Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Nonverbal Decoding Ability

1. Bonnet, C. (1993). Adoption at birth: prevention against abandonment or neonaticide. Child Abuse Negl, 17(4), 501-13. This study aims to clarify some of the anomalies that exist between abandoning a child at a public place and the choices made by the parents at the time of the birth of a child. 2. Bowen, E. , & Nowicki, S. (2007). The Nonverbal Decoding Ability of Children Exposed to Family Violence or Maltreatment: Prospective Evidence from a British Cohort. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 31(3), 169-184.This study outlined as to how the exposure of children to family violence and maltreatment in first four years of age can influence a child’s expression of fear and other related psychological issues. 3. Buller, David. (2005). adapting minds: evolutionary psychology and the persistent quest for human nature. MIT Press: New York. This book presents a philosophical analysis of evolutionary psychology and discusses some of the most important works in this field. 4. Castellucci & Plum. (1999). Ethics and Adoption Indeed. Retrieved 24 April 2009 from http://www. bastards. org/bq/bq11/ebdrep. htmThese are some of the notes from Evan B Donaldson Symposium on Ethics and Adoption and basically discuss some of the work presented by the participants in that symposium. 5. Conte, J. R. , & Schuerman, J. R. (1987). Factors associated with an increased impact of child sexual abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect, 11(2), 201. This study dealt with the factors in assessing the impact of sexual abuse on children. Results indicated that there are variable results indicating different degree of variability of the results. 6. Daro, D. , & McCurdy, K. (n. d. ). Preventing child abuse and neglect: programmatic interventions.Child Welfare, 73(5), 405. This study provides an insight into how the prevention efforts at altering such behaviors can contribute towards the overall risk to the children and the families. This study further discusses as to what we know about the efficacy and e fficiency of such efforts and what some of the problems being faced are. 7. Finkelhor, D. , Williams, L. M. , & Burns, N. (1988). Nursery crimes: Sexual abuse in day care. No. : ISBN 0-8039-3400-9, 272. This study provides an empirical evidence of the child abuse taking place within the daycare facilities with children under the age of 7 years.This article therefore defines the nature of the problem, the effectiveness of the different investigation methods as well as the impact of such incidences on the community as a whole. 8. Gauthier et al. (1996). Recall of Childhood Neglect and Physical Abuse as Differential predictors of Current Psychologically Functioning. Retrieved 24 April, 2009 from http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pubmed/8832112 This study attempts to bridge the gaps between the neglect and physical abuse on the psychological functioning of the children.By examining the sample of 236 male and 276 female undergraduate students, this study therefore empirically concluded tha t there is an strong relationship between the physical abuse and psychological functioning. 9. Gelles, R. J. , & Harrop, J. W. (1991). The risk of abusive violence among children with nongenetic caretakers. Family Relations, 78-83. By using a sample of more than 6000 participants, this study attempted to understand whether the non-genetic caretakers use more violence than the genetic caretakers. 10. Golden, O. (2000). The federal response to child abuse and neglect. The American psychologist, 55(9), 1050.This study outlines some of the efforts of the administration on children and family in improving the lives of the maltreated children. 11. Groza, V. , & Ryan, S. D. (2002). Pre-adoption stress and its association with child behavior in domestic special needs and international adoptions. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 27(1-2), 181-197. This study focused on the cross sectional data analysis of the adopted children from US and Romania. The major findings of this study include the recommen dations for families to understand how negative experiences in early childhood can affect child behavior. 12.Hill, R. B. (1977). Informal Adoption among Black Families. This is the study on the informal adaptation patterns of children in Black American families and outlined how different factors contribute to such patterns. 13. McNamara, Carter. (2008) Analyzing, Interpreting and Reporting Basic Research results. Free Management Library. Retrieved 24 April 2009 from http://managementhelp. org/research/analyze. htm This article, published on internet describes as to how to approach the research professionally and from an academic point of view. 14. Nalavany, B. A. , Ryan, S. D. , Howard, J. A., & Smith, S. L. (2008). Preadoptive child sexual abuse as a predictor of moves in care, adoption disruptions, and inconsistent adoptive parent commitment. Child Abuse & Neglect, 32(12), 1084-1088. This study actually attempts to reinforce a small body of research that the CSA complicates furthe r the child adaptation process. 15. Spinetta, J. J. , & ER, D. (n. d. ). The child-abusing parent: A psychological review. Child Abuse: A Multidisciplinary Survey, 14. 16. Tan, T. X. (2006). History of Early Neglect and Middle Childhood Social Competence: An Adoption Study. Adoption Quarterly, 9(4), 59.This study examines whether the earlier history of neglect and maltreatment in infancy has any influence over the competence of the children when they reach the adolescence. This study further assesses the impact of such on the social interaction of children as well as their performance in the extracurricular activities. 17. Tongue, A. C. (1991). The ophthalmologist's role in diagnosing child abuse. Ophthalmology, 98(7), 1009. This study discusses the role of Ophthalmologist in diagnosing the early child abuse and as such provides certain recommendations as to how such violations can be decreased. 18. Watson et al. (1994).Substitute Care Providers: Helping Abused and Neglected Childre n. DIANE publishing Chicago This study provides insight into the development of abuse and drug exposure into the children and how to recognize different physical indicators to diagnose such state of children. 19. Wilson, M. I. , Daly, M. , & Weghorst, S. J. (2008). Household composition and the risk of child abuse and neglect. Journal of Biosocial Science, 12(03), 333-340 This study attempted to assess how the different factors such as family composition, income, age of the victim as well as household consumption can result into child abuse. 20. Harter, Susan.(2001). the Construction of the Self: A Developmental Perspective. Guilford Press: New Jersey This book attempts to explain as to how the children and their self perception about themselves define their relationship with others. This book therefore also provides the information about the self development of children which take place over the period of time. 21. Grotevant, Harold. (2005). Minnesota/ Texas Adoption research Proje ct. Retrieved 24 April 2009 from http://cehd. umn. edu/FSoS/assets/pdf/ResearchDiscovery/Procedures_Measures2. pdf This study basically attempt to measure the validity of different hypothesis

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