Thursday, December 19, 2019

Juvenile Delinquency Week 8 Jose - 1344 Words

This term paper looks at an account involving a juvenile delinquent Josà © and juvenile delinquents in broad and those in disagreement with the rule and the law in particular. It scrutinizes the status or condition of the American juvenile justice arrangement or system and tries to explore the motive or the grounds behind children finally resorting to delinquent vices in concurrence with the offences they usually engage in are indicted of committing. Even as the study investigates both social and cultural aspects behind the commission of these vices, it also categorically focuses on the children’s pliability to try to succeed in life. Josà © in this case is a young delinquent child with a history of participation and involvement in deviant†¦show more content†¦In presentation of the case, Prosecutor David Soares admitted that they had looked every aspect of level of Jose involvement in the assault and how criminal the act was, and how culpable was he. He mentions that they had established that his involvement in the actions was on a minimum level. They appealed for him budge to adult court and plead guilty, but to a slighter accusation of unintentional manslaughter. He did precisely what he was asked to. After his confession, Josà © moved to a psychosomatic assessment at the California Youth Authority. He advanced an approving estimation that the psychologist concerned recommended that he was not likely to be a threat to public safety as he stopped engaging in substance abuse ( Juvenile courts are more informal in procedure and are c oncerned with the welfare of the children rather than the punishment of the children. Due to his recurring immoral and criminal behavior, the reality that he almost short of clocking the standard age, eighteen years, and the actuality that he had committed numerous offences, previously tried for while on probation from the California Youth Authority, court prosecutors wanted to have Jose tried and charged in mature and adult court for his most recent offenses. According to the laws governing the country, persons between the ages of seven to seventeen is the are regarded as juveniles.Show MoreRelatedChildren of Incarcerated Parents Essay1814 Words   |  8 Pagesthere was an estimate of approximately 1.7 million children of incarcerated parents in the United States (Poehlmann, Dallaire, Loper Shear 2010). Of those 1.7 million children, 58% of those children are under the age of 10, with the mean age being 8 (Travis Waul 2003). The children of incarcerated parents are often moved from one family and one school to the next. 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