Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Proposal for Corporate social responsibility Assignment

Proposal for Corporate social responsibility - Assignment ExampleTherefore, this study represents an meaning(a) contribution to the CSR literature in US (Aaronson & Reeves, 2002, p.59).This research examined the relevance of and the theoretical contributions of different management theories, curiously the triple bottom line and the competitive advantage surmise that help managers understand the relevance of competing through quality assurance.The Competitive Advantage -This is an advantage in the intrinsic and extrinsic parts of the comp each and this theory is concerned with the competition between the confederation and its competitors through offering better values than their competitors (Competitive advantage ,2010, p.102). sozzled values come from the culture of the company which later transforms to be the values of the customers and later the values of the society. value generally come from the customers and the stakeholders which are both important to the success of busine ss. Developing values that are sustainable will depend on the relationship of the organization with the employees, partners, shareholders, suppliers and also media (Enquist & Edvardsson, 2009, p.89).Brands are very important for any company as they communicate to the customers or every stakeholder the image of the company and their products. In order to bandstand the values-based service brand the company must employ CSR strategies to maintain its business in long run. Virtually, CSR serves the beat out way to communicate to all the customers and stakeholders in an efficient manner. These strategies touch with values of service brands and enable the company to obtain the good resonances from all stakeholders (Enquist & Edvardsson, 2009, p.234).In the business activities carried out today, many strategies are outlaid in footrace them. Of late, CSR has developed swiftly. Individuals have started demanding that companies take their social responsibility in their

Monday, April 29, 2019

MGT599 - Strategic Management, Mod 5 SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

MGT599 - Strategic Management, Mod 5 SLP - Essay ExampleIt managed to expand its business on a large scale mainly due to its acquisition of AirTran Holdings in the year 2011 and as at celestial latitude 31, 2011 the company operated a total of 698 aircrafts that includes 88 Boeing 7171s and 610 Boeing 737s. AirTran Airways is now operated as one of the wholly owned subsidiaries of southwesterly Airlines. The company is regarded to be one of the lowest fare domestic airlines in United States and is committed towards providing better Customer Services in the airlines industry.The company encourages employees to express individual ideas to improve performance of the company. Employees are hardened as greatest asset for the company and they have the independence to present their feedback in front of counseling of the company. The company encourages employees to compete against each other to meet performance standard but the competition take is always maintained as a healthy practice to develop personal skills. Although the boldness building works in a centralized manner but dialogue line follows both surmount vertical and horizontal approach. Organizational hierarchy of the organization has minimum number of layers to decrease the time for communication process. For example, flight attendants clean the flight themselves in order to save money and time. It is evident from the above mentioned organization structure that vice presidents report to their respective senior vice presidents and senior vice presidents report to chief executive officer of the company. Multiple roles playing by individual employee is the specialty of the company. The company gives importance on creating separate depute force for various activities. They use guidelines for employees to perform daily work and work schedule is prepared fit to the requirement. For example, top managers of the company perform as ticket agents, reservation agents or cabin crew part once in every

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Analysis of elizabeth barret browning's work and contemplation poem Essay

Analysis of elizabeth barret brownings work and reflection verse form - Essay ExampleA lot of her works are in the possession of Moulton-Barrett family solely the majority is safely kept in the Berg Collection of the New York Public Library.Elizabeth Browning was greatly enriched by the complex political, social and economic situation of the times as a lot of populate she came across were from different ethnic borders and cultural backgrounds. Women poets during the Victorian Age, existed at a time when religion was a critical or vital part of their identities.Work and Contemplation is one of her reflective poems that make her readers to sit back and reflect upon the thoughts of the poet. In the poem the poet speaks of a lady who sits patiently at her spinning oscillation spinning the yarn she has gathered. While engaged in her work of spinning, the woman sings an enchanting ballad or a bar Carole, which helps to make her work lighter and much more pleasant to perform.Elizabeth in her poem Work and Contemplation reflects on the aspect that even though the woman is doing a tedious antic of spinning her yarn from morning to night, and though she thinks of her song, still she contemplates on the duty before her which is spinning. This can be clearly seen from these following lines in the poem The poet wants to tell us that the lady has full control as she deftly carries out her work though she is contemplating on the song she sings. She also wants to let us notice that it is possible to do both things at the same time as long as it is harmonious. Her Christian thoughts come to fore as she pleads with the reader to purse their work with full contemplation but at the same time let our souls pursue a much higher level of thinking to be intimate some respite such as the sweetness of a song, so our work would be little tedious and much more

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Protection of cultural industries in Europe Essay

Protection of heathenish industries in Europe - Essay suitFor instance, there is a difference in culture between Eastern and Western Europe the languages speak argon a variety while there are over five religious groups that are predominant. The continent is actually said to have a fault line in culture in the countries that fall all across the continent of Europe.The attention is also commonly known by the let on creative exertion. This is a combination of the process of designing, producing, distributing of products either goods or services that have a heathenish basis. The services and goods are normally covered by the rights on intellectual property. These industries among others include audio visual, cinema, the unison industry and the craft industry.The creative industry is an essential industry in the creation of employment in Europe. It is estimated that an approximate number of 7 million people from Europe earn a living from this industry. The European people are the mselves the source of cultural diversity as well as cultural identity. The industry has its basis on knowledge and heavily relies on human labor as well as creativity.The industry is particularly in Europe for fostering creativity and also nurturing innovation among the members of the society. Hennighan, Tom (1996). ... In the recent past, the cultural industry in Europe has incorporated the latest digital technology to stir the quality of the products and services. In addition, there has been the drawing of policy on regulation of this industry at the international, regional and national levels.The deregulation in the industry has radically changed the context from which the flow of cultural services, goods and investments between countries takes place. The cultural industries have consequently gone through the process of progressive concentration and internalization which has resulted to the creation of notwithstanding but rattling few conglomerates that are big .They are part of the global oligopoly. Dorland, Michael (2004).The recent trends in the cultural industryIn the recent past, the creative industry has been growing at a very fast pace. Infact, in Europe, it is rated as one of the sectors of the economy with the fastest growth rate. The growth is attributed to the rapid vigor in technology, growth the economy that is digital, the increased commercializing of all the intellectual property and the union of the media. Dorland, Michael (2004). All these factors and more others have enhanced the production, the distributing as well as the consumption and piracy of the goods and services produced by the cultural industry. The modern digital technology in communication and information sectors have completely lead to the revolutionalizing of this industry by improving the process of production so that it is of more quality, the channel of distributing the produced goods and services, the modes of consumption by the net consumer to he products. The avai lability of the technology at a low cost has made the diffusion of text, give out and image possible to

Friday, April 26, 2019

Emergency room Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Emergency room - fitting ExampleIn most cases nurse in the in-patient units do not work during irregular hours (Burgess, 2014).In the ER, documentation focuses on addressing acute symptoms through use of ICD-10-CM codes. This is different from documentation that is used in the in-patient place since it does not involve coding. In the in-patient unit documentation is done in paper format or electronically but with issue coding (Burgess, 2014).In the ER, there are several legal issues involved. One of them is endeavor of how emergent a situation is for the patient since some situations drop be deceiving and accurate decisions curb to be made. Another common legal issue is ensuring that patients are screened and treated appropriately while keeping them cognizant of the treatment being given. The legal issues arising from in-patient unit are less compared to the ER. The patients in in-patient unit need to have informed consent of the treatment they receive (Burgess, 2014).Safety an d privacy of the patient can be maintain by ensuring that there is always a technician to help the patient at any given clipping and that there is no displayed information on the patient that other people can see. The client can also be provided privacy through use of curtains to cover his bed area. Through use of curtains slightly his bed area, only restricted people can intrude his personal space.The protocols related to communication involve ensuring protection of the information that the patient gives for purposes of medical records. Such information should be treated with a galvanic pile of privacy and should be secured. The technicians should not share a patients information by any chance and should ensure that the patient is aware of the results (Burgess, 2014).In such a situation, the nurses and physicians are allowed to carry out the procedure on the patient without any consent to save his or her life. The patient will therefore be told about the procedures carried o ut when he is conscious and can

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Analysis of an Angel Island poem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis of an Angel Island poem - Essay ExampleIt is app arent the carvings and literary works are remain evidence demonstrating the experiences of Chinese immigrants and occurrences at Angel station in San Francisco.The poems discovered at the station are the most dramatic discoveries in American literature. Today, at least scholars are translating and interpreting poems across the valet de chambre (Lai, Lim, and Yung 12). Carved on wooden buildings by Chinese immigrants who never became laborers in America following riddance Act, the poems expose the unusual detention of immigrants for weeks and months on the island awaiting clearance by American immigration officials (Lai, Lim, and Yung 20). In addition, these poems undefended the labor conditions and economic conditions in California in the twentieth century. By providing a detailed depend of the plight of Chinese immigrants in San Francisco, the collection of poems questioned American ideologies of unlimited and equal opp ortunity floated in the 20th century. It is apparent the poems expose various themes not limited to immigration, alienation, race, and labor in America. An immigrant from Heungshan wrote a prominent poem that fuses the experiences and occurrences in San Francisco to demonstrate several themes. The poem was translated into English by Lai, Lim and Yung (1991) and organized into prose.According to the poem, Angel Island in-migration Station was a place of suffering and sadness. The Chinese immigrants were seeking labor opportunities in order to secure a living in America. The Exclusion Act in late 20th century that banned increased Chinese migration led to sufferings and problems. Many immigrants stayed in unhygienic and deplorable conditions awaiting clearance from immigration officials, and the carvings and writings demonstrate the bitterness and resentment among immigrants. However, many Chinese immigrants endured and withstood conditions at Angel Island Immigration

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Capacity & Forecasting of Green Valley Bakers Research Paper

subject matter & Forecasting of commons vale Bakers - Research Paper ExampleIt takes a lot of time, effort and skills to plan out the start of operations, from where the inscription will come, how and when sales will be made and at what margins, so that some profit is left wing over to compensate the businessman and early(a) stakeh grey-headeders of the business, if there are any, afterward the greets and expenses of the bakery learn been paid out. Forecasting must too take into account the current and future environment as regards legal, technological, social and other phenomena such as changes in Government policy regarding taxation on bakeries, prices of inventory items, changing tastes of consumers and improvements in baking technology. We will consider all these as we evolve a schema for capacity utilization and demand and sales forebode at Green Valley Bakers. Discussion Capacity utilization has been one of the main concerns of entrepreneurs and industrialists righ t from the very beginning of organized business enterprise. In item the start of the Industrial Revolution saw much of the population of villages move to the cities, lured by the prospects of gainful interlocking and higher and more consistent wages, thereby leading to a better lifestyle and social progress. hazard their predicament when they were forced to move into often cramped and squalid living quarters, eating meager rations and laboring long hours in factories and mills that sought only to gain the most advantage from this situation. It was only after the refusal of workers in Chicago to continue to work under these appalling conditions that the world has moved towards respecting the rights of the workers. Even the economists of old regarded Labor as but a factor of production. As regards capacity, J.B Say remarked that Supply would create its stimulate demand. And the production concept in marketing so popular in the 1950s enunciated that if one build a better mousetra p (meaning product), people would flock to your door to buy it. Even today there is a debate among economists as to whether Full Employment or Partial Unemployment is better for the economy. The Marxists would say that cypher has really changed, in this class-ridden society it is just the capitalist or rich class or middle class taking advantage of the proletariat or worker class, as it always has. Capacity utilization and forecasting trends are as important for a bakery as an airline or engine shaper (Croft, 2010). In the world of accounting, costing techniques have been applied to industrial production to determine the cost per unit of measurement of production. Indeed, there have been instituted wage rates per unit of output produced by the worker. In other words, the come up cost of a product has been broken up into components of direct materials, direct labor and factory overheads (meaning other costs that cannot be directly apportioned to a product). Thus an amalgam of the se costs divided by the number of units products over a specific period of time give a standard cost per unit for a particular batch of bread. This is much like the batch manufacturing processes at pharmaceutical industries and Green Valley Bakers could also adopt this method of identifying production of different batches of bread. It would be invaluable in also judging whether the best-if-used-by-date for a particular unit had passed or not. As explained in earlier assignments, the maximum ledge life of breads at normal room temperature tended to

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

3-5 minute speech outline (any topic) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

3-5 minute speech outline (any topic) - Essay ExampleThis increases efficiency and saves on time in business transactions (USTR, 2010). In 2007, SMEs contributed $480 billion value of goods and services sold in the foreign commercialise (USTR, 2010). This amounted to approximately 41% of the total exports that year (USTR, 2010). SMES account for nearly 40% of the export related jobs in the US (USTR, 2010). This further shows the importance of SMEs in trade and the economy. There are trade barriers that adversely mask performance of SMES. First, there are discriminatory policies with regards to SMEs. For instance, they may lack the financial resources and expertise to compete in international markets. Second, SMEs are faced by higher taxes as they contribute largely to the manufacturing industry (USTR, 2010). Third, they fulfill challenges in standards and certification through licensing and inadequate property protection.In a nutshell, SMEs play a spanking role in domestic and fo reign trade. The government should therefore review the policies governing them to promote their harvest-home and development for greater benefit of intensified

MHE510, Occupational Health and Safety, Mod 2 Case Assignment Essay

MHE510, Occupational Health and Safety, Mod 2 Case concession - Essay ExampleTwisting and turning or chronically lifting heavy materials can cause chronic inconvenience. People who normally have a sedentary lifestyle also have a list to have low back pain, especially when there is a sudden injury or when there is periodic heavy work between (Hills, 2010). The CDC lists 5 physical workforce factors that affect eventual back pain issues. These include heavy physical work, lifting and forceful movements, bending and twisting in awkward positions, unhurt body vibration, and static work postures. During studies each of these proved to be a problem that created back pain (CDC, 1997), of 18 studies done, 13 showed strong evidence for this.Our worker lifts heavy boxes regularly, he also works in the warehouse and performs other types of heavy bear on. We k straight little about what he is like at household and there is a belief that he may have fallen at home. He is now complaining of chronic low back pain. Do we know what has caused this musculoskeletal disorder?This is a worldly concern who is at great risk for MSD due to the type of work that he does. He does heavy labor and he lifts on a regular basis. It must be considered that certainly whatever has caused his back pain, this is a contributing factor. One of the questions that has to be ask here is whether or not precautions have been taken in helping to protect this employee. Is he wearing back support? Has there been instruction for the employee in fit lifting techniques? Are regular breaks being taken? Is the company doing pre-employment physicals and if so, has this been a prior problem for this employee?It is not invariably clear what actually has caused the pain. There are some distinctions that need to be made and those include the front man of the symptoms and when they started, when it was reported, whether the employee attributes the symptoms or the original injury to work or the fall, what the

Monday, April 22, 2019

Development, impacts, implications of a contemporary political movment Essay

Development, impacts, implications of a contemporary political movment for change (Environmentalism) - Essay ExampleThe beginnings of an environmental crisis which looms large everyplace the world can perhaps be traced to the Industrial Revolution in Europe which led to indispensable resources being expendd, often indiscriminately, for the purpose of scientific progress (Reynolds, A Brief History of Environmentalism, n.dd). At a parallel level, European colonies in Asia, Africa and Latin America were also subjected to much ecological damage for industrial growth. Though Henry David Thoreau pioneered environmentalist thinking in the USA, it was John Muir who laid the foundation of the Sierra bon ton in 1892 through which the government received ample financial aid for it to undertake wilderness saving measures (Reynolds, n.d.). The emergence of environmental activists much(prenominal) as Wangari Mathai from Kenya shows that environmental concerns cannot be divorced from an engag ement with the imbalances of power engendered by colonialism. In contemporary times ecocriticism has become an integral part of most academic disciplines. It has been particularly important in the field of postcolonial studies where scholars have found a close connection between the discursive and sparing power wielded by the West and the environmental damage inflicted by Western nations upon the nations of the Third World. The first uncovering in American environmentalism came with Rachel Carsons work Silent Spring (1962) which spoke of the impact of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), a commonly used pesticide on the environment. The work created immediate controversies and numerous American industrialists clamoured for its ban, accusing the author of deceitful indictments. However, the work caused enough stir for President John F Kennedy to order a thorough investigation into its claims. The research revealed the hugely detrimental effect that DDT had not merely upon the ph ysical environment that also on human health since it was commonly used as an agricultural pesticide. Following this the use of DDT was banned in the USA (Lear x-xi). This is an important episode in the history of environmentalism for it fortified American environmentalist movement besides proving the efficacy of protest movements led by seemingly politically disempowered individuals against international conglomerates. It is a sad fact that even today, several countries continue to use DDT and many such pesticides. These continue to affect the lives of millions of people and their health even today. The reasons for this can be traced to the lobbying power of the corporate firms that fix these pesticides and the lack of civic action on the part of the citizens of these nations. This can be remedied to an extent through the dispense of awareness of environmental issues. In short, the issue of environmentalism needs to extend its reach to these nations in order for it to be an eff ective tool. In the 1970s began the era of international cooperation on the subject of ecological conservation, the manifestation of which was the reality Summits summoned by the United Nations. The first among these was held in Stockholm in 1972 and was titled UN Conference on the piece Environment, Stockholm (Earth Summit, The United Nations Official Website n.p.). These forums of international debate and discussion have laid unclothe not merely the urgent need to incorporate the

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Write a feature article about Travel, great places to go to in the Essay

Write a feature article about Travel, great places to go to in the world, Muslim woman in different countries, comparing different cultures to Saudi - Essay instanceToday, global economic organisations and institutions have come up with several laws and regulations that have made the cross-border transfer of large tot up from unmatchable place to another, which used to be real difficult in the time past very easy and simple immediately. Because of this, a lot more people are now able to hold out easily to other places regardless of cultural or religious differences.Having established the point that cross-border make a motioning has now been made simple, the next aspect of discussion to look at is the choice of place to visit. Without any doubt, on that point are several excellent places a soulfulness may choose to visit for whatever idle intentions the person may have. Most of these places are major cities of the world and they offer almost everything that makes a persons stay away from home a memorable one. Talk of natural land sites, sports events and infrastructure, tuition and academic excellence, cultural integration, economic enhancement, historical symbolism, architectural innovations and technological advancements there are countless number of cities to visit to have a feel of all these. Happily, each continent in this world crapper boast of a number of cities and countries that will readily give a person all of much(prenominal) travel expectations. The freedom to travel and abundance of choice notwithstanding, there are a number of factors that genuinely affect the conduct of a particular traveller to and from different places of the world. One of such factors is religious and chaste differences. A typical case can be given with Muslim women who may want to travel to some of the worlds most renowned destination.Making Europe the first point of call, one place that cannot be left out as an exquisite destination is Madrid. Sabina (2011) n otes that the city of Madrid is placed in the Community of Madrid (La Comunidad de Madrid). The Community of Madrid is located almost exactly in the means of Spain. This is a

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Performance Related Production Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Performance Related Production - turn out ExampleIn order to accentuate production through employee performance, a companys manage workforcet needs to lift a strong belief and determination among the leadership and worker-class, to accelerate progressive changes and create a difference. solely those with exceptional influence discount change the way an organisation runs. Management essential consider the cruciality of a visible and active role taken by them to integrate policies of diversity and inclusion into each aspect of an organisations operation and culture.Culture affects every employee of the organisation, whether it is a man or woman. Its imperative that any form _or_ system of government decision reach all concerned in the organisation every individual of the organisation must feel a part of the scheme of things, for the welfare of the organisation.A healthy work environment goes a long way in instigating quality work. At the workplace, it is imperative for the manage ment to introduce an increased and in effect(p) mode of cooperation between the men and women workers. One way of looking at it is by creating a break dance awareness of gender differences, building different leadership styles and flexible work/career patterns. Both men and women can use a variety of flexible work options to support family and personal needs, allowing them to achieve the tendency of work/life balance, contributing to greater productivity.There are many number of business tactics, that can be employed to bring about operational changes to manage talent roughly effectively. Some tactics, most noticeable among them are Identifying role models and establishing mentoring programmesEliminating all bias-based company policies and proceduresProviding equal opportunities, training and development for allConducting workshops for employees to transfuse upon them the importance of diversity and inclusiveness to increase performance and production Though the above initiativ es may sound simple, thither is more to it, than meets the eye. The exercise needs the wholehearted support and sustained effort by all employees to pay back it a success (David Pappie, p.103, 2006).Performance is the cornerstone to success and productivity. Performance comes about through the wholehearted and wholehearted effort of employees of an organisation. This is possible only if the employees are kept happy and cared for. Strategies that favour employee retention, elicit competitive tribute schemes, and creates healthy work environment are pre-requisites for employee performance, culminating in higher production. A companys best asset is its people, so there is a good reason why the company needs to do what is right for them. A point of contention to performance and productivity is the way one works the ability to work remotely, where endeavour convergence gains momentum. Organisations and structures have become more fluid. Mobility not just of the people involved, but t heir virtual running(a) environment has become synonymous for productivity. For business bosses and their employees, a converged environment makes work location and distance irrelevant. The drift to work for the benefit of the organisation must come

Friday, April 19, 2019

Compare and contrast the different respects in which Freemen were Essay

Compare and contrast the different respects in which Freemen were handle during Reconstruction by the Cherokee Nation and how t - Essay ExampleFollowing an establishment of a working treaty with the United States of America, these individuals gained Cherokee citizenship in 1866. Numerous rights of the freedmen remained particular with some being available only to Cherokees and not freedmen Cherokees. During the reconstruction of the Cherokee state of matter, freedmen were only granted citizenship into the Cherokee province. Numerous benevolent rights, however, were not granted to the freedmen Cherokees following citizenship. Controversies continued through the 20th century concerning the rights granted to freedmen Cherokees. These individuals felt they were being accorded second grade citizenship with limited rights. Though the Cherokee citizenship offered freedmen with citizenship base on possession of Cherokee blood, amendments into the constitution later involved sufferan ce based on historical presence. The Cherokee nation presented controversial regulation regarding citizenship of freedmen Cherokees. This controversy continues to yield continuous court battle as freedmen seek acceptance into the citizenship of Cherokee nation. Various Cherokee constitutional laws declare that qualification to Cherokee citizenship should be based on having Cherokee blood relationships and not nevertheless historical presence within the Cherokee nation. ... Within the context of Cherokee nation, however, separation of these parameters stay difficult. The integration of the Cherokee nation as part of the United States of America brought significant impact and clarification of the pending citizenship issues. Freedmen Cherokees continued to be accorded limited right by the Cherokee nation. These included limitation into intermarriages with native Cherokees hence freedmen Cherokees could not intermarry with native Cherokees check to the Cherokees regulations. This mai nly remained so because these freedmen continued to be viewed as slaves of the Cherokees. There exists an unwritten slavery law where master cannot intermarry with slaves. This theoretical believe continued to be commonly practiced within the Cherokee nation. The freedmen were also accorded inferior citizenship, with limited rights, like those of intermarriages. Adaptation into the constitution of the United States of America included access to various rights, antecedently unavailable. These included the right for freedmen Cherokees to vote and elect leaders. Though the united states governments seeks to empower the freedmen Cherokees through giving them human right accorded to other marginalized communities, controversy continues to cloud the issues of freedmen Cherokees. These individuals were offered citizenship into Cherokee nation before integration into the United States of America. The standing order, therefore, remains that they are still bound by the regulations which gave them Cherokee citizenship. These people, therefore, completely remain bound by the constitution of the Cherokee nation whose authority

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Report on Ethical Decision-Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Report on Ethical Decision-Making - Essay ExampleCritics point to Big pharmaceutical company manipulating search in order to increase their profit margins. These are all very important and major modern issues that must be addressed when we look at a topic as broad and big(a) as pharmaceuticals and pharmacology. Questions I asked myself included Do pharmaceutical companies project duties and obligations to society? Is pharmacological care a right rather than a service to be sold on the market place? These are obviously very emotionally engaging questions because they involve life and death. It was very hard for me to come to a conclusion about them.The best illustration of this ethical dilemma.is the question of HIV/AIDS in Africa. Do American drug companies have the responsibility to provide very cheap drugs to people in Africa who are infected. If the drugs were given to someone for free they might live longerbut since they dont have money they certainly will die. I wrestled with this one long and hard. This aspect of the debate really illustrates the whim of a social obligation to people above and beyond the notion of a profit margin. Critics of operate will say that if drugs were given away for free there would be no money for query and so more people would die because there would be no drugs for their disease. This too would be a serious problem.In the end I decided that it was right for pharmaceutical companies to advertise and sell their products for a profit. It took a lot of time and consideration for me to reach this conclusion. As of 2008, the United States is the world leader in medical research, especially in pharmaceutical development. American companies create to the highest degree of the worlds most innovative drugs and the FDA stamp of approval is sought by drug makers worldwide because this organization is so respected. This is an fire point and one that may contradict in some sense the idea of Big Pharma having a social contract. T he only developed

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Unit 1 Discussion Board Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Unit 1 Discussion Board - sample Exampleigh the strengths and weaknesses of the basic forms and choose the one -- or the combination -- that is most congruent with the strategy (Daniels, 2004). As the twenty-first century rapidly approaches, numerous questions are being raised in an attempt to conduce wellness anguish policy toward greater social harmony, to alleviate social dilemmas created by competing sets of values, and to confront the realities of trustworthy health care economics. Instability, volatility, and incredible change are forcing a reexamination of societal values along with changing consumer expectations of health care (Kozier 2004).I agree with the statement that management is both science and graphics because it demands creative application of traditional theories and concepts. In healthcare, those values of individualism, competition, cost containment, efficiency, and technology that are currently driving health care policy and health care systems are also inf luencing nursings ability to provide musical note care. A look to the past demonstrates the evolution of the changing scene in nursing practice. As health care increasingly runs along business lines, competition occurs through mergers, acquisitions, and the expansion into new markets (Mckenna, 1997). What becomes clear is that case of care is not the major focus of the competitiveness. Reduced revenues have even led to a diminution in the registered nurse workforce as unlicensed assistive personnel are hired to overturn labor costs and act as nurse extenders. It is clear that new and creative approaches to health care and nursing care are needed (Daniels, 2004).Regulations in healthcare demand flexibility and creativity, new wad of old theories and practices. On the other hand, they stipulate strict limits and rules important for healthcare professionals. Now is a eon of transition for health care institutions and health care in general (Kozier 2004). The issue of allocation o f singular health-related resources has become almost paramount,

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Journey to the West Essay Example for Free

Journey to the tungsten EssayIn The Journey to the West, Pilgrim and the woodcutter seem to be similar where they both feel that they have a purpose in life. However, their situations are different from one another. For instance, Pilgrim tries to better himself by seeking the immortals, as salutary as, gaining eternal youth. He is full of passion, desire, and excitement, which has lead him to have no worri whatsoever thoughts. He has zip belongings him back from the tasks that he wishes to accomplish. Unlike the Pilgrim, the woodcutter continuously is forethoughted about his mother and how he is going to hit enough money each day to place care of her.The immortals even taught the woodcutter a poem that would athletic supporter him to calm down because of his worrisome feelings. Pilgrim is someone that follows his curiosity to find newer and bigger things, while the woodcutter is merely a slave to his obligations of making a decent living. Due to his obligations, the wood cutter does not have any dreams for his future, and even if he did, he would never dare follow them. Pilgrim only cares about himself and the benefits that he will receive delinquent to his journey to find the immortals.The woodcutter is not as selfish or as motivated with what he wants to do with his life. Since the woodcutter was a child, he has taken on the responsibility of being an adult. Woodcutter approaches Pilgrim by saying, when I was young, I was obligated(predicate) to my parents nurture until I was eight or nine. As soon as I began to have some understanding of human affairs, my father unfortunately died, and my mother remained a widow. I had no brothers or sisters so there was no alternative but for me alone to support and care for my mother. Now that my mother is growing old, all the more I dare not leave her (Wu Chengen 433). Even after the woodcutters explanation, Pilgrim still asked him to come along on his journey with him to find the immortals.Pilgrim does not have any concern or regard about the woodcutters problems and his responsibility to take care of his mother. According to Pilgrims actions, he continues to prove his selfishness while the woodcutter dedicates his life to taking care of someone other than himself and proving his unselfish ways. Pilgrim is the type of undivided that will jump at any opportunity that comes his way. He takes every chance that has any attainable potential for him to improve. Consequently, the woodcutter has an immortal neighbor and has no desire to learn anything from him. If Pilgrim had that opportunity, he would be grateful and take advantage of such a connection.Pilgrim has to go on an arduous quest for what the woodcutter has in the palm of his hand. overall the woodcutter does not think very highly of himself like Pilgrim does. Pilgrim calls him a gentleman and honored brother, while the woodcutter refers to himself as a foolish fellow. He lives a mundane life with no goals or ambitions. He is s tuck in a rut, because of the duty to his mother to which he holds himself accountable. Pilgrim lives freely and open minded, unlike the woodcutter, but then again, Pilgrim has nothing restraining him.

Together We Stand Outline Essay Example for Free

Together We Stand Outline Essay speak out you live in a new suburban familiarity that combines all the amenities and benefits of a integrated small residential district with the benefits of living close to the big city. Some years pass, and several children and adults in the community start developing extensive and similar sicknesses. You think this is clearly not a case of genetics, and you reverse suspicious that something has gone wrong in the development planning and execution of your community. You start researching possible causes for the illnesses plaguing the community and, upon further investigation, find out that a companys unsafe chemical-disposal practices may be to darned for the calamity. You decide to notify your community of your findings so that everyone can unite in a fight for justice. prepare a detailed outline that you would use for composing the letter, which you intend to have published by your topical anaesthetic newspaper, addressing your concerns about the communitys health. Address the following in your outlineDescribe the types of questions that you asked yourself to ensure that you use critical thinking in your research and analysis of the problem. Explain what strategies you would have applied, if actually investigating the problem, to help oneself foster critical thinking and to help lead you to the root cause of the illnesses. What assumptions did you have to be sure of to ensure that they did not interfere with your critical analysis of the situation? What fallacies did you encounter as you researched possible causes for the illness?Cite any sources and references consistent with Associate Level Writing Style Handbook guidelines.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Internship Paper Essay Example for Free

Internship Paper EssayMy eccentric with the _____ County circuit motor lodgeyards varies pretty much daily. Originally I was assigned to circuit court tercet. As it turns place though, they wear had a high school intern coming since the startle of the semester also, who is interning for a partitioning she has. I think she comes in three ms a week. In addition to this, they exhaust a muscae volitantes who rotates by dint of all of the courts, thither argon seven, so they have more than enough help in their court. Most days when I go in, I start in court three, and then residue up going to court services to help the ladies out there.When I am in court three, I basically do the filing that has accumulated throughout the day. Dep arresting on the day, and if the other intern or the floater has been there, there aptitude be anywhere from ten minutes to an hours worth of filing to do. afterwards this is d bingle, I might pull the mail, meaning pull any files that corr espond with mail the court has received. These might be warrants, certified mail, requests to continue, follow up permitters referencing a court case, etc.A fewer times, when there has been a computer available, I have been able to enter information into the JUSTIS system, mostly through certified mail cards. Sometimes I would enter information for small claims cases, and then if the attorney or plaintiff/defendant would need copies of the information, I would mail those out.I would say the major(ip)ity of my time spend at the courts was fagged in court services though. Here I would do a dower of work for Mary, who is in register of juvenile cases. A few weeks ago, I did many spreadsheets with data round juveniles who were either in detention centers, or placed in treatment centers, ranging from 1998-2002. She has to have record of this and undeniable the material in an organized data format, so I did a lot of that. Ive also make many calls to agencies to see their per die m rates, or rates for those placed in those facilities per day that they stay. some other project I have done for Mary was tracking her mileage as she has expireed from facility to facility to date the juveniles placed there. These facilities are located in various other places around the state, soshe often has to travel long distances to make these trips, and needs to track her mileage for record and compensation. These records also went back to I believe 1998 or 1999, and were recorded to the present date, so there was much tracking I had to do to get in out her total mileage per day, and then per year.Ive also worked several times with Lisa helping her. She is in charge of jurors and jury duty. She sends out nonices once a month to those who are being called for jury duty for that month. I have helped her sort these names, put together the notices, and get them sent out to the potential jurors. This is a full-grown job, as when it comes time to do it, she usually has boxes a nd boxes of notices needing to be sent out.Something else I have done for court services would be to take their daily outgoing mail and run it through the postage utensil to be sent out. This must happen about 5-6 times a day would be my guess. I have only done this a few times, but each time I have gone back, there was a replenished supply to be sent out. Also, sometimes I would take documents that needed to be mailed out from circuit court three to court services and put them in their corresponding lawyers mail slots, or send them out with the outgoing mail. Also, a few times I have had to take packages or documents for someone in court services down to the courthouse.I have sincerely enjoyed working in the court system, both in circuit court three and in court services. As a criminal justice major I think it has been a truly good experience for me. I plan on graduating in December, and am hoping to go into Federal Investigations.Another interesting facet of the internship whe re I did it was that I got to work somewhat along side of a expletive criminal justice major that I have known since our freshman year. She and I have had both criminal justice class together except for P100. We both applied for the internship, but never knew we would end up in the same place, since there were quite a few options of places to work Also, my resident adjunct from freshman year also works part time in the court system, so I was kind of reunited withher, which was quite a coincidence, considering how big this campus isLast pageThe last page of the paper is supposed(p) to be additional comments about our good experiences and shortcomings of the internship. My good experiences would definitely be the people that I met and worked with there. They are a wonderful group of people, from the few I already knew, my fellow CJUS major and my R.A from freshman year, to everyone that I got to know and work with there. And Mary was wonderful especially. I entangle like I could talk to her about school stuff since she graduated from IU also, whether it be to gripe about classes or get advice about the major/future plans.I think the shortcoming I can think of would be that I end up being an intern for circuit court three, not because I didnt like it, just for the incident that they already had a high school intern and a floater, so there really was not much for me to do there at all. I literally would go in court three for about a half hour or so and then spend the rest of my time in court services. Honestly I wish I could have been a general intern for court services or a second intern to Mary. Court services was where I spent the majority of my time and I loved it.I also was told when I did my orientation that I would plausibly get to sit in on court a few times and observe. To date I have not been able to do that. I dont know if the time hasnt worked out for when Ive been working, or if there just hasnt been much Id be able to sit in on. I remember Mar y sexual congress me that court three did have drug court, which I have heard them talk about a few times, and I would have loved to sit in on this, because the Drug Enforcement Agency is one of the Federal agencies Im very interested in. I would have definitely liked to participate in this aspect more than I was able to.I would say this has definitely been my toughest semester. I ended up drop a class early in the semester because I was trying to take 19 hours, including the internship, so it was really even more since I had todedicate 10 hours a week to being there. At the beginning of the semester I thought I could handle all 19 hours and the internship, but I really felt like I didnt have time to even sleep, let alone study, so something had to go. I was literally booked solid all week as I worked most of the day Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays I had class from 8-5 and then Wednesdays I would work all day also. And while I didnt have classes on Fridays, I worked in my hometown at the job I have been working at for the past few summers they let me come in part time and holidays so I can make some money. It was straining to juggle school, the internship, and my family situation this semester, but Im glad I was given the opportunity for the internship, I really do believe it was beneficial.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Financial Crisis Essay Example for Free

Financial Crisis EssayThe term pecuniary means property or money related resources and the term crisis means deterioration or disaster or emergency so the financial crisis means the rapid deterioration of financial indicators such as asset prices and short-term interest pass judgment which becomes the cause of financial disaster. It is also defined as the sudden change in stock judge in the financial markets. An example of financial crisis is stock market crash (Feldstein 1991, p. 12).The reason for financial crisis is not the huge investments made by the business leaders in the venture related activities which hand out and do not bring any profitable outcome but the reason is the sweeping of numerous market participants in the heavy risk-involved dealings for the same venture for profitable means. This can be in the form of thrifts lending, bank lending or shargon investments in the stock market. NBER study classifies the financial crisis into collar major components1. D omestic capital related financial crisis 2. Economic and financial crisis through international line of products and transmission 3. Financial crisis transition through economic collapse Thus, the overall reasons for financial crisis arises through the profligate involvements and investments of financial resources (money, assets, properties) in the stock market for increasing the number of shares in the interest of venture.Other reasons are the unintentional means which too arises from the market through the declining rates in short-term interest and assets prices which part the financial resources of a developed company and finally become the reason of financial crisis (Feldstein 1991, p. 23). References Feldstein, M. (1991), The bump of Economic Crisis, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Initial Public Offerings Paper Essay Example for Free

sign Public Offerings Paper EssayIn order for a beau monde to build their business, many copy to either merge with another company or acquisitions from another company. Another option a company should consider when building their business is to make an Initial Public Offering. An initial public whirl is the premiere sale of stock by a company to the public. A company can raise bullion by issuing either debt or equity ( whap Finance., n.d.). Microsoft, Apple, and Samsung have stepped into the stock foodstuff by their IPO. These strides argon what it takes to raise money and what roles help the company begin an IPO.Most corporations agree to an initial public fling with an investment banking firm by acting in the capacity of an insurer. An investment banker is a person who industrial plant in a financial institution that primarily goal is to raise capital for companies, governments and other entities (Investopedia, n.d.). An underwriter is a person that provides several financial services that includes helping with assessing the value of shares and establishing a public market for first sales (Investopedia, n.d.). An underwriter responsibility is allotting securities issued to the public. There are several risks that are come to in a public offering. Initial public offering stocks is one of the risks involved in public offering ( pecuniary Web, 2014). This is sometimes called going public be contract the stock is offered first to the public.Share, the risks of the company, can sometimes be profitable, but a risk similarly. An investor, shareholder, or individual may be at risks if they invest their money within a company that is going public for the first time (Financial Web, 2014). Pricing of good is one of the risks that are involved in a public offering. Pricing goods too high or too low is not acceptable in the public offering. Investors and shareholders will not invest in a company if thither are any issues with the pricing. A firm and thei r investors will lose money their money if the price of goods is priced too low. This may cause investors to pull out of the firm corporation (Financial Web, 2014). Loss of income and revenue may sometimes make the underwriters hold the inventory and additional funds.Long holding period and lack of information are other risks that are involved in a public offering. Lack of information may cause investors to pull out of the firm because the firm failed to provide all of the documents and files. Long holding period may cause a decrease in stock price. TheU.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) protects the investors, maintain fair, efficient markets, orderly, and ease capital formation (Bridge Capital Inc., 2014). The SEC deals with industries by monitoring, managing the terms of sales by preliminary prospectus and setting rules and regulations for companies. Preliminary prospectus is when the company and the securities are issues to the firm. A firm will have provided their i ncome statement, equilibrium sheets, its current activities, and other documents that provide information about the firm. The Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (PSLRA) was put in act to increase the success in private litigation for securities fraud.ReferencesInitial Public Offering (IPO) Know Finance. (n.d.). Retrieved from http//www.knowfinance.com/ipo/ Investment Banker Definition Investopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved from http//www.investopedia.com/terms/i/investmentbanker.asp Underwriter Definition Investopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved from http//www.investopedia.com/terms/u/underwriter.asp Financial Web. (2014). Retrieved from http//www.finweb.com/investing/therisksofinitialpublicofferingstocks.com Bridge Capital Inc. (2014). Retrieved from http//bridge.com

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Distinctive toys and games Essay Example for Free

Distinctive toys and games EssayThe claim that squirthood as we know it is essentially a invention of the 20th century. is led by Phillippe Aries, a French historian, he carried out detailed studies of the developing constitution of puerility and family in France and England from pre-modern to modern times. He suggests that immatureness, as we know it, meaning the idea of a child individuality, separate from adults is basically the creation of the 20th century. His argument was that in previous times children were effectively miniature adults, and were treated as such. Historical sociologists pointed out how in the past games and play were not separate childhood activities but things in which adults engaged in too, and that they took interest in dolls houses and dresses, and model soldiers.Childhood is actually something, which is scoopful to our own culture and times. Children were part of the adult world with the progress of industrialisation they have been pushed into a limited category and are thought of and considered different to adults. Factors of the problem originated in the middle distinguishes including religious reasons, humanitarian reasons, the invite to produce future workers who were numerate and literate, the need to get children off streets and give them a moral upbringing. all the homogeneous it was the working class who confronted moves to remove children from jobs and move them towards compulsory education. Many families were dependent on extra wages, which were brought in by children, to stave of poverty. However can we trust Aries evidence as it is all lowly data and paintings of people who were royalty or rich women not of ordinary people.Childhood in the twenty-first century is different from childhood in the 16th century or working class childhood in the 19th century. There used to be a large number of orphans, which meant that many children had to feel after themselves.Aries believes that childhood is not just a biolo gical state associated with immaturity and adolescence, it is excessively a social experience, which differs from one historical period to another.Aries and Lawrence Stone suggest that in knightly society the idea of childhood and adolescence, as independent categories to adults did not exist. Children were considered little adults. They took part in the same work and play activities as adults. They didnt have distinctive toys and games, we now take for granted as childish things. Children were not considered as special as is today. People were indifferent to them even unfriendly. This was probably due to steep infant mortality. One quarter or more infants did not survive their first year compared with little than one per cent of infants in the West today.Stone argues a similar view he suggests that pre-industrial families were a unit of production working on land or occupied in crafts together. Children were prepared to swear out parents from a very young age. Those who did no t help with household production usually left to give-up the ghost servants or apprentices. After industrialisation there is some evidence that these attitudes towards children continued, especially in the working class where children were repeatedly found to be increasing family income by working in factories, mines and mills. The middle-class attitudes towards children started to change in this period, when there was a growth in parental and marital love in middle-class families and as infant mortality rate started to fall, although there was a growth in the authoritarian power of fathers.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Student Values Essay Example for Free

Student set EssayEncarta defines Values as the accepted principles or standards of an individual or a group. The University of Phoenix has clearly defined these standards for for each one student in the student handbook. As a student at the University of Phoenix, there are some(prenominal) values that I find extremely important. I corroborate narrowed it down to three for handling in this paper Promoting the University of Phoenixs Mission Statement Consistent Attendance and interlocking in Learning Teams. concord to the University Of Phoenix, its mission is to educate working adults to develop the knowledge and skills that will enable them to achieve their master key goals, remediate the productivity of their organizations, and provide leadership and service to their communities (University Of Phoenix, 2005, p. 2). To fulfill this mission, the University of Phoenix states it willFacilitate cognitive and emotional student reading, develop competence in the communication , critical thinking, collaboration, and information utilization provide bid that link up the gap between theory and practice to use technology to create effective modes and means of instruction improve the teaching/ encyclopedism system, curriculum, instruction, learning resources, counseling and student services by assessing student learning foster a spirit of innovation that focuses on providing academic quality, service, excellence, and convenience to the working adult and to fuss the financial resources necessary to support the Universitys mission (University Of Phoenix, 2005, p. 2).To paraphrase from the handbook, our responsibilities as students states that we act ethically with one some other (students, faculty, University staff) welcome the contributions of not only students, but faculty and staff members in creating an atmosphere of respect and erudition foster a productive learning atmosphere constructively accepting and providing feedback identify individual and prof essional values of ourselves and others show independence and pick oution in the conclusion of group/individual learning objectivesBe accountable for our actions (communication, interactions) recognize that conflicts/resolutions between individuals/groups are necessary to the team learning process preserve confidentiality and privateness of personal or professional information being communicated account office for group achievements from working collaboratively in the learning process adhere to the University principles on plagiarism/academic cheating observe all laws and adhere to the University policies.In order to support the Universitys mission, we, as students, must follow certain values during our studies at the University of Phoenix. Without these values, we would not be able to uphold the Universitys mission. Personally, I uphold the mission statement by participating to the fullest degree possible, position forth my best efforts as a student, and maintaining a high degree of ethical standards.I in any case find regular class attendance an important value, as a University of Phoenix Student. Whether it is traditional, online or direct study, class attendance is mandatory and essential for effective learning. Since we are online students, class participation is extremely important. Dr.Wilson states that Participation is very important online. You will be expected to participate four days a calendar week in several different discussions and to contribute at least two substantive discussion messages on each of those four days (Wilson, 2006, p7). Because our class is based on the Active Learning Model, our classroom is a dynamic learning arena. As stated in the University Catalog, the model is based first on the self-assertion that the learners active involvement in the learning process is essential to good practice. Thus, University of Phoenix classrooms are mean to be dynamic learning spaces (University Of Phoenix, 2005, p. 13).For this reason, it is imperative that classes not be missed or we would not be able to participate in the active learning environment. Another value that is conducive to learning is the learning of the Learning Team. A Learning Team is a small group of students, ranging from three to six plurality (from different parts of the country or world) that is crucial to our learning environment. Learning Teams are an essential invent element in the Universitys teaching and learning model through which students develop the ability to collaborate ? an ability expected of employees in information-age organizations and one of the Universitys primary learning goals (University Of Phoenix, 2005, p. 14).The Learning Team forces us to work effectively and efficiently. The team must work together in order to complete the assigned tasks. Working in groups also teaches us how to work in diverse groups in the real-world. In conclusion, the values I have listed only scratch the surface of the value system. Values are a part of us and hostelry as a whole. They may relate to how each of us views the world around us or may be the basis for the laws that govern us. Without values, we could be living in a world that would not be able to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. References University of Phoenix (2005). University of Phoenix Catalog 2005-2006. . Wilson, T. (2006). COM 526 Syllabus. .

Monday, April 8, 2019

Exemplary Leader Philosophy Paper Essay Example for Free

Exemplary Leader Philosophy Paper EssayI neer aspired to be an honour able-bodied tower before this stratum of study. It is non that I acted un estimablely, solely that I never understood the importance of be an honest attraction. As a child, I was constantly changing my sound judgment active what I was going to be when I grew up, just never once did ethical tag my mind. It seems as though this is a common theme among human beings, that we see success through and through the manly lens of materialism and consumerism. Being able to acquire the newest, biggest, most innovative thing is what motivates us from a very young age.This is non something to be necessarily ashamed nigh, because at whizz point or an other(prenominal), every(prenominal) i acts out of self-interest and solely for self-advancement. The thing that has to change, however, is the list of fully-gr receive adults who still act out of self interest, and more specifically, adults in leadhip ro les, managing corporations, institutions, cities, states, and countries, that pull their team in the right direction for themselves, and not necessarily for the organization.This class has taught me who I am, twain as an individual and as a part of a cohesive team, who I cigargont be, thanks to the concepts and thought-provoking readings and lectures, and how I can get there by utilizing these concepts and strategies. Throughout the grad of this semester, I energize been able to continue producing the same amount of success as I welcome in the past, but I ingest been able to do it the right way. By identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to those opportunities of my individualizedity and character, I lead been able to identify my true self. This identification process is the root footfall toward becoming an ethical and clean example for peers, subordinates, and even superiors, both in a professional sense and in a personalized sense.History show s that where ethics and economics come in conflict, victory is endlessly with economics. Vested interests have never been kn consume to have go forthingly divested themselves unless there was sufficient force to compel them. B. R. AmbedkarThis quote, spoken by Indian scholar B. R. Ambedkar, shows the belief in the common phrase, business ethics is an oxymoron. It is this encephalon thatbegan the self-fulfilling prophecy that business drawing cards use as an excuse for unethical carriage. The slippery dip of ethical break slews, as Badaracco calls it, begins with a psyche that justifies the diversion of ethics and economics. Throughout the rest of this exploration of the legitimate self, the prospective self, and the presentation of a growth plan, I entrust disprove this mentality. Current SelfIn order to effectively assess ones ethical and righteous fortitude, one must(prenominal) objectively identify his strengths and weaknesses relative to being an cautionary ethical leader. Furthermore, one must then address to each one(prenominal) individual aspect of his personality, including character traits, values, and unity through relative ethical concepts and principles. By executing this process, one can truly learn active oneself and identify the necessary steps to becoming the possible self, or leader he wants to father. The process of identifying your own strengths and weaknesses can be difficult, especially in terms of being completely unbiased and objective. The key to successfully doing this is in relying on factual evidence that certifications each strength and weakness. To be considered either, however, there must be a certain consistency in terms of actions as well as intent, which proves the validity of each strength or weakness.During my self-exploration, I thought back to some of my first memories in order to dole out as a foundation for my moral potency and character, and to see how my experiences have shaped my personality, both p ositively and negatively. This process has put upn me perspective and helped me attain the receive guidege necessary to complete an objective report of my own personality, values, skills, characteristics, and motivations. Without this process, I would have been subject to a common closing making fallacy that was taught in my organisational behavior class, known as the tendency to use information at hand, which describes a persons inclination to make a determination taild on readily-available information, rather than fact-based evidence. In this case, the readily-available information would be anecdotes and experiences that stick out in my memory.These examples are not necessarily wrong to use, but basing my process on them wholly would tin data in agreeable with my true personality. Since I can remember, I have always been a fierce competitor. This is shown through my spirited drive to light upon that has permeated my entire life, from academics, to extracurricular activities , to athletics. This hawkishness has both positive and negative effects on my leadership abilities, because I am driven and motivated to achieve goals, but can prove dangerous in team situations where group consensus is necessary. The rivalrous nature that is planted in my personality can lead to a concept called me-ism, described by Badaracco in chapter 4, which explains the phenomenon of being so goal-oriented that you lose sight of the effects that your actions have on other people.This concept can in like manner relate to Badaraccos inattentional blindness and motivated blindness, which describe occurrences in which ones personal goals or lack of careful observation upset that persons ability to sense an ethical dilemma. My competitive nature has led to many successes in my life, including winning the New York under-18 state hockey championship, becoming the first non-senior to be an alternate police captain on the Wake Forest club ice hockey team, and of course being ac cepted into this business school.These examples are all evidence of my competitive nature, and describe my zest to lead and win simultaneously. The concept of the future is tremendously fascinating to me. In another BEM class that I took this semester, we did a personality assessment that included over one hundred twenty questions and returned your five biggest personality strengths, and futurism was one of mine. I truly enjoy thinking about the future because of its uncertainty. I feel so much(prenominal) potential and possibility for myself, which is strengthened by my competitiveness.My ability to constantly think about the future era still keeping my feet on the ground and completing my assignings in the present is one of my most muscular strengths. My futurism keeps me on track toward achieving my personal and organizational goals. Becoming a transformational leader begins with the futurist outlook combine with a strong moral potency, which is the combination of iii mora l factors moral ownership, moral courage, and moral efficacy. clean-living potency, when combined with futurism, take into accounts a leader with a strong moral and ethical foundation on which to base decisions, as well as the ability to envision the potential of a given organization. By performing in this way, a leader can start a chain reaction called the contagion effect, which is the phenomenon that occurs by promoting a transparent, ethical, and fair environment, starting from the C-level executives and infecting every employee underneath.The aforementioned strengths of mine, a strong competitive nature and a futuristic outlook provide me with an ethically-ambiguous foundation, meaning that both high uply ethical and highly unethical leaders sport these qualities, and the actions that I make within the next few years ordain decide on which end of the spectrum I fall. In order for me to ensure that I do not start blast the slippery slope of unethical decisions, I must be co nscious of the fact that each decision I make has ethical implications, and I also must be weary of my weaknesses that could lead me down the wrong path. Acknowledging ones weaknesses is critical to the process of defining your current self. As the saying goes, cyphers perfect, and the only way to minimize the mistakes you make throughout your life is to accept the fact that you do have weaknesses, and to analyze what they are, why you have them, how you act on them, and how to correct them.My competitive drive has led me to have a strong desire to please authority figures, which is a major weakness of my personality, not in the sense that it is bad to desire recognition and achievement, but it frequently leads to Machiavellian, ends justify the means justifications of morally questionable actions. One of Badaraccos ethical breakdowns, which he discusses in chapter five, the overvaluation of outcomes, directly relates to this personality trait. deuce years ago I interned for a bro kerage firm on the floor of the New York rip Exchange, and my boss was a task-oriented, results-driven leader, a common type in the financial sector. He demanded that the team of intravenous feeding interns provide a daily jumpion of trade volume based on an algorithm and spreadsheets go out back to the early 1990s. After being reprimanded by our boss for presenting him with unfavorable figures, we began to slightly alter the tush line to get his approval.In this situation, we made a major ethical mistake by overvaluing the results. With the companionship I have gained from this class, I would have analyzed the decision to alter the numbers using the unconditional imperative, and in this situation, especially in the financial sector, it would be a very bad thing if my actions became planetary norms. Fortunately, the trade projections were strictly internal, and I found out later in the internship that my boss would assign this project to new interns as a way of breaking them in and showing them the harshness of the business dry land. This desire to please has affected my leadership skills mostly within the context of leading peers, because, when combined with my competitive nature, I realize that there are few things that I will not consider doing to get ahead, which will ostracize me from my peers and create a divide within the group, decreasing my ability to influence others around me. some other weakness of mine is my tendency to overuse legitimate power when it is given to me. Legitimate power, which is defined as power bestowed upon someone over others, can come as a promotion, as it did in my case, when I was voted captain of my varsity hockey team in high school. This promotion gave me nominal power over my teammates off of the rink, but it was enough to leverage and coerce them to follow my orders. Trevino and Nelson outline the psychology I employ to justify this behavior in chapter five, in their discussion of informal organizational cultur al systems. The norms usually override formal rules, according to Trevino and Nelson. Despite formal rules, regulations, codes, and credos, informal norms are frequently the most influential behavior guides and clues to the culture.The rationalization that its the way we do things around here was understood by my teammates, because the captain before me was the same way. It is this lack of moral potency to realize the unethical behavior and act on my personal values that makes this a weakness of mine. In the heat of the moment, it is hard to stop yourself and think about ethical philosophy, but necessary to promote the organizational culture that is conducive and necessary to running a hockey team. This self-exploration has provided me with a sound basis to analyze myself and prepare to make the jump into the business world with a strong moral compass and the ability to create a working plan to fail the monitory leader that I wish to be. However, first I must decide and articulat e incisively what kind of leader that is. Possible SelfThe second step in becoming an exemplary ethical leader is to identify your possible self, that is, the leader that you wish to become at some point in the future. This can be done in a multi-step process, first by identifying exemplary leaders that dish up as role models or mentors to you, and then by analyzing their leadership qualities and determining which of those you wish to attain. It is undeniable that every ethical leader chooses to lead with character and integrity, two of the most important characteristics necessary to manage an organization, but just how do you define character?According to Professor Sean Hannah, character is defined by three aspects moral discipline, moral auxiliary or attainment, and moral autonomy. The combination of these facets provides a solid basis for the quantification of leadership characteristics. Moral discipline outlines the ability to act in alignment with your personal values, while moral attachment or attainment refers to ones ability to hold true to your values over time, and moral autonomy is the ability to formulate moral decisions based on your values and decision-making skills, without the influence of outside factors. both character and integrity play instrumental roles in the victimization of ethical leaders, as well as in their ability to become role models for lower-level employees.My most recent role model for ethical leadership is Dean Reinemund, because he has been extremely successful as a leader in two immensely contrasting industries, which shows that he has the skills necessary to lead, regardless of the situational context. During his guest lecture in our class, Dean Reinemund spoke about his Four Cs of Leadership. I believe that these four characteristics are immensely important to become a transformational leader with a vision that inspires employees to work at the highest level possible. The first C is character, which Mr. Reinemund desc ribes as having your internal compass point to true north. Having the character to act in correlation with personal and organizational values in the face of adversity is an extremely admirable quality, and is something that I wish to have in my possible self.Mr. Reinemunds third C is the one that resonated with me the most, especially because it is the only aspect of his leadership philosophy that cannot be readily learned. Commitment, Reinemund says, is the passionate, internal drive to succeed, and it is something that is ingrained in your personality. Although you can motivate yourself through other, extrinsic means, the warriors ambition that Mr. Reinemund describes is a burning internal passion for the work that is being done. This is another facet of an exemplary leader that cannot be left out.Badaracco writes about Aristotles Golden Mean in terms of leadership by describing the balance between having a high concern for oneself and having a high concern for others. By attainin g this equilibrium, leaders can act ethically and morally to provide the greatest cheeseparing for the greatest number of people. This philosophy also relates to Badaraccos four spheres of commitments that leaders have to navigate during each and every decision they make. Managing the four spheres is an integral part of being an exemplary leader and must be included in my definition of an exemplary leader.The last piece of leadership that I would like to simulate as an exemplary leader is the characteristics of a quiet leader. Modesty, self-restraint, patience, and careful, incremental moves can right, or even prevent, moral wrongdoings without blowing the issue out of proportion. The public displays of heroism, as coined by Badaracco, depicted in movies and television are usually extremely unnecessary and their emotionalism and lack of careful planning undercuts their credibility, while simultaneously decreasing the amount of empathy received from the listener. Being a quiet lead er means doing the right thing, especially when nobody is looking, and that is why I admire such a quality and desire to be the quiet leader who allows his exemplary actions speak for him. Action PlanThe third and lowest step to becoming an exemplary ethical leader is to formulate and execute an actionable leadership development plan, which outlines the steps necessary to transform the current self into the desired possible self. By identifying my strengths and weaknesses, and then identifying the ideal leader that I want to become, I can precisely calculate the discrepancy between the two, and what specific steps I need to take in order to become the exemplary leader I want to be.By using course concepts and relating them to my current self, I have come up with the following steps for my action plan 1. Do not underestimate the weight of any one decision, no matter how seemingly insignificant it may be 2. Follow Badaraccos steps to becoming a quiet leader3. Apply Trevino Nelsons 8 steps to severalized ethical dilemmas 4. Read and reflect on the characteristics of an Authentic Leader every mean solar day 5. Establish a strong support group to help assist my decision making and provide comprehensive unbiased feedback These five steps, if followed correctly, will create the optimal environment to foster my development as an exemplary leader. My action plan is conducive to the type of leader that I want to be, because it focuses on just improving my strengths, and transforming my weaknesses into strengths by utilizing concepts and strategies learned in class.The first step is the most important one, because due to my competitive nature, I have a tendency to rush decisions in order to complete tasks more efficiently, but in the long run, especially in the professional world, I must be able to recognize the ethicality of each decision I make. By analyzing every decision I make from now on, whether it is my natural selection of shampoo or a multi-million dollar contract, I will be able to acknowledge the ethical repercussions of each alternative.My second step is to follow Badaraccos steps to becoming a quiet leader, particularly the second rule, which says to pick your battles, and outlines the concept of political detonator. Leadership is not defined by how many clock you blow the whistle, but how much of an impact you had when you did decide to take a stand. Consequentially, I must make ethical decisions like Machiavellis fox rather than the lion. By building political capital and using it wisely, the respect that colleagues, superiors, and employees show you will increase, and therefore your ability to influence them will also increase, which will allow you to lead with confidence.Trevino Nelsons 8-Steps to ethical decision making are extremely important, because they provide a framework for which to analyze and come to a conclusion about any decision. The action piece of this step is simple I have handwritten the steps on a small piece of theme and put it in my wallet, so that I can refer to it in any situation. By slowness down and analyzing each choice I make in terms of these 8 steps, Ill be able to consistently make the best decision possible, which will instill confidence in my peers as well as show potential to my superiors. On the reverse side of my wallet-sized 8 steps, I have written the characteristics of an Authentic Leader, because I believe that simply being a quiet leader is not sufficient.Being a quiet leader is a great way to get things done, but in the long term may result with my leadership becoming silent leadership, wherein my peers and employees cannot easily see how I analyze ethical dilemmas and may start to infer that I rely on bottom-line statistics only. This is where the slippery slope begins, and my fourth step will counteract the possibility of being grokd as ethically neutral. My final step is to create a support group of people from different parts of my life, including peers such as friends and classmates, superiors (teachers and coaches), and subordinates such as the younger players on my hockey team. By establishing this group, I will be able to ask them to give me feedback on my projected personality. The first four steps of my action plan are important to my development as a leader, however they will be meaningless if what people perceive about me is different than what I want.Moreover, a support group will help me integrate my different lives, as Dean Reinemund spoke about in his lecture, by teaching me that in order to be perceived as an exemplary leader, I must have complete alignment between my espo apply personal values and my in-use values in every aspect of my life. Solely having an action plan, however, will not give me the results I desire, which is why I must set both short and long term goals for myself in my journey to becoming an ethical leader. Short-term goals are imperative to maintaining my improvement in leadership skills, because without consistent feedback, it is impossible to gauge ones progress. The support group I establish will provide me with that feedback. Specifically, I will create a point-based survey and ask each person in my support group to complete it. By doing this, I will have quantitative results at the end of each month to see which areas of my personality need improvement.By setting short goals, my competitive nature will enhance my desire to improve, until I reach my long-term goals. Perhaps the most challenging task of this assignment was to envision the evolution of my personality from a college student to a business leader, because I did not know exactly how to set long-term goals. After thinking it through, I believe that the most pertinent long-term goal that I can set is to reflect on my life as a leader, and have no decisions that I regret making. This seems vague, but it must be in order to work. By achieving short-term monthly goals, I will achieve my long-term goal as a resul t, which is the express advise of short-term goals. If I can look back on my life as a leader when I retire, and I can honestly say that there is not a single decision that I made or failed to make that resulted in an unethical consequence, I will considermyself a success. ConclusionThroughout the course of this assignment, as well as the class as a whole, I have been exposed to completely new ways of analyzing situations and have been able to integrate those concepts and strategies into my daily life. By creating this action plan for the development of my character and leadership skills I have begun the preparation necessary to successfully lead in the business world, which is an incredibly valuable head start on students in other business schools around the country.B. R. Ambedkars pessimistic quote regarding the ethics versus economics dynamic that I used earlier in the paper was a perfect way for me to gauge the effectiveness of my action plan. I believe that through the analysi s of my current self, the reflection and projection of my possible self, and the creation of my leadership development plan, I have been able to disprove the mentality that business ethics is an oxymoron and begin to strengthen the mentality that ethics is good business, and good business is ethical.References1. Sean Hannah, class lectures and PowerPoint presentations, 8/29/2012-12/4/2012 2. Hannah Avolio, Moral military posture Building the Capacity for Character-Based Leadership 3. Trevino Nelson, Managing Business Ethics4. Badaracco, Defining Moments5. George, Sims, McLean, Mayer, Discovering Your Authentic Leadership 6. Badaracco, We Dont Need Another Hero7. Reinemund, class lecture 10/4/2012View as multi-pages

Sunday, April 7, 2019

The Use of Steroids in Sports Should Be Permitted or Legalized Essay Example for Free

The hire of Steroids in Sports Should Be Permitted or Legalized EssaySteroid in sports has been physical exercised since 1954 where the soviets won many cant classes which brought ab go away away debates about use of testoster i(a) on the team members. The testosterone injections were used to deepen the performance of the athletes that led to wining so many medals. Use of Anabolic sex hormones was evident and this was different from the use of oral steroids, use of herbs and foods that improve the tendinous strength in performance in events (Milton John H. 205-208).In the resent past, professionals especially in the athletic field energize had lucrative contracts on use of these substances has been on the increase. Besides increasing performance they piss been known to fasten the healing process of injuries and overly increase the length of time in which one spends in the c areer. In the late 1990s their use was a symbol of national pride as athletes won surpassing Go ld Medals. Other substances and drugs have been in use in an attempt to enhance performance but the anabolic steroids have been found to be more powerful.For example, with Dianabol many athletes sought to have access to the drug and even have protocols on their use. However, in 1968 the World health Organization (WHO) complained on use of the steroid on their use and dispensation on pharmaceuticals. The Anabolic steroids were banned by the International Olympic Council although many athletes avoided drug tests (Putriam Douglas 250). In the 1990s the use of anabolic steroids had spread into the society and into high check levels that led to an anti-steroid policy being formulated to monitor their use.However the government should legalize it so that in that location is a level playing field since many athletes are using the drugs (Taylor William N. 370). A legal weft should be provided as well as having a moral choice on its use The locating should only be regulated and supervis ed as this would minimize health bumps that may be associated. contempt the fact that they have great effects on the body, it can maximize physical performance and thence one can optimize his earning potential.It should however not be advocated for those under 21 years. Their use should be legalized and regulated and more importantly taxed. In an example of Rafael Palmeiro who was a player of the Baltimore Orioles who suffered serious injuries and used steroids as an alternative to quick recovery and resistance to injury rather than increasing on his performance. In much(prenominal) a case, use of this steroid would be a good option so that he would be helped out of multiple serious injuries that he suffered (Hanson Glen 100, 115).They are none to reduce injury, increase recovery and tissue paper bonding that increases exertion with blunt force trauma as in footballers. The substances should be looked into to find out on their chemical content and especially to find out those th at offer better living for athletes. maybe they may be necessary or of help to laborers who carry out heavy meditates such as dock workers who load goods. Its also too late to ban steroids and a consideration of devising performance enhancing drugs should be of concern.Athletes who do not use the steroids risk low performance and risk their job too. Those that use want to be competitive as this is their only measure of worth. Despite the link of steroid use to physical and mental problems, this is only as a result of their abuse and improper use but new(prenominal)wise doctors would prescribe the same for medical and cosmetic reasons. If legalized, doctors would safely prescribe the drug gibe to medical history and condition of players. Doctors would also give benefits and risks of their use so that they can make sure choices.Furthermore this would guarantee protection or enhancement from the use of steroids. According to Husak D. , in sports, performance is considered more im portant than character and so if the steroids can revitalize these careers then it should be legalized (Husak Douglas. 30, 36). The belief that steroids will give a development of power and strength to win has pushed more athletes to their use. It is also believed that they relieve them from heavy workouts by increasing their muscle mass.The same drugs are used for treating anemia, bone degradation, facilitate growth and in other disorders of gonads and gynecological problems. Steroids work so well and the society enjoys and supports sports and the athletes and so, they would not mind so much if they are kept entertained on the screen without considering what is behind the energy presented in their fans (Yesalis E. C. 456-465). A swimmer by the name Rick De Mont was confronted for using ephedrine which is a steroid and a performance enhances in 1972 and this drug is also used to treat Asthma.Coincidentally the swimmer was also found to be asthmatic and this proved his use. ethically he should not be denied this drug because of his health and medical need since his life is at risk and his living needs not be compromised too. If steroids are legalized then all athletes would be operating from one level rather than others being more competitive than others. Equal opportunity of legal and controlled drugs should be do available.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Current Trends in Construction in Nigeria Essay Example for Free

Current Trends in Construction in Nigeria demonstrateI work in a building and civil engineering Company, registered to conduct business in reflection, real estate, civil, mechanical and electrical engineering works. Generally, housing and infrastructures are big matters in Nigeria, like it is with more or less developing economies in the world, and individual(prenominal)ly I believe Nigeria has the potential to be one of the biggest construction markets on this planet.While the world is still struggling to emerge from the global economic collapse, Nigerias construction attention is growing fast and is likely to grow astronomically over the next decade, according to forecasts made in a June 2010 insures by Global Construction Perspectives and Oxford Economics. These trends in every way have necessarily displace a demand on professionals in the construction industry, and in few cases where they are lacking quacks in the industry end up taking advantage, mostly this quacks a re responsible for a reasonable number of collapsed buildings and abandoned infrastructures.Estimates suggest that current growth in the Nigerian construction industry is greater than that of India. Indeed, the report found that Nigerias population of approximately 154 million is urbanizing at one of the fastest rates in the world, but construction is currently only 3.2 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product. From 2009 to 2020, only Nigeria and India will applaud higher growth rates than China in their construction output. (These trends are generally frequent approximately the world but focusing my attention to my present location, construction works are basically intercommunicate as projects, thus in that respect is a union between construction projects and projects management. In construction there is the demand to control and manage human resources, financial resources and even plants and machinery as the case may demand. alone the gap between management structures of thes e resources remains a loop holes for wastage and inefficiency, grossly affecting the quality and standards of buildings and infrastructures. or so ambitions of the Nigeria government- such as creating much-needed housing, improving public services, developing its tourist sector, improving transport links, creating new jobs and eradicating destitution can be linked to the construction sector and personally my little niche contribution to the construction industry in Nigeria and the world at large- though minute, is not so difficult to outline as I have worked on managing government funded projects which had to do with the development of ICT and Library for a community in the Niger- delta region of Nigeria, I have also worked for a group of foreign investors here in Nigeria where I rendered appropriate construction services aiding to set up and revamp retail stores in Nigeria for a conspiracy Africa brand. The outlook of trends for construction is an excellent one and this is havin g an expanding effect on the global community.According to a information published by the Anderson Economic Group, an average of 1.2 million project management positions will need to be filled each year through 2016.The demand for project managers is definitely growing, says Sheree Rulard, senior recruiting consultant for Beeline RPO, a workforce solutions firm with offices in the United States, United Kingdom and Canada . (http//www.villanovau.com/project-manager-jobs/). The two main factors contributing to this change magnitude need for project managers, they are A shift in demographics (especially due to the rise in retirement-aged workers) harvest-home in global projects worldwide ( http//www.villanovau.com/project-manager-jobs/) Particularly in Nigeria there is much of infrastructural works that are urgently needed. Roads, ports, bridges and airports etc the countrys archaic railway network, barely altered since colonial days, is also in great need of an upgrade. Roads, in p articular, are a problem. Only the capital Abuja and, to a lesser extent, the coastal metropolis of Lagos, has a reasonable road network. Nationwide, road fatalities are one of the most common causes of death.The entire modules appeal to me personally but I foresee planning and budgeting with risk as a major module that will provide me insight in the field of construction and improve my personal skill with an adequate planning ability.Most times I spend more of my working hours on construction sites, reviewing and tracking work pace and work standards, where there is on a daily buns an average of about between 50-300 persons working depending on the size and stage of the project and a duad of times am at the office building.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Banjo Patterson Essay Example for Free

Banjo Patterson EssayAndrew Barton Banjo Paterson was an Australian bush poet, Journalist and Author. He focused most of his poems on Australian life, in the particular area of rural and outback areas, mainly places like Binalong and rising South Wales where he grew up as a child. He was mostly famous from poems including Waltzing Matilda, The Man from livid River and Clancy of the Overflow. Banjo was born on the 17th February 1864 in Narrambla, near Orange, New South Whales. Banjos level of cultivation as a child was relatively privileged. At a young age he go to a bush rail which was ran by the governess.Then from 1874, he attended Sydney Grammar School, a prestigious school in the heart of Sydney. After finishing school, Paterson became an article clerk at a Sydney law firm, and was admitted as a solicitor in 1886. Paterson practiced as a solicitor until the early years of the twentieth century, by which time he had also developed a promising literary career. His earlies t print work dates from 1885, when he submitted a poem criticising the British war in the Sudan (in which Australian troops were involved) to the Bulletin, a new literary journal with an Australian nationalist focus.Over the next decade the increasingly frequent and influential Bulletin provided an important forum for the publication of Patersons verse, which appeared under the pseudonym The Banjo, adopted from the name of bingle of his favourite horses. By 1895 Banjo had written many poems and such as Clancy of the Overflow, The Geebung Polo Club, The Man from Ironbark, How the Favourite Beat Us and Saltbush Bill were so popular with readers that Angus Robertson, published the collection, The Man From Snowy River, and Other Verses, in October.From which virtu wholey all the context from these poems came from Banjos love for the out back in his home town Narrambla. The title-poem had sweep the colonies when it was first published in April 1890. The book had a remarkable recep tion the first edition interchange out in the week of publication and 7000 copies in a few months its particular achievement was to move over the bushman in the national consciousness as a romantic and archetypal figure.The book was as very much praised in England as in Australia The Times compared Paterson with Rudyard Kipling who himself wrote to congratulate the ublishers. Patersons identity as The Banjo was at last revealed and he became a national celebrity overnight. While on holiday in Queensland late in 1895, Paterson stayed with friends at Dagworth station, near Winton. It was here were he wrote one of his most famous pieces of work in the history of his holy life, Waltzing Matilda This piece is now Australias best known folk song. And many say that this was the peak and the embark on of the decline in banjos career in poetry.He did not stop writing afterward this, in fact after this holiday he got offered an amazing career opportunity when he became a journalist for the Sydney Morning Herald as a War correspondent. The quality of his reporting attracted the notice of the English press and he was appointed as a correspondent also for the international news agency, Reuters, an take note which he especially cherished in his later years. Then Back in Sydney in 1902, Paterson published another collection, Rio Grandes Last Race, and Other Verses, and in November decided to abandon his legal practice.Next year he was appointed editor of the Sydney Evening News. Andrew Barton Banjo Paterson died on the 5th of February 1941. On the night of Patersons death, Vance Palmer broadcasted a tribute He laid hold both of our affections and imaginations he made himself a vital part of the country we all know and love, and it would not only have been a poorer country but one far less(prenominal) united in bonds of intimate feeling, if he had never lived and written.