Sunday, February 23, 2020

Entrepreneurial Management and Leadership - Individual Reflection Assignment

Entrepreneurial Management and Leadership - Individual Reflection - Assignment Example A corporate organization can only succeed in maximizing productivity with the essence of good efficiency in all its factors of production. However, among all the factors, entrepreneurship acts as the underlying driving force, that helps a corporation to operate competently, through proper amalgamation of all other resources in business. Thus, within a corporate setting, the need for entrepreneurship is indispensable. Good quality of entrepreneurial activities is crucial for success of any corporate organization. So, it is highly rational to foreground the various opportunities via which an organization can enhance its entrepreneurial skills. Senior managers or entrepreneurs are present in every organization. Nonetheless, enhancing entrepreneurial skills involves ways through which new ideas as well as promoters in business can emerge, along with the essence of effective entrepreneurial management. These opportunities or ways are: When a corporate organization enhances its entrepreneurial opportunities, then it also faces several challenges in business. These challenges might hinder proper promotional growth of an organization. These challenges are: Lack of proper financial reserves in an organization often forces entrepreneurs to be risk averse in business. The officials in such situations face circumstances, where they can promote new ideas, but due to lack of proper fund, they fear undertaking risky initiatives in business (Brown 166). Strict government regulations and policies in a particular industry often force corporate firms to be less productive at their work. Under such situations, the government authorities impose heavy restrictions on companies, thereby reducing their market power in the industry. Challenges are bound to arise when an organization tries to enhance its managerial and leadership attributes. However, there are effective ways through which

Friday, February 7, 2020

Perspectives on Caring About Animals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Perspectives on Caring About Animals - Essay Example Third, the book explains the human-animal bond (Davis 29).   The book explains that having pets generates a healthy environment. By having pets, the elderly person can be preoccupied with an activity that keeping boredom out of the home.  Ã‚   The book also shows the important of giving space to the animals to do their thing. Doing their thing includes sleeping, roaming around, feeding, self hygiene, and even mating. Impact.The book creates a great impact on my current knowledge about pet care (Davis 57). The book adds significant knowledge to my daily preparation pet nutrition. The book enumerates the vitamin and mineral requirements of my favorite pet dog. My application of the book’s food discussion has generated big results. My pet dog had metamorphosed from a lazy sleepy dog to a more active and playful ball retriever. Whenever I play catch the ball game, my pet dog runs faster, higher, and whoops (dog sound) more excitedly. The nutrition part of the book has allowed my pet dog to have more playing time. After feeding my dog the necessary vitamin and other energy-boosting food requirements, my pet dog’s energy  Ã‚   has quadrupled. Research Perspectives.     The book greatly contributes to my research perspectives (Davis 29). The book adds to my current knowledge about pet care. The book rejects many of the traditional ways of caring for animals. Many of the traditional ways are not medically approved by the authorized pet care authority, Medical Veterinarian.   The book discusses the social values about pets (Davis 137).