Friday, November 15, 2019

The price of eggs inflation in Thailand

The price of eggs inflation in Thailand The case of egg price. The price of eggs in Thailand is important in price .The price of eggs in Thailand is high and is up and down in year. This problem of an import have resulted in small farms having problems for many years. This similar problem exists throughout the economic system, but the Egg became an issue because Thailand is unique in measuring the prime minister with the egg. In every year the price of eggs to be effective lack of a capital ,equal capital and get profit in year. The case of egg price and injustice in Thailand. The main problems about egg prices are up because the quota pushed up the price of breed stock and small farmers had to rely on large corporations for their breed stock and also the food for the entire stock. With the corporations also in the Chicken and egg business, small farmers are squeezed out of the business, and the maximum temperature has risen, which is far higher than at the same time last year. The ideal temperature is 28-30C effect to hens stressful and less productive and lack of clean water in some areas has also caused the hens to become ill and lay fewer eggs. The period of the year in Thailand when it is not so hot and rainy ,the high cost of chicken feed is also a factor, In addition egg prices are up because the price of young chicks has almost doubled. From The price of eggs in Thailand is high effect to the food sellers have to carry the burden of rising prices of eggs as they continue to cook food for customers. If the government does not resolve this problem, all sellers in the market will have to increase the price of an egg. The government should try to support the farmers. Egg prices have been go up Other governing bodies must address farmers complaints because they are under the influence and control of large business groups The quota pushed up the price of breed stock and small farmers had to rely on large corporations for their breed stock and also the food for the entire stock. With the corporations also in the Chicken and egg business, small farmers are squeezed out of the business I admit, I was lost. For a few days there on my True cable TV-I thought I was in an egg and chicken land. OK-normally, True like runs these CP Farm infomercial boosting all the time. Like you know it-if you have True and in Thailand-you are now an expert of CP Farms, ready to tell anyone that CP Farms is the best run farm on the planet-with very high tech and also extremely environmental friendly. If that is not more-like CP going to Singapore to stage a major Food who can eat the most of CP festival-broadcasting back into Thailand-like wow, who would not be impressed. Well, Matichon, a newspaper here in Thailand is not all that impressed. So Im read Matichons story on the Thai Egg Index and then came to understand why True cable TV-was going ballistic with egg and chicken related story-sort of became the CPs Cable TV Index on eggs and chicken. The price of eggs in Thailand is important-in that the price is an Index of the skill of the government in managing the Thai economy. It is called The Egg Price Index. While Thailands economy is expected to expand about 6% this year-most poll when they ask the Thais about the economy-have been and continues to say that The Economy is Deteriorating. Perhaps, one reason is because egg price has sky-rocket in Thailand-like never before-hitting the highest price in some 10 years. Literally speaking, this is big news in Thailand-where the food of the poorer Thais-are mainly fried and boiled eggs. The following article points to agricultural conglomerate-and in fact the article points to CP, Thailand largest agricultural conglomerate as one problem for small Thai course, supports the government of Abhisit-and is extremely anti-red shirt, who are mostly poor Thais in poor regions. But I saw it with my own eyes, on True cable TV that belongs to CP-running this news and that about eggs and chicken-over and over-going to interview this expert and that expert-saying pretty much that CP did nothing wrong. Meanwhile, Prachachart newspaper and others-did very much what Thai Intel did a few week back-in exposing the Thai banking industry as un-justly keeping the bank spread and fees extremely high-hurting businesses and consumers. To put it simply, the banking industry was raking in the profit for the past few years-as everyone suffered in Thailand. Then off course the Bangkok Post group-where Bangkok Bank biggies sits at the board and owns the company-saying very little-like exactly like True going We are all good guys here. Well, even giving True and the Bangkok Post group-does this two cases Eggs and Banks points to a rise of   Farmers Rights and Consumers Rights in Thailand Association president is confident in situation, that price of eggs is normally in soon. He disclose cause price of eggs increase owing to agriculturist to encounter drought and high weather ,it have high temperature is abnormal about 43-44 Celsius when compare with period of time in last year temperature for feed chicken is only 28-30 Celsius, it cause hen eat low food, percent layer of hen is decrease and size of egg is small. Egg prices increase because price of young chicks had increased from 17 to 18 baht almost 30 baht each in six months, hen was sold for meat after late  about 300 eggs. In addition lack of clean water in some areas caused the hens to become ill and lay fewer eggs, so productivity is decrease too and now agriculturist to encounter epidemic in hen is infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). In last winter productivity get damages and then we would like reminders agriculturists strict in prophylaxis. This is a big issue and the Prime Minister has receive many complaints from the public. Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva is vow to tackle the rising price of chicken eggs and create a more balanced pricing system to consumers satisfy and egg producers. Mr Abhisit said during his radio and television programmed he received many complaints about the rising price of eggs and he is trying to solve the problem urgently.  The price of eggs is seen a prime reflector of a governments efficiency in control the price of consumer goods.   In 3 years ago agriculturists over lose because eggs is inflation. Government is not impertinent in this problem cause of problem from chronic avian influenza in the last year and assembly with low price and drought problem, so that government intervene in order to control of the situation, chicken feeder association President Announcements by the Egg Development Policy Committee to solve the problem price of eggs will be as follows : to control import of breeding hens, extend the breeder hens age, ask for cooperation store for decrease capital of packing because the price of eggs in plastic or paper package at retailer Tesco-Lotus is higher, 10 eggs in a plastic package costs 65 baht, averaging 5 baht each. The Commerce Ministry will ask operators of superstores for cooperation in reduce the cost of egg packages in order to reduce egg prices., decrease egg export and long term policy adjustment in purchase of breeding hens but Mrs. Khampa (Egg Board) not agree because not the correct way to resolve the problem of decrease export that may result overrun of quality of eggs in the market, it so have long problem and stop the rule to buy from 9 fixed suppliers. The cost of farmer will then lower, so solving problem must solving all system from the beginning to finish or until price of machine. Cabinet ministrys meeting has approved the import breeder hens freely to solve the issue of high price of eggs, then people who want to import permit from the Department of Livestock has all to avoid monopoly. The Cabinet ministrys that in 1-2 years, the management of the Development Committee and egg products is error. From the reduction of import breeder hens. And fix the right of the import. It results in fluctuation in price of the guidelines to the Cabinet ministrys Egg Board will need to create stability and fairness to all farmers. Past years import quota of breeder chickens from beginning is 400000 have decrease every year. Resulted in a shortage of breeding, therefore the Egg Board supervision. Hen-Egg Farmers Association president Manoch Chootubtim said layer-hen farmers rising costs of production and feed meal grew more expensive. If government is only concern about the increase in egg prices, layer-hen farmers, particularly small-scale ones, will soon collapse and close the industry. Moreover, the Egg Board and the Department of Livestock will form a working group with Kasetsart University to improve the management of breeding hen import quota and set the quota for 2011. The study will concluded within 60 days. Department of Internal Trade director-general Watcharee Wimooktayon revealed that the eggs sold under the Blue Flag project has been distribute for purchase in retail throughout Thailand.The ministry has increased the number of eggs under the cost-saving Blue-Flag project by 100,000, from the original 400,000, to meet public demand. Up to 500,000 affordable eggs will be distribute through 560 outlets of the Blue-Flag project nationwide Ovaparox is produced from wheat fraction can replace up to 50 per cent of eggs in sweet bakery products.Ovaparox has a shelf life of 18 months from date of manufactures.Ovaparox can replace up to50 per cent of egg in cake it not effect to quality, taste bake volume or shelf-life Many factors cause increased egg prices and avian flu, drought, and ineffective management of egg production. Weather conditions affecting the business produce more eggs. This year, Sung low temperature up to 44 degrees Celsius higher than last year very Optimum temperature should be 28-30 degrees Celsius. Heat a large increase in this The chicken and yield less stressful in some places lack clean water and a sick chicken. And a few eggs. And other serious problems that make egg production is to reduce the number of outbreaks of infectious bronchitis virus. In many chicken farms in the summer last year. That this epidemic. Result in chickens and eggs. Unhealthy and low quality. The virus infection in chickens has spread rapidly affecting the kidneys and lungs freckles because war nama Map In addition to chicken, eggs, low productivity caused by high temperatures and then. Meal cost is another factor. That the egg prices higher as well. The survey found that the market of food Increase the burden of low support price five eggs from normal. government can not solve the problem if egg prices high in the early days, they need to add eggs to the menu price Bath 7-8, or some operators. May need to reduce support for eggs. Which affect the cost increases for customers. Female traders selling sugar and desserts that use eggs as an ingredient. Also directly affected. Some allow losses. Original retail price, some turn to chickens, eggs in the family itself. Rather than bought eggs from the market. And eggs can divide the remaining neighbors selling eggs at Bath 3 a vehicle to earn well in this Secondly is the FT Minister vowing to resolve price increase in chicken eggs and a balanced pricing system satisfactory egg production and consumption. Mr said during his weekly radio and television yesterday, he received numerous complaints about price increases in the eggs and they are trying to solve urgent problems. Egg prices will see a performance culture that reflects the importance of the government to control prices of consumer goods. Prime Minister confirmed he will find the balance between egg production and prices need to provide fair prices for consumers. Ministry of Agriculture has proposed a meeting of the Policy Committee and egg products to the Cabinet note the approach egg problem. On a short-term measures such as measures to extend the chickens eggs hens egg release cage standing out at least four weeks for the eggs to the market volume increases average 1.2 million eggs per day. Egg suspend exports. As well as for cooperation in the farm price of eggs per page, etc. 2.80 Bath. Measures of the Board Layer development policies and products (Egg Board) that measures three phases. 1. Immediate measures. Egg prices have accelerated the decline. Extended hens eggs And reduced export 2. The Commission to study structures that are related to the management of the problem of eggs has risen by 60 days and 3. Long-term measures is to adjust the breeder That are not specific and do not agree that the government reduce the egg. This may cause long term problems and the last farmers market eggs decreased chickens for eggs karma. And I suggested to the government should provide farmers each own areas for breeding should not be exclusive to the nine companies that if agricultural chickens. Egg itself is cost reduction. The source problem. Breeder layer caused no quality If the government does not meet the problem. Egg problem may inundate low price and asked the government to deposit the check around. If you plan to resolve any Not to affect farmers who earn less. The eggs will need to solve problems and systems. From source to destination Person or from plant materials used for animal feed Maize and broken rice price breeders include the cost of farmers. Will solve only part of farmers can not

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