nazi’s truly worse that those committed by others through-out history? Of particular interest is the genocide of Native Americans and why their plight doesn’t warrant the same recognition of the Jewish Holocaust. Genocide Defined AsRead MoreA Brief History of American Imperialism1391 Words   |  6 Pageseventual spread of the American nation beyond the Mississippi into Native and French land, referred to as â€Å"Manifest Destiny† by John O’Sullivan, was rationalized as a realization of their God given duty. The Louisiana Purchase set the precedent for unrestricted westward expansion in America, and allowed for others to follow in his footsteps. Characterized by racist overtones, a lack of the â€Å"consent of the governed, and ethnic cleansing, there is no valid distinction between this American continental expansionRead MoreThe Road Of The Trail Of Tears1334 Words   |  6 Pagesin American History. Was America justified in destroying a culture in its pursuit of Manifest Destiny, or did they feel it was their only option in this matter at the time? Based on research, I feel that the American policy of Indian removal and relocation was extremely unethical and unjustified in its motives and execution. Before Europeans arrived in present-day America, the Native Americans were living on millions of acres of land their ancestors had occupied and cultivated. Many Native AmericansRead MoreThe New World974 Words   |  4 Pages Impressions are perhaps the only valuable information one has to tackle the unknown. Much like To understand the Genesis of stereotypes one must first understand what stereotypes are. In Celluloids Indians Jacquelyn Kilpatrick describes stereotypes as such, â€Å"‘ [s] tereotypes are evaluative concepts about status and roles and as such are central to interpreting and evaluating social groups including one’s own.†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (xvi) Kilpatrick explores â€Å"the social, ideological and political construction†(xvi) ofRead More Andrew Jackson Essay981 Words   |  4 Pagesthe American people, even the more unsavory ones. He was a war hero that exemplified the strength and tenacity by which America has defined itself over the generations. He acted in all ways with concern for the growth of the American nation, both at home and overseas. Even his now unquestionably negative actions, such as the Indian Removal Act, were done at the time not only in the interest of the citizens of the united states , but in regard (however misguided) to the survival of the Indian nations

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