Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Choose one from the instruction Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Choose one from the instruction - Research Paper Example The two cases constitute to intentional or negligence cases. There are other cases where the person causing damage remains liable to the victim regardless of whether they intended to cause harm. These constitute to strict liability cases. A country’s court has many cases to handle ranging from criminal cases to civil cases, among many others. Among the many cases the court handles are tort cases. The court seeks to administer justice to those involved through compensation as well as they look for ways of deterring further occurrence of torts (Best and David 8). Sometimes, compensation for losses incurred becomes the core function of tort law, and contributes to its development. Although the primary function of tort law can be described as the need to determine the required compensation. However, prevention and punishment measures too are important factors that help prevent further tort cases. This is because as the court looks for compensation of the injured, it also looks to send a warning to the offender. When a court makes its decisions on the case and defendants understand they may have liability in the case, it may act as a deterrent measure on further tort cases. However, research shows that goals of compensation and deterrence of future damage may differ in some cases as the court may favor one side than the other (Best and David 8). When courts in the U.S started undertaking tort cases, they considered compensation and deterrence as the main goals of concern. However, compensation became easier to perceive than deterrence and courts expanded tort law focusing on compensation. Later, economic hardships that hit the country largely affected the court's decision to follow compensation (Best and David 9). Impact of legal issues on economy Economic analysis of... The social cost incurred from the accident is the cumulative precaution and the cost of the expected accident, and becomes what the society is liable for. Economically, for the society to reduce the costs of an accident they should take a precaution that lies in between two extremes; the cost of the precaution itself and the cost of the expected accident (Mattiacci 5).The in-between precaution is the optimal care the society takes because it reduces the cost of the precaution and the expected accident cost thus minimizing the social cost. Therefore, decisions made by the tort law system should ensure that the incentives they give to the injurer to avoid the accident should enable them take an in-between precaution. The legal issues existing in tort law systems include giving parties incentives to acquire information on the accident occurrence. The court authority should ensure that incentives given for accessing information about the accident should not constrain the economy. This in one way relieves the country economic pressures. To minimize spending on risks, the tort law system should ensure a most favorable allocation of risks between the injurer and the victim, and it can only achieve this goal through insurance (Shavell 188). On the side of the transaction costs, the tort system’s goal is to minimize the administrative costs that result from the system’s attorney’s and magistrate’s payment. However there is conflict between the distinction on allocations of incentives towards the prevention or precautions taken or compensation for the accident. Acquiring equilibrium between the injurer and the victim will help achieve the social goal of compensation and deterrence and minimize cost on economy.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Media and Objectivity Essay Example for Free

Media and Objectivity Essay Human rights activists should always be conscious that the media cannot afford to always be objective for fear of losing audience loyalty. Sensationalisation is a sure tool that the media uses as it seeks to make stories, news, features, and other production appear more appealing to audiences (Sloan Mackay, 2007). Media-produced information should thus always be subjected to careful scrutiny to establish its authenticity. Media people also have personal feelings that arouse various emotions in them with regard to various news stories and other productions. Further, unscrupulous media practitioners may allow the greed for personal gain to cloud their objectivity, thus accepting financial rewards in return for distorting information to make its appeal to audiences. It is thus very likely that many media personalities are overcome by subjectivity as they execute their duties. In turn, media information is subject to subjectivity, thus customizing objectivity. It is thus possible that, with regard to the media, objectivity is usually greatly compromised, thus rendering media information unreliable or completely erroneous. Human rights activists should thus employ caution when handling and acting upon media derived information in order to avoid being ensnared into the subjectivity that usually characterizes media-derived information. Reference Sloan, W. D. ; Mackay, J. B. (2007). Media bias: Finding it, fixing it. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Puffy Chronicles :: Puff Daddy Music Musicians Rappers Essays

The Puffy Chronicles Puff Daddy, born Sean Combs on November 4, 1969 in Harlem to Melvin and Janice Combs, began his life of violence at a young age. When Sean was two years old, his father was tragically murdered. This forced Janice to move to a safer environment in Mt.Vernon, NY where she had to work three jobs in order to provide for her family. One can see that Sean’s broken home and the violence that constantly surrounded him influenced his lyrics and style of music throughout his life[I1] . His angry lyrics and shouts of aggression in his individual tracks certainly support the argument of his childhood having a big impact on his style of rap. Exploding onto the rap scene, Puffy soon found himself engulfed by the lifestyle of a rapper. For a short time, Puff Daddy was involved in one of the biggest East Coast vs. West Coast battles. Violence erupted, which lead to the death of two rappers: 2Pac and Notorious B.I.G. During this whole time, Puffy was busy producing music and influencing the style of other artists.[I2] Biggie’s single â€Å"Hypnotize† soared up to number one and stayed there long after his death. It was not long until the world would get a taste of Puffy’s very[I3] own style. Puff Daddy released the solo album No Way Out in the summer of 97’. No Way Out is an odd mixture of gangsta rap, soul, and r&b. But, somehow it seems to work for Puffy and his crew. At times while listening to the tracks, one is confused as to which direction Puffy and such featured artists as Mase, Lil Kim, Notorious B.I.G., and Busta Rhymes are headed because the tracks are either violent, apologetic, or r&b. In â€Å"Victory†, Busta Rhymes spews out angry lyrics of violence about kidnapping rival West Coast Rapper families and gunning down enemies. Then in a spin-off of Sting’s â€Å"Every Breath You Take†, one can feel the pain and anguish as well as the regret in Puff’s voice as he raps about the death of his best friend, Notorious B.I.G. â€Å"I’ll Be Missing You†, a tribute to Biggie, won the award for Best Rap Performance by a Duo or Group ( 2). Biggie’s wife, Faith Evans, provided background vocals to th e song while Puffy raps, â€Å"Give anything to hear half your breath/I know you still living your life, after death.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Macro Economic Factors Affecting the Video Game Console Essay

Demographic Factors: Age is the main demographic factor affecting the market for video game consoles although common misconceptions are that the market is mainly comprised of teenagers. Recent Studies shows that the largest market sector of video game console purchases are teenagers or young adults. ESA demographic data shows that America’s average game player’s age is 34 and the average age of game purchasers is 40 (see article x) Generational factors play a big role in the market sector of gamers who purchase more than one game console, buy the latest version and buy games into adulthood. In 2010 26% of gamers were over 50. There is a definite generational factor as many of the consumers were in their teens when the mass video gaming culture began and now are in their 40s or 50s and have retained their gamer status, therefore are also ready to adopt new products. Gender is another factor that should be noted. Female gamers are a large portion of the video console market although significantly less than their online gaming counterparts. ESA research predicts that 40% of video game players are females. Economic Factors: Household income  ± studies have shown that video games in the toys and games market are able to gain a significant share of the market the larger the average household incomes are of a given market segment or particular region. For video games to comprise of 15% market share in toys and games of a given country, 60% of the population must earn incomes above US $15,000 (see figure x). Business cycle-The sale of consumer electronics andnovelty products are influencedby macroeconomic factors of a country. If there are recessionary or inflationary pressures, sales are likely to be affected sincechanges in consumers behaviour is determined by the perceived increase or decrease in the level of disposable income. This is, however, likely to have a short term impact and in the long run will have negligible changes on the sales of video game consoles, as business cycles return to a favourable position for higher consumer spending. Demand elasticity- Video Game consoles have a price elastic demand (for a portion of the consumer market) and combined with a high substitutability factors creates susceptibility to changes in competitor’s prices or quality hence impacting the size and share of the market for our product. Factors that change the cross price elasticity of our product need to be considered and addressed. Technological Factors: Innovation R&D- Technology, particularly technological innovation is a critical factor in the video game console market, and the leading competitors Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo have significant R&D invested in technology improvements. If our product development lifecycle does not include product improvements that are comparable to the leading competitor’s product, future success will not be guaranteed. Compatibility – Hardware issues include compatibility with existing hardware and the ease and cost of switching to the use of new hardware. Our product has the benefit of not requiring additional video output devices, i. e. television sets and monitors. Software Development -Technological developments in the software developing industries with which we have partnerships and licencing contracts will affect the attractiveness of our virtual video game console and hence indirectly affect sales generated. Also revenues generated from licencing and subcontracting are dependent on the success of game software publishers; a tactic to reduce risk would be to diversify the scope and use of our product, i. . develop a large partner relation database. Political Environment: Industry Regulation plays an important role in the success and growth of any technology specific product. It will invariably depend on the industry regulations specified the country code of regulatory law when production and manufacture will be conducted but also within the countries where target market segments reside. Ownership of manufacturing, distribution, and exporting firms also vary in different countries and will need to be considered before launching a worldwide market strategy. Trade Barriers -The trade and product specification restrictions on use of certain technology and/or products as well as licencing and exporting costs of the distribution and sale of various product categoriesdiffer between countries/regions and will have a large impact on the competitiveness of the virtual video game console. This can be in the form of trade barriers or indirect barriers through the use of health and safety standards, product labelling and advertising laws and restrictions. Intellectual Property Rights – Legal issues in country of sale, aside from aforementioned industry regulations, include trademarks, copyrights, licensing, patent applications, online ownership, and revenue recognition. Piracy and counterfeiting issues will need to be considered. It has become an accepted practice for the console manufacturers to lose money on the hardware and to recover the loss by charging high licensing fees to game publishers and developers. IPR standards are weakly enforced in many emerging markets with large market potential such as China, Brazil, and Russia. Environmental Factors: Raw Materials  ± The Video Game industry uses a lot of plastic resources and requires the use of scarce metals for its hardware. Given the negative public view on large amounts of non-biodegradable waste product, manufacturing processes and the use of valuable raw materials in the virtual video game console need to be carefully considered. Energy usage and efficiency- The National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) recently published a study on American energy usage with specific regard to game consoles and found that game consoles consume roughly 16 billion kilowatt hours annually(see figure x). These finding were based on the assumption that half of the consoles are left on or on standby after use. A console that has timed automatic shutdown, as the virtual gaming console does, reduces this energy wastage. Health related concerns ± There is a general perception that frequent video gaming has a negative impact on a person health. However this perception may subject to change as research shows contrasting outcomes that there is the view that considers such side-effects to be ‘relatively minor or temporary’ (Griffiths 2002) and that finds playing computer games is comparable to a mild intensity exercise: with normal use, playing may neither improve nor harm physical fitness (Emes 1997)? Cultural Factors: Fashion Trends: Video Game console purchases are often made according to similar purchases made in a consumer’s social reference groups. Word of mouth and peer reference can play a crucial role in the choice of video game consoles. Networkingcapabilities ± the ability to connect to a large number of players online through a portable console has a definite cultural factor as the popular use of online networks determine the success of the addition of these features. Recreational Alternatives- changes in the demand for video game console may be created through a shifting trend in choice of recreational methods. Advances in the market for other toys and games could play an important role.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Review of Related Literature and Studies Essay

Being always present in class and getting to school on time are two of the crucial determining factors of a student’s success, not just as a student but as a person who will be managing his/her own life in the future. Given the importance of being punctual, this study aims to explore and find out the factors that affect the punctuality of UP students. In this chapter, we will be discussing about the background of our study. It includes facts about tardiness, the different factors that causes it and its effect to the students as students and as bearer of their own lives in the future. From reliable research materials like online journals and research papers, we will provide some facts and theories from authors, teachers and notable people in order to have a concrete justification of our study. First, we will give a definition of tardiness and present some theories and facts about it. Next, we will discuss he various factors that causes the students to come to school late, the psychological theories, the observation of the teachers and the personal reasons of the students. Lastly, the effects of tardiness to students, not just to himself/herself but also to his/her future and to other people, will be discussed. Tardiness As UP students, we are expected to perform well with excellence in everything that we do, most especially in the academic aspect. One factor that dictates the quality of performance of a student is his/her punctuality that is, getting to school on time or being tardy. As cited by Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011), â€Å"lateness† can be defined as the â€Å"situation where an individual arrives after the proper, scheduled or usual time (Oxford Advance Learners’ Dictionary, 5th ed., 1995), Lauby (2009) puts it as a term used to describe â€Å"people not showing up on time† and Breeze et al. (2010) contributed by saying that, lateness is synonymous with â€Å"tardiness†, which implies being slow to act or slow to respond, thus not meeting up with proper or usual timing. Lastly, Weade (2004) defined tardiness as â€Å"being late for any measurable length of time past the stated or scheduled start time for work or school.† In most schools, a student is con sidered tardy  when he/she is not present when the school bell rings or when the first teacher starts to give instructional materials for the first subject in the morning class. One of the most recurring and the most â€Å"frustrating problem† that the schools are having with their students nowadays is tardiness (Sprick and Daniels, 2007). It creates problems, not just to the students but also to the teachers (Cowan Avenue Elementary School Community, 2007, para 1). Cowan Crier, the official School Publication of CAESC, also states that while having â€Å"occasional tardy† isn’t a big deal, unfailing tardiness is and it gives students problems including being ill-prepared for the job market. According to the results of the study of the U.S. Department of Education on â€Å"truancy†, which is related to tardiness, being present and on time in going to school are big factors on the â€Å"success and behavior† of the students (Zeiger, 2010, para 1). Thus, it is a lot important to value time and practice being on time while being a student. According to CAESC (2007) and Zeiger (2010), the most essential learning time of the day for the students lies in the morning, specifically between 8:00 to 9:30 AM. It is because the students are most mindful and observant at this time of the day. It is also the reason why the most important lessons and subject matters are discussed during this time. So when students are late or are not present during this time of the day, they, in effect, miss out most of the important lessons to be noted and learned. Factors affecting Punctuality Reasons for being late in class and other factors affecting the punctuality if a student vary. There had been some theories that pointed out that tardiness is caused by the personality of a person. Santillano (2010) stated that psychological theorists considered some â€Å"personality traits, including low self-esteem and anxiety† as triggering factors of tardiness (para 2). She also mentioned that while some theorists considered tardiness as an â€Å"inborn quality† since our being early or late is â€Å"partially biologically determined†, which she also agreed, other experts also believed that some people are â€Å"chronically tardy† for the reason that they consciously and unconsciously get good things from it (para 3). In the book cited by Santillano, â€Å"Never be late again: 7 cures for the punctually challenged†, the author Diana DeLonzor suggested that some  personality traits could most likely lead to a person being often late. Some of the traits included were â€Å"struggling with self control†, â€Å"feeling nervous or uncomfortable with social situations† and â€Å"getting distracted easily† (para 4). Santillano also discussed about the study conducted by DeLonzor at San Francisco State University in 1997 in which she surveyed 225 respondents about their habits that makes them late from their appointments. It was also a test on the personalities of the respondents that affect their habits. According to the results of DeLonzor’s study, those respondents that were often tardy apt to be anxious and gets distracted easily. Nakpodia and Dafiaghor attribute lateness or tardiness to a lot of factors or causes. Going late to bed and waking up late next morning are the most common. The authors added film-watching late at night as a cause for tardiness. The student may forget that he/she needs to be in school the next day. The distance between the student’s home and school or solely the school’s location is also considered by Nakpodia and Dafiaghor as a possible cause for tardiness. Not just because it takes more time to get to school, but according to the authors, the student is susceptible to more distractions and hindrances along the way. Parent’s untimely tasks and commands are also reasons that students come late to school. Habitual tardiness can also be learned from other members of the family, especially from the older ones. Lack of a firm and consistent policy on punctuality also encourages students to come late at school since there are no consequences attached to lateness or tardiness. These causes of tardiness will lead to serious effects. Another study was the one conducted by Enamiroro Oghuvbu in Nigeria. The objective of the study was to determine the causes of the absenteeism and lateness among the secondary students in Nigeria and to seek for solutions to the growing problem. According to Oghuvbu (2008), female students are more likely to be late than male students because of â€Å"their involvement in domestic activities by their parents† (para 7). Also, as cited by Oghuvbu, â€Å"distance to school, school discipline, family background and school location† (Emore, 2005) are some of the common causes for the tardiness of the secondary students. Oghuvbu collected the data from a sample size of 17, 417 Nigerian respondents from 2005-2006. The sample was made up of 20 principals and 50 each from a set of teachers, parents and students. The means of collecting  data was through a thirty-item questionnaire answerable by either strongly agree (SA), agreed (A), disagree (D), and strongly disagreed (SD). The questionnaire had four questions, one of which was about the causes of lateness among the secondary students of Nigeria. The study revealed that the causes of lateness among the secondary students in Nigeria were â€Å"going late to bed because of watching films and home movies, resulting into wake up late in the morning, distance to school and keeping friends who are not students† (Oghuvbu, 2008). These results went consistent with the results of Oghuvbu’s reference studies which proves that tardiness among students have been a growing problem and that it is caused, not just because of the students but also because of the lack of imposing discipline from the parents. Another research partly studied about tardiness but tackled a specific reason or factor. A study by Pimentel and Quijada (2011) focused on the frequency of use by the UP Cebu freshmen students of Facebook and a part of the study tackled about the effect of the famous social networking site to UP Cebu students’ punctuality and academic performance. For their study, Pimentel and Quijada collected 60 respondents and provided them with questionnaires. The questionnaires contained questions that ask the respondents about their use of Facebook and its effects. A certain question asked the respondents if late-night use of Facebook has an effect on their punctuality. According to the results of the study, three out of 60 respondents are always late, eight said they are sometimes late, 12 said they are seldom late and 37 said that they never get late due to late-night use of Facebook. Generally, the results showed that the respondents are seldom late in class because of late-night use of the social networking site. Ledoux, as cited by Pimentel and Quijada, said that lack of sleep causes neural malfunctions and further affects a person’s behavior. In the study’s case, it is a student’s punctuality that is affected. Sometimes, it is not solely the students’ fault why they keep on being late in coming to class. Another factor that could affect the punctuality of a student is the response of the teachers to tardy students. Sprick and Daniels (2007) stated that the range of the teachers’ response was â€Å"from ignoring them to sending them to office† (p. 21). This variation could lead the students to confusion as to how important it is to be on time in going to class. Another reason is the lack of motivation. Students who  come to school on time are not given incentives or rewards. Also, responses to tardiness are lenient, that is nothing is done until the tenth strike or more. Another reason is â€Å"giving the student the impression that they won’t be missing anything if they are late† since in some classes, no important activities or instructions and no lessons are being done for first few minutes. Lastly, crowded hallways could create traffic, thus blocking the way of other students and making it hard for them to pass through. Effects of Tardiness Tardiness among students has its own negative repercussions. Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011) emphasized that lateness or tardiness is not just the problem of the late student but it affects the surrounding people. A student coming late in class distracts the rest of the students and disrupts the flow of the teacher’s discussion. It is even a burden to the student/s whom the late students ask for what to catch up with. The rest of the effects given by Nakpodia and Dafiaghor are about the welfare of the whole school, its productivity and revenue. Knowing the possible effects of lateness or tardiness, it is necessary for solutions to be executed. Studies have revealed that those students with â€Å"perfect or near-perfect attendance† have good grades compared to those students who misses classes often and late-comers (Cowan Avenue Elementary School Community, 2007, para 3). Moreover, as mentioned by Zeiger (2010), the results from the survey report conducted by teachers show that students with high tardiness rates have â€Å"higher rates of suspension and other disciplinary measures† (National Center for Education Statistics Indicators of School Crime and Safety [NCESISCS] (2007)). It also causes the students to have behavioral problems and to drop out. Lastly, Zeiger (2010) stated that â€Å"Students who are frequently tardy to school are also more apt to be fired from a job for showing up late† (para 5). A study conducted by Barbara Lee Weade on 2004 tried to â€Å"determine if school tardiness is a predictor of work tardiness† (Weade, 2004). It provided a lot of literature that observes correlations and factors affecting a student’s tardiness. As cited by Weade, the 3rd most common cause for the failure of a student is â€Å"excessive tardiness and unexcused absences† (Ligon and Jackson, 1988).  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Inconsistency of school rules† (Britt, 1988) and situations such as â€Å"crowded halls, limited opportunities for social interaction, irrelevant course content, and teacher indifference† (Damico et al., 1990) are also factors that affect a student’s attendance and punctuality. As mentioned by Weade, personal v alues, financial security and lack of parental guidance (Payne, 2001) as well as family background (Featherstone et al., 1992) influence tardiness and absences of students. Weade gathered data from the schools of participating students. First and foremost, she asked consent from the students and their parents in order to gain permission to collect their school records. She collected and studied the attendance and punctuality records of these students based on the number of unexcused absences and minutes of tardiness. Her study showed that among high school students, the grade point average is correlated with absences and tardiness. This means that students with better attendance and punctuality have higher grade point averages and vis-à  -vis. Her study was also able to show that attendance and punctuality of students are not consistent throughout the year. There were more absences and tardiness at the latter part of the year. Gender has also shown to be a non-factor in the attendance and punctuality of high school students. The study was very comprehensive in its subject matter. It tackles not just school tardiness but its implications on work tardiness. It shows that â€Å"students who are on-time for school classes are also likely to be on-time at work while students who are tardy frequently at school will probably also be tardy at work† (Weade, 2004). The study requires a lot of data but Weade was able to gather a sufficient amount. Though some possible correlations were not established, it is outside the scope of this research. Due to the fact that tardiness has been giving negative effects on the students nowadays, the most important thing to do is to develop a firm, consistent and functional policy that addresses late students. There must be defined sanctions and penalties for late students. Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011) stated that school administrators must lead by example. They should be punctual in their own meetings and classes to avoid students to think that being late is just alright since even the authoritative persons are doing it. They should as well teach it and integrate it in every lesson. The effort on the remedy on lateness or tardiness does not start and end with  the school. It must begin with the parents of the students and the government must take part as well. Transportation must be improved in order to avoid students getting stuck in traffic or encountering other obstacles down the streets. Some schools have already started finding solutions that would effectively minimize and/or eliminate tardiness among students. One of the solutions made by some schools is implementing tardiness policies, wherein they take steps in approaching the students and parents for them to solve the problem. CAESC has their policy worked this way. Other schools initiated interdisciplinary curriculum that integrates discipline and conduct in academics. Cordogan (as cited by Weade, 2004), said that a school in Chicago, Illinois adapted a similar curriculum and yielded positive results. Students under the interdisciplinary program exhibited more positive behaviors from students not from the curriculum. Interdisciplinary students showed less absences and tardiness, as well as higher grades. Other schools made smaller academic changes such as developing personality works and cooperative learning activities, such as creation of portfolios and tutorial to younger students. These taught the students better goal-setting, decision making skills and time management. In return, students under these behavior modification programs yielded less tardiness and higher grades. To summarize, many studies have shown the reasons and factors that may contribute to the tardiness of a student. One of the mentioned reasons of tardy students was waking up late in the morning, which can also be attributed to late-night activities, such as social networking, watching movies and television shows, as well as untimely academic and domestic errands. As proven by several studies, sometimes, it’s not also the act of the student that leads to his/her tardiness. The heavy traffic, the teachers, the school surroundings and policies may also serve as influences to the tardiness of students. Many studies have also shown the effects of tardiness on the students, the teachers, the school and the society. According to these studies, the tardiness of a student consumes his/her learning time as well as disturbs other students and teachers. The tardy student also poses as a threat to the school as an educational and professional institution and the student may be one of the less productive members of the society. A lot of studies as well gave testimonies to effective remedies  on tardiness. These studies promoted integration of personality development and interdisciplinary programs into school curriculum to aid students enhance positive behavior and personality leading to the decrease of tardiness. Our study intends to find out the tardiness of UP Cebu students and the reasons and factors that may influence this tardiness.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The eNotes Blog The Writers Diet Is a Trim Essay a GoodEssay

The Writers Diet Is a Trim Essay a GoodEssay WARNING: your writing may be headed for a coronary. No, this is not an indictment of your eating habits. (Believe methese days I can hardly put fingers to keyboard without a sugary coffee and half a bag of Cadburys mini eggs in me. I am intimately familiar with the ailment that is writers bum. Ergo, I am NOT the person to school anyone on the  deviousness  that occurs between hand and mouth.) I am, however, qualified to speak on the trimness of your writing itself. Back when I tutored students for the SAT and ACT writing exams, eloquence was a prominent focus of the grading rubric. And while eloquence to me, as a Literature and Creative Writing major in university, harkens back to the masters of languageDickens, Bronte, Austeneloquence (dubious quotation marks and all) to the standardized testing officials actually means quite the opposite; sentences should be devoid of descriptive words, lean to the point of dullness, about as tasty and filling as a leaf of lettuce. It was soul-crushing to teach, though perhaps a necessity when it comes to teaching high school students how to write effectively. Thats why I found The Writers Diet, a new tool that objectively assesses the leanness of a writing sample, so interesting. Could it be a helpful tool for students? A measure of eloquence? To find out, I gave it a whirl with one of the best opening paragraphs in the history of the English novel. Oh my dickens! Look at that lovely paragraph splattered with ugly neon highlighter. Whats even more injurious to the eyes? The Writers Diet tests fitness rating, which breaks down on a smug little bar graph the faults of A Tale of Two Cities. Alright, so I get it that this test is a totally algorithm-based assessment, and that I chose one of the most flowery writing samples in existence to try it out. But to say that Dickens is beyond flabby is frankly insulting. The only way the WD test could redeem itself now was by casting its harsh neon criticism across the greatest assault to English literature I know of Fifty Shades of Grey. So yeah, turns out that the passage about the girl feeling adventurous because she borrowed her boyfriends toothbrush is officially Fit trim. Nice one, Writers Diet. As it turns out, there is no objective assessment for good writing, because no algorithm can calculate style. And what I didnt mention before is that style is the one factor of the SAT/ACT grading rubric  that separates a mediocre essay from a great one. Its one thing to be able to simply state a message, and another to instill it in your reader. So before you forsake all commas, dependent clauses, adjectives and adverbs, take some time to become a master of the English language. Scratch thatbecome an apprentice of the English language. Even a small infusion of style will take you further than you think. After all, would you rather chomp into a low-fat, gluten free cracker or a dripping, succulent guacamole bacon burger? Yeah, I think I know your answer to that already.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) invested internationally with the intention of sourcing capital to expand its operations in china. The bank targeted the international markets as they readily have adequate capital. In addition, ICBC wanted an opportunity to increase its wealth, manage bank risks, and increase its loan productivity.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Industrial and Commercial Bank of China specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More ICBC is China’s biggest bank, with 6.45 trillion in assets. Due to high demand of money, the ICBC issued equity to both domestic and the global markets. The aim of the Initial Public Offer (IPO) was to upgrade its domestic operations and extend its lead in corporate lending and the potentially huge credit card market in China (Akerlof, 1970) Due to the excellent performance of the Chinese economy, the investors felt a strong need to invest in ICBC’s IPO; as t hey expected to make huge profits. By then, China’s economy was growing by 10 % a year. Many corporate investors were attracted by the banks IPO, including Goldman Sachs Group, American Express and Germany’s Allianz just to mention but a few. Diversification was a critical consideration that inspired ICBC in its decision to go international. Essentially, the bank wanted to spread risk by investing in other companies, individual investors and firms outside China (Akerlof, 1970).). Hedging the banks currency against risky exposures was a very essential benefit that ICDC expected through issuing of equities in the international markets. As such, the currency exchange value was a significant factor in making such a global investment. ICBC wanted to generate monetary gain from those economies that had lower money value in comparison with China, therefore selling more equities with the same amount of capital (Abbey, 2007) One of the key factors that attracted international i nvestors to China’s ICBC was the fact that China had been voted as one of the best attractive investment destinations in the world .The American Chamber of Commerce had continually reported that American firms’ that operated in China were more profitable than its counterparts in the United States, hence drawing attention to foreign investors. Indeed, ICBC had consistently rewarded investors with higher stock prices and dividends hence sending the attractive signals to foreign investors. In addition, ICBC investors were promised higher interest rates in their fixed deposits. ICBC’s returns on equities were associated with multiple indicators including interest rates, exchange rates, stock prices, commodity prices and minimum returns. Similarly, ICBC offered attractive customized products for its home and foreign investors (Abbey, 2007)Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More One of ICDC’s recent reviews revealed that the banks experienced critical default risks on more than a quarter of more than 8 Billion Yuans lent to local governments and other investors across the country. This puts the investors at a risk in the event that the bank is liquidated. Apparently, ICBC scrutinized its loans at some point, spreading the risk among other investors. Lack of transparency could also be an issue to investors as it can lead to loss of money especially through corruption (Lee, 2003). The process of Chinese capital market modernization can create complications. For instance, foreign strategic investors’ participation in China has dropped drastically because of barriers stemming from bank reforms and recapitalizations in recent times. Another challenge that the ICBC faced was the complex relationship between Chinas balance of trade and the value of its currency. In conclusion, global market is a large market that helps investor s raise capital from foreign markets. Such a move helps the banks across the world to increase wealth, manage bank risks, and increase loan productivity (Abbey, 2007) References Abbey, N. H. (2007) The Methodology of Positive Economics, Essays in Positive Economics. London: University of Chicago Press Akerlof, G. A. (1970). The Market for International Banks: Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 84(3), 488–500. Lee, A. (2003). Do We Really Need Central Bank Independence? A Critical Re- examination. London: University of Connecticut

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Use Your Anger to Make a Difference

How to Use Your Anger to Make a Difference I grew up thinking anger was bad. If I ever got angry, my parents would send me to my room and close the door, instructing me not to  come out until I had calmed down. I fairly quickly learned not to express my anger directly. As an adult, I found myself getting angry easily at little things. I would yell at tech support people, but never at people I actually cared about. Sometimes I would express my rage in dreams, waking up feeling somehow cleansed. I often  doubted my sanity because I felt angry so much of the time but did not know how to use it to any advantage. Productive Anger In more recent years, I have learned to express my anger more productively, and my previously pent up anger does not have much power. I’m discovering  that most people can handle it when I express my anger to them! Not a single one  of them has â€Å"sent me to my room.† In fact, many people take action when I express my anger that they might not have taken otherwise. They actually want to satisfy me! Anger can be fuel for a project or a cause. It can lead to career and business success. It can be channeled into creative endeavors or physical challenges. And it can make a difference in relationships. Anger Can Equal Caring This week, I expressed my anger to a friend over the way he was not fighting for himself, and he had a huge revelation about his life and how he can choose a different way of acting and being. I’ve heard it said that anger means you care. We are so quick to express anger to a child who starts crossing the street dangerously – we want to protect that child. But we often hold back when an adult is heading down a destructive path. A scene in the movie Good Will Hunting epitomizes the use of anger to take a stand and make a difference for someone you care about when the person is not fulfilling his or her potential: This is how I want to be with the people in my life. I want to care so much that I will threaten harm if they do not live big. I want to care so much that I order them to get their lives moving in the right direction, even if it’s at my own expense. Who do you know who could be doing more with their lives? Their creativity? Their relationships? Their careers? Are you willing to step up and fight for them so they are inspired to fight for themselves? I hope Ben Affleck gives you the kick in the butt you need.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Future of Cataloging, Resource Description, Indexing And Abstracting Essay

Future of Cataloging, Resource Description, Indexing And Abstracting - Essay Example The knowledge base comprises of information professionals who add their valuable info to pool up the system and for all this is for the achievement of a relatively better efficiency. The problem is how to acquire the relevant information or how to extract the required from the pool. This was once an issue in the past as record searching was very tedious and at times it took days for individuals to come up with the adequate set of retrievals. This was aided by the term ‘Cataloging’. Cataloging meant giving an appropriate identification of the item from where it can be easily retrieved. Cataloging can easily be understood if we take into account a library containing many books and journals and you step inside to search for data on economic facts in the World War II era. To get this information you needed to approach the librarian who will present you a book that is compiled of many abstracts from the various books that contain information about the desired World War II facts. This item is called as the catalog and it contains the description of the different books or journals referring to your search. From this catalog you can filter out your choices easily and as there is adequate resource description you could also go for different writer choices. Thus once decided which to choose, you look down at the catalog to find the location of the desired information tool (Book/journal). Thus the catalog acts as a fa ir assistant to you in minimizing your search time and effectively grants you the opportunity to identify your needs well. Cataloging has facilitated searching immensely. An important terminology within the catalog is the resource description. The catalog contains every bit of information required about the resource and therefore again is regarded as an effective tool for information handling purpose.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Should America have stronger gun control laws LogicCritical Thinking Essay

Should America have stronger gun control laws LogicCritical Thinking - Essay Example Unfortunately many forget the main reason the amendment was created and the necessity for citizens to have a way to stand up to and protect themselves from their government in case it turns against them. The right to bear arms is essential to living in a free country. If the citizens give up their rights to own firearms they, to a certain degree, are giving up their freedom. As part of living in a democracy citizens must ensure that their government is putting the needs of the people first. It is the citizen's responsibility to defend their freedoms, and when worst comes to worst, to revolt against an overbearing government. Therefore, the decision to give up the right to bear arms should only be considered after deep scrutiny and a full understanding of the consequences, with a possible loss of one's freedom as a result. According to George Mason, one of the coauthors of the Second Amendment, "To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them" (W.A.T.E.R. 44). This sentiment is shared by many American citizens, especially with those who are members of the National Rifle Association. While widely recognized today as a major political force and as America's foremost defender of Second Amendment rights, the NRA has, "Since its inception, been the premier firearms education organization in the world" ( Members of the NRA help to educate citizens on the proper use of firearms whether it is for sport or for protection. The idea that without guns people will be unprotected comes from the revolutionary war in which America was created. Despite the needs and wants of the American settlers, the British government insisted that its laws and ways of life continued to be followed even though they knew that they were not in their citizen's best interests. In order to escape the over bearing and corrupt British government the American settlers had no choice but to revolt. They needed guns in order to stand up to the British and to defend their rights as citizens and human beings. "One of the democratic rights of the United States, the Second Amendment to the Constitution gives the people the right to bear arms. However, there is a greater right: "the right of human dignity that gives all men the right to defend themselves," (W.A.T.E.R. 44). Many citizens share in Black Panther cofounder Huey P. Newton's thoughts believing that without guns they are giving up their freedom and in turn everything that their country stands for. History only strengthens this fear as citizens look to the past to learn that they must be responsible for their own lives. For example many look back to slavery and see that without a way to defend oneself anyone can become a slave, or the Nazi concentrations camps were guns were taken out of the hands of the people and they were left with no way to fight back. Newton says, "If the guns are taken out of the hands of the people and only the pigs have guns, then it's off to the concentration camps, the gas chambers or whatever the fascists in America come up with" (W.A.T.E.R. 44). For gun supporters and members of the NRA it is often hard to understand the opposing opinions of citizens who side with anti gun groups. "The National Rifle Association people are quite right to be suspicious of the designs of the gun controllers. It is absolutely true that there are people around who,

Business Finance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Finance - Research Paper Example The Financial Review is where business performance is quantified in dollars The Financial Review has two major parts: Discussion and Analysis, and Audited Financial Statements. A third part might include information supplemental to the Financial Statements. In the Discussion and Analysis, management explains changes in operating results from year to year. This explanation is presented mainly in a narrative format, with charts and graphs highlighting the comparisons. The Operating results are numerically captured and presented in the Financial Statements. ( 2005) The balance sheet represents the financial picture as it stood on one particular day, December 31, 19X9, as though the wheels of the company were momentarily at a standstill. Typical Manufacturing's balance sheet not only includes the most recent year, but also the previous year. This lets you compare how the company fared in its most recent years. The balance sheet is divided into two sides: on the left are shown assets; on the right are shown liabilities and shareholders' equity. Both sides are always in balance. ... Current liabilities Accounts payable $60,000 $57,000 Notes payable 51,000 61,000 Accrued expenses 30,000 36,000 Income taxes payable 17,000 15,000 Other liabilities 12,000 12,000 Total current liabilities $170,000 $181,000 Long-term liabilities Deferred income taxes $16,000 $9,000 12.5% Debentures payable 2010 130,000 130,000 Other long-term debt 0 6,000 Total libilities $316,000 $326,000 Shareholders Equity Preferred staock $5.83 cumulative,$100 par value authorized, issued and outstanding60,000 shares $6,000 $6,000 Common stock $5.00 par value,authorized 20,000,000 shares,19x9 issued 15,000,000 shares,19x8 14,500,000 shares 75,000 72,500 Additional paid-in capital 20,000 13,500 Retained earnings 249,000 219,600 Foreign currency translation adjustments 1,000 (1,000) Less: Treasury stock at cost (19x9-1,000; 19x8-1,000 shares) 5,000 5,000 Total shareholders' equity $346,000 $305,600 Total liabilities and shareholders' equity $662,000 $631,600 Typical Manufacturing Company Inc. Consolidated Income Statement December 31,19X9 and 19X8 (dollars in thousands) 19X9 19X8 Net sales $765,000 $725,000 Cost of sales 535,000 517,000 Gross margin $230,000 $208,000 Operating expensesDepreciation and amortization 28,000 25,000 Selling, general and administrative expenses 96,804 109,500 Operating income $105,196 $73,500 Other income (expense) Dividends and interest income 5,250 9,500 Interest expense (16,250) (16,250) Income before income taxes and extraordinary loss $94,196 $66,750 Income taxes 41,446 26,250 Income before extraordinary loss $52,750 $40,500 Extraordinary item: Loss on early extinguishmentof debt (net of income tax benefit of $750)

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Vietnams Confucian Heritage and Its Impact on Governance Dissertation

Vietnams Confucian Heritage and Its Impact on Governance - Dissertation Example It is clear to anyone who has observed the evolution of the world over the years that communism is a failure that still blinds people in some places around the world and that all cronies of communism have not amounted to much anywhere in the world. In stark contrast to this, those governed by the Western Capitalists or those who have been defeated in war by the previously mentioned have fared much better. The stark contrasts between North and South Koreas, former East and West Germany and the future rise of Japan after the Second World War are a clear testimony to the fact that pure communism was an evil that needed checking and restraining. Although in the present post-Vietnam era the misguided Islamists around the world remain vocal and critical of the West, blaming it for all of their self – induced abject failures they have no answers to provide about why their own religious civilization has never amounted to anything anywhere around the world. Surely, a people who were th e followers of the last guidance from the Creator of the Universe should have been able to demonstrate something to the world instead of espousing loathing, revulsion and an utter backwardness. After all, the proof of the pudding is in the eating and no people can dump the reason for their failures on to others. Thus, it is likely that something broke down in Vietnam for it to have become a playground for superpowers, just as something distinctly rotten is apparent in Islamic societies. Economics and the distribution of resources have always profoundly influenced human societies and the world. Clearly, despite all attempts to blame the West for the paucity of Vietnam, it is the people of Vietnam and its leaders who must assume responsibility for its destruction when Vietnamese leadership sought to side with communism or capitalism instead of working for the good of the nation.

What causes inflation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

What causes inflation - Essay Example It will also look at some of the ways that an individual is able to calculate the inflation rate in an economy. However, the paper will not only focus on the negative side of matters and in conclusion it will also determine what solutions have been brought about on how the economy can avoid such a situation. Introduction Inflation can be described as the increase in the price level of various services and goods within an economy that takes place over a period of time. It should be noted that this increase happens in all sectors of the market meaning that almost goods and services suffer as a result and those in the economy end with a rising expenditure for the same things that they used to buy before (Taylor 89). It may not be very noticeable at first as it is a gradual process and prices do not sky rocket on the first day meaning that many individuals are usually caught off their guard by the situation leading to a financial panic as they realize just what exactly is going on. As a result of inflation, money also loses a fair amount of purchasing power meaning that an individual is able to buy less with a certain amount that before was adequate for his expenditure needs (Svensson 148). Loss of purchasing power of a currency is not good for the economy as this serves to lower the value of a currency as a whole in the end. It is due to this fact that individuals and institutions struggle against any signs of inflation in a bid to avoid from taking place and stopping it in its tracks as early as possible, the sooner the better (Taylor 101). Though inflation is viewed mostly as a negative impact on the economy, it should be noted that there are both positive and negative effects that are associated with this occurrence. Measures of Inflation One is able to identify the onset of inflation in an economy by measuring the inflation rate of that economy. Though there are a number of other ways in which measuring can be done, this is the main method that is used by econ omists on a global scale. Measuring the inflation rate is done by taking note of the yearly change in percentage terms of a price index over a period of time (Abel & Bernanke 93). The price index that is mostly used for these purposes is the consumer index though other can be used as well. The consumer price index is determined by measuring the prices of a selection of various goods and services that are usually bought by the average consumer and include items that may be needed on a daily basis such as foodstuffs and other supplies (Baumol & Blinder 25). High end items are not included in this collection of goods and services as they are first o f all not bought by the typical consumer and second of all not purchased on a regular basis thus they would reflect dishonestly on the final figure that is obtained in the end. Apart from the consumer price index, other indices that are also used to obtain the level of inflation in an economy also include the producer price index. This inde x concentrates on the producers rather than the consumers and determines the amount of money that domestic producers receive for their products over time determining the changes calculated in percentage in the process (Abel & Bernanke 98). The difference between this and the Consumer Price Index is mainly due to issues such as taxes and the intention of profit that will make the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Vietnams Confucian Heritage and Its Impact on Governance Dissertation

Vietnams Confucian Heritage and Its Impact on Governance - Dissertation Example It is clear to anyone who has observed the evolution of the world over the years that communism is a failure that still blinds people in some places around the world and that all cronies of communism have not amounted to much anywhere in the world. In stark contrast to this, those governed by the Western Capitalists or those who have been defeated in war by the previously mentioned have fared much better. The stark contrasts between North and South Koreas, former East and West Germany and the future rise of Japan after the Second World War are a clear testimony to the fact that pure communism was an evil that needed checking and restraining. Although in the present post-Vietnam era the misguided Islamists around the world remain vocal and critical of the West, blaming it for all of their self – induced abject failures they have no answers to provide about why their own religious civilization has never amounted to anything anywhere around the world. Surely, a people who were th e followers of the last guidance from the Creator of the Universe should have been able to demonstrate something to the world instead of espousing loathing, revulsion and an utter backwardness. After all, the proof of the pudding is in the eating and no people can dump the reason for their failures on to others. Thus, it is likely that something broke down in Vietnam for it to have become a playground for superpowers, just as something distinctly rotten is apparent in Islamic societies. Economics and the distribution of resources have always profoundly influenced human societies and the world. Clearly, despite all attempts to blame the West for the paucity of Vietnam, it is the people of Vietnam and its leaders who must assume responsibility for its destruction when Vietnamese leadership sought to side with communism or capitalism instead of working for the good of the nation.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Leadership Scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Leadership Scenario - Essay Example Various leadership theories will help in increasing the productivity and maximizing the benefits of innovation and gaining competitive advantage over its competitors. The study will try to solve various managerial issues related to the case study with the guidance of varied leadership theories and models. The case study deals with the complexities faced by two employees in departmental store working under two separate heads. The author of the study will also lay emphasis on the different working procedures of the managers and its impact on the performance of the employees. The study will give an insight into components of leadership theories like transformational, path goal, equity and need goal theory. Finally, the study will conclude recommendations of leadership theories which will help in improvement of performance of the employees and also increase their morale. (b) Case 1: Transformational leadership It is observed that the two departmental store workers Alex and Stephanie work under different managers. It is also observed that the leadership and managerial traits exhibited by these two managers are absolutely distinctive from each other and their impact on the work performance of the employees is absolutely different from each other. ... This allows her to test her creativity skills and also improve her interaction skills communicating largely with the customers and colleagues. However, Alex has been working continuously in single department for weeks which has increased his dissatisfaction and lowered his morale considerably. It is evident from the case study that Dan exhibits an autocratic leadership style which has not only promoted a non congenial work atmosphere but also has lowered the moral of Alex. Transformational leadership style will help the employees to become more active due to their inner motivation, which is triggered by the managers (Hautala, 2006). Transformational leadership theory is directly related to higher productivity, lower employee turnover rates and increasing the morale of the employees. Transformational leadership includes components of charismatic, inspirational leadership, individualized consideration and intellectual stimulation (Ozaralli, 2003). This theory would serve purposeful in enhancing the personality of the managers by enhancing their personality and improving their attitude. Transformational leadership would help in improving the managerial situation and help Dan to portray a positive attitude (Godwin, Neck & Houghton, 2000). It would help Dan to improve his mentality and also he may think of providing rewards, incentives to the employees working under him including Alex. (c) Case 2: Goal Setting Theory Alex has been working in the stocking department since a long time, which has not only created monotonous, dissatisfaction within him but has also instilled negative attitude in him. Unlike, Stephanie, Alex is dissatisfied with his work procedure and is reluctant to resolve his potential issues with his immediate manager. It is evident

Monday, October 14, 2019

Chaucers Prologue To The Canterbury Tales Essay Example for Free

Chaucers Prologue To The Canterbury Tales Essay Dave Tagatac English III Dec. 1, 2000 Canterbury Tales Essay #1 In Geoffrey Chaucers Prologue to The Canterbury Tales, there was a Friar to accompany the party traveling to Canterbury. Hubert, as he was called, embodied the traits from which friars were expected to keep their distance. Chaucer is successful in using this white-necked beggar to bring to the readers mind corruption, wealth, greed, and lechery, all hypocritical and immoral characteristics for a man of the church to possess. Although he is a merry man, full of joy and wantonness, these are mere irrelevancies when assessing Huberts value of character as a friar. Throughout Chaucers description of the Friar in the Prologue, Huberts corruption is evident. Probably the Friars greatest evil is suggested early in his description and mentioned several times more. When Hubert would marry a couple, he would give each Of his young women what he could afford her. The sexual connotation of this statement is enforced by the fact that He kept his tippet stuffed with pins for curls, / And pocket-knives, to give to pretty girls. Other evidence of corruption, although not as reprehensible as the defiance of celibacy, includes Huberts failure to befriend the lepers, beggars, and that crew, to whom friars were intended to be nearest. The narrator explains that their lack of money makes their friendship simply a waste of the Friars time. A friar is supposed to be poor, only taking what they need to survive, and giving the rest to those impoverished souls who need it. Hubert, on the other hand, was quite wealthy. I have never known the imbibing of alcohol to be a necessity of life, and yet this friar knew the taverns very well in every town / And every innkeeper and barmaid too. The narrator even states outright that his income came / To more than he laid out. Yet another extraneous possession for a friar was the extravagant dress Hubert wore, as contrasted with the rags friars were expected to don. All of these things demonstrate how the Friar, even when obtaining more than he expected, gave very little to the poor, and kept much for himself. This feeling is continued even augmented upon examination of Huberts greed. Highly beloved and intimate was he / With Country folk within his boundary. As mentioned above, he associated not with the poor, But only with the rich and victual-sellers. Anyone from whom a profit was possible was inherently the Friars friend. This greed is indisputable in light of a final piece of evidence. That is that Hubert would actually pay other friars not to beg in his district. Again, these are actions to be frowned upon in any man, let alone a religiously affiliated one. Finally, Hubert can be shown to be a leach, hanging around those from whom he can get money, and depending on them to support his opulent lifestyle. Although he had no permission to hear confession, this was one way for him to make money, and he did not hesitate to utilize it. He even targeted those who werent so wealthy in a never-ending quest for monetary gain: though a widow mightnt have a shoe / Â ¦ / He got her farthing from her just the same. When people of his district had a dispute, the lecherous Friar was there. Hubert could be found taking advantage of any opportunity he could find to make money honestly, or dishonestly. The Friar was well liked, and had a wonderful singing voice, but his contributions to society ended here. He, through his actions, has shown evidence of corruption, immoral opulence, greed to increase this wealth, and a terrible habit of leaching off others. He was considered a man of the church, but he was far from the piety the title friar conveys.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Event-Driven Programming Features

Event-Driven Programming Features Event-driven programming known as a computer programming paradigm that used the occurrence of events to determine the control flow of the program. This type of application is designed to detect events as they occur, and use an appropriate event-handling procedure to deal with it, which normally use a callback function or method. Theoretically, event-driven style of programming is supported in all programming languages, but they may different in the way of implement it, for example, its easier to implement in languages that provide high-level abstractions, such as closures. Besides, for other programming environments such as Adobe Flash, they are specifically tailored for triggering program code by events. Generally, there is a main loop in an event-driven application that used to listen for events and triggers a callback function when there are events is detected. Key features and characteristics of event-driven programming Service Oriented Service oriented is a key features in event-driven programming that used to write programs that are made for services and it takes does not slow down the computer as service oriented only consume little of the computer processing power and usually services run in the background of OS. Time Driven In event driven programming, time driven is a paradigm, its a code that runs on a time trigger, time driven can be a specific code that runs on a specific time, which could be once an hour, once a week or once a month, this means its a pre-set to do task. For example, windows update is the example of time driven, which user can set when to update or when to check and download the update. Event Handlers Event handlers is a type of function or method that run a specific action when a specific event is triggered. For example, it could be a button that when user click it, it will display a message, and it will close the message when user click the button again, this is an event handler. Trigger Functions Trigger functions in event-driven programming are a functions that decide what code to run when there are a specific event occurs, which are used to select which event handler to use for the event when there is specific event occurred. Events Events include mouse, keyboard and user interface, which events need to be triggered in the program in order to happen, that mean user have to interacts with an object in the program, for example, click a button by a mouse, use keyboard to select a button and etc. Simplicity of Programming and Ease of Development Event-driven programming is simple and easier to program compared to other type of programming as its very visual, for example you can place a button by just select it and place it onto a form and write a code for it. Event-driven programming also easy for user to insert a pre-written code scripts into an existing application because it allows user to pause the code while its running. Which make developing using event-driven programming is easy. Compare Event Driven Programming with Object-oriented Programming (OOP) As mentioned above, event-driven programming known as a computer programming paradigm that used the occurrence of events to determine the control flow of the program, while objects-oriented programming (OOP) treats datafields as objects manipulated through pre-defined methods only and it constructed over four major principles, which are Encapsulation, Data Abstraction, Polymorphism and Inheritance. JavaScript, ActionScript, Visual Basic and Elm are the example for event-driven programming, while C++, C#, Java, Python, Ruby and Scala are the examples for object-oriented programming. In event-driven programming, a program is executed when they detected an event occur, for example, use mouse to click a button to show a message. Besides, in object-oriented programming, emphasis is given to data and classes are the main part of OOP, which mean classes are the blueprints of object and keep the data secure in the classes, only methods of particular classes are allowed to view the data. The classes are also different between event-driven programming and object oriented programming. In OOP, classes can be created by own while in event-driven programming user must use the defined classes. Object-oriented programming and event-driven programming may use together, which mentioned above that event-driven programming are support in all programming language, its just the way of implement it may different. References What is event-driven programming? (2017). Retrieved January 17, 2017, from 1010, zakkcuthbert. (2014, November 7). Key features of event driven programs. Retrieved January 17, 2017, from Event-driven programming (2017). . In Wikipedia. Retrieved from Comparison of programming paradigms (2017). . In Wikipedia. Retrieved from Studytonight. (2016). Object oriented programming concepts in C++. Retrieved January 17, 2017, from

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Rewards Essay -- essays research papers

Rewards and Motivation U.S. companies face greater pressures today than ever before to improve cost efficiency and in the same breathe taking their products to market faster, cheaper and with stronger innovation, regulatory compliance, responding to ever increasing regulations around the world that often conflict with each other. A company must also be nimble enough to change direction quickly and cost-effectively when market conditions shift. At the same time, they still must provide an environment in which people want to be employed and want to excel. This is where old models for rewards management fall flat and new rewards approaches must be implemented to make a more efficient and productive organization. (Chang) The company that will be referred to throughout this paper is the author’s current employer, Walgreens Corporation. In today's business environment, attracting, retaining and motivating the kind of people who can sustain a fast-growing organization requires most companies to think diffe rently about how they pay their employees and this is true for Walgreens. The thought process to reflect this change is concerns the shift from compensation to rewards or the merger of both. When speaking to an HR representative within the department, it was made clear that the company objectives are results-focused and the weight of reward programs have increased to compensate. Walgreens views base pay as the price pay for membership to the company. Base pay ensures the company that the employee will show up at work, that they may call employee’s night or weekends with business questions, that they can send them employees out of town and disrupt their personal life. But incentive pay or rewards is the price you pay to get employees focused on what is important to the company. For example, several years ago on the store operations level a flat rate was provided for the positions of Executive managers and storeowners across the board in the relation to annual bonuses allocated. For examples, two hundred dollars and seven hundred dollars respectively were issued on a monthly basis for these positions. However, rather than help productivity it had little effect and essentially did nothing to improve the bottom line for the corporation because managers felt that this allocated amount was just another structured payment (like base pay) and put the... ...n the company across the board but especially in cities in which new districts are being built up, such as North Carolina, South California and Atlanta, Georgia. Human Resources created a rewards program to create the motivation to make the connection between the goal and the effort it takes to obtain that goal. For each referral that leads to a new hire an employee receives one thousand dollars and if they recruit for newly developed cities they obtain double points, which would double the payout (i.e. $1,000 to $2,000). This approach has helped alleviate the recruiting strain that was place on the company. The general process theory is consistent with the Walgreens Corporation that has esteemed itself at leading the curve in regards to innovation and human capital. References Meyer, John P., Becker, Thomas E., Vandenberghe, Christian. Employee Commitment and Motivation: A Conceptual Analysis and Integrative Model. Journal of Applied Psychology; Dec2004, Vol. 89 Issue 6, p991, 17p Chang, Julia. Where Everyone's a Winner. Sales & Marketing Management; Jan2005, Vol. 157 Issue 1, p43, 4p, 8c Milkovich-Newman. Compensation: Pay Model. McGraw-Hill. Boston, 2004.

Friday, October 11, 2019

What Is Sucess?

We, mostly referring to those, especially the young who have treaded the path filled with enigma and decisions to be made must eventually come to a halt, where the paths to success and failure lie. The fruits of success lay right before our eyes but yet out of reach. However, the devastation of failure seems so far away but is no further than a stone’s throw away. And what is success? Many of us, mainly those who are working see success as having great wealth and power, however, some see success in different ways.For example, some see having a good relationship with someone as success, some see success in helping the needy, some see success as being happy, and some even see it in having time to enjoy the little things. Considering the fact that I’m still a teenager and have not any plans for building up a family, success in my eyes is obtaining a relatively good status in society. It is better in my view to aim high initially because we will not be able to return to the past with our mea culpa. The road to success is like a busy highway, if you stop suddenly, you might get involved in an accident.Just like our lives, everything is fast paced and many of us find it painfully difficult to adapt to this kind of life. Some are not audacious enough to attempt and therefore discouraged by the stress and adversity that is to be faced in the future. Besides that, many of us happen to be victims of indolence and having the ‘Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’ personality. Our unwilling and pious actions constantly draw us away from our goals. Think of our lives as a game of soccer, only without the goal posts.We would be like dogs without a leash, and sheep without a Sheppard, wandering aimlessly with no purpose at all. Now a game of soccer with the goal posts, on reflection to our lives, we set goals easily just as a soccer player sees the goal posts, but it requires lots of effort and discipline to score a goal as well as to succeed. Everything has pros and cons but not success, success is a like a rose without thorns, nothing but pure delight. In other words, success is the sobriquet for overcoming obstacles and to ameliorate an individual’s all in all performance. How then do we achieve success?There are many ways we can obtain it, and one of the ways is by giving a concentrated focus on an action we are working on. Concentration can give us an advantage in magnifying our efficiency on something that usually only produces a limited amount of result to a more augmented one. Take for an example, a student who gives a full concentration in class can well understand and absorb what is being taught than one who gives less concentration and understands less. Focused concentration on a field where we are naturally talented will also give us a head start that can gradually lead us to achieve success.A talent that we know can be practiced on and can be improved should be used to grant us opportunities that can be beneficial an d rewarding, well begun is half done, bringing us a step closer to our goals. Parents should understand and know what are their children talents are so that they could start at an early age to work on it and use them to good use and plan their way to success. As said by Winston Churchill â€Å"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. † We should learn through our failures to obtain an experience that will lead us to success.There is a very small chance that anyone of us can get something or to do something at the first try and get it right without failure. What about the disappointments? Failing is not always the villainy of our improvidence much can be learned from failure. By failing, we will train ourselves to work harder and execute things correctly the next time we try. Success is obtained through failure too! For example, as an athlete, winning a competition is not an easy task as there are many others who also compete, thus if failu re occurs, he or she should learn from their mistakes and get the proper techniques to perform better.Learning through failures also enables us to identify the failures and makes them easily detected by us. This will save us precious time to complete a task and move on to the next one without ingeminating a mistake and with progression, we will succeed in it. On that account, failure is just like a bump on the road, that we have to overcome to move on and not to be discouraged by it so that there are no boundaries to the success we need. But we shouldn't always expect things to go our way, failing never assures that we would get up and finish strong.Failure is devastation, we must try as hard as possible to avoid this chimera, this illusion that depicts a so called ‘necessary' step to success. Let failure look for us and not the other way round, and of course we shouldn't let failure find us, unless we are noddy or face some home-grown entropy such as laziness and being highly dependent on others. Does hypocrisy have a say? I'm sure it does. As the saying goes ‘actions speak louder than words’ we should always put in all our effort on the thing that we are doing rather than talk about something we have yet to complete.This means we have to use all our energy physically or mentally to make sure all out capability is put to use with concentration to fulfil something. It is a fact that most of the successful people in the world take these steps in their lives. World renowned athletes such as Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan, singers like Celine Dion, actors like Samuel L Jackson and writers like JK Rowling have spent years putting in their effort at what their good in and gave it their all to achieve different type of success such as status, wealth and power.We should also plan our actions before starting on something so that we have the steps to finish them without holding back to change or repeat something that can be avoided. By putting enough effort and planning into a work, it will be completed quickly and efficiently hence more work can be done. Factory workers who work in assembly lines can be taken as examples where they work in lines that resemble the steps and all the workers have to put effort so that they can maintain the production and once a worker stops, the whole production line will be ruined thus there will be no product or result.Another way success can be obtained is by being passionate about our goals and have a drive to achieve them. We should have an unprecedented passion and a drive on something that we are working on based truly on our love towards it. It will turn out bad for someone if they do not have the passion and drive on a job and could not contribute anything regarding to the job. Being passionate and to be driven also motivates us to give the best that we can offer to complete a task by reminding us to not give up on our goals.When situations get tough and cannot be handled, we should alwa ys remember the passion that is within everyone which motivates us to get back into reality and solve any circumstances that we face in our lives to ultimately drive us to our successes, no pain no gain. After going through the sweat and blood of achieving success, cupidity starts to kick in. The desire for more is nothing but natural for most humans. Forgetting the importance of everything while in pursuit of wealth is a common issue that occurs in the world. This is ineluctable in the eyes of the wealthy. So are there actually dangers behind it?Yes, in the world today anything to do with money involves parlous activities, hidden and ready to spring out at those with narcosis about what goes on in the world today. The amount of theft and murder are constantly rising mainly due to the need of money. Tycoons are now being targeted and robbed despite having state of the art security technology. Thieves of the 21st century today have come out with more trenchant ways to rob and pilfer from any desired locations such as banks and bungalows. They have become increasingly ferocious and posses a high tendency for murder.Success doesn't just appear in the form of money, happiness seems to be another form of success. If an individual is unhappy with his or herself, no proven amount of external things can alter that fact. I for instance, consider happiness to be the prime and inimitable importance of my life. Is it not better to be able to walk safely in public with only few cents in your pocket than to be carrying thousands and be afraid of being robbed? Is it also not better to be able to have a friendly match of soccer just for the fun of it than to get castigated upon the failure to score the match-winning goal?It is hard to decide what makes a happy life because it can be very bemusing. We cannot agree on a definition of happiness that is consentaneously similar to everyone’s opinion. One man’s idea of a happy life will not be incisively exact to anot her man and what a third man considers to be a happy may or may not be acceptable neither to the first nor to the second. The attempt to decide what a happy life reminds me of the five blind men who tried to find the shape of an elephant. One man's rubbish is another man's treasure. The idea of happiness differs among people.Happiness is a state of the mind which depends entirely on the individuals concern. Someone may find certain conditions conductive to a happy life, while the same condition may fail to make someone else happy. Where lays the difference? Perhaps in the mental state of the two, the former found happiness because he was able to feel contented with those conditions, the latter failed concerned is satisfied with those conditions , it seems fairly reasonable to find happiness because the same conditions fell short of his expectations, he was discontented.What about materialistic goods? This depends on each and everyone’s personal mind-sets of satisfaction. Mate rialistic items alone are probably unable to produce happiness, like a Stour between right and wrong, there must be a limit to these materialistic needs to ensure life can go on happily. So, before we try to decide what makes a happy life, we have to be quite definite what sort of happiness we are aimed to achieve to prevent an inner eristic situation.Recessions have occurred, natural disasters too. Are there any other crises that we face? What about our relationships? The world as we know it apparently faces increasing rate of divorce, could this be caused by the lack of symbiotically trust? Are we neglecting the values of a relationship? I don't find it surprising to see success in having a good relationship. In fact we could carry a portmanteau filled with the importance of maintaining a relationship. So what makes relationships deemed as success?I see success not only intimately between a specific being but also the relationship formed between friends and others. We could be jan issaries to our friends, supporting encouraging them when they need us most. The problem is, how do we obtain this successful relationship? After many ‘attempts', I find that knowing yourself and knowing what you and another person wants as well as having the willingness to change, are key factors in determining the permanence of your relationship.Besides that, relationships which are successful can be created through many different ways of desirability including resemblance of inters, differences that are corresponding, mutual attraction, competence, self-disclosure, and closeness. Successful relationships begins with your relationship with everyone you meet, start from the people on the street till the person you love , and even everyone amongst us , such as the person you pay at the counter , the people you study with , your friends and your family.Other than that, there are many essentials that assist in determining and creating a successful relationships and one of which is communication. Communication is the basic in relationship especially where relationships which involve love are concerned. Love relationships often require a deeper understanding of just how vital communication is to the success of that relationship. Maintaining and developing successful relationships rely on the person’s ability to communicate their needs, wants, and goals within the relationship.Besides that, we need to love and to be loved . This is the mutual way we were put together, and our essential need after food and shelter. It's what holds the bonds of family together so strongly, parent to child, child to parent and siblings to siblings. It is the reason that society has developed marriage in one form because marriage is the ultimate expression of loving and being loved. Perhaps the dernier cri on the meaning of success today speaks of wealth? In this era, money is the first craze, people are becoming more avaricious.Sometimes it is the only thing that determin es success in people’s life. Most people say that money can buy power, money can buy fame, money can buy time and sometimes money can even buy ‘life'. It is said that money has become the first common goal for everybody. As the contrarian speaks, there is something else that can be measured as success. For instance, if an individual observes his or her career and feels satisfied and happy with the status, he would consider it a very successful life.On the other hand, if he looks back and realizes he could have accomplished much more and feels disappointed, he will not be so successful in his own eyes. Success is directly in proportion to happiness and wealth. Without it, there will not be success. Success can also be attained by achieving goals. In order to require a goal, one must accomplish smaller goals that show up to the main achievement, every journey starts with a small step, slowly but surely making our way up the ladder of hard work and finally standing on the hedonistic platform of success.For example, if a football team achieved its aim to win their district and the state championship, they would be successful. On the contrary, if the team had set out to have a winning record and fail to do so, the season would not be considered successful. One vital thing that defines success is our careers. With different careers, we will have different goals and measurements of our success. If you are a major scientist, success will depend on the research you do.A formula that can prove your theory is true can be the greatest success in your life. If you are a writer, you will probably succeed if your book gets on the best-selling in the bookstore or if your works get published in a magazine. So we can see that measure of success in your life as the effort you have devoted and all the sacrifice made. As the years go by, the wick of the candle now adust by the flame of our busy lives begin to shorten and we are left with little time to direct ourselve s towards our goals.As mentioned there are no specific meanings of success, we shouldn't let our time be purloined trying to comprehend another person’s idea of success. We should do what we feel is right and follow our conscience. This is my thoughts on what success is. No arguments about success have yet to occur with me, but we can all agree that to succeed, the time to start is now. The working field is only getting more competitive, and if we do not put in effort now, there might not be a secure future for us.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Diabetes Treatments Essay

Diabetes and Treatment Diabetes is a group of diseases that result from a defect in the body’s ability to maintain a homeostatic glucose level. The defect may be in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. Diabetes can be classified as Juvenile, Type 1, Type 2, or Gestational. Distinction between the different classifications is based on the circumstances present at time of the diagnosis. Defect in insulin secretion Type 1 diabetes is an absolute deficiency in insulin secretion in the pancreatic islets. Type 1 diabetes can be confirmed by serological evidence of an autoimmune process and genetic markers. Type 1 is the results from a cellular-mediated autoimmune destruction of the ÃŽ ²-cells of the pancreas. These patients are dependent on insulin to survive and have a high risk of being ketoacidosis when first diagnosed. Insulin resistance Type 2 diabetes or noninsulin dependent diabetes has a gradual onset and patients may take years to identify common symptoms. Autoimmune destruction of ÃŽ ²-cells does not occur. Insulin secretion is defective in these patients and insufficient to compensate for insulin resistance. These patients are usually obese or carry extra fat in the midsection of the body. Gestational diabetes Gestational diabetes (GDM) is recognized as any glucose intolerance that is diagnosed initially during pregnancy. â€Å"The definition applies regardless of whether insulin or only diet modification is used for treatment or whether the condition persists after pregnancy.†(â€Å"ADA,† 2004, para. 26) If a patient is diagnosed with GDM the patient may not continue to be diabetic after delivery or may develop Type 2 diabetes immediately after delivery or later  in life. Women who have had GDM have a 35% to 60% of developing diabetes in the next 10 to 20 years according to the National Diabetes Fact Sheet of 2011. Treatment for Gestational Diabetes The first line treatment for GDM is nutritional therapy and education. It is not recommended for pregnant females to lose weight. The current recommendations of restricting carbohydrate intake to 35 to 40% of dietary calories, there is debate about restricting calorie intake, due to the effects of reduce calories on the fetus. The recommendation by the American Diabetes Association for patient’s that have a body mass index greater than 30 kg per m2 is to decrease the calorie intake by 30 to 33% of daily intake. If the patient is unable to maintain blood glucoses 105 mg per dL in the fasting state and 120 mg per dL two hours after meals then either insulin or oral medications are recommended. There has been no documented evidence that either form is better at maintaining normal plasma glucose. Patients must be educated on taking her blood glucose often, usually at least four to five times per day. Initial treatment for GDM with insulin maybe either via multiple daily injections or continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion. Regular and neutral protamine hagedorn (NPH) insulin, both of which are classified as pregnancy category B, have been the classic initial therapy. Recently, rapid-acting insulin aspart has been approved for use in pregnancy, and lispro is considered a treatment option for patients, 70/30 aspart mix and 75/25 lispro mix are pregnancy category B. For basal insulin, detemir is recommended during pregnancy but remains a pregnancy category C.(Jodon, 2011) Short term effects of GDM The short term effects of GDM are usually seen in the fetus. In the early weeks of pregnancy it is thought that uncontrolled hyperglycemia may cause birth defects that include neural tube defects, cardiac malformations, and early loss of pregnancy. In later weeks there is evidence that the maternal hyperglycemia crosses the placenta and causes â€Å"fetal hyperglycemia, compensatory fetal hyperinsulinemia, and consequently increased adipose deposition of nutrients, resulting in macrosomia.†(Jodon, 2011, para. 7) The effects on the infant can last beyond the womb. The infant may have to be  delivered by c-section due to macrosomia. An infant that has been exposed to hyperglycemia levels in utero may need support after delivery for hypoglycemia due to the infant’s pancreas secreting large amounts of insulin. Long term effects of GDM The long term effects of GDM are currently being studied. In recent years there have been correlation studies between GDM and Type 2 diabetes diagnoses later in life. The long term effects of GDM on the infant include an increase in obesity and type 2 diabetes later in life. If a patient does not make modifications to lifestyle and diet choices then she may continue to need insulin to keep her blood glucose at a healthy level. The most recent recommendation from the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology is to retest GDM patients six to twelve weeks after delivery for hyperglycemia; the recommendation was made to catch early indications of Type 2 diabetes. Summary Diabetes can affect any person, whether a fetus or an older adult. The long term effects of gestational diabetes are not just on the mother but can have long term effects on the child also. The diabetic mother needs to understand the changes she makes during her pregnancy can help her after pregnancy from becoming an insulin dependent diabetic and also lower the chances of her child developing diabetes. Educating the patient includes modifications to diet, exercise, glucose monitoring, and appropriate medication regimen. Education is the key to helping patients maintain good glucose control and decrease their future risk. References Arcangelo, V. P., & Peterson, A. M. (Eds.). (2013). Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice: A practical approach (3 ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus. (2004). Retrieved from dio:10.2337/diacare.27.2007.S5 Jodon, H. (2011). New Standards of Care for Gestational Diabetes. Retrieved from Clinicians Review: McCance, K. L., & Huether, S. E. (2012). Understanding Pathophysiology (5th Custom Edition

How New York Times vs Sullivan changed political thinking Essay

The history of the American nation has been evidently marked with many landmarks legal interpretations of its constitution. The case of New York Times vs. Sullivan is one good example of landmark cases which greatly changed the political thinking of the American population. It is clear from the underlying proceedings of the Supreme Court on the case that the legal understanding of the first and fourth amendments of the civil right bill is not to allow any recovery for media reports unless the complainant can sufficiently prove acts of malice when making the defamatory report (FindLaw, 2010). This is what marked the many historical appreciations of the media freedom in our legal justice system. It is indeed a direct result of this 1964 ruling that the media gain freedom to sufficient cover the proceedings of civil rights movement thus aiding in the realization of the ultimate inclusion of the black American’s right to the civil rights in the American constitution. This essay is written as a critical analysis of the New York Times vs. Sullivan and how it evidently changed political thinking in America. The author first gives an analytical discussion on the underlying facts presented in the case. A discussion on how the case set a precedent for public officials and how that is just another thing to consider for public figures getting into politics is also given Summary of the New York Times vs. Sullivan case 1. The trial courts judgment The case of New York Times vs. Sullivan involved a claim by New York Times in an advertisement that the arrest of Martin Luther king junior was a campaign to compromise his efforts in encouraging the blacks to vote (FindLaw, 2010). The advert claimed that the Montgomery police had been allegedly directed their acts against students who were involved in the civil rights demonstrations. The led to the filing of defamation case against New York Times by Sullivan, a commissioner in the police department at Montgomery (Shah & Anderson, 2007). It is however here to be made clear that the advert was not directly mentioning Sullivan but Sullivan claimed that it was targeting him since he was the chief supervision of the police department in Montgomery. he low court trial judge in Alabaman found the New York Times guilty of committing an actual malice defamatory statements against a public officer and ordered them to pay Sullivan damage worthy half a million US dollars. 2. The Supreme Court’s judgment and its reflection on the first and fourteenth amendment It is however to be realized that the New York Times did not accept the lower court jury’s judgment thus forcing to file an appeal with the supreme cou rt in the quest realizing a fair and just judgment (Tysoe, 2008). At the Supreme Court, the judges clearly confirmed that the provisions of the first amendment of the civil rights bill did not allow a public officer to be granted damages for defamation unless he or she clearly proves that such statements were made will actual malice against them. Still citing the fourteenth amendment to the constitution, the court ruled out that the states is not obliged to award damages for defamation to a public offices based on falsified claims unless the officers sufficiently proves actual malice in the statements (Shah & Anderson, 2007). It is also clear from the proceedings at the Supreme Court that an individual statement can never its protection under the American constitution even if it appears in the form of a paid advert. The judges claimed that it is not the purpose of the government to judge the truth and that a public officer must live to take critics from the public unless they can sufficiently proof malicious acts in the statements (Write & Lidsky, 2004). It was evidently claimed that any act of allowing Sullivan to be paid damages for insufficiently qualified claims of malice could act as a loophole for compromising any future critics to public officers. Still to be noted here is the fact that such any act could greatly compromise genuine critics for fear of intimidation, a move which could evidently compromise the just and fair provision of services by public officers to the general public. It is based on this reasons that the Supreme Court ruled against the lower courts ruling thus favoring New York Times. How New York Times vs. Sullivan set a precedent for public officials The first lesson is that it became evidently clear that a public official is subject to public criticism. It is quite clear from existing historical information that the realization of just and fair rules and regulations in the American nation has never been without social movements. Still clear is the fact that such realizations were heavily compromised with public office power interferences (Wright & Lidsky, 2004). The civil right movement of the twentieth century is no exception to this. It is based on this reasoning and by applying the principles of conclusion by sufficient reasoning that the 1964 interpretation of the American constitution served to protect the political elite and/or public officials from imposing force to the public. Another change that was brought by the impact of the New York Times vs. Sullivan case ruling is that the political elite in the community must be role models (Tysoe, 2008). It is found in the proceedings of the Supreme Court ruling that public officials should be open to critics from the public domain. This was made to emphasis the fact that such are the leaders who should lead the American nation to the next level of fairness and justice for all in the society. It was only by instilling the fact that the general public has a constitutional right to critique their leaders that political comments made by leaders are subject to self liability. This is what has made the political elite of the American nation respectful of the constitutional provisions thus sufficiently realizing greater levels of justice and fairness in the society (Melbourne University Law Review, 2001). Still proved by the case is the fact that sufficiently prove of defamation by actual malice is the ultimate reason for claiming legal awarding of damages (Melbourne University Law Review, 2001). The proceedings at the Supreme Court clearly established that the constitutional protection of claimed statement can not be negated due to the fact that such have been expressed in the context of a paid advertisement. This clear makes public officials subject to proving of actual malice in their damage claim suits. It is to be clearly noted that most true expression which go to the media can be easily disputed by the source (FindLaw, 2010). However, the question of whether or not to get defamatory damages remains subject to the provision of substantial evidence proving actual malice in the presentation of the expressions. How New York Times vs. Sullivan is just another thing to consider for public figures getting into politics The ruling in the case of the New York Times vs. Sullivan also instilled the lesson that no one in the American land is above the rule of law as provided in the constitution. Clear from the ruling of the lower court, it can be claimed that the jury sort less evidence to make the judgment in favor of Sullivan (Wright & Lidsky, 2004). This could be closely attributed to the fact that the government was out to control the progression of the Martin Luther King led civil rights movement. It is however clear from the Supreme Court judgment that despite such previous rulings on the case the constitutional provisions must be respected and applied equally to all in the society (Melbourne University Law Review, 2001). The provision for proving actual malice for compensation of defamation of an individual’s reputation should equally respect all even the politically advantaged in the society. It is this that made political influence on justice provisions mitigated thus respecting the rule of rule as reflected in the constitutional provision for independence of the judiciary. Another lesson from the case is that of limiting claim for awarding damage due to purported defamatory speech (Tysoe, 2008). From the advertisement that led to the defamation claims by Sullivan, it is quite clear that it claimed to be the onset of a new pattern of modern freedom. According to the ruling of the Supreme Court, it is quite clear that the constitution sufficiently protects the human right to speech. It is due to this that it found no sufficient claim of defamation in Sullivan’s claims due to the fact that the students involve were being deprived of their constitutional right to speech (Shah & Anderson, 2007). It is based on this reasoning that the ruling changing our political approaches to reflective our constitutional right to speech. The last lesson from the case ruling is that it made it clear that freedom of the press must be respected. It is to be noted here that the sole duties of the media is to provide news to the general public on occurrences around them. It is due to this reason that any act of compromise quality and accuracy of such news must be mitigated. Still to be understood here is the fact that the advertisement published by the New York Times was made for overseeing the fair and just execution of the underlying demands of the civil rights movement (Melbourne University Law Review, 2001). This is what made the ruling a greatly political influence blow in civil matters. Still realized from the ruling is the ultimate realizing of freedom of press. Indeed the New York Times vs. Sullivan led to the protection of the media against intimidation in covering the civil rights movement.  It is thus clear that the ruling changed the perception the political and public officials had with regard to the media in the society. Conclusion In conclusion, it has been clearly established that the Supreme Court ruling in the case of the New York Times vs. Sullivan marked the dawn of respect for freedom to speech and the press by public officials. It is thus clear that such a case qualifies to be a landmark case in the history of the American nation. It is this court ruling which mitigated misuse of public office and/or political power to impose legal awards for damages without sufficiently prove of actual malice.